I stood for a long time contemplating my life decisions before I drove straight into the Golden gates of Terapanyakun's house. The guard in the front took my name and gestured for me to park my bike on the side. I can only let out a lethargic sigh as I stared at the black-suited guys scattered in every corner of their house.
Why do they need this amount of men to work for them? What business do they run that they have to be this heavily guarded at all times?
As I enter the room, rivers of unfriendly gazes welcomed me. A group of men glared and some acted indifferently. I just glared back at them and make my way through the crowd.
"Oh, you're already here. Come with me."
As soon as my feet reached the door, P'Chan greeted me, holding a document with one hand and a cup of coffee on the other. We walked past some rooms and it only made me realize that I will never get used to this place. The atmosphere is way too silent, heavy, and scary.
"Come in."
I followed P'Chan to the room that from what I could see, is the meeting room. Projectors, tables, and even the chairs are all lined up in an orderly manner.
"Hey, learn to greet your elders." Said the guy that is picking up boxes and placing them on the table.
"Uh. Sawadee khap." I raised my hand casually, but I still feel the tension in the atmosphere.
"Hey, was it true that you fought with Big yesterday?" P'Chan asked.
"He started it." I replied curtly.
"Please refrain from fighting with our men, and at least try to blend in Porsche. Don't make it difficult for Khun Kinn."
Hearing that name only ruined my mood. He said his name as if he was an angel descendant from heaven.
"Sit here first." P'Chan gestured for me to take a seat and I followed him.
"This is a gun and a knife. Whenever you are going out with Khun Kinn, take both of them with you. Wait you know how to use a gun, right?" P'Chan asked and I nodded. Besides Taekwondo, I grew up playing with guns, this would be just a piece of cake.
"And don't forget, your job is to protect Khun Kinn. Whatever it takes, you must keep him safe." He lifts the black box containing the gun and knife then gave them to me.
"But what if I accidentally shoot someone? Would I be arrested?" He handed me a gun as if it was just a toy. What if I accidentally killed someone? Would your Khun Kinn go to jail for me?
"Everything that happens to the people here, is beyond the law."
Are you clearly saying that Khun Korn has already bought it all? That much? What career do these people take to be that influential?
"Then at least tell me whom I should protect Kinn from."
"Everyone. Everyone that dares to hurt him."
Wow, that was a-
"The one who have debts with them, rivals, and many more." He added.
Great, just great! What a great way to describe the enemies that I would be facing. I wonder what kind of business this house actually owns. At first, I only tried to save an innocent man, but now I'm facing a bunch of troubles because of his family background.
"This family runs casinos, illegal lending trade, and some other businesses." P'Chan seems to know what I am thinking even without me asking.
Does he know how to read minds? Should I curse at him, it'll be awesome if he'll be able to hear it.
"Stop looking at my face and do your work now. Khun Kinn has already gone home from the university. Go and check him up."
I reluctantly nodded and put my gun case and knife away.
"Well, where is his room?"
"Khun Kinn isn't your friend, so stop casually addressing him." A hard voice said, making me roll my eyes at him. Big.
Do you already know that King Rama X has already abolished slavery?
"Then where is he?" I repeatedly asked, trying my best not to mention his name.
"Second floor, the room on the far left." P' Chan said.
"And oh, if you sneakily tried to harm Khun Kinn, you are better off as dead!" The lad gave me a sharp look with a clear threat in his tone.
I have never experienced being threatened this much in a day. I'm like a dog with a leash, one little move and they'll give me a hard time. And what's up with their faces? They looked like a bunch of zombies, especially P'Chan. His face is way too stiff like he doesn't have any feelings at all.
I walked up to the second floor just like what P'Chan said, and was immediately faced with a vast amount of bodyguards that looked at me in a weird way. I made my way in the direction of the room and remembered, that's where I was dragged yesterday.
I stopped in front of a room and a guy sitting on the sofa beside the door talked to me.
"About time. Khun Kinn wanted to see you."
The sound of his name made me cringe. And what bothers me more is how overly guarded his room is. This place is definitely an illegal factory. I discreetly laugh to myself. I was about to enter the room when one of his men stopped me.
"Leave your weapons here." I rolled my eyes as a reply and ignored what he said.
"Don't worry too much. I won't do anything to him. In fact, I'll bring the box with me and leave the weapons inside. Happy?"
"No! Leave them here. And don't make Khun Kinn wait any longer."
