Wildflowers adorned the webs around me that formed a blanket beneath my body.
A nest had been created around my body that had been cut from its binds once Reid and Quinton had finally run out of energy and i was barely keeping my eyes open.
My whole body felt heavy from the ferocious pounding of both demons. Teeth marks embedded into my tacky skin that dribbled blood from the wounds. My sweat-soaked body laid in the bottom of the nest that enveloped the area around me in its glittering sphere.
I could see Quinton's shadow crawling over the roof as he re-enforced the structure at the top. Reid was by the circular entrance weaving bundles of wildflowers into it.
The roof above me had trinkets dangling from it. They spun and reflected the light streaming around Reid's glowing body.
The glowing halo on his back pulsated as he hummed softly. His arms worked carefully, each one glowing as they stretched upwards from his rippling back.
It was so mesmerising to watch. I hadn't had a chance to just take in his body since both of their possessive marking of me.
And Quinton. He hadn't been a stranger after all; at least to Reid.
He was his new older brother.
When Reid had been abandoned by his own family, he was lucky enough to find a new one nestled amongst the shadows. A woman, Reid's new mother, was the protector of a wide range of lonely children and teens seeking refuge.
She protected all of her family and treated each one like they were her own children. Being a demon herself, she was not a force to be reckoned with.
Quinton became the older brother to Reid when he joined them all those years ago. He also became his shadow whenever Reid stepped out into the col-de-sac; watching nearby in case he needed to intervene.
Quinton was one of twelve males raised by his mother. She also nursed five females to adulthood; each one harbouring their own different monsters beneath their skin.
As well as being his unrelated brother, Reid was also Quinton's plaything. It was obvious Quinton was quite possessive of what he considered to be his property, and chose to let it be known through his relentless energy.
Quinton was determined on not letting any of his siblings mark me like he had. I belonged to him, and he was going to make that known.
He had already made it known to Reid who he punished when he had forced himself from me for the last time. Reid had been dominated by him before and was put in his place beneath Quinton when he plunged into him and tore at his neck. His forcefulness with Reid had been brutal but swift, only lasting a few minutes as his teeth and hands secured around Reid's skin.
When he was finished delivering his message, Quinton had left to retrieve the clothing while Reid started on the protective nest to shield my exhausted body from the elements and other curious demons.
I had only awoken when his soft humming stirred me from my sleep. I didn't even know i had slept through the night until the cool breeze and morning rays dancing around the trees peered through the opening of the complete web sphere supporting me.
And that's when i saw Reid and Quinton.
I was still naked from the day before. Reid only wore brown longs that looked like silk itself. Quinton had gone for the same protection, choosing a more heavier material that was tangled in the webs he climbed over.
Wildflowers tied into the webs around me was my only coverage. Their colourful buds and twisting leaves bent under their sparkling binds, each one deliberately woven to provide as many complimenting colours as possible.
I dragged myself over to Reid and wrapped my arms around his middle. When i leant my head against his shoulder, he sighed and leant his on mine.
"Good morning" he whispered.
"Good morning" i smiled back.
His hands brushed my face lightly before reaching up to twine a flower into my hair with a cheeky smile.
"I'm sorry for leaving you like i did" Reid turned to me now and held my hands in his "I didn't know Quinton was going to get to you before i did. I wanted to make sure no-one else was going to hurt you."
I chuckled and saw his fingers stroking the back of my hands now as his blue eyes grew hard and serious.
"I think you made it quite clear what you wanted. Both of you."
I felt my body throb at the thought of Reid and Quinton fighting over me. In trying to overpower each other, they had only made everything better.
It was wilder than any dream i had. I could still feel them pumping inside me to try and fill me up, my sore cock dripping.
It had all been so passionate and possessive; like two lovers trying to compete for the affections of a swooning female.
Reid noticed my beading but seemed annoyed and lowered his eyes from mine.
"I didn't want to share" he sulked.
Even though my feelings for him had been fiercely torturing me through what I thought I wanted, I was glad he hadn't made it back in time. Despite Reid's passionate aggression, Quinton was the one that made my body ache and clench at the feeling of his force hammered into me.
My heart yearned for Reid but I wanted more.
I wanted Quinton.
My cock flexed and Reid misinterpreted it being for him. I saw him smile and let him live in his daydream when he fought his own arousal. His fingers brushed gently along my cheekbone before he leant in to press his lips to mine as he left.
