I came awake to a horrid hangover...and a wondrous view. Aodh lay asleep on the floor near me, his head laying on my bed, his white-blond hair cascading down his back, a lock of it resting on the bed near my hand. Before I could stop myself, I touched that soft lock, it was like silk. Gods, how could anyone have hair like this? My head was pounding like a warhorse was prancing on it, but I wouldn't give this moment up for anything. I just watched him sleep. It was wondrous. When he was awake, his features held a mischievous air, but in sleep...he truly did look like an ethereal angel. There was a soft knock on the door. Aodh furrowed his brows a little, but his breathing remained even. I waited with baited breath, not wanting this moment to end. "Milord." Ruggiero said in a soft, deep voice. I sighed, knowing my moment had ended but still wanted Aodh to sleep. I carefully slid out of bed and went around to Aodh's side. Gently, I'd scooped up, grunting from my wounds but ignoring them, I laid Aodh under the covers of his own bed. I couldn't help hesitating as I was leaning over him, shifting a strand of his hair away from his face, running my fingertips along his temple, to cheek, to jaw... I yanked myself away and went to the door where a very patient Reggiero was waiting. I opened the door to see Ruggiero's inexpressive face. He studied me then looked past me to see Aodh's sleeping form and he raised an eyebrow. I raised mine back in return. He nodded, turned, and left. We'd let Aodh sleep in today. And it was blissful, watching him sleep so peacefully, watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest. There was another soft knock on the door. I went to it quickly, least it awaken Aodh. Ruggiero looked at me grimly...I couldn't really tell if that meant something or not because...well...he always looked grim. "There are men outside asking for you."363Please respect copyright.PENANAdRN3IzXH8t
~Shit. The guys from last night.~ I nodded and Ruggiero stepped aside to give me room. I retrieved my things...which were all weapons, and left, pausing next to the big blond...he was even taller than me. Even Aodh was only the same height as me. "Stay with Sultan and Leo and whatever happens, stay out of it. This happens all the time, I might have to leave town, but I'll just meet up with you guys later." Ruggiero pursed his lips and I took that as a sign of acceptance because, well, he didn't say or do anything besides that. I nodded and headed for the front entrance. A group of villagers stood there with a few of the drunk men from last night. The dawn sure was a bastard to mine eyes, my head pounding viciously. What I wouldn't give to go back to the peaceful morning I was having with Aodh. When I stepped out into the light, the crowd grew collectively angry, causing an uproar which my head really hated. I winced from the pain of the sound and the light.363Please respect copyright.PENANARsgxbmNotQ
"We don't want a mercenary here!"
"Murderer!" They started throwing rotten fruit and vegetables at me and I jogged away from the pub, not wanting to dirty the place. The crowd gave me a wide birth, but followed me.
"We don't welcome your kind!"
"The hell you guys judging fer?" A young, irritated voice shouted. We all looked up to see a kid around Merlin and Sultan's ages, sitting on a wall, one knee cocked upward and he rested his arm on it. "Not all mercenaries are what you make them out to be." The kid scowled down at the villagers. One of the crowd drew back their arm to toss a tomato at him but I stepped forward and grabbed her wrist.
"The kid doesn't have anything to do with this. It is not a crime to voice your opinion."
The woman shrieked like a banshee. "Let me go you murderer!" I released the woman, successfully taking their attention away from the child and stepped back, raising my hands to show I meant no harm. I turned and started walking away as the crowd followed at a safe distance, throwing rotten foods after me. One of them, what felt like an onion, smacked into my head right behind my ear, irritating my headache to no end. I scowled, but kept going, my hands curling into fists as I controlled my irritation. Finally, I left the mob at the border of the village and continued down the well made road. I made a face while looking down at myself, I was covered with rotten flesh and pulp from fruit. I ran my hand through my thick dark brown hair, combing out the bits that clung to it and flicked off some lettuce on my shoulder. I groaned at the musty smell that made my head pound fiercer. Up ahead of me was a red-headed man with a beard and two small children. Both girls, one around 5 and one around 8 or so. The man carried two buckets of something, one on each end of a stick that he carried on his shoulders. He was making the kids laugh about something he'd said and they cheered as they ran around him, making him laugh in turn. It was adorable, the perfect picture of a family...I felt out of place walking on the same road as them. My heart stopped as several black knights came toward us.
