"Its Aurora!I have something to give you."I heard another knock at the door.
"Just leave it on the doorstep or something."I was seriously not in the mood to deal with anybody.
"But it's important.I can't just leave it here.Come on,Meredith.Open up."clearly she wasn't budging which wasn't a surprise to me because once Aurora sets her mind to something she has to fulfill it.
"Fine!I'm coming!"I grudgingly drag myself out of my bed and towards the door.I pull open the door to see Aurora not looking so happy.Weird..I always see her all bubbly and cheerful.
"What is it do you have to give me?"I said rubbing my eyes.I was still shook from the dream.
"This."Aurora took out her phone and showed me a video.It was a video of me.I was holding Celine in a water chamber thing on her head.The incident that happened at the cafe.My eyes shot open immediately.I grabbed Aurora's phone from her hand and scrolled down.It was posted by 'E&G'.Elena and Gina.Celine's lackeys.Elena and Gina follow Celine everywhere.I feel like Eunice and Geena are Celine's clones.
There were many comments like 'OMG she is such a bully.' and 'Wow!She pretended to be a normo for pity and attention.I feel sorry for you,Celine.'Those things were not true.Celine was the real bully here not me.
"Ugh!The nerve of Elena and Gina to post that thing I feel like extinguishing their flame until they croak and plead for mercy!"I felt myself heating up intensely.I calmed myself down with a few deep breaths.Elena and Gina are fire elementals which is another thing to add to the list of them being Celine's clones.
"D-did you really try and drown her?"Aurora asked with some fear in her eyes.I looked at her with a sad face.
"I didn't.I just kinda lost control there."I replied handing Aurora her phone back.What everyone saw......I can't change that.They will remember that moment showing me as the bully.
"Look,I'm kinda busy with learning some spells right now.Thanks for stopping by anyways,Aurora." Lies...
"Oh?But you haven't gone to any classes yet.How are you learning spells?It's not safe."she said with concern but I could sense skepticism in her tone.
"I didn't go to any classes.But I have some practice from when my siblings taught me." More lies...
"Okay,I guess.Well,Madame Lilian wanted to see you that's the real reason I stopped by.Just thought I would show you the video whilst I was here."she said and waved me goodbye.I saw her walk down the long hall before I finally let out a big sigh.I'm dead.
I shut my door and collapse on my bed.It escalated all too quickly.My powers, I had no way to control them.Now everyone is against me.No.If I just hide,nobody will ever know what really happened.I have to stand up for myself.I changed into some better clothing and headed to Madame Lilian's office.I didn't even stop to look at anybody I just quickly slithered by.But as I reached Madame Lilian's office and was about to knock on the door,I heard someone call me.
"Meredith!Wait up!"a voice called out to me in the mist of students walking by giving me dirty looks.
I turned around and saw Mason running towards me.Oh god...I can't face him.....not now...
"I need to talk to you!"he called out again.I whirl around,opened the door and dashed through.I quickly shut the door behind me slamming it in the process.I took a few deep breaths.Under control,Meredith...
I looked at Madame Lilian across the room at her desk with Celine?!
"Meredith,so glad you can join us.Please come and have a seat."she motioned me to go and sit down and I did.I sat down beside Celine who had a smug look on her face.This can't be good.
"Meredith,I heard about what you did."Madame Lilian looked at me with a perplexed look with a little bit of disappointment.
"She should be punished!Meredith Prescott is nothing but a stupid nerd who pretended to be a normo for people's sympathy!She should be suspended or better yet,expelled!"Celine started shouting at the top of her lungs as loud as she could.I just rolled my eyes.She was wearing pink all over with a silver headband and diamond earrings.Her strawberry blonde hair in a stylish beach waves look like she just had a fun day at the beach and her hair is still perfect.
"Sharp tongue there,Celine.Watch what you say."Madame Lilian turned to her but directed her focus back to me again.
