Warning! The section below contains rape. Readers' discretion is advised. If you wish to skip, the passage is marked by asterisks.
*'I have something for you.' Panic flew through me, setting my heart racing. Dad slammed me down onto the table and slid my pants and underwear down, slamming just as hard into me as he groaned in pleasure. I couldn't help shrieking in terror and pain...but there was no escape as he slammed into me over and over...no escape. He ravished me until he shuddered in release. No escape.*
I came awake breathing hard, shaking and sweating. I stared up at Merlin's sleeping form. I was sleeping on the ground below his branch so I could catch him if he should fall in his sleep. That was the reason I had chosen such a low hanging branch for him to try out. I laid my head back against the ground, sighing and listening to the night....wait...something wasn't right...I could hear someone stalking us from the woods, they weren't doing a very good job of trying to stay quiet. Then I heard Merlin sit up. "D-Drake?" He said in a shaky, fearful little voice.
"Climb higher." I said calmly.
He started too, then looked back down at me. "What about you?"
"I'll be fine Leo, climb." Slowly, he did as I told and I slid my short staff out of the holder. I had left my wood staff behind when I'd made the stretch frame for the rabbit pelt. My short staff was silver metal with designs of scales carved into it. It was also the most challenging weapon I possessed. A man stumbled out of the woods toward me...it was the man I had crushed underfoot when I first saw Merlin...the one whom I had broken his spine...the one that certainly shouldn't be walking toward me. "I'll be damned."
"What is it?" Merlin asked, I shushed him. But even though the boy had spoken, the dead man's gaze never once looked up toward him...he was focused eerily on me. He kept coming forward. I swung a jab, that did damage...yet the being didn't recoil.
Shocked, I leapt away. "Shit." I unscrewed the staff, allowing me to separate it in half, drawing two thin blades from it. I turned them around so the blades faced outward and screwed the staff back together again. I twirled it around me, feeling its balance was vitally important in me not accidentally cutting my own head off as I twirled the blades around me. The being kept coming for me. I yelled, trying to create some sort of response from the undead man as I attacked...not even a flinch. I cut off his head. And he fell to the floor. For a moment, we all just waited to see what would happen next. Nothing did. After a while, I inspected my blade. No blood. ~Creeeepy.~ I unscrewed my staff, sheathing the blades and locking them, then replacing it in the holder at my back. I put out the fire and climbed up the tree and bypassed a staring Princeling. "Follow me." I climbed higher before finding a large branch that looked relatively comfortable. I sat on it, leaning my back against the trunk and plucked a squeaking prince up to place before me. "Get some more sleep. I'm gonna hold onto you so you don't fall."
"What about the Dreameaters?"
"Don't worry, I'm keeping guard." Merlin frowned slightly, but let it go and rested against me. Three quarters of the way through the night, it started to rain. I frowned, wishing I had a cloak to keep the lad dry, but it was too hot right now to carry one. And as dawn broke....our luck didn't seem to get any better... The rain faded with the light blush of the sun, which lighted upon...a squadron of Efruigro's Black Knights. Welp, I was gonna get my exercise done early today. I covered a hand over Merlin's mouth as I jostled him awake. He looked over his shoulder at me and I leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "Efruigro. We have to get out of here. Quickly and quietly." His dark eyes fearful, he nodded. I nodded back and helped him onto another branch from where he could start climbing down. I rushed past him, but didn't travel to far from the youth as he made his way down the tree. As we climbed down, I realized it was no use, they would surround us by the time we reached the forest floor...and there was at least 25 soldiers down there, armed with crossbows, swords, and daggers. I slowed up, realizing rushing was pointless and instead kept Merlin close to me. I went through which of my weapons would be best to use. Not my staff, not with Merlin so close to me, I could easily lose control and hurt him. I thought about staying in the tree and using my bow, but that would only invite them to shoot back, thus endangering Merlin. So sword and dagger it was then. "Your Highness." I whispered as we neared the forest floor, the 25 or so men fanned out to surround the tree, offering no escape. "You will undoubtedly shortly see bloodshed, and I apologize for that."
