(Enjoy reading the new update :) But please fasten your seatbelt, ready your heart. I suggest prepare a whole box of tissue *wink )
"Are you already sleepy?" Kinn asked me, walking his way out from the bathroom, and took a fresh pair of pants to wear.
"You bet. Damn! My back is killing me."
It's been four days since my birthday and this bastard was back to his old self. Slaving me out to fetch his documents and even made me his message boy. I am not complaining because that's partly my job but every time this bastard got a chance, he unashamedly couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"Were you exhausted? Am I being too hard on you?"
Kinn said, then immediately threw himself on the bed and crawled up on me. His hand reached out to hold my waist and hugged me loosely.
"Bastard! You're heavy!" I protested.
"Then I'll give you a massage." Kinn cheerfully said, before having his way on my hip. I then lifted my foot
and nudged his side lightly.
"Don't push your luck, bastard!"
I snapped. But to be honest it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm way used to his touch, but it still pisses me off whenever he's being too opportunistic.
"Come on now Porsche. I just wanna make it up to you. I've been working you out for days now, and you even wake up early after our rough night so- Ow!"
I slapped him with all might without even letting him finish the sentence.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" I brawled, and immediately pulled the covers up on me.
"Go buy someone to talk to you, you horndog!"
This slick bastard! You really are untamable! I really wonder where the fuck is he getting all that strength? It's like I'm being pounded by a jack hammer every time we make out, and it always drains the shit out of me.
"You want me to talk dirty with someone else? Hmm, let's see if I still have contacts of my- hmff!" Kinn muffled, after I threw a bolster against his face in full force and slumped his face hard on the bed.
"Then do it you bastard! Let's see if you'll still be able to flaunt that handsome face of yours after this!"
I grabbed his nape and pressed his face over the bolster. The lunatic only laughed at what I did, before taking his luck and grabbing my wrist. He pulled me closer to his face.
"That's cute, Porsche." Kinn said, slithering his hands over my waist and drawing me into a tight embrace.
"Who the fuck are you calling cute?! You psycho!" I cursed, trying my best to get away from his embrace. Kinn then leaned down and rained tiny kisses all over my face.
"Hey! W-What are you doing-Kinn!?" I turned away from him, while trying to push his chest away from me.
"You know, you're irresistible when you're jealous. We should do this often." Kinn said before placing a light kiss on my lips.
"Oh, no you bastard!"
Not today. I'm already way exhausted and done with Kinn's play. Any more of this and it'll drive me fucking crazy.
"Alright. Let's go to sleep."
The bastard sighed and gave up. Maybe because he noticed my hard resolve. Kinn then scooted away to sleep on his pillow and laid his arm flat on the side, signaling me to use it as my own.
"Not a fucking chance you pervert!" I said and turned to my pillow instead.
"I'm not gonna do anything to you Porsche. And besides, I need to wake up early tomorrow for a meeting." Kinn said, giving a last tap on his side of the bed. I looked at him with distrust before slowly making my way towards his arm.
Kinn must be really tired today. He's been working continuously even after our examinations. Piles of documents kept on coming and I could hardly even
see anything on his table other than office contracts and inventory. He even went out meeting customers, and on some days his face was almost glued to the papers he needed to sign.
I was complaining about my back ache a while ago, but I know he had it rougher than me. It sometimes made me think, why does he have to do everything by himself? I know it's for the future of their family and company but, does he need to do it on his own? Was that always the role of the middle child? Isn't that supposed to be his older brother's obligation?
"Were you tired?" I moved closer to him and rested my head on his arm.
"Uhmm." Kinn mumbled.
"Why don't you let your brother do it? I mean look at him, chilling his ass out in his room while you were busy taking good care of something he clearly should be doing."
"It's alright. It's for our future anyway." Kinn muttered. Turning his gaze at me and rested his hands on my waist.
"So that means, you'll be your Dad's only heir?" I said, raising an eyebrow to the bastard whose eyes were close.
"Not just me silly. Pa has three sons, so it has to be parted equally."
"But you work harder than the others, was that even fair?" I frowned.
I don't know what the future might hold, but I don't want him working himself out for nothing. I may be dumb, but I know what's the meaning of being fair. Though I don't question his thinking, because after all, it's for his family. But I wanna help him at least.
"It's not about being fair. I did it because I can, and I wanted to. And besides, Kim is still young to handle the business." Kinn explained with his eyes half-closed.
"What do you mean young? We're at the same age. I still remember when we got stranded in the woods and they almost lost you, Kim has suddenly become the new hope of the family. So, give yourself a break and don't put too much pressure on yourself. Besides, you got me. I can handle any pressure as long as I'm with you." I said to Kinn and the bastard grinned back at me. I might have sounded a bit cheesy but it's true.
"Why're you being Gung Ho all of a sudden? Were you afraid that our family would go bankrupt?" Kinn said.
"Hey! I'm not expecting anything from you, and I don't even know how long we'll be together. I just don't wanna see you carrying this baggage alone." I deliberately said. I may be selfish on some other things, but I know how to help at least.
"You and I will be together forever. And it's good that you're already getting interested in our family business, because in the future-" Kinn reached out to me and, "I'll have you as my personal secretary." He then kissed the tip of my nose.
"Secretary my ass. I would rather be the assistant CEO. By the way, what's up with Kim and my brother? Do you have any clue what those bastards are up to?"
"I have no clue at all." Kinn said, immediately laying on his back to avoid my gaze.
"It must be hard for Kim. Being forced to be on the accepting end. I've been there too. And I'll make sure that my brother will take responsibility." I said to Kinn. I was annoyed when Non told us what Porsché did to Kim.
That little devil will definitely get it when I see him.
"Huh?" Kinn suddenly raised his head and gave me a puzzled look.
"What did you just say?"
What? You can't believe that your younger brother was the wife of my brother? Well, I can't blame you because if you saw those cheeky bastards together, you won't even know who's the attacker or receiver.
"What?" I repeated, and Kinn just stared at me with wide eyes.
"Nothing." Kinn said with a sigh.
"By the way, why is your name Porsche and your brother is Porsché? Wasn't that supposed to have the same meaning? Don't you get confused?"
"Why did you suddenly ask?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm just curious." Kinn said, resting his chin on my shoulders.
"Before, my parents owned a car dealing business. So, when I was born, they named me Porsche and my younger brother as Porsché. My father wanted us to be named the same because he loved us equally. He even got confused with us so he tweaked it up a bit." I laughed.
