For four straight days, we followed Perce's trail until we met the border...and on past it. Once in Khoneian, the trail led to a road. Luckily Perce still left us trail markers in the woods alongside the road. We followed Perce for almost two more weeks before his trail led us straight to the capital. The Khoneian Palace looked similar in structure to Vramore Palace, though a dark blue and white in color instead of Vramore's white and silver. It rose a good four stories above the capital itself. One by one we snuck in, either by hiding in carts headed for the capital, slipping past the guards, or getting up over the wall in between guard rounds. After everyone snuck in besides Aodh and Sultan who had passports, we met near the mouth of an alleyway. "How are we supposed to find Fox and Isaiah?" I asked, then jumped as a figure dropped down from the roof behind me.
Aodh smirked, tipping his head toward the figure, "They'll find us." I pursed my lips and turned to glare at Isaiah, Perce coming out of the shadows as well with a sly smile.
Isaiah frowned. "Mistress is being kept in Khoneian Palace. We must go and get her now."
"And find the antidote for Prince Yin." Aodh inserted, making Isaiah pause and nod.
"Is Christopher Palmer still Advisor to the Emperor?" Perce asked.
"As far as I know." Aodh answered.
"He was akin to our Spy Masters back when I was one. He'll have the antidote."
Aodh thought that over. "Isaiah, Fox, Foxy, you'll find an antidote for Prince Yin. The rest of us will find Freya and get her out of the Palace. We'll meet back here." We all nodded and Isaiah, Perce, and Beatrix went to the rooftops after Beatrix gave Gaetano a quick kiss to the temple. Sultan and Gaetano got left behind at the Palace walls with most of my weapons. Then Aodh and I scaled the wall and snuck in. We quickly knocked out two guards patrolling, stealing their armor, tying them up and hiding them in the bushes. Disguised, we paroled into the Palace unchecked. Lucky enough we came across a woman being led by a guard. She had red hair shoulder length which was shorter than stylish here in Khoneian. She also wore a stylish blouse with a vest, short skirt over leggings and knee high boots. The look was excellent on her, her emerald gaze defiant and her chin high. Aodh grabbed her arm. I body checked the guard into the wall, covering his mouth, my other arm across his throat, cutting off his air supply until he feinted.354Please respect copyright.PENANAPteVGelDEJ
"Who-" The woman squinted at Aodh. "Milord Toft?"
Aodh nodded. "Explanations later." He whispered, taking her hand and we walked toward the servant's entrance to the Palace. We waited till the break in rotation, then helped Freya up and over the wall undetected, meeting up with Sultan and Gaetano and switching cloths.354Please respect copyright.PENANAFPqEA5FtBZ
"Sultan!" Freya said happily, embracing her, Sultan just as ecstatic. "What's up with the disguise?"354Please respect copyright.PENANA9z0IiK7JaN
"No disguise, cat's out of the bag."
"Are you okay with that?"
Sultan shrugged. "Have to be."
"We'll discuss how hurt I am Freya knew your secret before I did after we get out of Khoneian City." Aodh said distractedly. "Let's head back to the meeting point."
"What about Yin?" Freya said worriedly, grabbing Aodh's arm.
"He was poisoned but Isaiah and some of my friends are getting the antidote." Although we could tell she was very worried, she nodded bravely and followed us through the streets to the meeting point, borrowing Sultan's cloak to hide her features. It took around 2 hours before 3 familiar forms dropped into the alley behind us.
Freya turned excitedly. "Isaiah!" She hugged him as he straightened and hugged her back.
"Are you unhurt Mistress?" Isaiah whispered in a gruff voice. I looked away, giving them privacy. I knew not their relationship, but I knew the bond between a subject and the one they served could be a very strong bond indeed.
"Yes. How is Yin?"
"He had yet to gain consciousness when I left to get you, but the healer's were in good spirits, saying his body was fighting and adjusting to the poison."
Freya nodded, trying not to cry as she buried her face in Isaiah's shoulder. "That is good news indeed."
"I have the antidote, let us hurry back to Master's side." She nodded again.
"First we have to get out of here." Aodh said. Isaiah carried Freya across the Khoneian outer wall and the rest of us followed, except for Aodh and Sultan whom just exited with the crowd. I was surprised Gaetano was so skilled at this, but then again, he had been a thief for a good portion of his young life. Once to the horses, Isaiah rode with Gaetano and Freya with Sultan, and we rode away, using the woods for cover, even though it made us slower. As we rode, Sultan filled the two in on everything that had happened in Adroso.
Isaiah whistled, "So Adroso is no more."
