One morning Aodh stopped us all as we were traveling and turned to address us. "We'll reach the Vramore border today. We must travel through it off road."
"So that's how we're crossing the border."
Aodh nodded to me. "We have no passports for all of us, and there would be record of us passing through that Efruigro could eventually find. On top of that, sneaking across is just too much trouble." Aodh sighed. "Besides the roads, the border is not strictly guarded. We can make it across much easier this way." There were nods of agreement.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Gaetano asked. He was obviously feeling better recently as he was much more outspoken and upbeat.
Aodh laughed. "Nothing Mutt, come on." He led us into the woods. The going was slower as we picked our way through the undergrowth but it wasn't too thickly grown as to be impossible. Aodh had picked a good place to cross. We reached Vramore Dynasty without incident and afterward we avoided villages. It would be too easy to be discovered without passports. After days of uneventful camping, we could just see the tops of the Vramore Palace through the trees. Suddenly a form fell from a tree, landing behind me on the saddle. I heard the draw of a dagger and drew the dirk from my wristguard, raising it to block the slim dagger aimed at my throat. The horses snorted in surprise, side-stepping or shying away. I tried to keep Biscuit under control with one hand as she pranced. Aodh turned Beau toward us. "Isaiah!" The man behind me tensed but did not move his blade. "What is the meaning of this?"413Please respect copyright.PENANA2nGly9EpSs
"That is what I would like to know. Trouble has befallen the Vramore Palace and here I find you leading men such as the old spy master and the Black Mercenary to our doorstep."
"Please stay your blade Isaiah, we mean no harm. We even extend an offer to help any way we can." I didn't think that would sway the man behind me, but he grunted before withdrawing his blade from mime and jumping down.
He stood about 5'10" with brown hair cut short like mine. He also had a mustache, goatee and trimmed beard. His brown eyes were sharp and untrusting. Something about the way he carried himself reminded me of a proud feline. "Any of you do anything I don't like, I'll kill you." Perce's eyes sharpened, not liking the threat, but he said nothing.413Please respect copyright.PENANAibJ2Imh2Fw
"Yes, yes. Isaiah, what's happened?" Aodh hurried the conversation along.
"Prince Yin has been poisoned and Mistress kidnapped, and you guys are impeding my rescue."413Please respect copyright.PENANAmdn8un0Xuz
Aodh nodded. "Perce, go with him." The red-head nodded and dismounted, grabbing his helm.
Isaiah eyed him distrustfully. "I won't slow down for you." He warned.
Perce smiled, "I wouldn't want you to, let's go." Isaiah shrugged before taking off, Perce followed.
"We're going as well." Aodh informed us. "Anyone good at tracking?" Beatrix, Sultan, and Gaetano shook their heads.
"I might be able to." I said raising my hand. Aodh smiled and nodded. I took the lead, following Perce with our horses. We caught up with them as full dark descended. As we approached where firelight was originating from, Isaiah dropped down into Biscuit's path, causing her to shy and snort in surprise.413Please respect copyright.PENANAjcbi0r3iPh
"What are you doing?" Isaiah demanded.
Aodh walked Beau up to stand by Biscuit. "Freya is my friend too Isaiah."413Please respect copyright.PENANAbnCavYRnaM
The shorter man considered us all. "Alright. I won't say no to help, not with Mistress' life on the line." We all nodded. Isaiah and Perce were having a rabbit for dinner and we all joined in. We set up the tents by firelight before Isaiah and Perce headed out again to try and gain more ground.
It was a very dreary morning without Perce's cooking. Although Gaetano tried his best to prevent it, Beatrix energetically made us breakfast of what was supposed to be sausage seasoned with mushrooms and onions...personally I thought it tasked like charcoal...and we all learned why Perce did all the cooking, besides the fact that he was a chef genius. With the charcoal in our bellies, we packed up and I started tracking Perce's trail. Double checking when they took a sharp turn east. By evening, I recognized the far away look in Aodh's eyes and the slightly furrowed brow every time he'd gaze further along to the east, as if he could already see the border we were approaching. If the kidnappers kept going this way, they were headed straight for the Khoneian Empire.
Sultan prepared dinner of a goose with some corn we'd found and peas from our supplies. After, we retired to our tents. When we were both in bed, I hugged Aodh, resting my head on his chest and stroked his back. "What's on your mind?"
Aodh chuckled, making me shiver at the musical sound. "Am I that transparent?"
I smirked, "Watching you is my hobby."
"Really?" He asked, his voice husky and making my stomach flip.
Aodh kissed the top of my head, holding me close, then sighed and relaxed. "It's seeming more and more likely that Khoneians took Freya. She's originally a Khoneian herself before she ran to Vramore."413Please respect copyright.PENANANVmeLGBdl1
"Ran you say?" I felt Aodh nod.
"She was to be a concubine to one of the Emperor's sons."
"Then this could be a retrieval."
Aodh nodded again. "And poisoning Prince Yin retaliation for stealing a concubine."
"Are Prince Yin and this Freya seeing each other?"
"They are indeed. Ah, young love." Aodh grinned and snuggled closer to me. I sighed in content and drifted off in his arms.