I could see he was trying to distract himself. His eyes lingered on me when he wandered around the nest to search for more items to adorn it with.
Quinton's shadow above me only moved when Reid left. I felt my breath catch in my chest that flopped at the sight of his face peering down.
He dropped from the top of the entrance, hanging there for a moment to drink me in, before releasing himself.
I saw his muscles ripple with every movement. It was making me heated just seeing such a powerful person wanting someone like me with as much possessive lust as he did.
The whole sphere shook from the sudden disturbance of Quinton's body and sent me sprawling back.
Quinton noticed the thrill in my face when he approached the dip i was nestled in and hovered above my naked body.
His pants spread warmth through my body when they pressed to me. His arms were radiating heat when his hands flicked the flower from my hair then pinned my wrists to the webs.
Good God, he knew how to make my whole world disappear.
"You smell like you need mating" Quinton breathed along my neck he slowly kissed to make my quiver.
"Yes" I begged.
His teeth nipped at my chest as they traveled downwards. His mouth hovered above my erection before his eyes flicked up to me.
"Don't be so greedy."
"Please" I panted "Quinton."
I was hoping the sound of his name would drive him to mark me again, but nothing. He left my untouched erection to return to my face so he could bite my throat.
"Think of me when he fucks you. Make me be the reason for every cum he forces from you."
My body crackled as he smirked at my desperation. I wrapped my legs around his hips to try and trap him there as he remained over me.
I didn't want to be abandoned again. I wanted to feel complete with someone who needed me.
"I'm yours" I moaned up at him, growing breathless when i felt his hardness press against me "please."
"Be patient" he pressed a finger to my lips to shush me while his other hands peeled my legs from him "you need to rest. I don't want you collapsing when I'm fucking you senseless again."
Tears welled in my eyes at the frustration of his refusal. Quinton wiped them gently with his thumbs, then licked them to savour the taste.
"I'll feel it when you need me" he soothed "you are mine. I will give you everything you need, you just need to be patient."
Quinton rose to his feet and moved aside so that Reid could climb through with his trinkets. His eyes narrowed at Quinton when he saw me still sprawled there, legs wide open and eyes glistening with bitterness.
"What did you do to him?" Reid growled.
"Just gave him some harsh truths" Quinton teased, grasping Reid's chin between his fingers so he could bring it close to his face "i'll tell you them when i punish you next."
Quinton dropped down to the ground and Reid bitterly watched him go. When he was sure he was gone, he abandoned his gifts and dropped to his knees so he could take full advantage of my vulnerability.
It was late afternoon when i finally left the webbing to touch ground again.
Flowers adorned every surface of the orb that was suspended between the trees. The sunlight warming the area only made everything seem to glitter radiantly. I could see the ground beneath the orb buried in a halo of trinkets piled on each other; the same ones twirling from the tendrils that supported the orb on either side.
It looked more like a beautiful art piece than the new nesting grounds of two protective demons.
I finally had enough strength to force my legs to move back through the forestry and along the walkway leading back towards my home. Everything within me ached painfully with each step i took. Gouges riddled my skin and my discarded pants pulled back over me were crisp with stained dirt.
I wanted nothing more than a steaming hot shower and a warm meal. Even a fresh change of clothes.
My shirt was nothing but rags now that joined the growing halo of junk.
The first thing i saw when i staggered into the col-de-sac was Carter. Reece and Mordakai were chattering to him outside Mordakai's home when they spotted me.
For a moment, i wondered how different things could be if i had just given in and gone to Carter's instead.
We were both human, as far as i knew, and there was no way he would leave me feeling so crippled and starved. I would have been just his, as he had said. Not even Reece could share me like Reid and Quinton did.
I was pretty sure he wouldn't be adamant on tearing at my skin with his bare teeth too. Just the brush of the gentle breeze on the wounds made the stabbing pain seer deeper.
Carter opened his mouth to throw his snide remarks at me but closed it instead.
When i glanced up at him, he was hesitant to speak. He looked nervous when he stared at my body, and grasped the back of his neck briefly.
All three only watched when I hobbled into my home and closed the door on them. My parents had left a note on the counter to tell me they had gone grocery shopping; the both of them leaving nothing else about my absence.
