Summary: Set a year after the Doctor lost Amy and Rory. What if Rose found a way out of the alternate universe and into the present year? What if Rose was one of the many whom waited for him, because they're that loyal to him?
It is said that there's a man whom lives in a blue police box. He travels through time and space. His name is the Doctor. Nobody knows what his real name is. There lies the one question that can never be answered. Doctor who? The Doctor is an extraordinary man. Who is he you may ask? He's a Time lord; The last of his kind. When he travels, he saves people and creatures. He even rewrites a little of time. But he can't save everyone. Like most people of the world, he has blood on his hands. Many, both creatures and humans alike, have died in his name. And that is why he travels alone sometimes. To save some humans and maybe creatures. He feels that he must try to save them, because deep inside, he's human himself. He's a good man, the Doctor. He's special; One of a kind. He has two hearts instead of one, he can regenerate before he dies, and he is the most intelligent man I have met throughout my life. Why am I telling you this? Because the world deserves to know. His time will come someday. Then all that will be left of him will be the memories and legend.
I was once one of his companions. I traveled with him through all of time and space. My name is Rose Tyler. I was one of the many that the Doctor lost, but I did not die. I was sealed in an alternate world with mum and dad. But I found a way to teleport out of that world and into the real world. The Doctor just doesn't know it yet. Neither does my boyfriend, Mickey. I wait for him. And that is where my story begins. How I waited for him. This is the story of a girl who waited for, and was reunited with the Doctor. And this is my story.
It's a beautiful day, as I take a look around at the present world. I hope i'm not opening a vortex or anything by teleporting to the present year. Whatever the present year is.
I head down a sidewalk and pass some stores, as I look around for anything that will tell me what the year is. It's one of the most important things to know when traveling. The date. All I know right now is where I am. London. This is where I grew up, where Mickey hopefully still lives, and where I met the Doctor when I was eighteen.
I stop outside the London Gazette where there's a rack of newspapers. I grab a newspaper and look at the date on it. September 15, 2013. I set it down and head down the sidewalk again towards where Mickey lives. According to the date, it's been five years since we last saw each other; Five long years. I'm twenty-three now and so is he. Now I'm home, but yet I'm not. Mum and dad aren't here. My real dad was hit by a car and died when I was a young girl. Five years ago, my real mum was turned into a Cyberman. My mum and dad back in the alternate world didn't come with me. So I'm on this mission alone, which is fine with me. This is something I want to do alone. Find the Doctor.
I stop outside the apartment and knock on his door.
I wait at Mickey's door for a few minutes, before I call to him.
“Mickey? It's me. Rose.”
I don't get a reply, so I open the door and walk in. I then close the door behind myself.
He's not here, so I go to his living room where everything is hooked up. It's kind of a control station or unit you might say.
I sit down in the chair and start fiddling around, trying to get a signal out to space. I need a signal to try and find where the Doctor is. The TARDIS gives out a certain signal. That's how you will always know where he is. I could call him, but I don't want to. I want to surprise him. He has to land sometime, anyway. Until then, I'll wait for him like I always do.
After what feels like a long time, I find the TARDIS. He's on earth in the past. And now it's time. I fiddle around with some buttons to send a signal to him from earth. He'll come soon enough and I'm overjoyed.
A moment later, the signal tells me that the Doctor is moving. He's coming. So I turn off the signal I was sending and get up. Then I leave Mickey's place, closing the door behind myself.
I take a guess where he's going to land and I head in that direction.
A few minutes later, as I get close to an alley, I see the Doctor close the door to the TARDIS behind himself, as he leaves the blue box.
I run towards him and hug him, before letting go.
“Doctor,” I greet.
“It's me. I found a way out and waited for you.”
“You sent the signal?”
“Yeah. Let's go.”
“Terry ho then.”
He opens the door and we walk in, him closing the door behind us. Then he heads over and starts fiddling with switches and levers.
“Here we go!” he announces.
I can tell though that he's not the same. He must've lost someone very close to him. I feel bad for him. I want to say something, but it'll distract him. So I stay silent.
I hold onto the railing as we travel into time together again. This is all too familiar to me. It's something that I enjoy and have missed for five years.
“Jeramino!” the Doctor announces, as we set off.