Summary: Set in “The End of Time Part 2”, when River was supposed to kill the Doctor. What if Rose had been able to leave the alternate universe, because of the time warp thing? Will she be sent back there like everything else in time? If not, will she join the Doctor once again?
Previously on Doctor Who
The Doctor and Rose were speaking, as they ran to save the day.
“Who are you?” he asked her.
“Rose. And who are you?” she asked him.
“The Doctor.”
Cut to Rose and the Doctor trying to save the day again; this time from a beast thing, before the place explodes.
“I’m not leaving the Doctor. I’ll wait for him. He would do the same for me,” Rose told some surviving people there.
“You’re just the body,” the Doctor said, as he looked at the beast.
A few minutes later, it exploded into flames, as Rose and the others left in a rocket ship.
Cut to the Doctor and Rose trying to save the day from the Daleks and Cybermen, by holding on to railings, as a hole sucked them out of the world.
“Rose, no!” the Doctor yelled, as she fell into the hole. Then her father rescued her and they disappeared, as they teleported to the alternate universe.
“Doctor!” she yelled before her father rescued her.
When the hole closed up, he leaned against a wall and heard her sob on the other side.
“Rose, I’m sorry,” he said.
Cut to the Prime Minister and the Doctor talking about the Daleks during the time of war.
“They are called Daleks,” the Doctor informed him.
“We are at war,” the Prime Minister reminded him.
“You remember the Daleks. Tell him about the Daleks, Amy. Please tell me you remember the Daleks, Amy,” the Doctor said to her.
“I’m sorry, Doctor. I don’t remember,” she replied.
“That’s not something you just forget,” he replied.
“I do not understand. I am your soldier!” the Dalek replied, after the Doctor asked what it’s doing there.
“I am the Doctor and you are a Dalek. I have destroyed whole galaxies. I have defeated you time and time again. Now tell me. What are you doing here?” the Doctor answered.
“Correct. You are the Doctor,” it answered.
Cut to the Doctor, as he told Amy about the Silence.
“The Silence; If you look away, you forget about them,” he informed her.
Cut to River before some unnamed people took her.
“Who are you? How do you know my name?” River asked.
“You’re the woman that kills the Doctor,” the lady with a black patch over her eye answered.
Cut to when River is in a suit and they’re all on a beach. The Doctor stood in front of her, ready for it. Amy, Rory, and a different River watched from afar.
“I can’t,” River said.
“Yes, you can,” he encouraged her.
“This suit is making me do it,” she said.
“It’s okay,” he said.
“Doctor!” Amy yelled, as everyone ran towards him when he was killed.
Cut to a different version where River didn’t kill him.
“I’m still alive,” he said.
“What did you do, River?” he questioned her.
Present Day
“What time is it?” the Prime Minister asked, seated at a table in a meeting room. A small calendar sat in front of him on the table. There was some paper in front of him he was working on.
“Half past two,” the guy answered, whom sat next to him at the table.
“It’s always half past two in the afternoon on July 22.”
“What do you mean?” the guy asked.
“Fetch me the Soothsayer.”
The Prime Minister stood in a huge room, as a couple men brought him in and he fell to his knees. The two men left and he looked up at the Prime Minister.
“Why is it always half past two?” he asked the Soothsayer, he knew was the Doctor.
“Because time is folding in on itself. I was supposed to die, but I’m still alive. Time is dying.”
“How can that be?” he asked the Doctor.
“I’ll explain it to you. But first, could you uncuff me?” he replied.
Once the cuffs were off and he was on his feet, the Doctor explained everything to his friend. From the first time he heard he was supposed to die, to the beach where River was supposed to kill him and did but yet didn’t. From there he explained to him what was happening to time and why.
“How can we stop this then?”
“I need to die,” the Doctor replied.
They heard a noise from the ceiling and looked up to see the Silence there hanging like bats.
“What are they?” the Prime Minister asked.
Just then, the doors opened.
“We found her wandering around, sir. What would you like us to do with her?” one of the guys said.
They turned around to see two guys with a blond.
“Leave her here,” the Prime Minister said.
“Very well, sir,” one of the men said.
Both men left with doors closed.
Rose went to the Doctor and they hugged.
“It’s great to see you,” he greeted.
“You’ve changed, Doctor.”
“You haven’t,” he replied. “What are you doing here, Rose?”
“Well, I thought something was wrong when I landed here, so I looked for you. And here I am. So, what’s going on?”
“Time is folding into itself; dying. It’s complicated, but River was supposed to kill me. She did, but yet she didn’t. She did something so she didn’t have to kill me. We have to find River.”
“Who’s River?”
“A Time lord, but I haven’t quite figured her out. She knows things I don’t. She knows my future and for me, it hasn’t happened yet.”
All three turned to see people in black suits. One of them stepped forward.