I used to be absent all the time when i had sleepovers at Reece's or Carter's, but that was when we were still dumb kids. Sometimes Mordakai would be there too if he was allowed. It was a much simpler time then before raging hormones tore rifts in our friendship.
Perhaps they had hopes i had returned to the old ways instead of chasing after something they clearly didn't approve of?
I pulled out a seat at the breakfast bar before going around to pour out some cereal swamped with novelty marshmallows that bobbed in the milk i drowned them in. It was the quickest thing to make in my hunger that hazed my mind.
When i went to enjoy it however, coarsing pain stabbed straight through me to make me yelp.
Next came out the frozen peas that served as my new cushion.
Water dripped over my refreshed body when i left the warmth of the steaming shower.
The towel i tied around my waist was the only decency i could wrap around myself when pounding on the front door interrupted my routine. I still held the cream i had dug out of the cabinet in the bathroom for my wounds.
Carter was the one at the door when i opened it. He noticed me in the towel and averted his eyes elsewhere, ashamed to have been caught looking.
"C-can i come in?" he almost whispered.
I peered around him to find Reece and Mordakai wandering down the road towards the lake. They wore their favourite swimmers; Reece in his usual blue shorts while Mordakai had his borrowed black ones. Both had towels hung over their necks; Mordakai wearing his like a scarf.
Carter only had on his red swimmer shorts. A towel was slung over his neck that he kept secured there. He waited for my permission then meekly walked in so i could close the door behind him.
What had changed with him? There was no way this was the same young man as yesterday.
Carter noticed my pea cushion and smirked. He held back a laugh when i turned back to it in embarrassment.
"Why are you here, Carter?"
His smile instantly disappeared and he looked back at the door to check that it was still firmly closed.
He slid the towel from around his neck and bunched it in his hands in shame. I watched Carter shuffle around so that he could reveal the mutilated skin ringed through the flesh there.
"I... uh... I'm sorry... for calling you Spider Bait" he mumbled and turned back around quickly "and i was the one who sprayed your fence all those times too."
"I kind of guessed that" I glared back but softened when his eyes darted downwards immediately after making contact with me "what did he do to you?"
Carter winced and shook his head.
Instead, he pointed to the peas.
"Got another one of those?"
Instantly, i understood.
When Carter carefully lowered himself onto the cushion, i pushed his head forward to examine the fresh mark.
Where Reid's had torn through his soft skin was obvious; each mark was a prefect indentation of his sharp teeth. It looked like he had bitten down on the same area multiple times from the slight variations in the carved marks.
Carter flinched when i cleaned the skin and applied a thick layer of cream to it. He refused any sort of covering for it out of pride and his broken ego.
He even had tears glistening in his eyes when he raised his head up once more.
Reid had absolutely broken him.
"Here" Carter straightened and took the jar from me "i'll do you."
I returned to my seat and leant forward so Carter could pull my hair off the back of my neck and start smearing.
The sudden contact of the cool cream sent fire coursing back through me. Pain jolted in me like lightning that seared down my spine and through my fingertips.
"Sorry" Carter mumbled.
He kept going, focusing on the ones around my shoulders now. These ones were nothing compared to the mating marks Quinton was determined on planting on me. Reid's were nowhere near as deep or brutal.
Now that I was Quinton's mate, Reid knew he didn't have a hold over me like he did. He only did it to satisfy himself.
Carter's fingers trailed over my skin that shivered in response. He only went as far as Quinton's mark on my lower back before handing the jar back to me.
"You can do the rest."
I was perfectly capable but i didn't want to. Carter was being so gentle with me and i was enjoying having contact from someone else that wasn't being bitten into or fucked through me.
Reid had traumatized Carter into staying away from me. Instead of finishing me off, he had taken Carter instead in an act of dominance. Carter wasn't one to turn down advances from another either; Reid would have been buried within Carter while i was left to be satisfied by Quinton.
Was Carter ashamed of enjoying it? Or had he been met with the same savagery i had been?
Reid had obviously told Carter to stay away from me. He was shaking at just touching my skin.
I wasn't Reid's plaything. Not anymore.
My heart lingered on the feelings Quinton gave me. My dreams of Reid hadn't prepared me for the disappointing conclusion of the real thing. At least my dreams had stuck around to finish me off. Several years of tantalizing were shattered with only one night with Quinton.
I wanted Carter to see that.
