Frida, Eli, and I cleaned the room for the rest of the day, while Redy sat in her room playing her PS4.
We finished right on time, just an hour before dinner.
“Alright Eli, Alice. We’re done for now. I suggest you go to the ampitheater and save us a seat, Alice. Eli and I will finish up.”
I agreed, but it sounded like they were pushing me away. I didn’t care though, because I was already used to such attitude.
As I left, before I closed the door, I heard one of them say something to the other.
”I wonder who hers is.”
I wanted to go back in and ask, but I just shrugged it off.
The ampitheater was big, like a mini-version of the Coliseum in Rome. It was made of light brown stone, with seats reaching up 15 steps. In the middle were staff dressed in white, bringing in large plates of food.
There were already about a hundred students there, probably asked to save their seats.
I sat on the first row closest to the entrance, and placed my jacket on the seats next to me so that no one would sit on it.
“Alice! You’re here early. Let me guess, they asked you to reserve right?” A voice said.
I looked to the entrance side and saw Chessy with two other girls who are probably the same age as her.
The three of them side by side and they look alike. I think they’re sisters, maybe triplets, but who am I to judge?
”Yes ma’am.” I said.
”I knew it. Anyway, if they arrive, tell them to clean the mansion later, because guests will arrive tomorrow. If they ever say no, tell them I’ll pay them.”
”Don’t you have any maids?”
”Well yes, but I’d let them rest. The mansion is quite large, and a few maids won’t be able to handle it. The entirety of the girls’ dorm will help clean.”
Chessy smiled at me and beckoned the two women behind her to follow her as the went toward the middle.
I checked my watch, and it read 7:48. Twelve more minutes. As time passes by, more students pour into the ampitheater and finally, it was 8:00.
Redy sat next to me, Eli after, and Frida sat at the end of the row. She was first to head to the center and grab some food, and I went right after her.
”Sit back there, Alice. I’ll grab a shitload of food and you can just feast there.” She said.
”I’ll help. After all, it’ll be a plus one on the amount of good you’ll get.” I said.
She looked back to the person in front of her and I guess that was a sign of agreement. I stood behind her.
I finished dinner at ten, and all the girls start to head to the entrance, leaving all the boys.
I guessed it was cleaning time, so I followed Redy since Eli and Frida were already gone.
“You’re Redy, right?” I asked, though I already knew she was Redy.
”Yeah, what do you want?” She replied.
”Oh nothing. We’re going to clean the mansion right?”
”Yes, but stop adding right at the end of your questions, its annoying.” She said as she started walking faster.
I followed the rest of the girls on the line and after maybe a kilometer of walking, it was 10:56 and the mansion stood before me.