"But whether we're named Porsche or Porsché, Mom and Dad loved us both unconditionally." I added as I recalled my parent's faces. They were too kind, and whenever I think of the two of them, I always couldn't help but smile.
"That's cool."
"I know right! My Dad is awesome!" I commented in a hoarse voice then laughed.
"How about you? Why Anakin?" I added to brush off the hazy image building in my head.
"Take a guess." Kinn said with a sly face.
"Ah! Was it from the snake goddess Nakhipawa? That
explains it!" I said as I pointed a finger at the bastard's face.
"I'm not a snake, silly. I'm a dragon." Kinn cunningly said before grinding his crotch on my leg.
"Bastard!" I brawled, slapping Kinn's arm.
"I'm just stating facts." Kinn laughed.
"Yeah yeah, you horndog!" I added.
"Then what about Thankhun?"
"Thankhun, basically derived from Khop Khun. So his name means gratitude."
"Really? How ironic, because your brother seems unfilial." I blurted out in disbelief. Kinn then smiled broadly and gave me a flick on my forehead.
"What about Kim?"
"As for Kim? Kim Han, because he was born in the summer."
"Ohhh. Why do I feel that your Dad is biased? Your older brother's name meant gratitude, while the younger one was summer. And yours came after a snake? It doesn't make sense at all."
"Thank hun's the first born, so Pa has to make it sound handsome for the others to hear." Kinn giggled, and I could only look up at his face.
To be honest I don't care what his name meant or whoever goddess he was named after.
"Well, Kinn sounds- handsome too." I stated the fact.
Kinn gave me a look, before leaning in to give me a kiss on the lips and both cheeks.
"What a naughty mouth you got there, babe. You took me by surprise, I almost jumped on you." Kinn cunningly said before moving his arm on the back of my neck and pulled me into an embrace.
"Sleep now, we still need to get up early later." He reached out to the lamp behind me and turned it off.
"You're the one to talk to."
"Why? Aren't husbands and wives sleeping like this?"
Morning came fast, Kinn and I dug out from the bed in the state of utter daze. We finished showering and getting dressed before making our way down to eat. It was already 10 o'clock and Kinn said he must be at work by eleven. I just wished he said that earlier because I could use a 10 minutes' additional nap.
We came down to the big dining room, and I wasn't as hesitant as before. I got in trouble with Big's gang before, but they seem to get fired so I don't anymore. The only drag is that Kinn doesn't have any spare bodyguards to accompany him.
Non was too preoccupied with Kim and my brother, and Thankhun was already too much for a four-man security. So much that even if I don't want to, I have to look after this horndog till he gets a new set of bodyguards.
"Good morning, you guys slept well." Thankhun's voice rang out from the dining and a local Thai song immediately play inside my head.
"Which satanic ghost had possessed you to come down early for breakfast?"Kinn asked Thankhun as he scooped food onto my plate.
Normally Thankhun don't wake up early due to his busy nighttime schedule and if he does he'll only be eating with Kinn. As for Dad, he was always early, so we don't even see him eat. My brother probably ate early and already went for school, as for Kim, I don't know what the hell that bastard up to.
"Shut it, bastard! I'm in a good mood today! We should go to Jay Yok Shop tonight, Porsche!" Little ding dong said, aggressively yanking my arm as I scoop some of my food from my plate.
"What for?" I pushed away his hand from my arm and continued eating.Ever since Khun Korn told me to call him Dad, I laid off some formalities with hi s sons. Especially with this crazy bastard right here.
"Hear me out! Hear me out! Hear me out!" Thankhun yelled as he continued yanking my arm. The pork that I was about to put on my plate, flew away as if it had wings of its own.
"Damn it! What the fuck is it!?" I turned to him in annoyance, but the bastard was unfazed and even grinning from ear-to-ear.
"I've been waiting for this day to come! I'm even practicing my singing every day for this moment! Call P'Jay and tell her we will be coming for another awesome night!" The bastard continued fantasizing.
"So, what's the occasion? Why do you suddenly want to go out?" Kinn butted in, cleaning up the mess I've made because of his crazy brother.
"Well today I-" Thankhun stop half-way and giggled like a fucking hyena. Kinn and I then exchanged looks at each other, and immediately understood without even saying a word.
"Alright! Alright!" Thankhun put his head down as if he was about to wai for forgiveness.
"Khot hot ti khao pai pen maring king kong sara nong kong keng manong maneng map palongpong peng ngongeng ngongeng na chiwit ter." Instead of saying sorry, he went out singing Malong (Maling) Kong keng instead.
"Just let him be." Kinn said with a sigh and nudged me to continue my eating.
"I also practiced dancing! Do you guys wanna see?" Thankhun said and went between Kinn and I. Holding his neck as he was about to do his shit.
"Oh God! Spare me." I immediately replied.
"Come on Porsche! You must!" Thankhun stubbornly said.
"Keep on bothering me and I'll slap you with this ladle bastard!" I'm fucking hungry and this lunatic can't stop being a baby!
"Geez Porsche! I'm your brother-in-law. You're no fun!" Thankhun brawled, crossing his arms and stomping his feet in frustration.
"Shut it." I replied and the bastard slightly snorted.
"Alright! I'm going to tell you why now. I wanted to celebrate because-" Thankhun run towards the door. "Ta da!" He waved his hand to present the person who was about to show up.
"Damn, is this even necessary?" Pol and Arm muttered and gave us a faint smile. I then left my food and went out to give them a pat on the shoulders and a slight hug.
"We're back." Arm said with a smile, before turning to Kinn and giving him a wai.
"Took you guys long enough. I'm already starting to miss you both if you come a bit later." I sarcastically said, but to be honest I really missed them both.
"I know you missed us, Porsche. What's up man?" Pol said with a tease. I then rolled my eyes in reply.
"So good to see you both too. But I gotta borrow Arm first. Can I 'Khun?" Kinn said to Thankhun.
"Alright. But not tonight. We still got to party first!" Thankhun said in a bright voice. Arm and Pol were too preoccupied with Thankhun's blabbering but my eyes are searching for someone else.
"By the way, where's Pete?" I burst into the circle. As my eyes linger around trying to find Pete.
Arm and Pol gave me a confused look and was silent for a while before gradually replying to me.
"Pete? I thought he was here?" Arm muttered, furrowing his brows.
The room was silent for a while, but I could feel something was not right.
