I opened my eyes and found myself in an pitch black area.There probably 10ft away was a woman with beautiful chestnut hair stood with her back facing me.I started running towards her whilst calling out to her.
"Hey!Hey!Where am I?"I called out billions of times but never got a response.Finally,I stood behind her and tapped her shoulder.She turned around to face me.Blair..
"Blair!What's going on?"I had a sick feeling inside me.She looked like she hadn't eaten in so long.She was so undernourished.
"Meredith.H-help us.We n-need h-help."she said like a soft whisper.I looked closer and saw that she had been burned a few times.Did Ruby do that?
"Okay.How can I help you?"I slowly reached out to her to touch her face.Suddenly Willow appeared behind me.I turned around to see him.He was in the same condition as Blair but it looked like he was under water for a long period of time.His hair was extremely wet,he was breathing heavily,and his hands were prune-like.Cecile.....Did Ruby and Cecile do this to Blair and Willow?
"What happened?Please tell me!"I felt so sick.I just tried to process everything that was going on.Ruby appeared beside Blair.She was shivering from head to toe.Her skin was incredibly pale and she kinda looked like a statue.An ice elemental...So whoever these people are,are an advanced one.
"M-Meredith.We're trapped.S-save u-us."Ruby said in a weird manner.I would have just used my fire powers to warm her up but I didn't know how to engage it.
"Trapped?Trapped where?What are you talking about?You guys aren't making any sense at all!"They're trapped?That means they might still be alive.I can save them."If you can just tell me where,I can help you."I said with just a speck of hope in me.
And then,Cecile appears beside Willow.His clothes were all slashed in every direction like he ran through a narrow hallway of thorn bushes.There was also some leaves caught in his shirt.
"We don't know where we are.All we know is we're trapped in a jail cell."Cecile said in pain.He was basically bleeding everywhere.
"What?I can't understand you.Im sorry.I can't save you.I'm a failure to you,to mum and dad,to just everyone.I feel like everyone just hangs out with me because they take pity on me."I said nearly in tears.It was true.It was all too true.
"Our powers were stripped away from us but we can still use our telekinesis to connect with you.Whoever these people are,they are very strong."Blair said trying to comfort me.This was the pity I was talking about.
"Are you guys okay?I'm just worried about you guys."I said still almost in tears.
"We're fine,Meredith."Willow said.He's lying.. "The question is 'Are YOU okay? We heard about the....uh...incident that happened."
The incident.I already forgot."Um..I just..but I want...uh...it wasn't like...she just.."I was basically fumbling for words.I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about this.Not even my own siblings.
"It's fine.You couldn't control your emotions.It's just like me."Ruby said seemingly less colder now.I giggled at that.Even in any situation,Ruby will always make us laugh..She gave me a bracelet as she said that.It was a beautiful bracelet made of pearls."This bracelet will help keep your powers under control.So if you feel like your powers want to explode,this bracelet will help you."
"I really miss you guys."I said finally bursting into tears.
And at that very moment,I woke up.It was just a dream.
I looked at the clock on my wall and it read 10:30.I was still shaken up by what I heard and saw in my dream.They were talking to me....They might be alive.I looked at my wrist and there it was.There was the pearl bracelet.
It wasn't a dream..