I sighed and left the box with them and made my way to the door. As I open the door, the laughter, and ranting from inside suddenly stop.
"Don't you know how to knock?" A familiar voice said. I tilted my head to look and I saw a strange view that made me smile a bit. It was Kinn in a student uniform, not on those black suits that he usually wears. I reached my hands towards the door, and deliberately knock on it.
"There, I knocked," I said while looking at the group of students who I suspect to be Kinn's friends. They scanned me quietly and talked to Kinn.
"Who's that?" asked one of them.
"My new bodyguard," Kinn replied and took a good look at me from head to toe.
"What?" I asked him. He crossed his arms and gave me a weird gaze.
"Are you sure he's your bodyguard? Or your father?" added his friend while giggling at me.
Kinn didn't answer and only scowled at me. "Go bring us some food." He deliberately told me that have me frowning in confusion. Food? What food?
"He's confused." His friend whispered as if I didn't hear them.
Hey, I'm right here in front of you!
"I said to bring us some food. Go down now." This time it was clearly a command from him.
The dark tone that he gave me only sparks my frustration. Do I look like a fuckin' servant!? I'm not your servant for Pete's sake!
"I'm not your servant!" I shouted at him and startled his friends.
"Woah, we got a fighter right here." One of his friends said.
"Porsche, don't make me repeat myself. Go down and get some food, now!" said Kinn, trying his best to mask his anger. I only stared at him and took a deep breath.
"Why do I need to go down for your food? Go get it by yourself!" I fought back.
"Porsche!" He stood from the sofa and grabbed my arm. I did not dare go near him but the arsehole Kinn pulled and gave me the glare I saw the other day when he lost his temper.
"You don't want to try me, do you, Porsche?" Kinn said between gritted teeth. His eyes are starting to get darker than they used to be. I hurriedly pushed him by his chest and broke away grasping my arm.
"I know!" I talked back before I left the room with a frown. I really couldn't stand people like him. They're way too spoiled.
I went down as he said, but I realized that I don't know where the kitchen is. The size of this house is really getting on my nerves. His bodyguards only gave me a weird look every time I walk past them so I don't even dare to ask any of them. I walked down the stairs to look around until I realized I'm already walking in circles.
"Where are you trying to go?" A man in black stopped and looked at me.
"Kitchen," I replied.
"Go that way and take a left." He pointed in the direction.
When I realized where I'm going, I walked out. Not even thanking the man. I couldn't care less because I'm in my worst mood right now. I walked along the hall and finally reached the kitchen. There I saw four housekeepers doing their chores. One of them turned and greeted me.
"Come and get something to eat." She said to me with the warmest smile.
"I need to get some food." I casually said, and then I realized that the woman in front of me is way older so I soften my approach.
"Are you Khun Kinn's friend?" she humbly spoke to me.
"N-no. I am Kinn- I'm his new bodyguard." I almost said his name casually again. The woman in front of me furrowed her eyebrows.
"Oh! Bodyguard of Khun Kinn. But why didn't you change your clothes?" she asked curiously.
"I just came here to get some food." I sighed, not entertaining anymore of her questions.
"Wait a minute, Khun Kinn's friends are here, right?" I nodded and then she gave me a tray of tea and some snacks.
"Ahh, this dish is for Khun Tae. Please tell him that auntie made it extra special just for him."
She said to me and continued on her work. Why can't the housekeepers carry this to them? Why do I have to do all of this? I thought to myself while walking with a large tray in my hands. Should I spit on them? Just to get back with that arrogant Kinn. But I thought it would only be a waste of time since his men are always lurking in every corner of the house. I'll be able to get my revenge on you Kinn, one of these days.
"Open the door for me," I said while making my way to the door. But none of them even bothered to help me. I can only hear the flips of the magazine that they were holding.
"Hey!" I said again, yet they didn't even look at me. I was about to put the tray down on the floor to be able to free my hands, but one of them stopped me.
"What are you doing?"
"I'll open the door," I said, giving him my fakest smile.
"And you're gonna put Khun Kinn food on the floor? You really are unbelievable." He said with amusement.
I won't just put it on the floor, I'll even step on it!
Spit on it if I was given a chance! I straightened up my posture and held the tray properly. The bastard stared at me with frustration and then opened the door for me. If you did that I while ago, we won't be in this type of conversation.
I walked into the room and saw them discussing reports. I made my way to the center of his circle; took the tray and slammed it on the center of the glass table causing the tea to spill a little bit. His friend hurriedly picked up a book, a piece of paper, and held it in front of him, staring at me.
