Chapter 5
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Finally, the small group drove into the airport parking lot. As the fivesome clambered out of the car, Infinity pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Tanner, you texted Charisma, made sure the plane was here?” she asked.
“Yeah. She sure isn’t happy about it though.”
“Pff. I wouldn’t think she would be.”
“I’m not thrilled either,” Cameo grumbled. Infinity rolled her eyes and glanced at her phone. It was flooded with texts from her parents, her sister, and all of her school friends. She figured she should address her parents first.
Infinity, where are you? the first text read. We thought you had gone over to Aaron’s to finish up the party, but you never said anything about when you’d be home. You didn’t even tell us you were going to Aaron’s! You have a lot of explaining to do, young lady.
Infinity sighed and shot a text back.
Hey, so, y’know that boy who brought me home? Yeah, he’s back. We r on our way 2 Yellowknife. Harley, Tanner, and Ethaniel r w/ us 2. Oh, yeah, they r back cuz Jaiden isn’t actually dead. We r trying 2 figure out y he wanted me in the 1st place. Don’t wait up. I won’t b back 4 a while. Luv u.
She quickly sent off texts to her friends and sister, then tucked her phone into her pocket. An airport transport bus pulled up beside the group. “S’go,” Infinity said and boarded the bus, the other four following suit.
The transport took them directly to the airport doors, where they climbed out and asked a security guard where the General Aviation ramp was. He pointed them towards a golf cart with a very bored-looking driver sitting behind the wheel.
“That guy’ll take you right to it,” he said.
Tanner led the way over.
“The security guard said you would talk us to the General Aviation ramp?” he verified in his light Canadian accent. The driver yawned and smiled drowsily.
“Sure, kid. I’ll need to take a look at your tickets, though.” Ethaniel handed the man their Rale Airlines-issued tickets.
“Private class, huh? Well, okay then.” He handed the tickets back and gestured for them to get in. They did and soon they were speeding through terminal after terminal, hurrying to the General Aviation ramp. When they got there, another security guard screened their tickets and bags, then ushered them into a luxurious waiting room just off the runway.
“Your plane is about ten minutes away. You will be able to board in roughly forty five minutes,” he told them.
They nodded silently. The less memorable they made themselves, the better. Of course, they were five teenagers flying by private charter, so that already made them pretty unforgettable, but still. They’re faces were still plastered on the front of every magazine and newspaper in at least eight countries. They were still the number one news story of the century.
They had enough fame for an army.
And after this, they knew they’d be in the spotlight for a long time coming.297Please respect copyright.PENANAJ9PfOAT3bp