~What the hell? Efruigro has already branched out this far?~ I was too far away when the two parties met. The knights stopped the man and an argument broke out, ending in one of knights drawing their sword, my blood ran cold as he cut the rod holding the buckets in half. They were lucky that's all he'd done so far. Finally I drew closer to them. The girls were hiding behind the man, who held his arm out slightly as a divider between the children and the armored men. I noticed now that I was closer that the red-head had a sword at his belt...which was a little out of place. I reached behind me and grabbed my short-staff but didn't draw it yet. I smiled. "Is there a problem?"
"The hell are you? Move along!" One of the knights ordered, then turned back toward the red-head as if waiting for an answer to something he'd demanded.
The red-head glared. "The children are not going anywhere with you." Furious, the man started for the red-head.
I snapped my staff forward and into his face, making him stumble backward. I came toward him, gripping the end of my staff as if it were a sword instead. "Oh my gosh, are you okay? I am soooo sorry."
The man stayed on his feet, holding his head in his hands and hissed at me, "Are you fucking nuts?"
"What? No. That's mean to say." I turned to look at the girls and winked. They giggled as they hid behind the red-head. I crouched down so I was more on their level. "Girls I want you to do something for me. I want you to hold your hands over your ears and close your eyes for awhile, do you think you can do that?" The older girl nodded, followed by the younger one and they did as I asked. I turned toward the men, and attacked without warning. I slammed and whipped my staff about, smashing swearing faces and bringing them to their knees, aiming for pressure points and breaks in their armor. I held nothing back from my blows, some hits denting their armor. My wounds burned but I didn't feel any free flowing blood so I don't think they reopened. It should have bothered me that the red-head was studying me so keenly, but I was a little preoccupied. "By the way," I said down to the groaning men at my feet. "I'm the Black Mercenary passing through here. Make sure your fellows know to stay out of my way." That's all the push they needed to scurry away. I replaced my staff and started walking away.
"Now go thank the man, Ludmila, Clidna." That took me by surprise, turning back toward them. I wanted to slink away from the children running toward me. They looked like they were going to hug me and I stepped away, warding them off with my hands.
"I'm dirty." I said in panic.
They giggled and the older one looked back at the red-head. "He's shy Perce."
The red-head smiled. "What's your name sir?"
I hesitated... "Drake." I said slowly. The red-head smiled wider, as did the kids.
"Drake. Thank you for what you've done for us. That was very kind. You have some talented moves." I nodded, feeling uncomfortable. "Drake, why don't you come with us and get a bath at least as thank you."
I shifted, shaking my head. "Thank you for the thought, but I don't think that would be a good idea. Your village has had quite the aversion to me."
Perce's smile turned sad. "Yes, you must excuse them, there has been a serial murderer about recently and everyone is on edge."
That surprised me, "In a small village as this?"
The man nodded, looking downcast, then brightened. "Anyway, could you possibly help me carry this salt to my house?" I looked down at the buckets of salt and the broken rod. It would be indeed hard for one man to carry them any sort of distance, even if this man was the same height as Ruggiero, he was a lot thinner than the huge man.363Please respect copyright.PENANAV0V64FPgJb
I nodded. "I can do that." I said, bending over and grabbing one of the heavy bucket of salt.
Perce nodded with a smile. "It's greatly appreciated friend." He said as he grabbed the other pail with one hand and the smallest girl's hand with the other. I let them lead me down the dirt road. They took me to a massive building with training dummies in the huge yard...and 3 familiar horses.
"You have got to be kidding me." I said, turning to Perce. "You know Lord Toft?" With a curious and slightly guarded eyes, Perce nodded. "I've been traveling with him. We came to Arcton to visit someone."
"This does not sound like a social call." I shrugged, sending shooting pain from my nearly forgotten bolt wounds. I tried to hide my wince of pain. Perce led me in through a side entrance that opened directly to a kitchen so we could drop off the salt before leading me back to the front entrance, but I stopped dead, refusing to enter. Perce turned back toward me while the older girl went to grab my hand.
I quickly moved away from her, but bent down to try and lesson the blow of my rudeness by coming down to her height. "Please Miss," I looked at myself. "I really am quite dirty, and do not wish to soil you or your home."
Perce gave me a reassuring smile. "Then let me show you to the bath, I insist." I bit my lip, but made a decision and nodded, following Perce as he led me to a small separate building, then showed me the well nearby and helped me fill the tub, sending the kids on ahead to see their guests. "So Drake, how is it you know Milord Toft?"