"You really have to be this messy?" the lad said. Messy? It doesn't even splash outside the tray.
"Porsche!" Kinn growled and I only glanced at him. His face is starting to get angry.
"Let it go." His other friend told him, pressing its hand on his shoulder. Kinn is trying to suppress his anger and it made me smirk. I'm on my way out when Kinn then again stopped me.
"Who said you can go?" I stopped and turned my head to him.
"I want some coffee," he said, making me exhale a deep sigh. This might be the the hundredth time that I sighed today. I was about to protest but decided to just let it go and made my way to the kitchen again.
"Where are you going? Didn't you hear what I said?"
"I'm gonna get your coffee, what else?" I replied with irritation.
"The coffee machine is right there." He said, pointing at the corner of the room where the coffee maker is situated. Rich people really do have their ways with life! I headed towards the rectangular machine and scan it. Fuck! This thing is way too advanced for me.
"I want hot Americano." He said to me.
Stop asking for Americano and tell me how to use this machine first!
"Ughh. It is already this late and I'll be in trouble again." I murmured softly.
I scanned the whole machine, pressed the power button, and then the start button. I stared at it for quite some time and eventually grew impatient because I don't see any cup of hot Americano yet.
Maybe I should press another button. I glanced at it, and then I saw the red button with a HOT word written on it. I pressed that button and then slide my finger to the other one that symbolizes the coffee cup. The machine didn't even move so I thought maybe I should have waited for its water to boil, then
I'll press the button for the cup just like a normal kettle.
It has been a minute and I thought I just have to wait for it to boil. The hightech machine is taking too much time so I took the time to roam my eyes around the room.
It is well furnished and properly decorated. The tones used were a combination of black and brown. There were also a chandelier and big desks. A bookshelf next to the wall and a black sofa are located at the center of the room.
Some stupid and lifeless branches for decoration and a room with a glass door. That room must be the same length as this room but with a black curtain completely covering it. Was that a bathroom? Or another bedroom. A bitter smile broke my face as I felt the jealousy rise within me. But then again I realized that this room is way too expensive and old-looking.
I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly one of his friends spoke.
"Do you smell something burning?" he said. I also noticed it myself.
"It smells like burning stainless steel." I turned my gaze toward them trying to find the scent.
"Porsche!" Kinn jumped off the sofa and looked at me with a shock.
"WHAT!?" I immediately answered.
"The coffee machine is burning! Shit!" I turned my gaze in the direction of the coffee machine and a cloud of smoke are diffusing from it.
At first, I thought it was burning oil, but now sparks of neon lights came out of it. I only stood, and stared at the helpless machine.
"The fuck are you doing!? Turn off the freakin' switch!" Kinn's voice shouted before hurriedly opening the door and ordering his men to cut out the switch, which I failed to do.
"Where is it!?" I replied in panic, trying to find the damn switch. The three friends stood and ran towards the door, frantically shouting for help.
Where the fuck is the switch? How can I even see in this thick smoke!
"Cough! Cough!"
"Time, go and find the switch! Once you find it turn it off!" Kinn said to one of his friends.
The fuck are you implying? Of course, I won't be able to find it with this smoke suffocating my face, and you who won't stop nagging.
"Where the hell is it!?" I cried
"Shit! Use your god damn eye!" Kinn's voice echoed in the foggy pavement as well as the splashing sound of the fire extinguisher.
"Khun Kinn! Are you alright?" The voices outside came in unison.
"The system power has already been cut off, Khun Kinn." The other voice said. Kinn let out a relieved expression, and his men help him up back to the sofa. As for me, I only sat in the same position reminiscing what just happened.
"What's the matter Kinn?" his friend walked over to ask him. The other bodyguards entered and opened the window. Some open the other doors to expel the smoke.
"What the hell you are slacking about? Help us!" one crazy bastard shouted and cursed me.
Can't you see I'm in a state of shock!? Fuck, these people are really gonna drive me nuts. I took the liberty of helping them. Some of them went out to diffuse the smoke and some looked for the burning machine. Once they saw it, they unplug it immediately and took it away.
If you did it yourself, we won't be having this kind of trouble. I said to myself. As soon as the situation returned to normal, Kinn called me to stand in front of him. Staring at me as if I was food that he wants to devour. He let his other men escort his friends out, leaving me and the other men inside the room.
