Dear Future Forever,
Hello. It may seem odd that I'm talking to someone unknown. It might seem odd to love someone you've never met, but it's true. I have a love developed in me reserved for a future someone. Every time I think of the future you're in it. Every time I see an established marriage going strong I add something to the jar.
The jar is a place in my heart reserved for you. I place a little more love in it every time I'm reminded of who I'm waiting for. Every time I think of settling down you're there. I don't know what you'll look like or what you'll sound like. Still, I dream.
I dream of someone who will be true and loyal. Someone who will talk with me openly. I dream of someone who will share my values and beliefs. Even if they don't always share my opinion. In fact, I love debating so I hope you'll disagree every now and then just for the challenge.
I keep a box for you. When I get lonely or feel excited for the future I write a new letter. I date it and seal it. Hopefully one day I'll give them to you. Maybe not. I might just burn them all. I might be a different person by the time you would get to read them. Either way, just know that the love for you is real.
Take courage. My hope in writing these small snippets is to encourage you to love yourself. I've heard lately a lot about how men don't receive love as much as other people. It's expected that they toughen up and be strong. That mentality has led to many men craving words of affection. So, if nowhere else or no one else will tell you I will. Future Forever, You are worth the wait.
Always Yours,
Your Forever.