The Keyblade
Y/n: begins to look around, "w-where am I?"
Voice: "so much to do, so little time..... take your time, don't be afraid. The door is still shut."
Y/n: "huh? I'm not afraid, and who said that? Show yourself!"
Voice: "now, move about. Can you do it?"
Y/n: "what kind of stupid question is that? Of course i ca-" he takes a single stop but wobbles a bit, "woah. The hell. The air and gravity in this place seems...... off."
* A/n: "yeah, my excuse for how it seems Sora floats a bit sometimes, like he's light as a feather. Is that an ability of the Keyblade or is it a game mechanic?"
Voice: "power sleeps within you-
if you give it form-
it will give you strength-
now take it and accept its gift to you."
Y/n: "huh? What are you talking about? Huh?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAvbmQTeEG0a
In front of the boy, appeared a strange key shaped sword with a strange handle guard and a chain at the bottom.
* yep, you're getting the basic one......... for now.
74Please respect copyright.PENANA7YO79HslW1
Y/n: "what a strange looking sword. It doesn't look like it can cut a damn thing, but whatever. It's all a dream..... right?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAuw6CJSRjCC
He then slowly reaches out to the sword and grabs hold of it. As soon as he grabbed it, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins as he gets coated in light, but it soon fades, as if his body was absorbing it.
74Please respect copyright.PENANA5KMSRqutYC
Y/n: "woah, this feels........ amazing. Like I can do anything. I've never felt this before, but why does it feel...... right?"
Voice: "this mighty weapon has chosen you, to be its wielder. Now protect others and yourself, use it to defeat the darkness. There will be times when you have to fight. You must keep your light burning bright and strong."
Y/n: "ok, mysterious voice in the sky. You better start making some god damn sense, otherwise...... huh?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAu1VZojqJiI
Suddenly, multiple small dark creatures with glowing yellow eyes came out from the ground.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAoB93yo46mm
74Please respect copyright.PENANAEwBvmDFTIN
Y/n: "wait, these creatures. I've seen them before..... in my dreams." they then take notice of him, "oh shit.... well. I don't know if this blade can cut without an edge, but it'll do as a blunt weapon to beat your ass with. BRING IT ON!!"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAMP2TuuhicB
Right as the boy yelled this, one of the creatures lunges at him from behind. Seeing this, he slashes it with his sword, in a rotating like fashion, cutting it clean in half. As the 2 halves fall to the ground, they fade away.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAn6rhX2iUNt
Y/n: looks at the Keyblade with amazement, "woah, I guess you can cut things, but how, you don't have an edge.......... it's probably best to stop questioning it and roll with it."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAD6TxHojPao
Then one of them lunged at him, but this time, from the front. Seeing this he jumps into the air and in one swift motion, spins around and lunges the tip of the blade right into the gut of the creature. He did it with enough force to slice right through it and hit the ground. While balancing himself with the blade, he notices multiple of these creatures jump at him. Seeing this, he slowly bends his arm and pushes himself off the ground, using it like a makeshift pole or pogo stick. The creatures had no time to stop themselves, resulting in them slamming right into each other.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAkBLQB1VmYf
Y/n: "heh, numbers doesn't guarantee a win. Especially if all those heads are empty or, as some like to say, 15 times 0 is still 0."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAxRB9U78MMh
As he begins to get closer and closer towards the ground and the pile of creatures. He rotates at extreme speeds, then he extends out his arm to cute the pile of creatures into shreds.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAC5djAvXFoA
Y/n: lands and then looks at his new blade, "woah. I feel so free. This blade.... it's almost like it weights nothing. I feel almost no resistance when swinging it but, at the same time, it feels so balanced. It's amazing."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAHdOdtZaGu8
The boy then notices more of these things show up, causing him to just smile.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAvwr2WKaYBC
Y/n: "more, huh, good. I'm just getting started. Let's see how well I can adapt this new sword to my own fighting style."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAStOCGlMCf0
He then grabs his short blade from his back. He then places it close to his while pointing it in the opposite direction and the key shaped blade in a reverse grip. He then slowly crouches down, soon, his short blade becomes enveloped in a white aura, the same as before and like before, it vanishes.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAGwa3OgfPXh
* Art credit = https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1349408
He then rushes at the group of creatures and sliced in all directions in one swift motion, destroying multiple at once.
