Snicket wandered the town of Stain'd-by-the-Sea. It was night, the moon covered by a thick blanket of stars. He needed something to do, something to get his mind off of the gnawing hunger he felt. He thought of Moxie Mallahan, who was probably typing up some kind of report. "Maybe I could go over there...We could make that pasta again..." Snicket thought, struggling to remember what it was called. "HEY, LEMONADE!!" A taunting voice called out. Snicket turned around to see Stew Mitchum, leaning against one of the many abandoned buildings. His stomach growled. "Not good, not good..." Snicket thought, panicking, as his thoughts took a dark path. He frowned. "Stew...please," Snicket took a step back, his hearing suddenly acute. He could hear Stew's heart beating. Stew took a step forward, a smirk on his face. "What's the matter, Snicket?" He taunted, failing to notice Snicket's eyes turn red. "Are you scared?" Snicket shook his head, feeling the teeth in his mouth sharpen. "Quite the opposite Stew," He growled, lunging at Stew, grabbing his neck. "You should be very afraid of me," Snicket said quietly. He opened his mouth, revealing large, sharp teeth. Snicket bit down on Stew's neck, tearing a gaping hole. He dropped Stew, who clutched at the gaping hole in his neck, which was bleeding profusely. Snicket snarled, leaping on the boy, and tearing Stew to shreds.
Moxie yawned, stretching as she sat at her desk. She looked at the report she had typed up. "Looks great!" There was an urgent banging at the door. She went to answer it, opening the door. "Oh, he-" She screamed. It was Snicket, his clothes were covered in blood, and his eyes burned red under the hat he often wore. He smelled like a rotten corpse and his mouth was covered in dried blood. "S-Snicket..." Moxie stammered, stepping back as Snicket staggered inside. She caught a glimpse of his hands. They were clawed, and dripping blood on the floor. "I'm sorry Moxie..." He said quietly, not meeting her gaze. "I couldn't help myself...I was so..." Snicket paused as he caught a glance of his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a crazed animal, which was exactly how he felt. "Hungry." Snicket swayed, as the bloodlust from earlier slowly changed into blood-drunkenness. "Whoa, Snicket!" Moxie rushed to catch him before he fell. "There we go..." She lowered Snicket to the ground slowly. "Uhm...Uhm..." Moxie frowned and then snapped. "I got it! I'll make you a bath!" She exclaimed, picking Snicket up easily. "Mom used to make baths for me when I was little..." She explained wistfully, carrying Snicket upstairs to the bathroom. "Did your mom used to make your baths, when you were little, Snicket?" She asked, setting Snicket down on the floor of the bathroom. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of his clothes. "Geez Snicket," Moxie frowned, as she began unbuttoning his jacket. "You smell like you rolled around in roadkill." She tossed the jacket out of the bathroom.
"There. Doesn't that feel better?" Moxie asked as she scrubbed the blood off of his face. Snicket was wearing one of her father's t-shirts. "Alright. Done." She smiled at Snicket. "Once I scrubbed all the blood off of his face, he looks kinda..." Moxie blinked. "Pale and sleepy-looking." Moxie picked him up, and carried him to her bedroom.