My parents had never been happier when Carter dropped by for visits.
They thought my fling with Reid had ended and i had moved onto something more manageable, which they welcomed heartily with praise and an extra seat at the table.
It was nice to have Carter around. Having us return to the way we were when we were friends was a relief to the both of us.
And even with Reid still making his appearances in the col-de-sac that I ignored, Carter grew bolder with his advancements into my home.
Both of us were still recovering from our own pain. My parents found the marks on my body along my arms that Carter instantly took the blame for. They didn't even seem bothered; just confused that he had such an unusual kink.
He only found this hilarious though. There were much worse things he was dreaming of doing to me once he could, which he whispered into my ear.
For now, he liked me firmly in his lap whenever he could so i could feel his erection pressed against me. Sometimes he would nestle it beneath my balls cheekily so his knob could rub on my own cock from within my pants. He was even brave enough to keep himself there when my parents came to offer us food during gaming sessions together.
Carter liked what he couldn't have. The fact i was still harbouring fading feelings towards Reid only made his want for me stronger. He wanted what was forbidden to him, and envisioned having to fight for me.
We both knew he couldn't do it. Carter wouldn't stand a chance against a furious Quinton who would charge at the chance to protect what was his.
Both of us were so frustrated with not being able to explore each other. The sexual tension between us could be felt in any room we both sat in, trying to distract ourselves.
Carter could easily have turned to something more easier, but didn't. I could have went begging back to Reid or Quinton, but couldn't.
Handjobs and teasing kisses down my neck only scratched the surface. It didn't seem i could ever satisfy Carter who always seemed desperately hard just as the touch of me running my mouth over him or teasing him with my fingers.
Whatever we did though, I could never truly be Carter's. He had been marked by Reid when he had taken him. Quinton had done the same to me when Reid had left me to do that. Quinton had said so himself that he would be able to feel whenever i needed him.
It was amazing what demons could do.
"Do you think they can feel it whenever i make you cum?" Carter wondered as he tasted his dripping fingers that pulled from my quivering cock.
"I don't think it's like that" I snorted when Carter snatched onto me and cried out to cover my own hand.
"But they know whenever you need fucking" he panted as i tried to clean up the rest of his burning load "you just said that yourself."
We both dropped into the beanbags beside my bed and laid there as we tried to recover from our exploding excitement.
"How on earth can they keep going?" Carter mused, looking over at me "how many was it?"
I gawked at Carter's smug face and admired his boldness.
There was no stopping him.
"I have no clue. Fifty, maybe sixty?"
Instantly, Carter's jaw dropped.
"How about you?" I slapped his hand to bring him back into focus.
For the first time, he was embarrassed again. His hand crept up to rub the back of his healing neck.
"Just once" he muttered "at the end."
Once? Had Reid really gone for all that time to hunt down Carter just to mark him once?
Had he lost interest in me so quickly for something better? Something that put up a fight and got him thrilled for the struggle?
"He bit me each time i tried to get away" Carter grumbled and ran his fingers over the torn skin "it wasn't even worth fighting, to be honest. He just kept me pinned to the ground then came and left. Probably exhausted from destroying you."
Reid destroying me? Only Quinton could be so unforgiving. The thought of Quinton ramming through me made me smile as i started to glisten.
I wonder if he knew how badly i wanted him with me again? Just having his muscular body hovering over me like before made my knees weak. And having him hard at the thought of me being taken by someone else...
Reid could have Carter. I had something much better and stronger.
"Jesus, are you getting hard again?" Carter chuckled "is the thought of Reid fucking me really getting you going?"
"Yeah" I breathed and smiled at him "because then he doesn't need me. I have something better than Reid anyway; he obviously only thinks you are enough for him."
And Reid obviously thought so little of me. He only wanted to fuck what had alluded him for so long to quench the thrill of finally having me run back to him. A boy i had blooming love for since we were kids didn't want me nearly as badly as a young man who chanced upon me once.
The thought of being Quinton's trophy didn't frustrate me as it did at the thought of being owned by Reid. No amount of trashy bottle caps or weeds could change that.
I saw Carter's brows crease as he felt the pain of my words. He leant forward now, his limp cock pressing into the beanbag.
"I knew this was just a passing thing, but i didn't know you were going to toss me to Reid like that" Carter spoke "i thought you were going to put up more of a fight than that; you two were really close."
"Were" I agreed "before he decided to leave me hanging in a forest and take you instead. I was left there for Quinton before Reid showed up to try and make me believe he wanted me more. You just made me see that i have better options."
Carter frowned at the beanbag then lifted himself from it so he could rummage for his shirt.
"Where are you going?" i frowned.
Carter only scowled back.
"You have better options" he grunted and tried to play it off like it wasn't tearing him apart "i'm not going to keep fooling myself that you actually want me for more than something to keep you going until you run back to the damn spiders."