"But she tried to kill me!I already told you the story!Everyone else saw it too!Not fair!"Celine whined like an 8 year old who didn't get a toy they wanted.I couldn't help cracking a smile at the corner of my mouth.
"I heard YOUR side of the story,Celine."Madame Lilian said,half-annoyed.She looked at me and my body tensed up."Now.Meredith,I would like to hear your side of the story.Please tell me,what happened?"
I was afraid.I didn't want to tell anyone.But I had no choice.I needed to get my story out.So,I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"I was going to the cafe with someone I just met.His name is Mason.We went to the cafe together and settled down at a table.At that moment,Jonas,along with some of his friends and Celine came in and sat at the table beside me and Mason.Celine came over and started throwing insults at me and flirting with Mason.The insults were so harsh I just snapped.And my powers just went haywire and everything else was just a blur.I was embarrassed and went back to the academy."I explained as much as I could and once I finished,I felt like a weight just left my shoulders.
"Likely story,loser!She is obviously lying.She came in and started flirting with my boyfriend,Jonas,and her little friend was flirting with me and when she couldn't get my boyfriend she just went cray-cray."Celine said as she scrolled through her phone.I could not believe she was twisting the truth and manipulating everyone.Well no.I can believe it.
"It seems both of the stories are different but both line up with Meredith's friend,Mason,and Celine's boyfriend,Jonas.I would have to call them in and let them explain the stories.Its a win-win situation then."Madame Lilian announced.
"That's not fair!Its obviously I'm the victim here!"Celine,as usual,protested right away but I didn't.I thought it was fair.
Madame Lilian pressed a button and spoke into a microphone,"Will Mason Rogers and Jonas Lancaster please report to my office?I repeat,Will Mason Rogers and Jonas Lancaster please report to my office?That would be greatly appreciated.Thank you."
We just sat there for a five minutes but it felt like five years.Celine played on her phone,I just looked around the office,and Madame Lilian stared at me and Celine.Talk about awkward..
Finally,Mason and Jonas arrived.I thought I was gonna start getting claustrophobic.
"You were looking for us,Madame?"Mason asked whilst Jonas said nothing.
"Yes.I need you to tell me something.Mason tell me about when you were at the cafe."Madame Lilian said.
"Well,I was at the cafe with Meredith.Then,Jonas,Celine and a few others came in and sat at the table next to us.Celine came over and started insulting Meredith.Meredith.just I don't know,lost control of her powers and the rest you already know,I assume."Mason said as he looked to Jonas who was still kept quiet.
"Thank you,Mason.Now,Jonas."Madame Lilian looked at Jonas."I need you to tell me your point of view in this story."
A few minutes passed,and Jonas said nothing.He didn't even bother to face me or Mason.
"Jonas,just tell us the story.The sooner,the better.Or else,you would have to stay here and we will wait for you to just open your mouth."I said,breaking the silence.
"Celine's lying.Meredith's telling the truth.Celine went and insulted Meredith.The end."Jonas said as fast as he could.You can at least tell a full story,ya know.
"Well,I see the matter is solved.Celine,I am disappointed in you.Please stay behind as everyone else leaves."Madame Lilian announced.I felt so relieved.
"What?!Jonas,you're supposed to be on MY side on this.Fine.We're breaking up."Celine whined so loud,I thought I was gonna lose my hearing.I never thought I would be in the middle of a break up.Even better,Celine's break up.
"So we're gonna leave now.Bye,Madame Lilian."Mason said and we both waved goodbye.Jonas,like he is,did nothing.
"We'll take our le-"I said but got interrupted as the door to Madame Lilian's office burst open.In came Miss Diana who was panting profusely.
"Madame Lilian,There is an urgent matter at hand!"she said still in sheer exhaustion.
"What is it,Diana?"Madame Lilian said,alarmed now.
"The barrier!Its under attacked!"Miss Diana shouted.The barrier to the school...Its under attack.Which meant if someone got through,the school would be in danger.