"Don't apologize." Merlin said over his shoulder as we climbed down. "You do this in order to protect me. Do what you must Drake. But thank you for your consideration." I nodded and my feet touched down on earth. I turned around, facing the soldiers, the front ones aiming crossbows at me, the back ones unsheathed swords. This wasn't good. All hell broke loose in an instant. They fired their crossbows. I knocked away the front ones but then cursed, the side ones were out of my reach. I blocked the ones to the right with my sword and grabbed Merlin close, grunting from the powerful impact of two crossbolts. One in the left upper arm...and one in the top side of my chest, just under my arm...that one...was gonna make this hard. Grunting from effort, I leaned away from a shocked Merlin and rose to my feet, turning around to catch a sword swing with my blade as fighting broke out around us. There was at least two on the ground fighting the black knights and an archer taking them out from the trees. I instinctively slid the sword stroke away from us and buried my blade through the divide in the man's armor, straight into his stomach as he choked on his blood. I withdrew it, wincing at my injuries and grunting at the impact as I blocked another sword swing behind me. Next to me, little Merlin had drawn the hunting dagger, watching an approaching knight. I wasn't about to let the child dirty his hands though. I pushed off and kicked back the knight I was entangled with, ignoring the searing of my wounds. I swung wide and stopped the knight that was charging Merlin. I swung back and engaged the knight I had kicked, not letting anyone pass me, even though the bolts were doing more damage with every powerful swing I delivered. As soon as I saw an opening, I took it, cutting them down in a gush of blood, but they were only replaced by more. Suddenly the guy to my right was cut down from behind, his scream echoing the woods and I came face to face with a white armored man with shocking light blue eyes. I kept my eye on him but turned to face another knight...only to see a man knife him in the neck, his helmet in the shape of a large cat, the fangs hanging down his cheeks. The man advanced on me and I leveled my sword at him. "Wait!" Merlin exclaimed, throwing himself at the white armored man who knelt to greet him. "Lord Toft!"
"Your Highness, what is going on?" The man asked in a soft voice. I noticed he kept his sword ready encase anyone attacked. I looked around trying not to let my legs buckle, to see the knights all lay dead on the forest floor. Good. My knees buckled as Merlin was talking to this Lord and his companion who was watching me closely. I caught myself by plunging my sword into the ground with a short yell of pain, keeping myself from totally collapsing.
"Drake!" Merlin rushed to my side, the Lord following close behind.
"I'll be fine Your Highness, I just need to rest." Although I tried to reassure him, there were tears in his eyes as my vision swam.
"You're hurt." He said, running to the side where I had arrows sticking out. "From protecting me."
"I've had worse. Come on, don't give me that look Prince. I'm gonna be fine." But as I said that in a reassuring voice, my strength left me and my arm fell away from my sword. Someone caught me as I fainted and I could hear Merlin calling for me from far away.
My conscious came back to me slowly. I was the most comfortable I'd ever been. I opened my eyes into the beautiful pale blue eyes I yearned to see again. They were set into a face of a being more beautiful than the depicted gods. Hair a fair white-gold, skin beautiful and pure with high cheek bones and slightly masculine features befitting an angel. Thinking I must be dreaming for the first time I reached a trembling hand out to feel his straight, long hair, but pulled back, not wanting to blemish him with the blood staining my hands. "How are you feeling?" He said in a musical voice that I've heard before. Then I remembered. Lord Toft. I cursed my stupidity and shifted away from him. We were both naked beside my bandaged arm and chest, flush with each other, me curling into him and our legs entangled. He watched me with a glimmer in his striking eyes.
I sat up, grabbing my side, the pain warning me to slow down as I did so. "What happened?"
"From the lack of sleep and your wounds, you contracted a severe fever last night. We had to keep you warm somehow."
"We?" He smirked, taking my breath away. My god, how could anyone look so perfect?
"W-Why Lord Toft?"
He smiled, "Because I wanted to. Call me Griffon. May I call you Drake?"
"You may call me whatever you like."
Griffon smirked. "Young Leo has talked about you non-stop yesterday."
"So it would seem."
