It wasn't just the street that witnessed the clash between Quinton and Carter when they struggled there. It was the whole town.
With a demon so publicly trying to harm a human, judgement was instantly made and spread through gossip.
And because I was the trophy they fought for, and had been connected to Reid when he had been banished, my name was instantly marked.
Everyone came together to drive off Quinton when Carter was knocked to the ground. Rocks were thrown by children while shovels and even knives were brandished by adults.
Carter was dragged away from Quinton who flung out his arm to try and shield me from another stone that hit my head and made me cry out.
The anger turned on him quickly focused on me when they saw Quinton wasn't going to leave without me.
Even my parents who had rushed outside because of the commotion were frozen in shock at what they were seeing.
"Stay behind me" Quinton huffed when his arms whipped up at a flurry of trash being hurtled at him "I'll give you enough time to get to the boardwalk."
I gripped to the arm he held behind him and agreed. My face pleaded for my parents safety when they tried uselessly to stop the tirade against us.
Quinton kept his menacing pose as he backed away from the human wall protecting Carter who was bleeding from the blows Quinton had smashed into him. Even Reece and Mordakai were there to help, screaming with everyone else.
The people faltered at Quinton's arms that slapped eager adults away and tried to keep the distance between them. Some lunged to try and stab Quinton who took each attack with a hissing retaliation.
The boardwalk was only a few meters away when Quinton's arm shoved me towards it.
I sprinted for the safety of the trees with Quinton, but the people followed. We had only just started sprinting along the boards before a massive black mass powered towards me.
I screamed out and threw myself to the ground. Quinton shielded me, his muscles tightening as he gripped me close.
"Come on" he breathed when he checked the rising screams behind us "now's our chance."
Quinton pulled me to my feet and tried to usher me from our saviour causing terror through the street.
I saw massive black legs lashing out at the scurrying people. Those who tried to fight their fear and stab the beast's face were only fuelling its ego.
The bulging abdomen was marked with a glowing blue halo that pierced through the short black fur. It's back had another halo that touched the tops of each of its eight legs splayed outwards.
Silver strands dripped from the curved mandibles when the beast's face turned to us. It's blue eyes were splattered across it like glistening tears, each one recoiling when someone pierced its face with their knife.
It was a gigantic spider demon in all of its natural glory.
Quinton moved behind me to cover my back from stray garbage that pelted him instead. He kept close as we ran further inwards and back towards the location of the nest.
Instead of ushering me towards it when we arrived, Quinton steered me past the orb and along the trail leading back out into the open.
A massive field of wildflowers was planted here that bathed in warm sunlight. It was such a serene beauty to behold compared to the chaos ringing out only mere meters away.
Quinton took the lead now, and I followed cautiously. He guided me along a crushed path in the flowers that looked like it had been used for years.
The flowers that were once there were only dirt and stones now and bordered the path leading further from the forest.
Reid's forest was bordering the distance when Quinton stopped. Another forest stood before us that he did not enter. Instead, he surveyed the area around a large entrance carved into the ground that was glistening with broken webs.
I felt like a damsel in distress being whisked away to safety. I didn't mind the giddy feeling it bubbled up inside me when I saw how far Quinton was prepared to go just to keep me by his side.
"Someone's been here" Quinton stiffened and flung his arm out again to stop me "let me check that it's still safe."
I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself to try and steady my trembling nerves.
It was only a few moments before I could relax again when Quinton emerged back into view with a bottle and roll of bandage. He returned to my side to rub his hands along my arms in an attempt to warm me.
"Let me take a look at that."
"It's not that bad" I frowned back, then bit through the pain when Quintin's fingertips brushed my forehead.
I sat down amongst the flowers and peered into Quinton's anger as he cleaned me up. Blood trickled over my face when the water was dabbed to it that Quinton hissed at and tried to wipe away.
"I can't believe they would target you like that" he muttered under his breath "for something so stupid."
I pressed my hand over his and saw him look up so his glistening eyes could stare into mine.
"I don't think being with you is stupid."
A small smile played on his lips as he unraveled the bandage and wrapped it around my head.
"It's hard to believe that when you have such a disgusting stench on you."
Instantly, I felt my gut clench when I realised Carter was still stained on me. Quinton's hard glare retrained on me now.
"You belong to me" he warned "and that means you are only satisfied by me. I don't like the fact you deliberately let yourself be fucked by something so pathetic. He couldn't even fight for you, let alone fuck you properly. "
"But you fought for me" I smiled back and felt Quinton's thumb stroke circles over my hand "and you can do so much more than he can."
His hand pulled from mine so it could grip my chin and tilt my head upwards to his.
"I will not be compared to that" he growled at me "do you understand?"
"I've won fights against fearsome demons. A little human is nothing for me. I got my prize, and I'm going to enjoy it."
My heart skipped a beat and my mouth instantly grew dry.
Quinton chuckled. His body leant over mine, forcing me onto my back.
"You let him fuck you just to make me do this, didn't you?" he smirked.
I nodded, chuckling at the way my body seemed to malfunction around him.
"That's very deceptive" he seemed to purr and ran his fingers down the front of my throat "and it's working."
"Good" I shivered back when he leant down to inhale my neck before nipping at it "are you going to make me wait again?"
