After I didn't tell them anything else,Jonas and Madame Lilian left my room.I just sat there and stared at the ceiling for I don't know,a millennium maybe.Since it was Saturday,there was no classes so there wasn't much to do.After a while,I finally forced myself to get up to get some food at the nearby cafe.
I just put on my black and blue hoodie and black trousers and headed out.When I walked passed everyone,they just kinda stared at me.Pretty sure they heard what happened.When I was walking,some random person ran into me and made me fall over.
"Watch where you're going!"I yelled at that person.I looked up and saw a guy with pale grey hair and green venomous eyes.
"Sorry,let me help you up."He reached out his hand and I took it.At that moment,everyone kinda gasped and started whispering.Weird day...
"Thanks,uhh.. What's your name?"I was embarrassed I didn't know his name.
"Mason.What's yours?" Mason said in his gentle voice.
"Meredith.Nice to meet you."I said as I brush the dirt off my hair and clothes."I'm going to the cafe near here.Care to join me?"
"Sure,I would love to." Mason's face looked like a slight tint of pink now.
So we walked to the cafe and I ordered a caramel latte.Mason ordered an Iced Tea.We found a table and sat down.
"So mind if I asked you a question?"he asked me and took a sip of his drink.
"Go for it"I said in a really nervous voice.Not that I was nervous. More like nervous because I know what he's gonna ask me.
"I heard you were in a fire at your house,correct?And the fire had your aura and you were protected by a water barrier with your aura too.So my question is how do you have two elements?Also I heard you were a normo." Mason looked away as soon as he finished.
There it is.There is the question.But the most bothered by me was the word 'normo'.Seriously,I get it.
"I don't know.Its just been a crazy day."I said with a little bit of hate in my voice.I seriously hated talking about having no powers.
"Sorry.By the way,I'm a fire elemental."I could tell he was being apologetic.
Suddenly,Jonas and his friends,including his girlfriend,walked in and sat next to the table right beside us.Great.Just what I needed.More drama.I didn't know if he could tell but I knew he was staring at me the entire time.His girlfriends,Celine, must have seen me because she got up from her table and walked over to me and Mason.
"Aw,how cute.The normo has a boyfriend.Never thought someone would like you."she said mockingly towards me."Besides, a hunk like you shouldn't hang out with a dork like this."this time she was talking to Mason.She kept twirling her strawberry blonde hair around her little manipulative finger.Mason was obviously not impressed.
"Well,I don't think she's a dork.I think Meredith is friendly and sorta cute."he looked at me as he finished.All I could think was'What the?!'
"I think you should leave,Celine.Saves us the time and the drama."I have obviously had enough of her.
"Or what?You gonna fireball me?Face it you're a normo.So stop trying to get people to feel sorry for you just for that"she flipped her hair and hit my face on purpose.By now,I was really angry.All of a sudden,I felt a strong push.It felt like every tap was gonna burst open.I took a deep breath and let it all out.All the pipes burst open and water came shooting out.
"Hey!You ruined my hair!You're gonna pay for that!"she conjured up a huge fireball and threw it at me.It didn't hit me.All the water formed a barrier around me.I make a bubble of water and shoot it towards Celine.It wrapped around her entire head and started drowning her.By this time,I had completely lost control.She was struggling as she tried to conserve her air.
"Meredith,stop!This isn't you!"Mason yelled at me.I looked at all the horrified people around me.What have I done?I release the water and it splashed onto the floor.I'm a monster.A goddamn frickin' horrific monster.I couldn't face anyone now.Not even Mason.I ran out of the cafe and back to the Academy.Dashing through the corridors and finally went back to my room and had a really good cry.I haven't stopped crying since the incident.It felt like everyone put so much pressure on me.I haven't been able to focus on myself lately.