"Didn't Pete go home with you guys?" Kinn put down his spoon, his face was unreadable and immediately turned to look at the two.
"I thought he was left here, Khun Kinn. Working for you." Pol said with a confused reaction.
Kinn then suddenly got up from his chair and turned to look at Thankhun. "You said they went home!?"
"Yeah! Arm, Pol and Jet. But I thought Pete was left with you?" Thankhun exclaimed and pointed at Kinn's face.
"No, he's not! That's why I asked you that dayKinn brawled as the tension began to rise.
"But you said you'll borrow Pete to spy on something, so I let him stay with you!" Thankhun snapped back, and every one of us turned pale.
"What did you just say?" I said with urgency.
"W-what? I don't- I thought he was already home." Kinn stood timidly, facing 'Khun with a very tense expression.
"I have a feeling that you'll send him out to spy on Vegas, that's why I haven't seen him lately. Are you really out of your mind Kinn!? It has already been weeks!" Thankhun said in terror.
"I thought he was sent home together with the others." Kinn turned to Arm and Pol, "Why didn't you tell me!?"
"You said that we should not interrupt with what you're planning KhunKinn, and we thought you're updated with Pete's whereabouts so-" Pol muttered.
"H-hey! Don't tell me that- Pete is..." Arm said in shock.
"What the fuck is this huh, Kinn!? Answer me!" I turned to grab Kinn's arm, while the bastard rubbed his face in frustration.
"So, since that day I sent him to follow Vegas, he hasn't come back yet. Isn't he?" Kinn said with an implausible reaction.
"What!? You ordered him to follow Vegas!" I reiterated, hoping that he'll say something to ease my senses. But I guess my guts never failed me.
"I did. I ordered him to sneak into Vegas' house to get some evidence of corruption." Kinn clutched his temples tightly.
I took a deep breath to gather my consciousness and adjust to the sequence of events. "Since when?"
"Two weeks ago."
"What!? Of all the people! Why does it has to be Pete!? Why didn't you tell me!?" I walked over and shoved his shoulder.
"Don't fucking tell me that you let him go alone?"
"I-I'm sorry. I misunderstood. I thought he was already back that's why-"
"You fucking bastard!!! You let him go alone, and you even carelessly left him out! By this time, he's already been captured or worse! Dea-" I didn't got the chance to finish my sentence, when I realized what I was about to say.
"No! No, no! No! No! No!" Thankhun shouted and ran towards the door out to the garden. Arm and Pol immediately followed, for they didn't know what Thankhun might do due to shock.
"Fuck, Kinn! That's my friend you carelessly sent out! How do you think he'll be able to go home now!?" I brawled at Kinn's face. The bastard sank into his chair, rubbing his temples as the veins bulged out due to stress.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have misunderstood that he already went home. But if he's in trouble, why didn't he give me a call?"
"Are you fucking stupid? Do you think they'll let him use his phone if he's already been captured!? Fuck, Kinn, how can you leave him alone!" I shout.
My mind was in complete mess as I took a fistful of my hair. I already saw how the main family dealt with intruders and traitors, and it wasn't a fun sight at all. What more from the second family? I don't quite know how the second family deals with this kind of matter, but my instincts are screaming, and it's killing me.
"Khun Kinn, please help!" Arm's voice ranged from the front porch, and we immediately went out to see.
"Fuck! Let me go! Pete! I'm going to find Pete!" Thankhun shouted, while Pol and Arm struggled to stop him.
"Khun, please calm down. Pete might really be home, or just went out for a stroll that's why we didn't see him. So please, calm yourself down." Pol said to Khun, trying his best to calm the bastard down but Thankhun was unfazed.
"Thankhun that's enough! Calm down!" Kinn went in to grab Thankhun's arm. I tried to suppress my anger but whenever my gaze landed on Kinn, I could feel my blood boil.
"I'm going to Vegas." I sternly said and stepped out to the garage.
"Hey! Porsche!" Kinn let go of Thankhun's arm and turned to hold mine.
"You're not going anywhere."
"I'll go! They probably haven't done anything on Pete yet."
"Pete! Don't die! Pete!" Thankhun's voice keeps on interfering.
"No. We'll try to contact him again or call his grandparents' home." Kinn pressed.
"That's right, Porsche. Please calm down. We'll do the best that we can. Maybe there was just really a misunderstanding." Arm reluctantly said.
"Wasn't this enough for a misunderstanding? You forgot about him Kinn! You forgot about Pete!" I said to Arm and turned to continue scolding Kinn.
"Porsche, calm down. I'll take care of this myself." Kinn reached out to grab my arm, but I swatted those away.
"Handle it yourself? Then where does that Pete fit into? Huh!?" I snapped at Kinn, and he was left with empty words.
"I'll kill you Vegas! I'll kill you!" Thankhun repeatedly said as his eyes bulged from crying.
"Hold on. Khun Chan is calling." Arm walked away to answer the call. I tried to recollect my thoughts and calm down, but Arm's reaction to the call wasn't helping at all.
"What!?"He shouted out, making all of us turn to look at him.
"What the hell is going on Arm!?"I shouted back.
"They- F-found a burnt corpse in a bag with the main family's crest on it." Arm said with a trembling voice.
My mouth gaped in awe. I don't know what to say, or even how to react.
"P'Chan said that the body was already taken to the morgue of the hospital." Arm paused and gulped,
"And he said we should at least check it out just to make sure." He added in a trembling voice.
Everyone was frozen. None of us managed to even utter a single word after what Arm has said. I was about to grab Arm's collar, but Thankhun's reaction took me out of my trance. He fell on his knees, while his consciousness drifted away from his body.
"Khun! Khun!" Pol called out to Thankhun, while trying his best to pull the latter up.
"T-that's- not true." Thankhun muttered, tears streaming down from both of his cheeks.
"Take 'Khun in his room first Pol. And Arm, come with me." Kinn went to help Thankhun up, but the latter shook his head in reply.
"I'll go with you. I'll go see Pete." Thankhun managed to say, but his knees were too weak to even stand up.
"We still don't know if it's really Pete or not. You go and rest first 'Khun. I'll take care of this myself." Kinn softly said, wiping his brother's tears away.
"No please! Take me with you Kinn." Thankhun insisted. Kinn was hesitant at first, but eventually ordered Arm and Pol to assist Khun to the car.
"Let's go, Porsche."
