Summary: Set in the new S7 with Clara. Just a one-shot. What if the Doctor got to see a certain blond again that he thought he would never see again?
It was a beautiful day. The Doctor and Clara were in the TARDIS, ready to take off.
“Where would you like to go?” he asked her.
Before she could reply, his TARDIS phone rang.
“Hello?” he answered, not knowing who was calling.
“It's me,” the familiar voice said.
“Rose? Rose, how did you get out? You were sealed in a parallel universe. This is impossible.”
“Nothing is impossible, Doctor.”
“Where are you?” he asked Rose.
“August 1, 2013 London, England.”
“We'll see you soon, Rose.”
He hung up, set the TARDIS to arrive on August 1, 2013 in London, England, and then they were off.
“Who's Rose?” Clara asked him.
“An old friend. We had the best of times. She traveled with me until she got stuck in a parallel universe. We've been apart ever since.”
As they stepped out of the TARDIS into the alley where it was parked, Rose was there waiting.
When she saw him, she ran towards him and they hugged.
“Clara, this is Rose,” he introduced, once he and Rose stopped hugging.
“Rose, this is Clara.”
“Nice to meet you,” Clara greeted Rose.
“You, too,” Rose greeted Clara.
“How did you get out, Rose?” the Doctor asked her.
“There was a kind of portal that opened up a way to come back. I took my first chance to come back,” she answered him.
The three of them walked into the TARDIS and left.