Y/n: begins to slowly straighten up, appearing to be a little out of breath, "alright, who's next?/man I'm doing too many fancy moves at once. Plus, the air here is thinner than what I'm used to. It's making it harder to catch my breath."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAiJ6HWAb2GE
The creatures then looked at each other and vanish into the ground, leaving the boy very confused.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAgTNGvCfMXb
Y/n: "did those cowards just run away. Tch, right when I was getting used to this sword........ huh?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAI98R0zJJcs
As the boy turned around, he notices how a door appeared out of thin air and in the middle of the room. Even tho he was confused, he ultimately decided to approach it.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAzTzSARYXLZ
Y/n: "a door?" he then walks up to it and tries to open it, but it doesn't budge. "Huh? I can't open it. It's like something is keeping it closed."
Voice: "hold on, the door won't open just yet. First, tell me about yourself."
Y/n: rolls his eyes, "for fuck's sake!"
Voice: "language."
Y/n: "bite me!/wait now it says it, i've already cussed?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANALqpq3j8gxa
Suddenly three darkened individuals showed up. A girl, a boy and a man, they appeared in a similar fashion to those creatures from before. However, he doesn't recognize any of them.
* A/n: no, it's not the same 3 from the first game, just three random people. Picture who you want them to be.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAkraewCUTBw
???girl: "what's most important to you?"
Y/n: "huh? mmmm. Adora and Catra. They are the 2 I care about most in this world."
???girl: "are those 2 such a big deal?"
Y/n: "alight, I don't know who you are or if this is a dream, but don't make me kick your a-"
???man: "what do you want most outta life?"
Y/n: "tch, whatever. To become strong. So strong that I can protect those I care about and-"
???man: "to protect those around you, huh?"
Y/n: "why do I feel like I'm being judged right now? And let me finish my sentence, assh-"
???boy: "what are you most afraid of?"
Y/n: "alright, now you assholes are doing it on purpose, but nothing."
Voice: "liar."
Y/n: he then froze in place, not expecting that, "damn........" lets out a sigh, "Losing those I care about, losing Adora and Catra." he then looks down, almost shaking, and clinches his fists, "and..... being alone, again."
???boy: "is being alone really that scary?"
Y/n: "yes.... to feel alone, wandering endlessly, without a purpose, a reason to live. To know no one cares about you nor caring about anyone. It's a horrible feeling, knowing nothing matters, you don't matter. To think every day, that this is the day, the day I take that final leap and end my suffering. I never want to experience that ever again. No, I REFUSE to let it happen. So I'll get stronger, so strong that I can defeat anyone, no matter who or what they are, I'll keep those 2 close and never let anything bad happen to them. I won't ever be alone again. I won't be abandoned again. Even if that means I have to go to the extremes to protect them."
Voice: "such a troubled mind, for one so young. However, your adventure begins at night. Your path won't be easy. It will be filled with many hardships and sorrows, but as long as you keep the rising sun in sight, you'll pull through in the end."
Y/n: "wow, that was....... something, but it weirdly fills me with hope and the drive to get stronger."
Voice: "the day to open the door is both far off and very near."
Y/n: "the door, what door? Wait, that door?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANA1LvgCrCvZC
The boy turns to the door and walks up to it. As he's about to open it, a large shadow is cast over him. He slowly turns around and his eyes widen at what he sees before him.
74Please respect copyright.PENANABj1DuOHLe1
74Please respect copyright.PENANAfNtp5MPQT6
Y/n: "HOLY FUCK, THAT FUCKERS BIG!! That's what she...... nevermind."
Voice: "the closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes-
but don't be afraid-
and don't forget-"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAGcbPMYpDnW
[Stop Music]
74Please respect copyright.PENANADKPbk4xkCU
It then cocks back its large fist, as energy begins to surround it.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAC9uvwTb2WZ
Y/n: "oh shit!"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAvec2nJ2RJI
It then goes to punch the boy, but he barely doges it by rolling on the ground.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAWRwfYCFCTn
Y/n: "damn, for its size, it's pretty fast. But you know what they say? The bigger they are, the harder they-" it then goes for a punch again but this time it lands, causing him to slide acrossed the ground, causing him to grunt in pain, "arghh, hit. Fuck that hurt."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAX9J7kogYLy
The boy slowly gets up and looks at his giant foe. He then gets into his new battle stance.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAoeEjWg0MAT
Y/n: "alright, big guy, let's dance."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAINs1kI3rqk
It then goes for another energy infused punch, but Y/n dodges it again. However, this time, he runs up the arm of the creature and slashes at its face, causing it extreme pain, but the sudden jolt causes Y/n to lose his footing and fall off, lucking he's used to this and easily lades on his feet. Not give the monster a chance, he embeds the Keyblade into the ground and pulls out a knife and some wire. He then threw it at the creature's legs, wrapping it around them. He then pulls on it hard enough to tighten it. When the beast tries to walk, it trips over the wire, causing it to fall and fall it did..... hard. Y/n, not wasting any time, runs up to the beast's neck and unleashes a fury of slashes. However, it only does minor damage. It was able to regain its self and stand up, causing the boy to fall to the ground. He then looks at the boy.