He raised an eyebrow at my rash tone. I felt his warm breath on my neck before his teeth nipped the skin, testing me.
Instead of trialing down my body, Quinton paused.
His forehead creased and he seemed hesitant.
"I want to fuck you."
"I'm waiting" I chuckled back and guided his hands to my pants.
He withdrew and placed both his hands on either side of me, his other hands sprouting to do the same.
"I want to fuck you as I am."
Instantly, I felt the buzz inside me dying.
The presence of the giant spider demon that had came barreling towards me had shaken me. Something that massive and imposing didn't arouse me like this hidden form did; it only terrified me.
"I want you to feel comfortable with the real me" Quinton soothed as he stroked my cheek "I want to give you more, but I can't unless you can trust me."
"I..." I choked out and looked elsewhere to avoid his optimistic gaze "... I can't."
Quinton was obviously disappointed but didn't move from his position over me.
"Can I show you?" he asked "I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, Silas."
I looked up at him and he grinned back, pushing my hair away from my face.
"I trust you" I nodded but then grew stern "but only what I want."
"Of course" he agreed as he lifted himself to his feet and held out a hand for me "I don't want to lose you already."
He backed up into the flower field until he was a few meters away. Quinton kept his eyes locked on me, hesitating once again when he had reached a suitable distance.
It looked like he was desperate for my approval. The demanding and ferocious demon was replaced with one that wanted to be loved in all aspects of himself.
Had he been hurt by rejection before?
"I won't hurt you" Quinton vowed "are you ready?"
I braced myself and nodded.
Quinton tensed up. All of his arms extended from his body to plant into the flowers. Quinton's main two started to lengthen grotesquely, cracking and twitching as they did. His legs were next to stretch until they were the same length.
When they found the ground, his dark skin began to tear. At first, it looked like plastic being stretched too tight to contain something. When it started to tear and spill blood over the slick fur underneath, i felt my heart begin to hammer wildly and my breath catch in my whimpering throat.
Quinton face split down the middle to tear away. The shower of eyes poked through, round and polished like the gemstones they resembled.
I backed up when the hulking spider bulged from Quinton's spine and shook off the clinging skin that collapsed around him.
It was identical to the one I assumed was Reid who had come to protect us. Even the blazing blue rings were the same that stained its back and each joint in the massive legs.
The demon easily dwarfed its surroundings. The swaying flowers did nothing to beautify the monster waiting there.
When it carefully moved forwards, I edged back. It saw my uncertainty and paused.
"It's still me" it spoke.
It was such an odd thing to hear Quinton's voice coming from the mandibles of this demon. Even though I knew the Quinton I had been with was just a mask, it was unnerving to see exactly what I had only been inches from this whole time.
The spider inched forward again. The fur across it tangled with the flowers that it reached out to pluck up.
I stared at the single wavering flower, then to the beast holding it. It remained perfectly still when I took a careful step towards it.
It was going to be OK. It was still him.
Another step.
The flower had to be some sort of peace offering. Perhaps it was even a trick to let my guard down?
It loomed closer.
Quinton said he wouldn't hurt me.
But was that even Quinton anymore?
My fingers reached forward, trembling.
The flower dropped down so that I was touching the slick fur of the spider instead.
Its eyes closed to enjoy the moment. My fingers edged down the lowered forehead that twitched under my touch.
He was enjoying this. Perhaps this was the first time in a while someone had been so close to his actual self?
"See?" it hummed through its deep voice "I'm not going to hurt you."
I felt myself smile as my fingers laced over the fur. It's was so soft for something that looked so jagged up close.
"You are terrifying" I breathed back.
"Of course. I've got to keep you safe somehow" it rumbled, swelling up with pride.
I only smiled back, feeling comforted that I had something so fierce here to keep me from becoming a target again.
Quinton was obviously aroused by my dependency on him. Even though he wasn't acting on it, I could see the glistening scythe quivering from his abdomen. Even if his human form, Quinton had only been teasing me with the tip of what was something much more than I could have imagined. It would tear me apart if he tried to fuck me with a fraction of its length.
Quinton saw my worry and nudged me, only to make me fall down. He shivered at the sight of me helpless beneath him and stood over me, dripping.
I heard a yell and turned toward Reid's forestry border in the distance. Quinton's head snapped up too at the noise which he returned with a screech.
I held onto the leg curled around me and felt the terror rip through me when I saw the cause of the distraction.
People poured from Reid's forest and broke apart to cover as much ground as they could. The glint of fire that scattered with them soon became whipping flames, fuelled by the grasslands it was lowered to.
Fire lashed at the wildflowers that sizzled and charred as it devoured them. The wails of Reid screeched through the air when he came charging into the open, searching frantically for us.
"There!" I heard someone shout as they pointed to us "it's trying to kill the kid!"
Quinton hadn't moved from his position over me. His erection was no more when he spun around to face the intruders, letting out another furious screech that shook through him.
"Please" I shivered against Quinton's leg "don't let them hurt me."
The frenzy of flames running wild whipped in the reflection of Quinton's eyes that looked down at me.
"I won't let them take you from me" he vowed before charging at the roaring intruders, Reid powering himself towards them from the opposite side of the burning field.