To my Dearest,
As you read this letter I am most likely boarding the last ship to Mars, and most likely by now you know that I am a fugitive of the Neptunian Kingdom, since it will be all over the news that I have stolen the Royal Jewels of the Kingdom.
I want you to know that I fell in love with you on day 1, and I can't get you out of my head. The way you hold your head high, even in the face of adversity, is amazing. The way you speak with great kindness warms my heart. I wanted to tell on day 1 my feelings for you, but I was to nervous to say anything and now my duties to my planet has gotten in the way. For this, I hope you forgive me, I am quite sure though you are thinking of me as an idiot right about now, my Dearest.
You will probably never see me again, for two probable outcomes will happen; I will probably be capture by the Kingdom before I can reach my planet, or I will probably reach my planet, but I will never be able to return to Neptune without being arrested and most likely our two planets may be at war after what I have done.
Whatever happens, may this letter be a tribute to my undying love for you.
Always yours,