"Now I've seen it all." I came awake to a voice that nagged at my mind. My dirk was already in hand and on it's way toward the man, who, with dark eyes wide in surprise, ducked the blade, but lost his balance on the windowsill and fell backward, holding on with his knees before righting himself with a smirk. "Now that's more like it!" Isaiah. Anger flooded me but I tried to ignore it.
"Isaiah, why don't you ever use a door like any other normal person?" Aodh said groggily from where he lay next to me, an arm around my waist and eyes shut. White-gold hair fanned out on the pillow next to him.
Isaiah smiled a feline-like smile, "Then I wouldn't discover these interesting things."
Aodh snorted and tightened his hold on me. "What do you want Isaiah?" Aodh groaned, rolling over and blinking his eyes open sleepily. He was so cute at that moment, the urge to kiss him was so hard to hold back.
"Rejoice! I have come with gifts and to show you to the guest baths." Aodh yawned and I smirked down at him. Damn Isaiah for ruining the atmosphere. We got dressed before following him to a huge bathing room. Steam everywhere and Perce, Gaetano, and the other guard already there.
"You were right Drake, this place is amazing!" Gaetano gushed before cannon-balling into the water. I smirked. Perce huffed at his son before also sliding into the water. Me and Aodh shared a look before we shed our cloths and tested the water ourselves. The guard and Isaiah also joined us.
"Cloths are being prepared for you all as welcoming gifts." The guard explained.
"Awesome!" Gaetano beamed as he bobbed in the water. Perce chuckled. I shook my head at him. We took our time bathing before getting out and seeing these Vramore clothing. Aodh wore a white long sleeved, high necked shirt with golden and blue wings on it. Black slacks and slipper-like shoes. Mine was a traditional grey Vramore jacket over a white shirt, matching grey pants and slipper-like shoes. Perce had a blue jacket like mine over a red shirt and black slacks and shoes. Gaetano had a light blue Vramore tunic over darker blue slacks, black supple boots and an off-white jacket along with a rope belt. Gaetano was ecstatic about the new cloths, new culture, and the extravagant rooms we had stayed in. Once done, we were taken to Yin's dinning room in the West Wing. We were served a breakfast wrap called Ji Dan Bing. Gaetano especially loved it. And I have to say, the level of the cooks here rivaled Perce.
"There is a small hiccup." Yin eventually told us after we had finished breakfast and were enjoying some tea. "My brother wishes to see you."335Please respect copyright.PENANAaIeZgGvoBL
Aodh nodded. "That is expected, though I was hoping to avoid delay."
Yin nodded, "At least he has agreed to see you right away."
"Good." Yin's brother was the Empress' eldest son, Zhi Vramore. Rumors were that he secretly ran the country from the shadows and with an iron fist at that.
Zhi was dressed in silver and white robes of his noble birth with his emblem, a red phoenix on them. His medium length black hair pulled back in a pony, side bangs framing dark eyes. "Your visit is unexpected Lord Toft of Adroso. And you bring some...interesting company." He said, eyeing me and Perce.
Aodh bowed. "If you like, Zhi Vramore, I will cut to the chase."
Zhi gestured for him to continue. "Please."
"Efruigro has taken control of Adroso." Guards around the room gasped.
Zhi's eyes narrowed and he shifted in his elegantly carved chair in surprise. "Adroso is no more?" Aodh nodded. "Then you have come to Vramore for asylum."
"No Zhi Vramore."
Zhi leaned back. "And of the royal family of Adroso?"
"Only Prince Merlin still stands."
"A 14 year old boy."
"A promising, smart young lad with the makings of a promising leader."
"You have faith in him?"
"I do." Aodh said firmly, nodding.
Zhi lapsed into silence as he thought deeply. Finally he addressed us. "You have given me much to think about. My mother will want to hear of this, alas she is a busy woman. I shall come get you personally when an audience can be arranged. Until then, you are welcomed guests here in Vramore." He dismissed us and Yin led us back to our rooms.
