Ellington smirked triumphantly. "The tables have turned, Mr. Snicket," She said quietly, jabbing him with the stake. "It's you who's in mortal danger now." Snicket frowned. He had two choices; Surrender, and allow himself to be taken to see the rest of his associates, or Fight her, take the stake, and knock her out. Snicket chose the latter, not offering any resistance as Ellington grabbed his wrist and led him out of the library, and into the bright sunlight. He winced at the harsh sunlight, and Ellington sighed, leading him towards a shadier area. He watched as she dug around in her bag. He saw garlic, a crucifix, more stakes, and finally, a small umbrella. Ellington grabbed the small umbrella and handed it to him. "Here." Snicket took the umbrella, giving Ellington a grateful smile. "Thank you." He replied, and she frowned, not waiting for him to open the umbrella before dragging him back into the sun. Snicket opened the umbrella just in time, as the two made their way to Hungry's.
Moxie was typing furiously on her typewriter, as the door to Hungry's opened. She looked up. "Ellington's here guys," Moxie said with a grin. Her grin faded however when she saw who Ellington had brought along. "Snicket?" She whispered, and he nodded, regarding her with dull scarlet eyes. "What's the news, Moxie?" He asked, going to sit across from her in the booth she sat in. "What's the news?" She echoed, a frown on her face. Snicket nodded again. "WHAT'S THE NEWS?!" She stood up, reaching across the table and grabbing him by the shoulders. "I'll tell you the news Snicket! Firstly, we find Stew's rotting corpse in a ditch! Then, you show up at my doorstep, covered in blood! And now, after being missing for who knows how long, you turn up here!" She shouted, jabbing him in the chest after every sentence. "I've been worried sick about you Snicket, and you have the gall to ask me what the news is?!" The last word of her tirade is a sob, and she sinks back into the booth's chair, tears running down her face. Snicket, not saying a word in reply, leaves his side of the booth, entering Moxie's side, and sitting beside her. She frowned at him through her tears. "And to top it all off," She said with a sniff. "Ellington told me you were a vampire, and that she thinks it was you who killed Stew. Either way, you have a lot to tell me, Snicket." She muttered, wiping her face on her sleeve. Snicket watched, out of the corner of his eye, as Jake and Cleo herded the others out of the restaurant, leaving him and Moxie inside alone. Moxie leaned against Snicket, glaring at him with watery gray eyes. "I'm terribly sorry," Snicket said after being for a while. "About everything that's happened. I'll you what's been going on." Moxie sniffed again, resting her hands on the typewriter, beginning to type as Snicket told her of the events that had occurred over the past few weeks.