I shrugged, then winced and grabbed my upper arm before grabbing the pail once more. "Just sort of fell in with him. I agreed to protect one of his associates, and here I am."
Perce raised an eyebrow, "Interesting." Once done filling the tub, he started the fire under it to warm the water, and I started to undress. I was about to get into the water when the door slammed open. I whipped around into Aodh's hug.
"W-What are you doing?"
"Don't ever disappear like that again." I couldn't tell if he sounded angry or scared. His usual smooth voice shook and cracked slightly. "We're a band now. We face problems together. don't shoulder everything on your own Drake."
"And I don't care if it's your problem. Being in a band, one person's problems are everyones', we'll deal with it together." I couldn't help resting my head against his shoulder. I breath in his scent, letting the smell of grain, lemon, orange, and fir trees consume me. It felt so good in his embrace. "I want an answer from you Drake." Aodh warned.
"Yes Milord." He stiffened some at my answer. Which confused me, but he visibly forced himself to relax before letting go of me. The loss of his warmth was painful as he left without looking at me. Man was he pissed. I sighed sadly and enjoyed the luxury of a bath before getting out and eyeing my ruined cloths. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?"
"Come in." I said, unabashed by now to be naked around him.
He came in, refusing to look at me with a bundle of what looked like his cloths and some fresh bandages. "How's your wound?" Shit. He was still mad.
"Fine. Listen Aodh. I didn't mean to upset you so. I won't do it again."
Aodh lifted his frosty blue eyes to study me. "You understand why I was upset, right?" He asked, his features softening and I wanted to pull him into a hug, but refrained from the impulse.
Instead, I nodded. "You're a good leader Milord." His cheeks took on a light pink tone that mesmerized me. How could he get any cuter than he already was? I wanted to hold him so badly in that one moment, and fantasies flooded my mind. I got distracted by imagining how he would taste under my tongue, how he would feel under my lips, how his skin would shiver under my touch.
I hadn't realized I'd closed my eyes until Aodh spoke. "You okay?" I opened my eyes and felt a blush flame across my cheeks. What was wrong with me? I nodded to his question and accepted the cloths from him. He plucked up the bandages and I braced myself for the torture that was to come. I gave a shaky smile and sat down on a stool, waiting for Aodh to tend my wounds. His breath caressed my skin and I craved an even closer touch as he wrapped my chest wound. Coming oh so close and yet...barely touching. I got dressed in a black shirt that seemed identical to the white one from before, a white one that Aodh was currently wearing, his hair half in braids that met behind his head, the rest of his long hair hanging loose. He looked as regal as ever. Once I was dressed, I cleaned off my boots and put them on before cleaning my leather cloths as best I could. Aodh waited for me and we left the bath house together. He led me to the entrance of the large building where we took our boots off before entering. It opened up to a large training room, suits of armor and an assortment of weapons lining the walls, mostly swords, and of that mostly wooden and dull training swords. People galore stood in the large space.
"Drake!" I braced myself as Merlin threw himself at me. Giggling, the two young girls, Ludmila and Clidna joined in, setting my cheeks aflame. Most of the crowd seemed to find this all quite funny. I especially felt Aodh's heated gaze on me, which I tried to ignore because...I didn't know what to do with myself... Merlin cleared his throat and stepped away, the girls giving him room though the oldest grabbed my hand.
"You!" I turned and jumped away from the children to see a brown haired man around Ruggiero's height unsheathe his broadsword, lunging at me, placing himself between me and the group and swiping at me. I had to draw my sword to block his heavy blow and jumped back further out of his wide reach. I turned and dashed for the outside, turning at the door and locking blades with him.363Please respect copyright.PENANAQIRdZ7vO7Y
"Caesar!" Perce's stern voice rang out throughout the room, causing the tall brown haired man to freeze. "Enough, he is a guest."
Shocked, the man stared at me with dark blue eyes, then leaped back from me and turned to find the red-head in the crowd. "You've got to be kidding me Perce. Do you know who this man is?"
