Summary: They run into the little flying Daleks that the Master created. Can they defeat them, or will London be destroyed?
It was a beautiful day, as the Doctor started the TARDIS with some buttons and switches. His companion, Amelia Pond, sat in a chair as he did so.
A few minutes later, they walked out of the TARDIS, the Doctor closing the door behind himself and locking it. They had now landed in London, England in the future. They year of 2020. When they had found a newspaper, they found the date was July 4, 2020.
It was a beautiful day, as the Doctor and Amelia Pond walked the streets of London, England. They were getting to know their surroundings.
Just then, the sun was blocked out and he looked to see why. When they both looked up, they saw an eclipse covering the sun and flying, round, tiny creatures in the sky.
As people fled, the creatures shot at them.
As he watched, he knew what they were. Another Daleks species. A species that The Master had created before he had died.
“What are they?” Amelia Pond asked.
That made her uneasy, having had an encounter with the land Daleks a while back.
A few hours later, the Doctor and Amy had saved the day and everything was back to normal.
“Let’s get out of here," he said.
They soon walked into the TARDIS and she closed the door behind herself.