"Do not hesitated to ask if you require anything." Yin said before he led the ladies to their lodgings. We had an assortment of Vramorian dishes for lunch which Gaetano went crazy for. Then Yin took us for a tour of the capital, showing us street performances and the kinds of things they sell at the markets. he even took us to one of the temples in the area. Gaetano really loved seeing that and participating in some of the rituals. We had more variety of Vramore dishes for dinner with Yin and his retainers before retiring to our extravagant rooms.
"Mutt sure is enjoying Vramore." Aodh commented as we were getting ready for bed and each drank some water from the fresh pitcher on the table.
I chuckled, "He sure is. Makes me want to show him more places and cultures."
Aodh hugged me from behind, his hands roaming my skin and I sighed in content. "Let's plan on it." He said near my ear in a gravely voice causing me to shiver.
"Griffin." I turned and kissed him deeply, backing him up till we fell onto the bed...
Author's note: story gets graphic for quite awhile. Readers be warned.
*I gradually surfaced to consciousness. 'Finally waking up Boy?' I shivered at my Dad's voice and opened my eyes to our candle-lit room.335Please respect copyright.PENANAkP336li8M8
My hands were tied to a post behind my head. Ropes were tied around my knees and lead up to the post. My ankles were tied to my thighs. My dick was also bound by leather. 'D-Dad, what...'335Please respect copyright.PENANAdK6npxbOFS
'Shut up and stay still.' He brought a razor forward and started shaving my lower stomach on downward. I couldn't stop the whine that passed my lips as I fought to stay still and I shook in fear. 'You seem to be reacting here.' He blew on my shaft and I squeezed my eyes shut as I whined again, tears pricking my eyes. Father laughed. "What's that?" He retreated and I relaxed a bit but he came closer with something in his fingertips. 'I've got something for a horny little boy like you.' His words turned my stomach and he smirked as he showed me the long, thin thing like a nail only with grooves. Then he proceeded to push it into my urethra. I screamed at the pain that assaulted me. He slowly pushed it all the way in and I screamed more.335Please respect copyright.PENANAliEteBtwI4
'Don't! S..Stop...Please!'335Please respect copyright.PENANAS36MnjtKXH
'What did you say?' Fear racked my gut at my father's tone. 'Come on! Repeat it for me!' He said, making me scream at the top of my lungs as he thrust the nail in and out of me.335Please respect copyright.PENANAnnHSeegh6q
'T-Take it out...please!'335Please respect copyright.PENANAIoKt867oAk
'How pathetic, begging like that.' I screamed as he picked up speed and velocity. I spasmed, arching my back but unable to cum. 'The night is still early.' My father warned. Tears were forming in my eyes and I was unable to stop the drool that leaked from the corner of my mouth, or I was already too fried to care. He suddenly stopped, leaving the nail all the way in. 'It looks like you enjoy this so I'll leave it in you.' I whined. He began toying with me with a finger before thrusting his full member in with a grunt, drawing a squeal from me. 'Nice and tight.' Father said, running his tongue along his top lip. He drew the screams from me with every thrust and he started toying with a nipple, pinching and flicking. I don't know how long that continued before he started to lightly touch my throbbing dick. I screamed, arching my back and he groaned as he trusted vigorously into me.335Please respect copyright.PENANAxp0WgGs96C
'T-The nail! T-Take it out!'335Please respect copyright.PENANAa9QPupbArj
'This?' He twirled the nail and I shrieked at the feeling and pain. I wanted so badly to cum! 'But doesn't it feel good having it inside you?'335Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ovjck21F4
'No!' I cried.335Please respect copyright.PENANAITrVqQJPeO
'Alright, I'll take it out.' He took it out halfway, then slammed it back and I screamed. 'Or not.' He fucked me till he came, making me about lose my mind, then toyed with me with his hand until he got hard again and fucked me a second time. He took the nail out before going a third time before untying me and I was finally able to get release myself...I hated it all.*335Please respect copyright.PENANAZCu7uGpvMO
I awoke to the sensation of something running through my hair and down my face. My arms were lifted up over my head when I tensed my muscles and groaned. "Ah, so you're awake, Black Mercenary." My eyes snapped open at the unfamiliar male voice. I was strapped in almost exactly the same way as my dream. ~You have got to be kidding me.~ I stared at the unknown man before me who was setting a bucket down. I was wet so that was what had awoken me. He was a fairly short, but very stocky and muscular man with medium length, curly auburn hair and small grey eyes.
