"Everyone please leave the room.I would like to have a word with Ms.Prescott over here.",the headmistress looked at me when she said that.Jonas didn't even move.He just stared into the abyss.All the nurses quickly left the room and I just sat on the bed in silence.Now I was left in the room with the headmistress,Madame Lilian,and Jonas.She walked over to my bed and sat beside me.
"Are you alright?"she asked me but I didn't respond.How could I be alright if I just lost my parents and my siblings were kidnapped?Oh my gosh what am I even thinking ?Ruby,Cecile,Blair,and Willow are already probably dead too.
"You know,Jonas here saved your life.",when she said that,anger flashed through me.Look, not like I'm not grateful for someone saving my life or whatever but I would rather have someone else save me.
Okay,let's backtrack here.The reason I don't like Jonas is for a really good reason.It was crystal clear in my mind.I remember when I was 8 years old,Jonas was playing in my room which was basically a library at the time.We were reading together with large piles of books around us.I just finished reading a book and turned around when a wobbly pile of books fell on me.But before the books hit me,Jonas' power just manifested and he used his powers to blow a gust of wind blew through making the books avoid hitting me.That was when everything changed.The next day in school(not Rosewood Academy.When we were younger,we went to a regular school),he acted so cold to me.He kept on bullying me for so long.Until he went to Rosewood Academy,the bullying stopped.I enrolled last year and he never bullied me again.He just ignored me.
So,back to present time.Jonas is still staring into nothing.Madame Lilian still looking at me.When I still didn't answer,she looked away.
"You were protected by a magical barrier created by you.When you haven't came back to the academy we went to your house and saw it burning.Your friends,Aurora(fire elemental),Mira(water elemental) came too.Jonas,Mira,and Aurora went inside the house while Mira protected them with a fire resistance spell."she said still looking away from me.I could imagine the horror on Aurora and Mira's faces when they saw me."And there they saw you laying on the ground with a water barrier around you.Mira doused the fire near you and reached her hand to get you out of the barrier.What she felt was your aura through the barrier.They got you out of the house alive and brought you here."she said and looked at Jonas.
"Thanks"was all I could say.I was still in shock.How did a water barrier with my aura even form?
"I have a question,dear.How did the fire start?"she asked me.Without hesitation, I answered "I did it.I set the house on fire"
They both looked at me in shock.I felt like I made the biggest mistake in my life by telling them.
"B-but there was a water barrier with your aura.How can you start the fire?"she asked me still in shock.I didn't look at her.Even Jonas snapped out of his daydream and was in shock too.
I didn't answer her because even I dont even know the answer to her question.I was basically as confused and curious as she was.For all I know,no one can have more than one power.It's either Fire,Water,Air,and Earth.Other rare ones don't go to places like Rosewood Academy.The one question still played in my mind "How did I do that?".
~~~End of chapter~~~