Redy and I were then tasked to clean the guest rooms. I took care of the ones on the right.
The rooms were big, like half a standard basketball court. Each of them were decorated differently, like the guests have been visiting here a lot.
The first one to the right was plain white. It had a lot of flowers, and a gold bed that stood out from the rest of the furniture. It was clean and well kept, so I went to the other room.
The next one was more like a hunter’s room, green, brown, and silver all over. Next to the doorway was a silver bow and a quiver of arrows displayed there.
The silvery room was messy, linen and clothing everywhere. I started picking things up and arranging them, and decided to sit on the bed to rest.
”It’s no big deal. I’ll take a quick nap and arrange it quickly.” I said.
It was 12:14 am, and boy was I wrong.
I woke up the next day, just realising it was the next day just a few minutes after.
I finished up cleaning the room and ran downstairs. Like I expected, no one was there.
A tasty scent of bacon filled my nostrils and my stomach growled for food.
I looked to the dining hall door and approached it. I heard spoons and forks, people speaking, and I smelled bacon.
The door was slightly open, just enough for me to hear. But curiosity struck me. I tried to open the door just a little bit more when a loud creak disrupted the noise.
There was silence. I could see people sitting on the chairs. They were eating bacon and eggs, like I smelled, and they were all staring at the door.
Someone pulled the door open.
”Alice! What are you doing here!” The person said.
It was Chessy, standing there. The door was wide open, and I could count that there were ten people there, and two seats were vacant.
”I am asking you, Alice, why are you still here?” She asked again.
”Sorry, Madam, but I fell asleep. You see, I was really tired and-“
”Enough with your excuses! Can’t you see we are hosting breakfast for our guests? Chessy, stope being so ignorant!” Nona, who was now behind Chessy, said.
A buff man in a tuxedo approached the three of us, smiling. He had white hair and a well trimmed beard.
His eyes were blue, like the sky. It held many secrets, like he was hiding his many affairs from his wife.
”Lachertes, Nona, the girl is already here. Why not give her some food? I mean, you made her clean up this whole mansion. And plus, its a good time to tell her about it.” He said.
”But my lord-“ Nona said.
My lord? I kept thinking he was part of some royal family. I mean, the guy’s wearing a tuxedo.
”He’s right, Chessy, now sit next to me dearie. Or next to him. But its better to sit next to me.” A woman said. She had blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail, had blue eyes just like the man in the tuxedo, and wore a red crop top with the words, “Love Struck”, and ripped jeans.
She pat her hand on the seat next to her, and I obeyed. I sat there, and waited.
”Dear, do you know who we are? I mean, the ten of us here? There’s no bother in knowing the other two. They are such a fuss.” She said.
I nodded my head.
I didn’t know them, and I kind of wished I did. It was rude, but it was the truth.
”Do you want to know who we are?”
“I guess so.” I replied.
She smiled at me and laughed.
”Are you going to eat dear?”
I looked at my plate and there was nothing there.
”Oh dear. Thats a problem.” She said.
She snapped her fingers. Nothing happened.
”Why isn’t it-“
The food on the table began to vanish. The people looked at the woman beside me in dismay.
”What did you do babe?” A guy said. He was in next to her, wearing black and red.
”I didn’t do anything!” She responded.
The whole room went black. I heard footsteps heading toward me in an aggravated manner.
A hand grabbed my elbow and led me out the dining hall. The whole mansion was dark.
”I suggest you get out of here now, child. That power of yours is dangerous, even to the gods. Go back to your friends. Tell no one.” A voice whispered in my ear.
I was thrown out the mansion.
People were looking at me.
My cheeks reddened from the embarrassment.
”Alice Cirillo! We’ve been loking everywhere! What were you thinking?!” A familiar voice screamed.