"Are you trying to burn my house?" he said with a hard tone and furious eyes.
"I didn't mean to," I answered softly.
"Good thing we have a power-cutting system, otherwise the house is already been burned into ashes!" One of his men snapped at me.
God! Do you have to be this cruel?
"There is no water in the machine. How can you not see that? " Kinn squinted his eyes and glared at me.
"I don't know how to use the coffee machine," I said in a low voice.
The only main reason is that there isn't a single drop of water in the machine, and the heating plate burned down.
"You don't know how to use it? But why you didn't tell me!?" Kinn shouted. I only rolled my eyes in reply and glared at him back.
How would I know!? I thought it was just like a normal kettle for Pete's sake!
We continued our staring contest until I backed off. I'm too fuckin tired to argue anymore. Why is my first day had to be this draining?
"If you don't know, ask. Stop acting like you know it all. It's annoying."
"I'm a bodyguard, you cant to expect me to do these things. If you want someone to do this for you, hire a barista instead!" I said in frustration.
"Porsche!" Kinn hit the glass table forcefully and it echoed throughout the room. The gesture is way too loud that it even scared his men.
"Are you forgetting who I am!? And who the hell are you? You should know your place here, Porsche." He said sternly while pointing his finger at me.
"I'll warn you for the last time, Porsche. If you disobey me again, I'll make you suffer." The last sentence he gave to me sank through my skull, making me angrier than I already was. His selfish words really do get me
thrown off the edge.
Knock! Knock!
My thoughts were disturbed by the loud knock that came from the door, the black-suited guys opened it, and a slim figure came right through the frame.
"Khun Pheam has arrived." Said a voice in prompt. The fine figure entered the room and sat beside Kinn.
"You guys can go now," Kinn ordered. About time! I made my way out as fast as I could but as soon as my foot was set on the floor, someone yet again stopped me.
"Wait, Porsche!" An unknown man called and handed me the car keys.
"You know how to drive a car, right?" He asked me. What do you take me for? Of course, I do! I turned and gave him a bitter smile.
"At exactly two o'clock send Khun Pheam home." I only stared at him in disbelief. Why should I send him home? And at two o'clock in the morning to boot? Shouldn't these people sleep at that time?
"Where should I send him?" the lad took out his phone, type some words, and handed it to me. At first, I was confused by the action but it turned out to be the address where I should be going. I scanned the phone for the address at gave it back to him.
Wouldn't it be easy if you just told me? But then again I remembered that these bastards don't want to talk to me. Just wait, I'll beat the shits out of you all.
I looked at the clock and saw that I still have too much time to spare, so I wandered around the dimly lit path trying to find a place to smoke.
Seeing a place near the garden, I made my way there. I reached the garden and saw that someone was already there smoking.
"Hey." The man greeted me and I recognized him. He's the one who helped me find the kitchen. I only nodded and made my way to the corner.
"Was it your first day?" he asked with a smile. Probably the first smile I ever received in this house.
"Um," I answered, gently nodding.
"I'm Pete by the way."
"Cool name, but what's up with a grumpy face?" He teased. Lighting up another stick.
"Bored," I answered.
"Hey, how can you get bored? I heard that you are working under Khun Kinn." He said as smoke came out of his mouth.
"Are you joking me?"
"Let me tell you, working under Khun Kinn is the best thing in this house." He said with enthusiasm.
"You're bluffing," I said, letting out a face of disbelief.
"Hahaha, I'm telling the truth. You are very lucky."
"I can clearly see that." Sarcasm built in my tone.
"You know what, I envy you." He said and let out a deep sigh.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The sons of Khun Korn have different attributes. Some are good and some are just completely out of hand. But if you ask me, Khun Kinn's attitude is way better than his younger brother Kim."
"Khun Kim, the youngest son of this house. Oh, I forgot that this was your first day. And yes, Khun Kim. He's like a lost boy." He jokingly said.
"Lost boy? How?"
"Khun Kim has a habit that made his bodyguards insane. He doesn't like to be followed or asked to go home, and that completely drives Brother Anon, nuts. By the way, P'Non Khun Kim's head bodyguard."
P'Non? So how many names should I remember? Forget it, knowing Pete's name is already enough.
"So you're very lucky to be assigned to Khun Kinn. Because everyone wants to be with him."
"Very nice story."
"I noticed, why aren't you in a black suit?" he asked.
"I'm way too lazy to change." I tiredly answered.