The black haired, blue eyed woman next to Perce crossed her arms. "Who are you to judge Caesar?" She wore a blue tunic over a brown short skirt with pants underneath. Caesar didn't look happy, but he couldn't seem to dispute her. He stepped away from me as if resisting temptation to attack, but kept his sword out, his knuckles whitening with how hard he gripped the hilt. I studied him. He was tall, with short-cropped hair, scruffy chin. Wearing an open tan vest, pants, black boots. His wrists and forearms along with his lower back, stomach area were all wrapped for support. He was ready for a fight. I turned to study the room. There was a man about Ruggiero's height of 6'1'' with medium length dark hair, blue eyes wearing a black vest over a grey, black rimmed tunic, black pants and boots and a bronze belt two short swords on his right hip. Beside him stood a tiny woman shorter than all of them, probably around 5'2''. Her long black hair in a braid behind her, some hair falling out to frame her face. She was probably a couple years younger than me. She was dressed even more chancy than the other woman, in a short blue skirt, black belt with dirks lining it, a blue corset, blue fingerless gloves that ended in black leather buckles around her wrists, and black boots finished off her attire. The other occupants were Perce, dressed in a red shirt, the sleeves rolled to his elbows, tan pants, dark brown boots that had seen better days. Ludmila and Clidma were in respective blue and purple dresses. Then there was the kid that had defended me from the mob. He had short spiky black hair, tan skin, dark eyes, and wore a tan shirt with the short sleeves rolled up to his shoulder, brown shorts, and short black boots. He wore a shoulder strap belt with a wooden practice sword attached to it. And of course Ruggiero, Sultan, and Merlin were there. Merlin's cloths seemed to fit him better, leading me to believe they took the tall, lanky lad shopping. He wore a red short sleeved tunic, brown slacks, black boots, brown belt that held my antler hilt hunting knife on his hip. Sultan stood in a long brown leather tunic, sleeveless cinched with a wide brown belt, brown thin pants, brown leather boots knee high. Ruggiero stood in a long brown jerkin tied shut, a shoulder belt containing his bow and quiver full of arrows, brown slacks and boots and bronze wristguards.363Please respect copyright.PENANAcurn4nCc1l
"So tell us, Lord Toft, how did you come by the Black Mercenary?" The man with two swords asked.
Merlin stepped forward. "I hired him." Everyone turned to stare at the lad. I shifted uncomfortably, earning a sharp look from the tall brunette, Caesar.
"You, Your Highness?"
"Yes, Drake saved me in the Mairwalds Grove."
The man was surprised, "You were in the Maiwalds Grove?"
Merlin nodded, "It kept the Black Knights from following for awhile."
The man's dark blue eyes softened, "You must have been desperate." Merlin nodded, looking like he was reliving that dire time. I frowned.
Aodh walked over to me. "I will not take kindly to you attacking him again Caesar."
Caesar glared at Aodh, making my muscles tense slightly. "Who you spend you time with is your funeral, but when you bring dangerous people here? I'll make it my business." He warned. I turned for the door but Aodh wrapped an arm around my upper chest and shoulders, stopping me.
"You forget whose establishment this is?" The taller black haired woman asked next to Perce. Although she was taller than the other woman, she was about an inch shorter than Sultan, putting her around 5'4'', and she was furious.
"You trust people too easily Beatrix, you open your arms to anyone." Caesar snarled.
Perce laid a calming hand on Beatrix's shoulder. "You forget where you, and I for that matter, come from Caesar?"
Caesar curled his lip, "That does not mean everyone is like us. What will you do if she openly trusts the wrong person some day?" Perce frowned, but said nothing. Caesar turned on me. "The Black Mercenary is the most notorious in our business. He should not be trusted."
"I was once the most notorious in my business Caesar. Perhaps I am not welcomed here either." Perce said softly.
Caesar looked at him, obviously wanting to dispute that, but could not find the words. Finally he said, "That's different."
"Hardly." Perce sighed with a soft smile on his lips, "Stop being so stubborn Caesar."
"Yeah, don't be mean to him Cai! He beat up the bad guys!" The older of the small girls said. Ludmila and Clidma started to come forward, sending panic zipping through me.
"Stay where you are!" My yell shocked everyone into freezing. I felt a stab in my gut for scaring the girls, but they had to stay away from a possible fight.
Caesar sighed. "Fine, I'll let him stay, but I ain't happy about this. And you," he warned me, "don't betray their trust." I nodded, feeling Aodh glaring at Caesar beside me.
"Now that that's settled," Beatrix said with a warm smile my way, "come," she waved me to her, "meet my other guests. I am Beatrix Andreas. I own this Swordmanship School. You've met my husband, Perce and my son Gaetano." I was slightly shocked, Gaetano, the kid who had defended me from the mob, had such tanned skin whereas both Beatrix and Perce were very pale. "This is Pyrrhos, leader of the King's Spies and one of his spies Christine." I was shocked. What was the King's Spies doing in a small town like Arcton?