74Please respect copyright.PENANANoX9yoNQmT
Y/n: "damn. This will be harder than I thought."
74Please respect copyright.PENANA5qJ8vCvwER
It then gets on its knees and crosses its arms, but then opens them up, revealing an orb forming at the center of its heart shaped hole. From this orb, more orbs shoot out and target the boy.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAfoRiwnvswy
Y/n: "oh fuck./wait, if this thing can cut somehow..... I wander."
74Please respect copyright.PENANA66NYXEw1jO
He then puts his short blade back into its sheath and gets into the basic sword stance by straightening up, placing both hands on the Keyblade and faces it forward, with his arms more lower down. He closes his eyes and takes a second to breathe in, then breathe out. Time seems to slow down around him as each orb slowly approaches him, then, as they get close enough, he starts to swing his sword in different directions, cutting each orb in half. Each continues to fly behind him, until they land on the ground and explode. With the light of the explosions illuminates his back, casting a shadow on his front, he cockily smiles.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAtDP5TaGNCG
Y/n: "ok, that was badass." he then straightens up, letting his sword rest beside him, "ok, time to stop playing around and finish this."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAb91J9EOere
The boy runs towards the creature, with his short blade drawn, and begins to slash at its legs, until it falls to its knees. The boy the runs up the creature's back, embedded multiple knives into its back and throwing them to the ground, each with a wire attached. When he reaches its head, he jumps into the air and does the same thing, but this time to his legs, arms and torso. Completely immobilizing the beast. Not wanting to even give it a minute to try and escape. He runs up to it gain, slashing at its hands, until he runs up its arms and unleashes a fury of slashes onto its neck and head, until it goes limp. Confusing the boy, until it fades away.
74Please respect copyright.PENANATBCJnndTTu
[Stop Music]
74Please respect copyright.PENANANTyyanhemM
Voice: "-but don't be afraid-
You hold the mightiest weapon of all-
so don't forget-
You are the one who will open the door."
Y/n: embeds the Keyblade into the ground, struggling to catch his breath, "some help..... you were...... huh?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAVgmEmfpQdZ
New Enemy
74Please respect copyright.PENANApEcxq1hGAG
The boy begins to look around, noticing the voice is now gone. Even tho it was just a voice, it felt like there was someone watching him, but now that's gone. Not only that, the air feels like it shifted from calming, to dread. He places his hands on his knees and crouches over in an attempt to catch his breath. However, he then heard someone clapping and the sound of footsteps approaching him. When he looked, he saw a man wearing a large cloak, with long sleeves and a hood covering his head, obscuring his face.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAUe3nu6R5ap
Cloaked figure: "impressive........... is what I would say, if I was actually impressed."
Y/n: still struggling to catch his breath but still flips him off, "kiss...... my...... ass."
Cloaked figure: "hmhmhmm, hard to take you seriously when your struggling to breath. But I must say, watching you fight and how you handled that..... filth, you were......... very disappointing."
Y/n: "come again?"
Cloaked figure: "I've seen many wielders in the past, many who have wielded a blade like yours but your by far, the most disappointing and oh so underwhelming. You have good foot work, I'll give you that, but everything else is..... a let down. I honestly don't see what those 2 see in you."
Y/n: "those 2?" but then his eyes widen, then turning into one of anger, "bastard! What did you do to Adora and Catra?!"
Cloaked figure: "oh, struck a nerve did I but don't worry about your little girlfriends. I haven't done anything........... yet. hmhmhmhmhahahahahaaa."
Y/n: he then grits his teeth, "they're not my girlfriends and if you even think about-"
Cloaked figure: he then suddenly appears, behind the boy, "but you do have feelings for those 2. As motivation, maybe I should-"
Y/n: "I may not understand how this blade works, but I swear to what ever god you believe in, if you hurt them, then I'LL KILL YOU!!"