The smile on the perfect lips disappeared, his gaze boring into mine earnestly. "My eternal gratitude for saving that boy. He's a precious child with a pure heart and does not deserve the hardships he has already faced in his young life." I nodded agreement, remembering the way he'd hugged me like a lifeline. Griffon chuckled as he watched me with a twinkle in his light blue eyes, sending a chill down my spine that ran all the way to my core. "Leo was right, you don't say much do you?"
"I say what needs to be said." I responded, earning a smile from this beautiful creature.
"Interesting." His gaze shifted to my bandages. "How are your injuries?"
I instinctively clutched my hurt arm. "They'll heal."
Griffon frowned. Damn, even when he did that, he was attractive as hell. He cocked his hips, placing his hands on them. "Anyone ever told you trying to get you to talk is like trying to get a donkey to lead?"
I couldn't help letting my eyes wander his marvelous form as I tried to remember how to breath. ~What is this man because he sure as hell isn't human.~ "Uh, no." I tried to remember what he'd asked me. He gave me a small smile, making me once again breathless and causing my heart to pound. I was starting to get turned on. ~No, no, no, no, no.~ I thought, horrified. I cleared my throat, feeling uneasy and shifting my weight. "Where are my cloths?" Griffon stalked over to a folded pile near the entrance of the large tent we were in with the fluid grace not many people possessed. The symphony of his muscles was a wonder to behold and I found myself staring. I blinked and looked away. Griffon returned to me with folded cloths, my helm and wrist guards on top.
"Your leather jerkin is being repaired, hope you don't mind borrowing some of my cloths."
I had been reaching for the cloths, but drew back in horror at the revelation these were cloths of a Lord. "Are you sure you are willing to lend your cloths to me?"
He raised a fine brow, I don't think I'd ever get sick of watching him. "Well I for one wouldn't mind you going nude with a body like that."
I felt heat rise to my cheeks and shifted. ~What?~ "But you are a Lord-"
"Does that make me any less human? Besides, I've since renounced my claim as Lord."
I frowned, "What?" Then I remembered the takeover. "Oh."
Watching me, Griffon nodded. "I was headed to a summons by the capital when I ran into you and Leo. I'm sure it was either to have me swear loyalty to Efruigro or to have me killed, either way won't do for me. I serve Prince Merlin whole-heartedly." Griffon shrugged. "So I am no longer Lord of any lands, but instead a renegade."
"What do you plan to do now?" I realized I was being nosy and added quickly, "If you don't mind me asking." He smiled, lifting the cloths a little to get my attention, blushing, I took the offered cloths. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome." Griffon gracefully sat cross-legged on the floor, watching me as I dressed. Feeling uncomfortable under his hot gaze, I also felt a tightening in my groin and fought to distract myself, focusing overly hard on getting dressed. "I've been thinking a bit about what to do next." Griffon finally said, his gaze sobering as I got dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt, loincloth, black pants, white socks, and my black armor boots. Griffon stood and went to a pack, starting to get dressed himself. "Leo's safety is first and foremost...but...abandoning my lands to Efruigro is quite hard. I grew up and love Toft like no other. It's my home...I admit I can't help forming a plan to reclaim Adroso." I watched him, transfixed, as he got dressed in cloths identical to mine, except his boots were white armored.
"Care to vent a plan?" I asked. He looked up at me, surprised as he strapped a sword to his waist, then he smiled warmly and I had to remind myself to breath. He tossed me my sword, and I caught it easily, then he gestured to where my weapons we're next to him and stepped back to give me room as I strapped them on.
"If I were to reclaim Adroso...I would seek alliances with Slegary and the Vramore Dynasty."
I thought that over as I slid daggers into the top of my boots. They were good picks, but Adroso never had close relations with any nation since King Michael had taken the throne. "Do you think you could succeed?" I finally asked.
He nodded, watching me. "I've created close ties with both countries despite King Michael. I'm sure I can get at the very least Slegary to assist..." And that just might be enough. Slegary Kingdom was a very formidable ally.
"You should see what Leo says."
Griffon smiled, "You value his opinion."
I thought that over and nodded. "He may be just a child, but his life is greatly tied to Adroso. Anything that affects it will affect him. He has a right to have a say in what happens from here on out."