"If the brute is done throwing a tantrum, I really need to fill His Highness and Milord Toft in on the current state of the capital."
Caesar crossed his arms, "You were just as unhappy of him being here as I was."
Pyrrhos ignored him. "The capital is currently fallen to Efruigro under the command of Lord Thulani. He has started to enslave a portion of the population of Adroso City and has started sending out troops to occupy neighboring cities, spreading influence and further enslaving Adroson citizens, mostly woman and children, leaving the elderly and men of trade to swear loyalty to Efruigro. Anyone who refuses has been slaughtered." Worriedly I turned my attention to Merlin, luckily, I wasn't the only one. Perce caught him when the lad's knees buckled.363Please respect copyright.PENANAm367wZdOUc
"But they're innocent." Merlin said in a small voice.
"They are what Efruigro wants. Adroso citizens, land, resources. All these things will make Efruigro that much more powerful." Pyrrhos informed the young prince.
"Enough of this for now. Let's eat some lunch before planning what to do next." Beatrix said as she worriedly watched Merlin. I stayed where I was as Beatrix and Perce guided Merlin outside, the others following, Pyrrhos passing me a look as he passed. I wasn't sure what that meant. As Aodh stayed firmly by my side, Caesar hesitated, before forcing himself to walk stiffly after the crowd. I could tell it made him highly uncomfortable to have me at his back.
"You okay?" Aodh asked as he studied me. I looked over at him in confusion. Why wouldn't I be okay? I nodded. His lips twitched like he wanted to smile, then shook his head and led me after the others. I had the urge to just leave and let them socialize...but....I automatically followed Aodh's footsteps. Looking up I saw that Caesar had the number 13 on the back of his vest. I stopped dead. Aodh stopped as well, studying me. "Drake?" He looked back at where I was staring. Realization dawned on him and he looked back at me with understanding. "Yeah, Caesar is also a mercenary." He wasn't just any mercenary. He was 13. Rumored to be able to rival the Black and Crimson Mercenaries. 13 was said to be one of the strongest men alive, rumored to be able to cut both horse and rider down in one swing of his giant sword. I shook my head, clearing it before walking once more. Aodh smirked beside me. Beatrix led us to a firepit next to the school where we all clustered around. Aodh, Reggiero, and Sultan all stayed close to me, which I was grateful since I seemed to be the center of attention to Caesar and Pyrrhos. To my surprise it was Perce who disappeared into the kitchen to start cooking. Aodh cleared his throat. "It's okay if you don't, but Your Majesty, do you have any idea what you would like to do from now on?"
Merlin jerked out of his daze to meet Aodh's light blue gaze. "I cannot leave the people-my people, to suffer at the hands of Efruigro. But..." He bit his lip. Aodh nodded in understanding. Silence descended on us like a noxious cloud. Gaetano left the group to practice his swordmanship and Beatrix eventually left to correct his stance every now and then. Ludmila and Clidma started to play with pebbles nearby.
"Soooo, are you really the Black Mercenary?" The woman called Christine asked. I nodded. "What's your relation to the Crimson Mercenary?" Aodh stiffened beside me. I didn't look toward him.
"He was my father."
"Did you really kill him?" I nodded. Silence once again fell on us except for Gaetano's pants, Beatrix's commands, and the chatter and laughter of the girls. "Why?" I locked my jaw, finally meeting her curious blue gaze.
"Perhaps you are being a little too nosy Christine." Pyrrhos muttered.
Christine shrugged, unabashed. "I was curious."