Kinn walked over to reach my arm, but I hurriedly raised my hands to avoid him. I don't want him to be near, or even touch me at this moment. I was still adamant whether I should forgive him or curse him for what he had ordered Pete to do. My emotion was on a complete haywire as I tried to weigh everything in.
We made our way to their family van and drove towards the said hospital. The whole ride was in complete silence, only the heavy breathing and sobs of Thankhun was heard. I know Kinn was also devastated from the news, but I couldn't help but be mad at him for what he has done. He tried to meet my gaze, but I refused to give him any attention.
We reached the hospital, and everyone went straight to the forensic room. Arm and Pol both took Thankhun's arm and guided him towards our direction. When we reached the room, we're immediately greeted by the assigned police and the forensic doctor.
"Hello sir-"Kinn was about to greet the inspector, but when he got sight of Kinn, his face brightened up with recognition.
"Ohh. Khun Kinn, what brings you here? Was it the usual case?" The policeman said casually, as if this scene was a normal occurrence.
"Pete. Was it really Pete?" Thankhun can't help fussing, and the inspector immediately furrowed his eyebrows.
"Pete?" The inspector paused for a moment before eventually realizing the situation.
"Hey! Was that Pete?! What happened!?" He said in awe. It's no surprise that he already knew Pete's name, because he had been acquainted with the main family for a long time too.
"Pete have been missing for days now, uncle." Kinn muttered, and the cop immediately turned pale. The latter turned his attention to the forensic doctor-who was busy fixing some documents, before turning his gaze to the cadaver.
"Was there anything left to identify the corpse?" Kinn anxiously asked.
"It was burnt quite deep, son. So, the external skin was already useless, and if you wanted a DNA test it could take some time for the results to come out. But we already have an initial autopsy report, and it says that there was a possibility of strangling because of the melted rope fragments around his neck."
We all looked at each other, before turning back our attention to the cop.
"Anything else uncle? How old was it? And what's the gender? Anything aside from that." Kinn asked curiously.
"It is believed to be a man in his early twenties to thirty years of age. About one hundred and eighty centimeters high. And has a ring on the left middle finger-"
"No, no. That can't be." Thankhun suddenly muttered.
I tried to recall Pete's usual attire .And my knees almost collapsed when I realized what Thankhun meant.
"No. Pete!" Unable to control their emotions, Arm and Pol burst out in tears and walked towards the burnt corpse. They both knelt on its side and lowered their heads with tears streaming out in both cheeks.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I won't be able to check on you Pete. We're too busy because of Big and I'm really sorry." Arm muttered between sobs.
"This can't be true, Pete." Pol reached out to hug Arm.
"Pete!" Thankhun walked over to the table and reached out to its side for support. But he eventually fell on his knees and started crying.
This was the first time I saw Thankhun cry. He was always jolly, stubborn and careless about what he was doing. But never I've ever seen him this devastated, as if his light has been forcefully put out.
Everyone was weeping and here I was, drowning with my own thoughts. It was so heavy that I couldn't even breathe properly. The familiar emotions that I felt when my parents died hover upon me, and I can feel my strength leaving my body. The only thing that's supporting me right now is the wall beside me.
Kinn on the other hand was staring blankly on the space, contemplating on the shits he had carelessly made.
"We're still not hundred percent sure if this really was Pete. Have courage my son." The inspector told us, crouching down on Thankhun's side while patting it's back.
"N-no! I'm sure of it. I'm sure this was Pete. He too, wears a ring on the exact same finger." Thankhun said between sobs. "Is there a tattoo on his left chest doctor?" He added.
"Like I said it was no use because he was burnt alive. And if there was really a tattoo, we won't be able to tell."
"Does Pete have tattoos?" Kinn asked, trying his best to make his voice still.
"I was the one who forced him to get a tattoo. I even made the design myself, because when I saw that Porsche had one, I thought it was really cool. No one was willing to get it, but Pete-" Thankhun lowered his head back on the table with a stable feat.
"Pete let himself get a tattoo and I was so happy because I thought he'll stay with us forever." But he eventually gives in to his emotions.
"Khun, calm down." Arm said with difficulty.
"I'll still need to collect some DNA samples from its teeth and bones. It may take some time, and there is still a probability that this wasn't your guy." The doctor said calmly.
"But if so, I still don't want to leave my brother here doctor. Can I at least take him home after you collected the samples? I want him to have a proper burial. We might not be related by blood but I took him as my own." Thankhun said, gently stroking the cover of the corpse.
That picture of 'Khun' made my heart ache a bit more than it was before. I felt uncomfortable, uneasy and anxious. It scared me whenever someone close to me was in trouble and the possibility of them leaving me. It reopens the past scars that I've been trying to heal and makes me wanna bury them with me.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cursed loudly, pounding my fist against the wall, before making my way to
Arm and took the car keys from him. I walked briskly away from them towards the parking lot and was about to find the car, when Kinn grabbed my arm.
"Porsche! Porsche! Where the hell are you going?" Kinn shouted, but I was too angry to even care what he was trying to say.
I swatted his hands away and walked fast towards the direction of the car. I was raging with fury that the only thing I could think of was how I'd be able to kill everyone from the second family. Pete and I only met for a while, but I admit that he was already a family to me.
I unlocked the door and was about to jump in, but Kinn grabbed my waist and pinned me at the side of the car.
"Porsche please! Calm down! What do you plan to do?!" Kinn shouted, hugging me from behind.
"Let go of me Kinn! I'm going to kill them! I will fucking kill them all!" I said in a reckless tone.
I was already consumed by my anger. He was my friend, buddy and even a brother who helped me whenever he got a chance. Pete was nothing but good to me. He was always there beside me whenever I got troubles with Kinn, and even when I got problems with my brother, he was always just a one call away. So, you can't blame me Kinn. I'll definitely avenge Pete.
"Porsche please! Calm down! Stop being reckless!" Kinn managed to grab my other arm and pressed his weight against the car door to lock me tight.
"Reckless!? Who the hell was the one who sent Pete alone in the first place huh!? Kh! Let me go Kinn! I'll avenge Pete! I'll fucking avenge Pete!" I cursed without even caring who saw us. It was a VIP parking, but I couldn't care less whoever hears what the fuck am I saying.
"Calm down first, Porsche. I know you are angry, I am too! But if you walk in there without any plan prepared, you'll definitely suffer the same fate!" Kinn threw all of his weight on me. I tried to wrestle him a few times, but my sorrow was so overbearing that I was easily swept away.
