Summary: Set in S7E “Angels Take Manhattan.” What if the Doctor didn't lose both Amy and Rory? What if he only lost one of them?
It was a beautiful day in the London graveyard as the Doctor, his wife Doctor River Song, Amelia Pond, and Rory Pond headed towards the TARDIS.
“Why do we keep ending up here?” Amy had to ask.
“I don't know,” the Doctor replied, as he walked towards the TARDIS. As he walked towards it and Amy and Rory followed, Doctor River Song did her best to try and clean the side of the TARDIS.
“You need a paint job,” River told her husband.
“You know I don't have time for that,” he replied. And then he headed towards the doors and turned around. “Come on, Ponds!” he urged them.
Amy caught up with him and now stood at his side.
“Come on, Rory,” she called to her husband of two years, as she looked back.
Suddenly, a Weeping Angel appeared and, before they could say or do anything, her husband disappeared. In the next instant, the Weeping Angel was gone.
“Doctor, where did he go? What happened?” she questioned, trying to sound calm, but she was frantic to find him, not wanting to lose him.
The Doctor stood behind her and put a hand on her arm.
“I'm sorry, Amy.”
“No. He's alive somewhere. He has to be.”
“Amy, listen to me. We have to go. I promise if he's alive, we'll find him. But right now, we have to go.”
Reluctantly, she followed the Doctor and her daughter River, into the TARDIS.
Inside, as the Doctor started messing around with levers and buttons, the TARDIS made a noise and disappeared from sight.
Amy sat down in a chair. She didn't know what she would do without the former Rory Williams. And when they returned to earth to the present, what would she say to his father? How could she tell him what had happened? So many questions and so little answers.