"Your curiosity often gets you in trouble." Pyrrhos warned, but again, Christine simply shrugged it off. Luckily, Perce came out of the kitchen at that time, carrying a large pot. Pyrrhos moved out of the way and Caesar helped him set the pot over the fireplace and start the fire to warm up the creamy looking soup. It had a light yellow shade to it with something floating in it. It was slices of something white with a red skin to it. I cocked my head, trying to figure out what it was. A musical chuckle sounded beside me and I looked over to see mirth in Aodh's eyes as he watched me happily, a smile gracing his lips. My cheeks heated, but I was glad I was able to take in the sight of him like that. He sure was breathtaking. No one I have ever met before could come close to resembling his perfection. Perce brought out bowls and spoons for everyone and started serving. Cheering, the girls came running over to get their bowls. Soon Gaetano and Beatrix joined us as well. I thanked a smiling Perce as I accepted a bowl and spoon from him. The soup was one of the most interesting things I've ever tasted. It had a sweet and spicy zip to it from whatever seasonings he'd used. I was so used to bland food that the soup somewhat overpowered my senses. And it had apples in it. It was a smooth and creamy soup with bits of cauliflower, onion, and apples in it. By far one of the most interesting things I've ever eaten. We ate in peace, everyone complimenting Perce on his cooking, which he seemed to do for them a lot. After everyone was done with the soup and helped clean up, Perce brought us out little square pastries. My mouth watered as I spied them. It'd been a long time since I'd eaten any kind of pastry. Although I wasn't absolutely crazy for sweets like some people...I did like them. And this one was amazing. It was an apple dumpling I discovered as I bit into it. An absolutely delicious apple dumpling. I could've died happy right then and there, it was that good. Aodh chuckled near my ear. I shivered at the sound and vibration of it and quickly leaned away from him, grabbing my ear with a scowl as I finished swallowing a bite.
"You're getting me jealous, lighting up like that as you eat Perce's cooking." I frowned, but didn't know how to respond to Aodh's words. After everyone was finished eating and content, Aodh spoke up. "If you plan to free Adroso from Efruigron rule once more, I suggest forming a council. And I suggest one made up of the people you see before you, emitting little Ludmila and Clidma of course."
The girls pouted. "Aw, I wanna play." The smallest one whined.
Aodh patted her head, "Maybe when you're older." Still pouting, she nodded. She and her sister went off to draw figures in the dirt.
"I agree with Lord Toft." Pyrrhos interjected. Merlin seemed to be lost in thought, still thinking of the hardships the people of the capital was facing. Perce laid a gentle hand on his small shoulder.
Merlin took strength from that action and looked up, eyes pained but he started to gain determination. "Alright."
"We can't go on going by out names either, like we talked about earlier. I am no longer a lord and you, my prince, are no longer royalty. Neither are you two spies, for there is no longer an Adroso. We are now Griffon, Leo, Jaguar, and Robin." Aodh indicated his companions in turn then looked at the others.
Gaetano jumped in, "I'll be Mutt then. I've always been one anyway."
Beatrix frowned, "Gaet."
"Mutts live longer than purebreds. They often take the good qualities of each breed. They are stronger, faster, and healthier than their parents. I like it." I supported his claim. Gaetano grinned and I nodded.
"An Order Of Beasts huh?" Pyrrhos said, thinking. "In that case, I'll be Hawk." He hugged Christine to his side, surprising everyone. "And Cat." Christine turned so red, she resembled the apples we just ate in the soup. She seemed incapable of speech at the moment.
"And the lovely couple Fox and Foxy." Caesar said to Perce and Beatrix with a teasing grin. "And I'll be Wolf."
Aodh nodded. "Now, I also suggest we seek allies. I think we should split into two groups to seek help from Slegary Kingdom and the Vramore Dynasty."
Pyrrhos nodded. "You have connections in each, it is a good plan, but how sure are you they will help? And for what cost?"
"Well, since Adroso has been a cut off country since King Michael's reign, I'm hoping opening trade routes will be enough incentive. What do you think Leo?"
Merlin nodded. "Adroso is a large country, even if they wanted some land, we can forfeit some, within reasonable demands." Everyone nodded agreement to what the boy said.
"I am very confident Slegary will help. The one that might pose some trouble is the Vramore Dynasty. They might not want to risk lives in a war that doesn't strictly involve them. However I believe we might be able to work out a deal for financial backing which will still provide an invaluable aid to us." Pyrrhos nodded, seeming lost in thought. "Good. Then Leo, Hawk, Cat, Fox, Foxy, and Mutt will go to Slegary Kingdom while Drake, Jag, Robin, Wolf and I head to the Vramore Dynasty." Everyone nodded with the idea. "Good. Hawk, why don't you and I help Leo make out letters to each?" Pyrros nodded. Beatrix led the three into the house to show them where to find paper, ink, and wax. I felt conflicted, and not just from the loss of warmth by my side as Aodh left me to enter the house, but because I got to stay on the same team as Aodh, but had to leave young Merlin's side. But Aodh's reasoning was sound. Leo and Aodh would have the most influence with these countries, with Vramore being the hardest, so that was why Aodh was heading there to do the influencing. That left Slegary to Leo. The leader of the King's spies would provide the best protection should he need it, as well as provide more credible proof to his identity. Yes, the teams were evenly and well split. The gate to the property opened while I was lost in my thoughts and I turned to see an elderly man coming through. He dressed in the light blue robes and bandana on his head marked him as a healer. I raised an eyebrow.