"No, but we aim to change that." Aodh said, his grip tightening on the reins. Isaiah nodded. After we set up camp, Perce and Isaiah went on ahead to try and reach the Vramore Capital faster, leaving Freya in our care.354Please respect copyright.PENANAj9EWjzaKpL
As it turned out, Freya was a Royal Healer and at Aodh's urging, she looked over my wounds. "The bolt wounds are healing up nicely, completely closed, give it a day or two and you'll be in perfect health." I smiled reassuringly at Aodh who looked relieved. It took us 2 weeks to reach the border, Freya ridding Perce's mount Bella. Gaetano kept her entertained with tales which she returned with her own and taught him medicinal plants as we traveled. They quickly became close traveling companions. Freya borrowed cloths from Sultan as the days progressed. She was a tough one, I learned as we made our way toward the Vramore Capital. She was no stranger to camping out and was not delicate and useless like some aristocracy. Well, being a Court Healer, she wasn't aristocracy anyway. I wished her and this Yin the best, for it was a hard road ahead of them. Freya was a determined and strong woman though. They just might be able to make it possible for the common folk and aristocracy to commune. It took us a good week more to reach the Vramore Capital. Isaiah, Perce, and a female guard that Aodh seemed to know greeted us at the gates. The female guard was dressed in the site and silver of the royal guards, her black hair chopped chin length, shorter in the back. On her chest was the symbol of a golden wolf. The symbol of the Empress' second son. Yin. "Ru! Isaiah and Fox too!"354Please respect copyright.PENANAXCQsuOzmSf
The woman guard smiled up at Freya in the saddle, resting her hand on her knee. "I'm glad you are well."
Freya beamed, but the smile slowly faded. "And Yin?" As if on cue, Ru looked further into the crowd behind her and there we spotted two men rushing toward us. One with short cropped black hair and wore the same uniform as the woman guard. The other had a little longer hair cut framing his face and wore robes of nobility only his were white and silver and depicted a golden wolf on the tunic. Both were out of breath as they neared us.
"Yin!" Perce took the reins as Freya hastily dismounted. The two men reached us as she set feet on the ground. She turned into Yin's embrace. "How are you feeling? You shouldn't be running like that yet!" Freya scolded happily.
"I'm fine. But how are you? Are you okay?" He said, leaning back to cup her face. I kept my face blank, but on the inside I was probably squealing like a fangirl. These two were just too cute. I shared a glance with Aodh whose grin made me crack a smile too.
"I'm fine." Freya said with a smile, covering his hands with her own. Yin gave a small smile back then turned to face us, his face grim, taking Freya's hand.
"I invite you all into the West Wing of Vramore Palace."
Aodh bowed from the saddle. "We are grateful Yin Vramore." We dismounted and joined the prince on foot. Once to the palace, Yin signaled the stablehands and they took our horses before the prince led us inside to a grand courtyard in what I assumed was the West Wing.
"You all have my gratitude. You went out of your way to save Freya who is extremely important to me as well as my own life." He bowed his head, causing his guards to shift uncomfortably. "Thank you."
"Freya and you, Yin Vramore, are my friends, if ever you are in trouble, I will help." Aodh said with a bow.
"What has brought you and such a group to Vramore Dynasty Lord Toft of Adroso?"
"A lot has happened in Adroso in a very short period of time. I seek an audience with the Empress of Vramore." Everyone was shocked.
"This must be dire news indeed." Freya whispered. Aodh nodded followed by Yin.
"In the meantime, I will see to your lodgings." Yin nodded again and turned toward Ru who bowed her head and faced us, gesturing for us to follow her.
"We only need three rooms Milady Bai." Aodh said as we followed the female guard out of the courtyard. Upon hearing her title, she paused and passed Aodh a long warning look which he smiled back too and she eventually looked away.
"How big shall I make the rooms?"
"One of three, a double and a single."
"And you shall have?"
"The double." Aodh said with a grin.
Ru raised an eyebrow. "A double with a single bed?"
"Just so." Her lips twitched in a smile, but she turned away before she could and led us to luxurious rooms. I was awed by the white and silver decor. The bed nearly covered by plush white pillows with silvery drapes hanging from the canopy in a wide room with a silver table and white couches and arm chairs. White rugs covered a white wood floor. Carvings of wolves lined the walls and bed frame. With a chuckle that sent lightening zipping up my spine, Aodh gently shut my gaping jaw.354Please respect copyright.PENANAHwCw0mW8Jd
"I've never even dreamed of a room such as this." I whispered.
Aodh kissed me. "I am glad I get to be by your side when you do." I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck. He backed me to the bed and we stripped off our shirts and laid in each other's arms, falling asleep amongst the cushions.354Please respect copyright.PENANAYNGDpEMbMp