Damon grinned with ashylnn’s back to the wall as their lips were locked together. The softball coach yelling for the next player to come up to bat as ashylnn pulled away from Damon’s suffocating kiss “Damon I have to go bat..the teams relying on me...” she whined.
Damon frowned “fineee” he said backing up and setting her free, she smiled kissed his cheek and ran off to the softball feild pulling her helmet on as she ran.
“Oh good! Ashylnn you go ahead and bat!” The coach yelled, ashylnn nodded grabbing the bat and running up to home base.
Damon was already by the fence watching as she looked at the pitcher who crouched slightly and chucked the ball towards her, in a flash the bat connected with the ball and then it was over the fence in a home run.
She grinned before dropping the bat and sprinting around the bases, Damon grinned and whistled loudly as she slid into home base the dirt blowing up in a billow of dust making some people cough.
Ashlynn stood dusting off her pants and grabbed her bat twirling it in her hands as she walked to the dugout meeting Damon halfway “good job”
She smiled “thanks”
Damon grinned pushing ashylnn on the bed and tickling me furiously, Ashylnn burst out laughing the door of her bedroom still open as Gabe returned home from his martial arts practice.
“S-s-stooop” ashylnn whined in between bursts of laughter, Damon chuckled as Gabe stopped outside the door watching a frown on his face.
Damon grinned and let her go before pulling her into a kiss “jerk.” Ashylnn said, Damon smirked “I know” he replied just as Gabe cleared his throat “if you guys are gonna do that can you do it with the door closed at least” he complained.
Ashylnn stuck her tongue out “no.” She said smirking and kissing Damon shocking him and Gabe gagged before going to his room.
Damon blushed and looked ashylnn in the eyes “what...was that...” ashylnn stared and then turned red “oh crap I’m sorry” she replied shocked by her own actions.
He chuckled and smirked pushing her down on the bed and pinning her like she was his prey.
She blushed as he bit her lip gently and sucked on it slightly causing her to let out a foreign sound she couldn’t recognize as a moan.
Damon stiffened and ashylnn covered her mouth with both hands pushing him away before getting up and going to the bathroom, Damon tried to chase her down only to get the door slammed in his face.
Gabe groaned “once again could you guys st- what happened?” He asked, Damon sighed “nothing...” he said before knocking on the door Gabe looking at him skeptically.
Ashylnn looked at her reflection in the mirror and stared.
What was that noise she let out just now and why. Her head was running at 100 mph as her face went from the normal pale skin she had to blushing pink.
Why did him doing that trigger that noise, why?
Her breathe caught and she sighed before opening the door “hey you okay?” Damon asked.
“I-Im fine...” she blushed biting her lip shyly, he scratched the back of his neck nervously as Gabe raised an eyebrow and returned to his room this time shutting the door “that noise...are you still...” he stopped before ashylnn nodded.
He sighed in relief and she raised an eyebrow “how are you able to do that.” He asked trying to change the subject. Ashylnn giggles “what? This?” She asked raising her eyebrow again, “yeah! That!” He said laughing trying to raise his eyebrow but only wiggling them in a flirty way.
She laughed and punched his shoulder “you weirdo” “ow” Damon whined fakely. Ashylnn laughed and went to her room before he shut the door and pulled her against him in a passionate kiss.
After a couple of minutes Damon pulled away from her.
“hey ashlynn...I love you...”