Griffon smiled wider, "You're a good man Drake." Heat rushed to my cheeks once again as Griffon led the way out of the tent. Three people looked up at us.
"Drake!" Merlin launched himself around the fire to bombard me with a hug, causing my cheeks to flame more. He looked very different with his long dark hair cut medium length around his face. He was finally in some cloths, borrowed from someone close to his size. "You're awake!" He said happily up to me. I nodded, feeling embarrassed. "Are you feeling alright? How are your wounds?"
I gave him a reassuring smile, which he stared at. "I'm fine."
"That's the first time you've smiled." He said in awe. I raised an eyebrow at him and realized it was one of the only times I wasn't wearing the black leather helmet that was currently in my right hand.
"Really, let me see!" Griffon dashed around till he was in front of me. I gave him a droll stare and he pouted, stopping my heart.376Please respect copyright.PENANAXxwRITN7tw
~There is something definitely ethereal about this man!~
"Griffon!" Merlin shoved the man about 5 inches taller than him. "It's your fault he stopped smiling!"
My eyebrow rose back up at this new playful side to the both of them. "Are they always like this?" I asked the remaining two men sitting by the fire. One was a medium-length blond and like me, had some scruff on his chin and intelligent blue eyes. He had been making a small wood carving when we'd walked out. Now he watched me with sharp eyes.
The other lad looked to be close to around Merlin's age with short-cropped brown hair and dark eyes."Only when they're together." The kid smirked.
"Ah yes," Griffon said, coming out of his bickering with Merlin. The white-blond man gestured to the two sitting by the fire. "My companions, Jaguar," The blond nodded. "and Robin." The young lad raised a hand in greeting and I nodded back.
"Leo's been talking a lot about you."
I smirked, "So I've heard."
Griffon and Merlin were staring at me before Griffon rushed behind Jaguar, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Can you make a carving of that?" He asked, pointing at me. I frowned, crossing my arms. "No, not that, the other expression?" Jaguar considered me seriously and nodded.
"Seriously?" I asked. The dirty blond man just nodded again without changing expression. I sighed. Griffon straightened and smiled as I watched him.
"Hungry?" I considered that and nodded, deciding I was. Griffon smiled wider and grabbed a strip of bark to the side of the fire and used it as a make-shift plate, piling eggs on it before bringing it to me then going back for his own. Merlin grabbed my hand, making me flinch before I could control myself. But the boy just guided me over to a seat by the fire, sitting down next to me. We ate in relative silence, but I felt their eyes on me, making me uncomfortable, which I tried to ignore. As me and Griffon finished eating, Griffon cleared his throat, finishing a mouthful of eggs. "There are a couple of options open to us now." I felt everyone's gaze shift from me to the white-blond man expectantly.
"We either live quietly or take back Adroso." Merlin surprised me by saying. I wasn't the only one surprised, so was Robin and Jaguar. But Griffon looked like he had been expecting it. He nodded, watching the little prince closely. Merlin bit his lip. "I've been thinking a lot about it. Living a normal life does sound appealing..."
"But?" Griffon encouraged.
Merlin bit his lip again, his cheeks flushing slightly, "But I am worried for Adroso. How will Efruigro treat this nation?" He dropped off into silence, his dark gaze drifting to the ground before his crossed legs.
"Alright." I said, nodding. "You don't have to make a decision on wither to take back Adroso now. Do you want to return to the capital and see how Efruigro is treating the citizens?" Again Robin and Jaguar were shocked while Griffon just eyed me with a smirk curving those perfect lips of his.
Merlin grew determined and nodded. "Yes, before I allow myself to live the way I want to, I must believe me leaving the hierarchy is for the best." I nodded my understanding.
Griffon grinned proudly. "Well said. Then that's the plan. We make for the capital, with a few stops along the way." Griffon stretched, making my mouth water as I watched him flex those flowing muscles, transfixed. Griffon crossed his arms behind his head as he looked up at the blue sky that rivaled his eyes. "Guess I get to be Lord Aodh Toft for a bit longer." He met Merlin's gaze, "Let's go answer my summons."
"Aodh, are you sure this is a good idea?" Robin asked nervously, shifting his weight.