“Amy, Oh, Amy,” he said, as she approached, a black eye patch over her eye.
Amy stopped.
“Who’s that?” Rose asked.
“A friend,” he replied.
“And you are?” Amy asked her.
“Rose. I traveled with him before I got stuck in an alternate universe.”
Amy had come to fetch just the Doctor, but realized Rose was like herself. Rose had been lost to the Doctor until it all happened on the beach.
“You have to come with us,” she announced, before using a Taser gun to make them black out.
When they came to, they were in a room that looked like Amy’s office. She was standing at the doorway.
“Sorry for that,” she apologized.
“Amy, why are you wearing that?” he asked, then, jumping to conclusions, said, “Oh, no. Amy, if you think really hard, you can remember.”
She looked at her wall over his shoulder and he turned around and looked.
“Oh,” he said.
“Here,” she said, handing him his suit.
“Amy, you are good.”
Amy and Rose turned around, while he put his suit on.
When it was on, he said, “Okay. You can turn around now.”
They turned around to look at him and he asked, “How do I look?”
“Perfect,” Amy answered.
“Magnificent,” Rose answered.
“Very good,” the Doctor commented. “So, about all these drawings.”
“I draw them so I can remember them. It gets harder and harder to remember.”
Amy went over to her desk and picked up a drawing.
“This is my husband, right? I can’t find him anywhere.”
A guy walked in.
She looked at him, as he told her some news.
“Thank you, Captain Williams.”
The Doctor looked at the drawing and then at Captain Williams.
“Oh, Amy. That’s the problem. You never look hard enough. If you’ll just look.”
The Captain left and Amy looked at the Doctor.
“I am looking.”
She walked over to the table where her little toy TARDIS sat, and picked up two eye patches. She then held them out to them.
“You have to wear these. We all do.”
They put them on, before they followed Amy.
They went downstairs and saw that Amy and the others were keeping the Silence there, before they went upstairs to where the others were.
“River, you made a mistake,” the Doctor told her, as he approached her, Rose at his side.
“I was selfish, but I didn’t want to kill you.”
“And now look what has happened. Whole worlds and time are folding into themselves.”
He touched her wrist.
“Doctor, let go of me. You know what happens if we touch.”
“I know. I’m sorry, River.”
“Get him off me!” River yelled.
A couple men grabbed him from behind and Amy said, “Cuff him.” So the two men handcuffed his hands.
“River, please,” the Doctor begged her.
“The Doctor is right. Every world; every civilization is bleeding into one another. Time is running out. There won’t be a home for anyone,” Rose argued, always on the Doctor’s side.
“Who’s this?” River asked him.
“I thought you would know, River. This is Rose.”
“I don’t know everything, Doctor.”
“You must be River. He told me about you before we came here.”
“Did he now? I’m not surprised.”
Suddenly, Captain Williams burst in and locked the doors behind him.
“They’re coming!”
“Who?” Amy asked.
“The Silence,” the Doctor said.
Just then, an unnamed lady’s eye patch was electrified. The Doctor was too later and pronounced her dead.
“Will someone uncuff me?” he asked.
Amy uncuffed him and he thanked her.
The lady tied to a chair said something and Amy went over to her.
“You took my baby from me,” Amy answered, before going over to the others.
“Go. I’ll hold them off as long as I can,” Captain Williams said, after Amy and a few others had their eye patches off.
With everyone’s eye patches off, they all left. Amy then came back with a machine gun and shot at the Silence, before she grabbed Captain Williams by the hand and they followed River, Rose, and the Doctor.
Once up on the top, the Doctor took his tie off, bound his and River’s hand with it, and Amy and Captain Williams, whom now knew him as Rory, said their binding words and it made them married.
“So, tell me why you couldn’t kill me,” he said.
“I couldn’t let you die without knowing if you were loved or not.”
“I am loved, River.” He then added, “I’m going to whisper something to you and no matter what, don’t tell anyone; anyone, River.”
He whispered, “I’m not going to be dead.”
He pulled away and said, “I just told you my name.”
Rose, Amy, and Rory watched them, as they kissed. Then it turned back to them at the beach, River killing him, and the others running towards him.
At Amy’s house, Amy sat outside in the backyard at a bench table. She was drinking a hot cup of coffee, when River came out and sat by her.
“He’s not dead.”
“Maybe not to you; you probably see all the younger versions of him running around out there.”
Amy looked up at the stars.
“You’re right. I do. I shouldn’t be telling you this, but the Doctor lies. It’s something we have to do. Do you know how hard it was to pretend that I didn’t know you?”
“He said he told you his name.”
“He lied. He’s alive.”
Rory came out to see Amy and River as happy as can be. They then told him.
“So, since you’re married, does that make me his mother-in-law?” Amy asked River.
Later on, everyone joined the Doctor once more, including Rose.