"Good for you. If it was me, I would've been already scolded from ear to ear."
Saaahhhh Saaahhhhhh
The sound came from Pete's walkie talkie and he immediately picked it up. "Yes?"
[Hello, hello? Pete? Where are you? Hurry up and come up now.]
The other line said. Pete then throws his lit cigarette and puts off the fire with his foot.
"Do you have some business to attend to?" I asked him.
"Khun Tanakhun has been calling me all day long, getting me to buy this and buy that! God! I wanna rest! I have to go up now, Porsche, I still have to watch some series."
He let out a sigh and left. I was confused about his words but got no time to ask because he already left. But I'm glad there are still good people in this
house. He looked like my age too and has a very warm personality. Ah, I forgot to ask him where the bathroom is. I've been standing all day and already forgotten to piss. God, here we go again. I was about to look for the bathroom but someone called me.
"Porsche! Khun Kinn is looking for you." The bastard said, giving me a cold shoulder. He really does know when to call me huh? What a pain in the ass. And his men weren't any good either.
I made my way to the hall, still looking for the bathroom. I've been up all day yet no one even asked me if I had already eaten or what. These people don't even give a damn about me. When I felt that I won't be able to take it any longer I went to the side of the house with many trees enough to cover me and pulled down my pants. I also noticed that there is a black pond, probably their canal. I position myself beside the canal and relieved myself. The perks of being a man, you don't have to trouble yourself to get to the bathroom since you can do it this way. After helping myself, I pulled up my pants and went into the house.
I was in front of Kinn's room and one of his men gestured to me.
"Don't go in yet." He said.
I looked in his direction and when I had already did he handed me some papers.
"What's this?"
"Sort that papers according to the contents and check Khun Kinn's schedule. And from now on, every time that there will be documents placed on the table, you have to check them out or sort them. If there is something to write you have to help Khun Kinn."
I was in awe when he told me everything. "And why the hell should I do it?"
"You are head guard here, right? Stop complaining." The bastard bluntly said to me before he rested on the sofa.
I looked at the papers in my hand with frustration. Since I entered this house, I haven't done anything a bodyguard should do. All of these are just a bunch of office trash.
Fuck, I don't know anymore!
I took the papers and made my way to the sofa to rest, but as soon as my ass touched the futon, the bastard on the other end stood up and walked away.
Fuckin bastard! One of these days I'll definitely stuff my foot on your face!
I scanned through the documents and saw a report of Kinn, and yeah he's studying at the same university as me. International Executive Committee, oh these words are in English and I can't understand one bit.
And you all are asking me to sort this out? Don't blame me if I misplace some pages.
I was sitting beside a large pile of papers when I noticed thatit was time for me to send Pheam home.
The lad went out of Kinn's room and I escorted him to the car. I don't know what games or crazy things these bastards have done, but he looked too worn out. When we reached the car he sat on the back seat and leaned against the window. He tried to shut his eyes and rest. I can't help but notice the red marks on his arms and also on his neck. Did he fight with Kinn? I asked myself. The whole ride was quiet and when we were almost at the location, he talked.
"You can drop me here." He said as he walked out of the car.
I'm exhausted but I wanted to have a few or four rounds of fun. Does this car have GPS? Ah! forget it. I'll just drive home.
When I got back, I sat on the same sofa and saw the bastards sleeping and others playing games. Kinn must have fallen asleep because he didn't notice. I was tired as hell, and I wanted to sleep yet I still have to wait until sunrise for me to go home. I don't want to sleep here, who knows what they'll do to me while I'm sleeping.
Why is the time longer than usual? I let out a sigh.
I got up from the sofa and wandered around until the time passed and it was already dawn. Without anyone telling me that it was time to finish my work, I went to my room, took my gun case, and washed my face. I made my way to the garage to get my motorcycle when suddenly, a loud scream hit my ear.
"WHO ON EARTH PEED ON THE KOI POND!?" the screeching voice echoed through the yard, making people look in that direction in unison.
"NO!!! SEBASTIAN! ELIZABETHH!" the voice cried.
I saw the bodyguards run around like a bunch of ants who lost their trail. I saw Pete running past in my direction so I asked him.
"What's happening Pete?"
"I don't know. Someone might have pissed on the Koi pond and killed Sebastian and Elizabeth. So early in the morning and I'm already having a headache!" Pete said and hurriedly left. I made my way to my motorcycle, immediately started the engine, and drove away.
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Fuck, can this day get any worse?