"Who the fuck are you?" ~And how did I get here? Am I still dreaming?~ I rattled the chains to my leather wrists, testing the leathers strength and give.
The man smiled eerily, a hungry look in his eyes. "My, this is a dream come true. Shame you were the only one we got away with, but you were really the one I wanted most. I'm a fan of your work." He saod, indicating himself and starting to pace as he lit a pipe. His eyes roamed me, "I idolize you...and have always wanted to mess you up." He held up a finger, "But I shall refrain if you give me a reason to." He grabbed my left leg and shifted me so I was bared to him, causing me to lock my jaw and look away. "Where is the Dark Prince?" My eyes widened. This wasn't a dream. This guy was Efruigron or at least working for them. "Come now, I've heard you saved him in Maiwalds Grove."
"I saved a boy in Maiwalds Grove."
He puffed on his pipe before saying, "That's not an answer to my question." He grabbed my face and brought a vial to my nose. I tried to bite him but he evaded me and whatever was in the vial was making me light-headed and lose strength...and become hard as a familiar tingling overtook my body. Aphrodisiac. "I'll take my time to enjoy you my Black Merc." He made me breath in the vial for quite some time, making me lose all strength in my limbs. Even if I was able to get out of my restraints, I would barely be able to retaliate, let alone walk. "You'll start to feel good real soon. He murmured against my temple before licking my ear and sending jolts straight to my groin as I moaned and started to pant. His hands roamed my skin, causing me to already leak precum and he hadn't even touched me there. I did not want this torture again. "Where is Prince Merlin?" He asked, grabbing my member and making me shriek like my father had so long ago. I screamed as he began to jerked me off, then rubbed my tip. My head swam with the feelings that assaulted me and I felt like I was going to be sick. He clicked his tongue. "Tell me and I'll be forced to stop." He retrieved a nail-like object. ~No, please no.~ "I bet you've never been teased here." He toyed with the tip of my dick. ~No!~ He pushed in the nail and I puked. He swore, backing away before grabbing the bucket and rinsing me off before wiping me clean with a cloth. He then licked the tip of me, toying with the nail and I tried to hold back my scream, biting my lip. "You're too cute." He toyed with me for hours, thrusting his hand in and out of me over...and over...and over again. "Where is the Dark Prince of Adroso?" The man whispered against my ear. His hot breath sending zips across my skin. He leaned back, a smile playing at his lips. "Where is he...or do you want to play with me?" ~This bastard.~ He shoved metal balls the size of plums, tied together by rope into me, three of them, then jerked me off again, drawing out the gasps, groans, and screams from me, all the while not letting me cum. He kissed me and I bit him, drawing blood even though I was so weak. He laughed, holding my chin as blood leaked from the corner of his mouth and down his own. He yanked the leather binding on my dick, causing me to scream then he pulled out the balls. The feeling was intense, draining me as I finished screaming and collapsed against my restraints. "You know what comes next right?" I was so worn out, so exhausted, my head swimming, I couldn't focus on his words. He toyed with my hole before thrusting himself in. My eyes snapped wide and I grunted in surprise at the sudden dick inside me. He drew the grunts and moans from me as he thrusted.
The man bit my neck. "Take a look, right to the hilt. You can stop this anytime you know? Just tell me what I want to know." He stroked me as he continued on. "My Black Mercenary, don't forget this. The pain and pleasure I give you." I ended up screaming at the end as I completely lost myself and my consciousness faded.335Please respect copyright.PENANAQEDCGokkKZ