"He is my friend, Kinn." I sobbed. "What else do you want me to do?"
My voice cracked, as my body began to tremble. Every time the image of the forensic room flashes on my mind, I feel like my stomach is turning. And my vision was blurring, as if I'm back at the same time my parents died.
"Porsche, I promise. I'll handle everything. I will do everything within my power to avenge Pete. But for now, I beg you to listen to me. Please?" Kinn used a soft tone to calm me down, but I was nowhere near calming down.
"Why the fuck did you even sent him alone in the first place Kinn!? Have you lost your shit!!?" I gasped in anger.
"I know. And I'm deeply regretting my mistake, Porsche. He was a brother to me too, but we can't go back and fix everything now." Kinn said, agony was in his eyes. He was indeed hurt too, and he's probably blaming himself for what he has done but was just trying his best not to show any weakness in front of me.
"Then tell me Kinn. What the hell do you want from Vegas? You never answered any of my questions. That thing about Big, you're always beating around the bush. You just told me about the stolen documents but never really answered what I'm asking. And now this shit about Vegas..." I paused to breathe in some air. "What's really happening between your families, huh? Why the fuck do you have to send Pete away!? And what the hell is the reason for all this!?"
I didn't want to ask him before, because I was waiting for him to tell me himself. And besides, that time it was just a bit of a drama that can easily be brushed away. But this time was different, someone already died. And it was Pete.
"I'm going to tell you about it, Porsche. It's just that- I don't think this is the right time."
"Then when is the right time Kinn!? When another one of your men dies again!? Who will it be next time huh!? Arm? Pol? My brother!? We've been staying in your house for months now! I, at least, deserve to know!" I pressed.
"Porsche, please. Calm down. I'll take care of everything. Can you just listen to me for now?" Kinn gave me a distraught look. Before taking a deep a breath and closed his eyes.
"Then tell me! What reason do you have for not killing everyone in the second family!?"
"Everything has to be done gradually. It's the second family, they were so close that even the tiniest move they'll be able to detect. And even though they did sabotage us, father and I wanted to keep it as discreet as possible. We don't want any other rival families to know that we have internal problems. Because if that happens, the company will surely fall and neither of you, Kim or even Ché will be safe in this house." Kinn said in detail, and I could feel myself calming down a bit.
"I promise you Porsche. I'll tell you everything you wanted to know. But for now, I only ask you one thing. Please, trust me." Kinn said to me, and I could feel my body shaking.
"But Pete- Pete is dead." I buried my face against Kinn's broad shoulders and let it all out. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I just let my tears fall on Kinn's shirt. The DNA test may take a while, but every evidence has pointed drastically to Pete.
"I promise you. I'll take care of them." Kinn hugged me tightly. But right now, even the warmth of my lover couldn't fill the void inside my heart. I just couldn't take everything that's happening.
And if this was a nightmare. Please, wake me up, please
We drove back home, and the atmosphere in the car was lighter than before. Pete's body was still left at the forensic lab and tomorrow we'll pick him up for the ceremony. We reached the house, and everyone kept silent.
"Hey?" Kim greeted, leaning against the edge of the door as he paced forward to our direction. Non was following behind him, sobbing.
"Was that really Pete?" Porsché asked me, and I could only bite my lip in reply.
"Hey. You alright?" Kim asked Kinn, but the latter walked straight, passing on everyone up to his room without uttering a single word.
"P'Pete..." Ché repeated in a low tone.
All the bodyguards in the house were grieving, and in complete dismay when they saw us returning from the hospital with red eyes brimming with tears. No one dared to say a word, as silence hovered upon the entire house. I went to Kinn's room, but it was as if I'm a ghost, for he didn't even bother to talk to me. I wanted to be as calm as possible, but this heavy atmosphere was lurking around Kinn and I wasn't helping. I pitied him, but at the same time I want to make him realize what he did.
Pete was the kindest and most loyal person I ever met. But it wasn't enough of a reason for this bastard to take advantage of that, and send him away. If I can't do anything to Kinn, I'll let karma do its work.
I took my car keys, my wallet and was about to make my way out but Kinn immediately grabbed my arm to stop me.
"Where are you going, Porsche?" Kinn asked darkly.
"I'll go out for a bit, and don't worry. I won't go far." I said in monotone. I wanted to be alone to cool my head off. Because if I keep seeing Kinn, all I think of is what he has done. I'm not trying to run away from home, I just wanted some space.
"No Porsche please..." Kinn walked over and pulled me into a tight hug. "I know you don't want to see my fact but it's not safe to go alone in this kind of situation and..." Kinn took a deep breath, and leaned his head on my shoulders,"You're the one I need it the most at times like this..."
I did blame him for Pete's death, but I can't help but sympathize with him because I know he didn't want to let Pete die either.
"Okay, I won't go like you said. But can I be alone for a while Kinn?" I took off Kinn's arm from the back of my neck, and put back my keys and wallet into place.
"As long as you're still inside the house and within my sight, that's enough for me."
"Then, can you give me space? I just need some time to accepteverything." I asked and Kinn immediately nodded.
He agreed but the look in his eyes said otherwise, as if he was a puppy being thrown away. He gave me a last glance, before making his way out of the room. I laid down on the sofa, and took a slow and deep breath. I tried to shut my eyes and let myself get swept by tiredness but all I can think about is Pete. He was my colleague, my friend and my brother and for just a short time we already bonded, as if it has already been years.
You're a good person Pete, and I wish nothing but prosperity and wealth in your next life my friend, and if you ever encounter the same path, I will make sure to come and rescue you.
My eyes were about to drift off to sleep, when I heard a knock on the door.
"We'll be picking up Pete's body at 6am tomorrow and take him to the temple. Would you like to come with us?" It was Arm.
"I will." I shortly replied.
"Alright, let's meet up at the front porch tomorrow." Arm said with a faint smile.
"Have you already told his grandparents?"
"No. Khun Kinn suggested that it's better to let them see, than tell it thru phone. He's afraid that they won't be able to accept it." Arm sullenly said.
"Then, how will they be able to come here? Will they come on their own?"
"We sent people to Chumphon to accompany and assist them in Bangkok. If you want a more detailed update, you could ask Khun Kinn."
I was silent and didn't reply on Arm's suggestion. I was still angry for what Kinn did, and I still couldn't see his face. Arm probably took the cue, and just let me keep him hanging.
"Porsche, I know you don't want to see Khun Kinn right now but can you please let him get back in his room and get some sleep?"Arm cautiously said. I know. And I pity him too, but...