Cloaked figure: "hahahahahaa, ohhhh. I'm so scared and how will you do that, with this cute little toy?" he then grabs the Keyblade and shatters it, shocking the boy, "Keyblade's are powerful weapons meant for great things. It gives its wielder amazing and beyond imagination like abilities, but your will is too weak to wield it properly. Your mind can't even picture it right. Look how easily it shattered."
Y/n: "Bastard, I'll!-"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAkiLfEHlvOB
The boy tries to go for a punch, directly into the face, but the man grabs the boy by the throat. This somehow locks up his body, almost as if he froze him in place.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAWrJIXhkTk9
Y/n: "I......... I can't.............. move."
Cloaked figure: "like I said, you impudent little child. Your will is too weak. Look at what little strength it took for me to freeze you in your place. You're nothing like the current or previous wielders. You're just a scared, pathetic little boy playing solder. There's nothing remarkable about you, nothing noteworthy. Your will is far too weak, you don't even have the guts to confess to those 2, let alone wield a Keyblade to its fullest capabilities. So what in this forsake universe believes you, of all people, are worthy of the Keyblade? Not to mention how easy it was for you to threaten my life and even to go for it. You're a coward with a weak will, a weak mind and a weak heart."
Y/n: "tchrrrrrrrrrr.......bastaaaaaard."
Cloaked figure: "we'll meet again, little boy, and when we do. You better hope and pray you're strong enough to even slightly impress me.... otherwise." he then leans in and whispers into his ear, "I'll kill all those you hold dear, starting with the spunky blonde and the moody cat girl. hmhmhmhmhahahahahaaa."
Y/n: "you........... won't......... lay......... A FINGER ON THEM!!!!!!!!"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAmedLH3EBD6
With enough anger, the boy was able to break free from the man's grasp, surprising him. Y/n then goes for another punch to the man's face. However, the man easily doges it and delivers a strong punch to the boy's gut.
The boy coughs off blood and saliva, gasping for air. He then holds his gut and falls to his knees, struggling to catch his breath after such a powerful blow.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAW7bEjMHafS
Cloaked figure: "ohhhhh, maybe you won't be a total disappointment......... only by a little. See you later, boi."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAFDCYsB9Ldy
Back to Reality
74Please respect copyright.PENANAEdJKf6Ry2g
As the man begins to fade, Y/n tries to look at him, struggling to even stand up, but as the man fades, the boy hears someone call out his name.
74Please respect copyright.PENANADrIIqkhPsK
???: "y........../n............y/.........n.............y/n...............y/n!"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAPeYmkppisx
The boys finally begins to wake up. As his vision begins to follow suit, he notices the sky and trees, realizing he must be laying on the ground. When he looked, he also notices Adora and Catra leaning over him with worried look on their faces and tears slowly flowing from the sides of their eyes. When they noticed he was finally awake, they became overjoyed and hugged him.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAGG6WL2hAzC
Catra: tightens her grip, "we were so worried about you."
Adora: buries her head into his shoulder, "we thought..... we thought you."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAhF1dnPqWJP
The boy was surprised by this, but ultimately returns the hug, to reassure them. This causes the 2 to blush a little, but lean their heads against his.
74Please respect copyright.PENANARoz6ZUvMVT
Y/n: "see, I'm ok. I'm not going anywhere. I have a promise to keep, remember?"
74Please respect copyright.PENANAuMalZFb9VK
The 2 realized what was happening, stopped hugging him with bright blushes on their faces, causing him to chuckle at them. However, the pair notice something. Something about his expression, something...... not right.
74Please respect copyright.PENANA2H8CSeZmBX
Adora: "hey Y/n. Is everything alright?"
Catra: "yeah. Is something bothering you? You can always tell us."
Y/n: "n-no, it's nothing. It's just the pain from that fall, that's all."
Catra: grabs his face, "don't lie to use. We've known each other since we were kids. So I'll ask again, what's wrong?"
Adora: "she's right. If something is troubling you, you can tell us."
Y/n: "hehe. Looks like I can't hide anything from you 2, can I?"
Adora & Catra: "nope!"
Y/n: lets out a defeated sigh, "do you 2 remember those weird dreams I've been having lately?"
Adora: "you mean the ones with the weird key shaped blade?-"
Catra: "and those weird dark creatures?"
Y/n: "yeah. I had it again but this time, it was........ different, really different. It felt so real. Then there was this......" he then looks down.
Adora: looks at him with concern, "Y/n?"
Catra: also looks at him with concern, "what is it?"
Y/n: he then looks at the pair, "I promise, no matter what. I'll always protect you, 2. Don't forget that."
Adora: blushes, "w-w-where did that come from?"