Griffon smiled at him reassuringly. "It is what Leo wants. And I agree with what he's decided. He should predict the consequences of him giving up power before he does so." Robin bit his lip, then eventually nodded, agreeing with the plan. "So, shall we introduce ourselves once more?"
Robin turned toward me. "I am Lord Aodh Toft's Guard, Sultan."
"And I am Captain of Lord Toft's Guard, Ruggiero." Jaguar...Ruggiero, spoke for the first time. I nodded to them.
"After visiting the capital, please refer to us by our nicknames, for by then we will no longer be who we used to be." Aodh explained and I nodded my understanding. No matter what Merlin decides, Lord Toft will refuse to serve Efruigro who occupies Adroso, and thus be an outlaw after the summons. "Ruggiero, Leo, pack up camp. Sultan, get the horses ready." Aodh winked at me. "Guess who you get to ride with?" My cheeks flamed. Me? Ride a horse...with Aodh?
~Oh gods help me.~ I was already half hard at the thought of it. ~Damn it.~ This was gonna be a new kind of torture I'd never experienced before. Aodh helped Sultan get their beautiful horses ready. There was a large white Lipizzaner and two beys, one had a small star on it's forehead. I hovered over Ruggiero and Merlin, helping them when I saw a chance, until we were almost done and Aodh pulled me away.376Please respect copyright.PENANA3zH1hs5lxI
"Don't over-strain yourself, you're wounded."
"I'm fine." Aodh's lips pressed into a thin line, but didn't comment.
"Come meet Star." I smiled at the common name I was not expecting and felt Aodh's heated gaze. I glanced at him out the corner of my eye and he licked his lips before looking away, leading me to the Lipizzaner. I lifted my palm for him to smell then pet his forehead. "This is Sultan's Dakota and Ruggiero's Cheyenne." I moved down the line, greeting and petting each of the gentle horses. They were big enough to be war mounts, which I suppose they were. But the strongest would have to be the Lipizzaner, specifically bread for war, their kicks were especially lethal and it was said they had no equal when it came to maneuvering in battle. Finished packing, Ruggiero gave Aodh a nod. "Well, time to go." He swiftly mounted Star and kicked his foot out of the stirrup for me, eyeing me worriedly. I gave him a reassuring smile, and easily mounted up behind him. Worrywort. With Merlin and Sultan sharing Dakota, we rode until sunset, only stopping once to water and rest the horses, we ate lunch of jerky in the saddle....the saddle....I shared with Aodh. Gods the man was perfection as I wrapped my uninjured hand around his lean, muscular abs to help keep my balance as I sat behind him. It was so hard...well...not to get hard. I knew even after all the abuse I endured from my father had ended...that I was attracted to other males and not females. Did that make me damned and filthy, who knows, I was already damned from all the lives I'd taken anyway so what difference did it make? The time we shared in the saddle seemed to fly by, and all too soon it was over and we were setting up camp. Sultan caught a rabbit for our dinner. He carried the bow like a pro. He must have been the one in the trees the day before, meaning the one with the cat helmet was Ruggiero, how fitting. After a quiet dinner, Merlin turned in for the night, seeming exhausted from the ride. Sultan soon followed him. Ruggiero was carving a piece of wood that looked suspiciously like a man...was he really going to carve me? Aodh came over to me with bandages and a skin of water. "Time to tend to your wound." I nodded and carefully took off my shirt. He unbandaged the wounds...his fingertips lightly trailing over my skin, causing goosebumps. "We're headed for Arcton. I know some people there that could provide us with backup if or when we run into trouble at the capital." I nodded, transfixed by his touch as he lightly cleaned my wounds, dried them gently and put on ointment before starting re-wrapping them. Ruggiero passed Aodh a slightly surprised look...at least...I think so...Ruggiero's facial features didn't really change much. "Tired?" Aodh asked after he'd put the supplies away.376Please respect copyright.PENANAnUP8jslYg9
I shrugged, "I suppose so." Aodh smiled and took my hand, leading me into the large tent where Merlin and Sultan were already fast asleep. I must have really been tired because I let Aodh tug me down, covering us with a shared blanket and fell asleep next to him.