Summary: Set in “A Christmas Carol” after the Doctor took Donna home. The Doctor gets a call from Mickey that Rose needs him. Can he help Rose this time, or not?
A/N: Got this idea from a YouTube video I saw where Mickey told the Doctor that Rose needed him, and when the Doctor went to the hospital where Rose was in a coma and he told her, “I'm so sorry, Rose.” It was so touching that it gave me an idea to make this story. I hope you enjoy it. This is my first Doctor centered story.
It was a dark night, as the Doctor walked into his TARDIS and closed the door behind himself, after dropping Donna Noble off at home. He was alone now. Rose and all the others before her were all lost. He couldn't save them. That's one reason why he hoped Donna would stay home and wouldn't come with him again. He had lost so much already. He didn't want to lose Donna, too. He loved Rose Tyler, but he would never see her again. She was sealed in a parallel universe. As far as he knew, she was still there and he couldn't see her without opening a vortex in time and space. So all he knew of Rose now were memories.
As he reached the controls, his TARDIS phone rang.
“The Doctor speaking,” he answered.
“Doctor,” the familiar voice said.
“Mickey?” he replied.
“It's me. Listen, Doctor. It's Rose. She needs you now more than ever.”
“I'm listening. What happened?”
“We got out of there back to our own time. We were at a wedding, when something happened. Rose is in the hospital in a coma.”
“I'm coming,” the Doctor told him, before hanging up and setting the TARDIS to go to New York where Rose and Mickey live.
It was a beautiful day in New York, as the Doctor entered Rose's hospital room to see that Rose definitely was in a coma. He didn't want to lose Rose, so he knew he had to do something to help her.
He sat down in a chair at her bedside and held her hand, as he looked at her.
“I'm so sorry, Rose,” he apologized.
He had spent a whole year missing her. Now she was right there where he could see her and talk to her. She needed his help though. He thought if he had been there, this never would have happened to her. He didn't want to lose Rose. He had lost too many people already. He knew there had to be a way that he could help Rose.
A few hours later, she awoke and was okay after the Doctor had helped her.
Later, they all went to the TARDIS to go travel once again like they had started a year ago. So everybody lived as happily ever after as they could.