"I still can't. I'm sorry." I said.
"Please Porsche, he already tried to knock on Khun Thankhun's room, but he was chased away immediately. And Khun Kim was considering Ché so he didn't let him in too." Arm pleaded.
I cannot blame if people chased him out for what he did. It wasn't that easy to forget what happened and Pete was not just anyone to be forgotten straightaway.
"Let him be."
I do sympathize with Kinn, but he must learn his lesson. Arm just nodded in response and let me get back in Kinn's room. I took off my clothes and went straight to bed. I tried to shut my eyes, but I kept on tossing and turning around. The bed was soft and clean, but also wide and empty.
I was scared. The familiar feeling that I felt when both of my parents died was replaying in my head non-stop. Why do I have to feel this again? I still haven't recovered properly from the loss of my kin, and here I go mourning again for the loss of the new. The bitter past kept on haunting me, and as if my feet were glued to the ground-I couldn't manage to escape.
I was awake the whole time and when I looked out the window, it's already morning. I stood up from the bed then put on some black shirt and trousers before going down to meet everyone. Kinn was also dressed in black. I don't know where the hell did, he took a shower but when I went down, he was already there.
The housemaids made some breakfast, but I wasn't hungry, even though I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. Kim tried to coax Ché to eat, but he too wasn't hungry. We then made our way to the van and saw Thankhun was already there, eyes were swollen red because he's probably crying the whole night. He fell into complete depression, and Pol still needs to support the latter's arm to be able to walk.
We reached the hospital morgue and were about to take Pete's body, but the inspector from yesterday greeted us with distraught.
"This was the ring worn by the deceased and it has the main family's crest. And we also found a business card. It was burnt but the name was still readable and it says, Phongsakorn Saengtham, Pete's name."
There goes the tiniest hope that I was holding on to. Even if it wasn't a shock already, and we're gradually accepting the fact that Pete was already dead, it still pains me. It just shows that Pete was already gone, and he won't come back anymore. The police were only seventy percent convinced, but
Thankhun insisted that it was enough. He just wanted to give Pete a proper burial and a traditional wake. Thankhun wanted it to be one hundred days, but the old bodyguards refused because the body died in unnatural way. The tradition was performed for the soul to be at peace, and Thankhun agreed to just shortened it to seven days.
We walked all day in the pavilion, and Thankhun took charge of everything. Choosing the coffin, fixing of the venue and even the flower arrangements. We accompany him wherever he goes and try to comfort him whenever he breaks down.
"I have sent someone to investigate the second family's compound. And let them check the highway surveillance camera, they did see Pete's car driving away from the main house. But, after that nothing more." Kinn came over to tell me, with his eyes filled with dismay.
"So that was that? Can't you do more about it?"
Everyone already accepted Pete's faith, but I, at least, believe that he's still alive.
"It's a bit difficult to gain evidence against the second family because they also have close ties with the police, but I'll do the best that I can." Kinn said with determination.
"I will do anything. It looks hopeless, but until the DNA results indicate a one hundred percent , I'll still shoot my shot." He firmly added.
That sudden determination that came out from Kinn gave me a sliver of hope too. I know he might still be alive, I can feel it in my guts. We'll make sure to do anything for Pete. Anything.
"Pete's grandparents have arrived, Khun." Non suddenly walked over to tell Kinn. The latter then took a deep breath before walking out from the pavilion.
The moment Pete's grandparents saw his name attached on the front porch of the pavilion, they both almost fainted in shock. Thankhun immediately came over to support them, even though he himself couldn't take the pain. I couldn't bear the sight of them mourning so I turned my back at them and bit my lip to suppress my emotions.
"Hiia?" Ché saw that I wasn't doing well, turned to wrap his hands around me and held my hand tightly.
Thankhun, Kim, and Kinn accompanied Pete's grandparents into the pavilion. The gesture made me realize that Pete wasn't just an ordinary bodyguard to the main family. They took him as their own, and his grandparents. They were so close that if I don't know whose grandparents they are, I'll mistakenly say that they were Kinn's.
The first night of the funeral came along, and so did Khun Korn and P'Chan. The guests gathered until the pavilion was crowded. Some faces werefamiliar, and some were not. They were probably the partners on business of the main family. Thankhun tried to talk to them but was still out of it, so he only took a short time. We took turns assisting the guest, until it's time to go.
Tonight, Pol and Non will be staying here in the pavilion to accompany Pete, and the rest of us will go home. Kinn grabbed the car keys and took the initiative to drive us home. He tried to talk to me from time to time, but I only gave him short answers every time. He also opened up the topic about how they have a satellite business in Pete's hometown, but whenever the image of him with Pete's grandparents flash in my mind, I couldn't help but get angrier at him.
We reached the main house and we both immediately went to his room. I let him sleep in his room because he probably had a rough day. I, on the other hand, slept on his sofa.
Morning came, and we all went down to eat. But I wasn't hungry at all. It's been three days since the funeral, and I still couldn't treat Kinn the same. He always tried to strike up a conversation, but I'm out of it. His friends, together with mine visited Pete's wake and they too, couldn't believe what happened.
"Khun, come first and eat." I went to fetch Thankhun from Pete's side, but the latter was unfazed.
"You can go ahead, I'm not hungry." He said in a low tone.
I was about to grab him but was stopped by the voice behind me.
"My condolences." It was P'Top. The doctor who Thankhun had a crush on.
"I'll just pay respect to the deceased."The doctor said to me, but his gaze passed my direction, and directed at Thankhun.
"Uh, this way doctor." I guided Dr. Top and gave Thankhun a light tap on the shoulders. Thankhun then raised his head to pay respect to Dr. Top, but immediately dropped his head back down.
"My condolences." Dr. Top said to Thankhun, but the latter was silent.
"'Khun, go sit with Dr. Top on the sofa. Come on." I gently pulled the hem of his shirt, but Thankhun was glued to the ground.
"It's alright. I'll take him." Dr. Top said.
"Can you talk to him too, doctor? He hasn't eaten for days now. Maybe if you talk to him, he'll eventually do." I said, and Dr. Top only nodded at me.
"I'll give it a shot." He said.
"Hey sorry. Vegas and I were too busy, so we arrived late." I heard an unfamiliar voice, but I immediately recognized what he said. It was Khun Kan, the head of the second family.
"It's alright." Khun Korn said with a pause. He was a bit stunned that the second family came, as if nothing happened.