"I need help" I said and handed the jar back to Carter. I wandered over to lock the front door then turned around to drop my towel.
There was a glint in Carter's eyes that vanished in an instant. He lowered his head so he was looking at his feet instead.
"I can't."
"You can."
I turned the chair around and sat on it so i was facing him. Carter glanced downwards again then swiped his shaking fingers over my shoulder.
"Reid doesn't own me" I spoke as he moved to the other side "and he doesn't own you either, Carter."
"He's a demon" Carter glanced at me "i can't fight off something like that."
I felt a smile play at my lips and watched Carter soothe Reid's mark above my nipple. I felt like i was in control here and it made me feel good. I wanted to be dangerous and tease Carter into doing something he now thought was taboo.
"What about something like me?"
Carter looked up at my playful tone and chuckled. His fingers trailed down to my side, ignoring me.
"I know you've never thought of me like that. Not even when we were little."
I reached over to hold his hand that i guided to my other side.
"Not even when i'm right here? Naked and waiting?"
Carter breathed in sharply then put the jar back in my hand that he pushed away.
"I know this is just revenge for what he did to you" he scowled and tried to remain firm.
"Does it even matter?'" I breathed back and locked my eyes onto his "has that ever stopped you, Carter?"
His smile played at his lips again and he checked the locked door.
"I do like the way you say my name" he admitted and leant in close to press his forehead against mine "but i don't want to hurt you."
This was news.
"I thought you wanted to do terrible things to me?" I whispered and hung my arms off his neck.
I wanted him to want me as badly as i wanted him. I could play to Carter's weaknesses and really get him harder than he already was; but the thought of him taking me in ways that was different to Reid's forcefulness was what i yearned for. The danger of it all was delightful.
"I don't want you like this" he chuckled and pulled up the bag of peas from his chair to rustle "and i'm sure you feel the same."
This was a different side to Carter i liked. He had always been so forward and possessive to me, but now that he was away from his audience, he was thoughtful and kind of funny.
"You should be worried about me more often."
His hand gripped my cock, his fingers smearing the cream over its length before tugging on it once.
I quivered at the jolt of electricity it sent flexing through me.
"You should think about me like this more often" Carter rumbled and stroked once again to make it jump "i won't share, you know."
"I wouldn't want you too" I gasped and gripped the sides of the chair.
Another stroke, slow and testing.
"I want you, Silas" Carter flexed when i fumbled desperately for him "I've...wanted you for a long time."
Another wave of pleasure flowed from us, coating our hands.
I couldn't say the same back. I just grunted and shuddered as Carter desperately yanked on me, faster and harder now.
I was desperate for his much gentler touch though. Carter and Quinton were complete opposites that made me moan at the thought of them both fighting for me like the two demons had.
"I'm going to cum" Carter shuddered and stopped his rhythm to grip my cock instead.
I kept going, eager and ready for him. His hands flew up to clench around my shoulders now when he cried out. I felt him flexing in my hand as the hot cum smothered my fingers that reached down to grasp his firm balls.
I leant over to run my tongue over the smooth knob, only to recoil.
Carter laughed and moaned. He walked over to the door where i had dropped my towel to pick it up and clean himself off with before throwing it at my face.
"It's not what you expect" Carter continued to laugh and fixed his pants just as he picked up the bags of peas to wash off and drop back into the freezer.
I tried to hold back my laughter when he poured a glass of water and slid it across to me.
"You need clothes" he announced with a wave of the note my parents had left "and i need a shower."
I watched him come around to plant a kiss on my forehead.
"I'm sorry i couldn't do the same for you" he murmered "but if you feel like, you know, being adventurous again, you know i'll be more than keen."
Carter slipped away to the showers and i listened to him singing over the water, feeling tears in my eyes.
I actually felt happy. It all felt like a strange dream playing out with the most unusual of cast members.
My parents were home when Carter was sitting beside me again in his swimmer shorts. He had his towel slung around his neck and a wide grin on his face.
I was in a faded yellow shirt and grey shorts he had thrown to me. Both of us were enjoying our own bowls of cereal when my parents noticed Carter's appearance there and our joy with each other.
Their approval only soared when Carter excused himself and leant over to purposefully kiss my head again, ruffling up my hair.
"See you later, Spider Bait" he whispered cheekily with a wave before he was out the door, brimming with renewed purpose.