Snicket stepped into the Black Cat Cafe, hoping that the person he wanted to see would be there. The stranger sitting at the table turned to look at him. She smiled, revealing large fangs. "Hello, Snicket," She said, as Snicket sat beside her. "How have you been doing?" Snicket frowned. "Countess, I haven't been doing all that well." He slumped in the chair. The Countess gave him a quizzical look. "How so, Snicket?" He grimaced. "I...killed someone...And nearly killed someone else." The Countess smiled. "Snicket," She put a hand on his shoulder. "It is normal for a Fledging Vampire to kill a person or two. " She murmured. Snicket shook his head. "I'm worried about someone close to me, worried that I might hurt her." The Countess blinked. "Her? Oh, I know who you're talking about," She smirked. "The girl with the typewriter?" Snicket nodded.
Moxie sat in her room, furiously typing on her typewriter, thinking about Snicket. She was so immersed in her thoughts, she didn't hear Snicket walking behind her. A hand on her shoulder caused her to jump. "Relax Moxie. It's me." Snicket said, and Moxie sighed, relieved. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Snicket shrugged.
Later that night, Moxie stood outside of the Black Cat Cafe, her ear to the door, listening. She heard two voices, Snicket, and a woman. "I know it's hard to quell your bloodlust, but it'll get better." The woman said, and Snicket sighed in reply. "I hope so... I'd never forgive myself if I hurt Moxie..." Moxie gasped soundlessly. "He cares about me..."