Dear Soulmate ,
Is it okay if I call you that ? I don' t know your name . I don't know who you are , where are you and how you've been . A sunny afternoon in February , 2019 . Should've just gone to bed , cause now I can't sleep with your memory . It shall forever haunt me. Made me a ghost that wanders in search for you. Not even sure if this letter would reach you or would end up written in vain.
You like lilies , don't you ? You said so yourself. Italy...Marie-José .... the caves ....... the sea. Was it all a lie ?
Forgive me but I never forget the roads I've walked and certainly not my soul. All I know about you is from my dreams . The blanks between are filled in by my imagination. Even though it is made by the blue print of who you are online . I am afraid it is not ' you '. But I've loved every piece of you. How you touch the bridge of your nose or the slightest wobble in your walk to hide your nervousness . Big crowds scare me too. But losing you scares me the most . Thank you for making me love myself. I just can't wait to tell you about all our memories from the different dimensions . You may not know the lines but I call it our story . This connection I feel with you . Don 't be afraid , its all physic . And worry less. I pray for you to the Lord . Every Sunday your soul stands near the church yard window and we pray together.
May not know my name but I been yours since forever . Finally writing my feelings on paper feels so good , so right. Hope you would feel it alright , feel me right .
Love ,
Your soulmate.
P.S : Hope you like the Lilies .