Catra: also blushes, "y-yeah. Besides, we're both kick as women who can defend ourselves."
Adora: "yeah, so you don't have anything to worry about."
Y/n: he looks down again, "yeah, I hope so...../'we'll meet again, little boy, and when we do. You better hope and pray you're strong enough to even slightly impress me.... otherwise." he then leans in and whispers into his ear, "I'll kill all those you hold dear, starting with the spunky blonde and the moody cat girl. hmhmhmhmhahahahahaaa.' I won't let that happen, never. I'll protect them." he then grips his pants, "no matter what, and that's a promise."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAgk8MqQnNtm
[Small Timeskip]
74Please respect copyright.PENANAL8i3StHgdX
We now see the 3 getting the skiff back in working order but, as they were, Y/n notices something up with Adora's neck.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAlxtE2CJkox
Y/n: "Adora. What happened to your neck?"
Adora: "huh? Oh, this? When we noticed you got hit, I was distracted and got hit too and fell off. I saw a...... what I mean is when I awoke...."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAdJ7cD31t7b
74Please respect copyright.PENANAyWTECJpzsy
We now see as Adora is laying on the ground, unconscious, but then Catra rushes over to her and begins to shake her.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAbECDqBGfkV
Catra: "Adora...... Adora........ Adora!"
Adora: "C-Catra? W-what happened? arghh, m-my head and neck."
Catra: "you fell off the skiff when you drive it into a tree."
Adora: "nooo, that was you."
Catra: shrugs her shoulders, "up for debate but come on, we gotta find...... Adora?"
Adora: "where is it?"
Catra: "where's what?"
Adora: "there...... I swear there was a sword, right there. I tried to touch it, but there was this bright light."
Catra: "are you brain-damaged? Please don't be brain-damaged."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAndtbfhvFfC
Catra then grabs Adora's head and begins to examine her. Looking for any kind of serious wound on her head.
74Please respect copyright.PENANA5a19kxnzIp
Catra: "ohhhhh, Shadow Weaver's gonna kill me."
Adora: pulls her off, "I'm not brain-damaged. It was there, I saw it, I swear."
Catra: "well, it's not there now, if it ever was. So come on, let's go. We gotta go find Y/n"
Adora: "oh shit, Y/n! He was hit pretty hard."
Catra: "I know, that why we need to hurry, no telling what happened to him or what kind of injuries he might have."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAA1hb8wcVm5
We now see as the pair begin looking around for the boy in question, but they couldn't find much. They slowly begin to panic as they go deeper into the woods, but then Adora finally spotted the boy. She calls out Catra's name and the pair rushed towards him. When they reached him they noticed he was out cold, and it looked like his body was reacting to something, like he was almost getting attacked, which only made their concern for the boy that much worse. This is, until, he finally woke up not long after finding him.
74Please respect copyright.PENANAxRqUclNWRC
[End of Flashback]
74Please respect copyright.PENANANmkRvj5SSX
Adora: "and that's pretty much what happened./except for my vision, but they think I'm crazy enough."
Y/n: "so you saw a sword...... in the ground...... covered in vines ......... that's no longer there?"
Adora: puts her hands on her hips, "oh don't you start and besides, you see demons in your sleep, with a blade shaped like a key that can somehow cut them. So I don't even want to hear it from you, mister."
Y/n: he goes to say something but then stops, because she has a point, "touché."
Catra: "ok, now that this is all settled, can we go now? Before we get into some serious trouble."
74Please respect copyright.PENANAw6KqGv7fir
The 3 had finally finished setting up the skiff. Catra then takes the stick and drives it back to the Fright Zone. Adora then looks back towards the forest, while Y/n looks at his hands, remembering his 'dream' before clenching them into fists. As they head towards the Fright Zone, fully unaware that soon their paths are about to cross with a certain pair that will not only change their view on their so called 'family' but their destinies as well.
74Please respect copyright.PENANApzhIVqetSq
A/n: welp, that's it, everyone. Hope you enjoyed it, feel free to tell me what you think (keep forgetting to add that). Originally this chapter was a lot longer than this, around 8000, so I had to split it up cause that felt a little too long, plus I used up the image limit. And yeah, that's all I can think of, man I am getting lazy. Why is it I can come up with entire stories but struggle with these personal messages? Oh, well. Anyways I hope you enjoyed i and yeah, I'll see you, in the next chapter.
74Please respect copyright.PENANA2YybI4MH2h
74Please respect copyright.PENANAfptxfBnla5