"Grandpa!" Ludmila and Clidma shouted and raced to give the old man a hug. He laughed as he received them happily.
He laughed. "I see you have yet another guest Perce."
The red-head stood with a welcoming smile. "Yes, please, come and meet him." Perce came toward me. "Drake, this is Irvine, Arcton's doctor and Ludmila and Clidma's grandfather." I nodded and held my hand out to him which he took with a smile.
"Hello Drake."
"Hello." Smiling, Perce moved on to introduce Ruggiero and Sultan as Jaguar and Robin.363Please respect copyright.PENANAoMw5R2ZS9p
"Perhaps you'd be willing to look at Drake for me Doctor?" Perce inquired. "He's been favoring his left side."
"Certainly my boy." Irvine turned toward me, having to look upward since I was taller than him. "What seems to be the problem?"
I frowned. "Just got into a scuffle awhile back is all."
"Is that so? Well, no harm in having me look at it. Don't worry, I don't need to be paid for something small like this." My frown deepened, but I allowed myself to be ushered over to the porch and sat down, taking off my shoulder belt and shirt carefully. The doctor unwrapped my bandages and I couldn't help feeling a pang that Aodh wasn't doing it. What was wrong with me? "Hmm." Irvine frowned, leaning back. "These are arrow wounds. Very susceptible to infection, but you seem to be taking good care of them. Keep it up and you'll be at perfect health in a month." I nodded, Irvine nodded back and rebandaged them.
Caesar shifted over toward me as Irvine moved off to find Beatrix. "So ah," Caesar scratched his eyebrow nervously as I raised an eyebrow at him. "I didn't know you were wounded when I attacked you."
My other eyebrow joined the first as we faced each other. "Would it have made a difference Wolf? You were protecting your friends."
Caesar looked ashamed. "No, I guess it wouldn't." He leaned against a post near me, he looked away and scratched his cheek. Scratching must be his nervous tic. "So ah, can I ask you something?" He crossed his arms and looked over at me. "Why'd you save the prince?"
I shrugged. "When he came across me, he was being chased by knights. He's only a kid. Of course I helped him."
Caesar looked skeptical. "But you're a mercenary."
I looked at him out the corner of my eye. "So are you Wolf."
Caesar shifted, uncomfortable and frowned. "You better not betray their trust." I nodded, meeting his gaze. We lazed around for the rest of the day, I was surprisingly exhausted and it felt good to rest. At least my hangover was fading. I hadn't noticed I'd dazed off in the sunlight until I noticed Caesar was gone, replaced by Aodh sitting next to me, leaning against the post. I smiled softly at him, which he returned, studying me.
Beatrix approached us. "Griffon, there's something I need to do before leaving Arcton."
Aodh nodded, "What is it?"
Beatrix's blue gaze turned icy and she raised her chin in determination. "There's a serial killer in Arcton that I've been trying to catch. I need to stop him or her before I can leave."
Aodh frowned. "Fox hasn't been able to find him?"
Beatrix bit her lip, "I haven't told him I've been looking for the killer."
Aodh's frown deepened. "Why are you so intent on this?"
Beatrix gritted her teeth, clenching her fists until I could see the white of her knuckles. "Because the people who have run into him and lived say he was using my style."
"How is that possible?"
"I don't know!"
"Okay." Aodh said, leaning toward her as she became upset. "Is it possible it could be one of your students?"
"No! I mean...I don't know!" Beatrix bit her lip, obviously shaken by all this.
Aodh nodded. "Alright Foxy, we can wait until you find the culprit....but in return you have to let us all help." Beatrix frowned so Aodh pushed on, "It's to speed things along Foxy, we can't be delaying our departure. We'll catch him tonight." Beatrix studied Aodh, then nodded agreement. Aodh nodded back, then stretched and yawned. "Well, if we're gonna be up all night, I'm going to get some shut-eye, coming Drake?" I nodded without thinking and followed Beatrix who led the way into the main training area and produced blankets for us. I nodded my thanks. Beatrix smiled back. After the others heard our plans, they followed suit, catching some sleep in preparation for tonight.