"And whom is this funeral for?" Khun Kan asked.
"Pete, Thankhun's close bodyguard." Khun Korn replied in a low tone.
"Hmmm. I must say this was too grand for a dead bodyguard. He must be really important to your son."
I clenched my fist to what Khun Kan said, as I tried to suppress my emotions. How the hell can they pretend like nothing happened?
"Good morning!" Macau's voice rang, with his older brother, Vegas tagging along. They both wai-ed at Khun Korn and the latter replied.
Vegas then squinted his eyes at the location of the coffin and took a good look at the corpse's face. I watched his face deeply as he mouthed Pete's name. He bit his lip, and to my surprise he suddenly giggled discreetly.
That's it!
I lunged towards Vegas' direction, grabbed his collar and slammed a punch on his cheek. The latter fell to the ground with a busted lip and bleeding nose.
"Porsche, stop!" Kinn called out to me, immediately grabbing both of my arms away from Vegas.
"Why!? Why does it have to be him!? Why does it have to be Pete!!?" I yelled unconsciously. Not caring what the guest might say about my gesture. They didn't know what this bastard did to Pete, but I don't give a fucking damn.
"Vegas you piece of shit!!!" Thankhun suddenly emerged from the side holding a bowl of soup. He paced towards Vegas' direction and was about to pour everything on the latter's head, but Vegas managed to dodge, and it splattered on his shoulders instead.
"P'Khun! What the hell!?" Vegas yelped, as he watched his suit get drenched with the gooey fluid that was supposed to be served for the guest.
"Oh-oww." Kim covered his mouth and immediately dragged his older brother away from Vegas. Kinn then turned to pull me away and glared at Kim.
"Why didn't you stop him?" He snapped.
"He was too fast, so I didn't catch him on time." Kim explained.
"Phi Vegas!" Macao run over to check on his brother and picked some tissue, "What the hell did you do to him!?" and glared at Thankhun.
Thankhun was about to curse back, but Kim grabbed Khun's mouth before the latter could even talk.
"You really are crazy P'Khun!" Macao turned to Thankhun.
"Shut it Macao!" Kim yelled back.
"Then learn to control your brother Kim. So, he won't go around biting people like a mad dog!" Macao said in a matter-of-fact tone, and Thankhun lose it. He pushed Kim away and lunged towards Macao. Luckily Dr. Top was there to grab 'Khun and pull him away from the shitty kid.
"Hey 'Khun! That's enough! Don't you have shame on yourself!?" Kinn said, as he loosened his grip from me. I was angry as well a while ago, but when I saw Thankhun's rage, I guess that's enough for today.
"What the hell is happening here!?" Khun Korn and Khun Kan came into the scene.
"It's nothing Pa. Just a bit of misunderstanding. That's all." Kinn hurriedly said.
"Vegas!" Khun Kan immediately went to his son to check him up,
"What the hell did you do to my son!?"
"Thankhun was about to give Vegas some fish maw but tripped on his foot and accidentally poured it at Vegas." Kim backed up his brother to make it more convincing.
I did cause a scene a while ago, but we we're too hidden because of the bouquet of flowers and stands, so it didn't take much attention.
"Oh come on Kan. Everything is fine. The kids must be just goofing around, no worries." Khun Korn shrugged off the heavy atmosphere.
"But Vegas was-"
"I told you, it's fine. Let's just help Vegas up and wipe his suit with some towels, shall we?" Khun Korn emphasized the end of his sentence, and immediately some of the bodyguards came over to offer some tissues to Vegas. Khun Korn then grabbed Khun Kan's arm and dragged him to sit on the nearby sofa.
The coast is clear or so I thought. Because when Vegas opened his mouth, I think a new set of flames began.
"That's unfortunate huh, P'Khun. Pete died way too early." Vegas sneered and damn, I could feel my blood boil again.
I never saw this side of him, it angers me so much, but at the same time scared the shit out of me. Who would know he can change in just a matter of split seconds? Those piercing eyes of his, and his devilish grin sends my instincts on haywire.
"Vegas." Kinn called out in irritation, and I could feel he's also fed up just by the sound of his tone.
"Though it intrigues me, how did he die? He's way too skillful to die early, don't you think?" He taunted, "Or maybe you casted him way too far, he couldn't go back himself?" Vegas added in a cunning tone.
"Careful with your words Vegas." Kim said, while guiding Thankhun back to Dr. Top's side. Macao then saw the gesture, and immediately sent daggers of stares to the two.
"Alright, alright. I forgot that you are with the main family. I just can't keep up, you see. Come on now Macao, let's go home." Vegas grabbed his brother's wrist and walked out from the pavilion.
"The fuck do you mean by that!?" Kim brawled and was about to follow Vegas. But Kinn stopped him right away.
"That's enough, Kim." Kinn said.
"Damn that bastard will get it next time!" Kim wasn't done cursing.
"You'll have your fill soon Kim. For now, calm yourself down."
The tension already subsided along with the end of the family feud. We took care of the guests and cleaned up the mess that we made earlier. Everyone was exhausted and tired, but I just couldn't help but get intrigued by the last sentence Vegas said. Why was it that he couldn't keep up with the main family?
We arrived at the house and immediately made our way to Kinn's room. We took turns showering, before changing to our sleep wear and laying down nicely on the bed. I saw that he was really exhausted this time, so I just let him cuddle with me on the bed.
The funeral reached its sixth day, and we just repeated the same old process that we did on the previous ones. But after the long day, we took an early break for the preparations tomorrow. The last day of Pete's funeral was a bit special, because Thankhun prepared a steel tank in the front yard and set it on fire. He pays respect first, before asking the deceased what they wanted to get to the other word.
"Pete, do you want to visit Arm's dream tonight? We'll love to hear about you." Thankhun said, before burning a piece of Gong Tek paper. Arm stared at 'Khun's back and stared at him incredulously.
"How about a house? Do you want a big one?" Thankhun said, before scribbling on the paper, and let it get burned on the tank.
"Here you go." 'Khun continued. As for us, we just burned some paper money and let Thankhun do what he wanted.
"How about some servants? Do you want some of them too? I'll send some to you so won't get tired up there, okay?" Thankhun said and write up to pick something else. "Here, I'll give you a platinum card too so you can buy whatever you want up there. But, not too much okay?"
"Hold on a minute, kids. Did you know that this ceremony can make people over 50 years old call down our ancestors?" Khun Korn said loudly.
"Silence! I don't wanna hear that from you Pa! Pete also needs some proper home too! How do you think he'll be able to live there without any money!?" Thankhun yelled at Khun Korn, and we could only hold our temples in reply.
All of them were staring at 'Khun's gesture impatiently, except for those among us who were still busy offering merits. I personally don't know how this works, but I just kept on burning and making merits for my late parents.
"I'm really sorry if I didn't come in time Pete. I hope you're doing well there, and if you have something to say or if you're lonely, you are welcome to visit Arm and Pol anytime." The bastard said, before burning ten more papers to the tank-making the smoke grow wild.
"Hey!" Kinn, Kim, Khun Korn and P'Chan said in chorus.
"Just if you're lonely, tell me. I'll send Pol and Arm to you too. Okay?"
"W-wait Khun. What do you mean by that?" Pol and Arm stiffly said.
"Alright! If you both aren't comfortable, I'll send Jay Yok's picture instead!" Thankhun said, picked up Phi Jay's picture.
"I noticed you like that shop Pete, so I'll send Jay Yok to you too. Make sure to drink whatever liquor that you want and sing the songs that you want. Just don't visit me so suddenly, okay?" He then threw P'Jay picture on the tank.
I'm sorry P'Jay. My crazy brother-in-law sent you to heaven way too early.
"That's enough. I've already inhaled too much smoke and I think I would faint. Come Porsche." Kinn said, before walking to my direction and grab me by my neck. "Let's go for a shower."
"Pete!! Why did you leave me!? Pete!" Khun yelped suddenly, making the whole house reek in smoke.
The bodyguards and even the housemaids took turns on blowing away the smoke that Thankhun is creating from the tank. It was a relief that 'Khun was back to his old ways, but I'm really sorry for the people he bothered.
The day passed like a breeze, for everyone was too busy with the burning ceremony. I then came out to do some errands for 'Khun and also buy some papers. He said he wanted to burn some more merits because he doesn't want Pete to starve. I just go along with it because I too need to visit our home. It's the perfect day because there's this shop that offers desserts, and I want to buy one.
"We will be buying desserts aren't we, Hiia?" Ché asked, and I was a bit surprised because he usually doesn't pay attention 'coz he's not fond of sweets.
"I thought you said that it was too sweet, so you don't like it?" I asked in a query.
"It actually wasn't that bad. And Kim likes sweets too, so I get a hang of it."
When I heard Kim's name come out from Ché's mouth, I narrowed my eyes towards the bastard.
You still got some explaining to do young man.
"Hey. What's up with you and Kim?" I asked, and the little bastard immediately freaked out.
"Umh. N-nothing special, Hiia." Ché's voice took its pitch and pretended like he was sightseeing.
"What do you mean nothing? You're always together these days. I almost forgot I have a little brother." I drove slowly to interrogate my sly little brother.
"W-what do you want me to say, Hiia?" Ché stuttered.
"Oh come on Ché! I'm not stupid, okay? And you're my brother. How many times have you guys done it? Huh?" It never occurs to me to ask Ché about this kind of topic, but since we're at it, I might as well.
"W-what do you mean by doing it, Hiia!?" Ché cluelessly said.
"Come on Ché. I may not have been open about this before, but I understand you and Kim now. And also, someone told me that you did it to Kim without his permission. We need to talk about that too-"
"W-wait Hiia, what the hell are you talking about!?" Ché cut me off.
"It's not okay to do it without permission, and it might cause a shock on Kim's side. So, if you plan to do it again, make sure that you truly love him and don't hurt his feelings." I said to him because I've experienced the same thing. Even though I came to love Kinn, it's still a bit embarrassing to be dominated by another man. Most especially if you are dominant yourself.
"W-wha- I did what to Kim?"
"What do you mean, what? I'm talking properly here, Porsché. You better be clear with your feelings for Kim or you'll end up hurting him. And I tell you, it wasn't a nice feeling."
"Hiia. Can I be honest with you?" Ché stared at me as if he was about to burst out.
"The one that was pounced over was me. And if anyone deserves to be treated properly, it's me Hiia. That bastard was too cunning he already pains my heart!" Ché ranted, and I was stunned in shock.
"W-what did you say?"
"The one that has been corrupted was me Hiia!"
"H-huh? But Non said that you attacked Kim, so I was-"
"That's what I thought at first too, Hiia. And I find him cute, who would have known that he'll pounce on me like that!?" Ché said and I took the fastest break on earth. Or head bobbed upfront as if we're the displayed dogs on the dashboard of some bus.
"What the fuck did you just say!?"
"That hurts Hiia. What are you doing?" Ché protested while rubbing the back of his neck.
I took a deep breath and asked the Gods above to give me strength not to knock anyone over if I heard what my bastard brother would say. "I'll ask again, Ché."
"I told you Hiia. Kim was the attacker, and I am-hmmff!"
I raised my hand and covered Ché's mouth because I think I know what he was about to say.
"Have you even asked for my permission? I raised you! You little devil! Don't you care how I will feel!?"
"Yeah yeah. I'm really sorry." The bastard said sarcastically.
"Do you think this is funny?" I asked him. If there is a nearby tree, I'll grab a rope and tie you up there to repent.
"Says the one who was once fierce and cool, but suddenly went all soft and touchy with the same man that he hated the most." Ché taunted, before immediately opening the car door and sprinted into the house.
"You bastard! Come back here!" This cunning little devil. You'll definitely get it when I reach you!
I was chasing Ché for a while, when suddenly the bastard stopped and yelled.
"Oh my God!" Ché shouted.
"Our house has been nabbed." Ché said, and I immediately scanned the whole situation.
I took a piece of broken wood nearby as a weapon and walked cautiously. I
slowly opened the door, and when I took a glimpse of the inside, I already
knew that someone broke in.
"Wait in the car first Porsché."
"No! I'll come with you!" Ché held on my arm tightly as we slowly patrol our house.
I kept the door open just in case I needed to throw Ché outside. The sound of footsteps echoed walking back and forth on the second floor. I began to feel anxious, knowing that the burglar might have a better weapon than mine. But if I didn't take him on, he might hurt Ché so I still paced up slowly.
And when I was about to lunge on the person, a familiar silhouette came to greet us.
"Oh, if it isn't my dear nephew."
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The next chapters are VEGASPETE Special Chapters 8 & 9. If you wanna read in sequence, please proceed to those chapters.