"T-that's not what i meant!" I blurted out and got to my feet while Carter threw his shirt back on and fixed his necklace "Carter!"
"What do you mean then?" he glared and stormed towards me so i was pushed to the door "because you made it clear from the start you wanted nothing more. I... thought it was going to change."
I couldn't admit that it was, because it wasn't. We were both fools trying to outplay the other at their own game to keep ourselves sated for what we really wanted.
"To hell with it" Carter growled and forced me to face the door now "I'm going to have what I want."
"Carter" I cried out in surprise at his sudden aggressiveness "it's not going to change anything!"
"I know" he grunted as he forced myself open for him "but i need to have you cum for me before I let you run off again."
His fingers knotted in mine when his knob twisted through me. The halo of fire burned as he forced his limp cock inside and tried to agitate it to hardness.
"I want you, Silas" Carter grunted in my ear "more than anything right now."
He slammed his body against mine, making the door hammer in response.
"My parents are down the hall" I hushed.
"It's not me you have to worry about being quiet" he smirked with a glint in his eye.
He slammed again and I braced myself to try and quieten the blow. The fire spread, making me bite my lip.
I heard the sliding of the chair by the kitchen before footsteps paused to listen again.
"Are you really not going to give in to me?" Carter panted, growing hard within me "not even a moan?"
"I... I can't" I whimpered.
"Carter" he instructed in my ear "say it, Silas."
He slammed again, his pounding erection digging deeper. My own cock twitched when the fire burnt at the base of his that he slid outwards slowly.
I heard slapping bare feet approaching up the hallway. Carter twisted back into me, gripping both my hips so he could plunge into me again.
A knock came at the door.
"Are you OK, Silas?" my father called.
Carter leant back as he slid inside me, trying to force the moan he wanted so badly.
"Just getting changed!" I blurted out before biting down on my own hand.
Carter yanked it from me and pulled both my hands behind my back so he could use them as supports while he suppressed his grunts of pleasure.
"Sounds like you fell over. Are you OK?"
The door began to open and Carter released my hands so I could bolt forwards to block the gap with my torso.
Carter was still inside me while I tried to keep my father from opening the door further. Thankfully my father saw my hesitation and didn't push.
"Just be careful" he frowned then peered around "where's Carter?"
"Toilet! " I called out when I closed the door "he'll be out soon!"
The footsteps remained on the other side of the door before retreating. Carter grinned and kept his steady rhythm, letting out his own moan that he muffled against my body.
"Let me fuck you on your bed, Silas" he begged and eagerly pulled from me.
I shuffled over but was pushed against it. My hands and knees sank into the warm blankets and soft mattress when Carter stood behind me. His hard grip pushed my arse downwards to make sure I was in the prime position for him.
This time, he used his own spit to lube his cock that slid in effortlessly. The biting fire was only a simmer now that yearned for the return of Carter's length. I was a mess already from our growing frustrations finally being fulfilled.
My balls nestled in the blankets that Carter hungrily eyed when I faced him. His cock slammed me into the bed to force the cry from me that he wanted. I dragged my pillow over to bite into it as Carter kept slamming relentlessly and desperately.
Once he was gone, I would not be his again. It was a fleeting moment that wasn't his to begin with.
"More" he growled at me and dug deeper, his firm balls slapping against mine "MORE. "
My muffled screams fuelled him. Carter grunted and growled as he forced me deeper into the bed that resisted the repeated savagery.
He ripped from me suddenly then forced me to face him. I didn't even resist and spread for him willingly, taking his soaking cock easily.
His hands wrapped around my open legs to slide me to the end of the bed. He hammered vigorously from beneath me to make the jolts of desperate pleasure spark through me again.
I could feel his massiveness triggering something up in my stomach. It pressed and pushed to pent up the force tugging at me that awaited the release.
"I'm going to!" I gasped to Carter who only threw his whole weight into his thrusting to build it further.
Carter pressed his hand to my mouth that drooled over his clamped fingers. My moans of his name were muffled before becoming nothing more than bucking groans.
Carter kept going as I came over him. The heat dripped down over his sliding cock that still had every inch of me trembling for him.
He snapped his hands on my legs to throw them around him. I pressed my body to his when his teeth pulled at my bottom lip with a satisfied growl.
"Silas" he quivered against me.
"Carter" I trembled back and constricted my legs around him "keep going!"
He lifted me from the bed and pressed me to the wall. His cock ploughed through me, jolting and throbbing at the arriving finale Carter was trying to withhold.
He grunted and finally slowed when his cum fired into me. He jabbed as it forced its way further, groaning at the arrival of his defeat.
Carter lowered me back to the bed that he collapsed onto himself. Our bodies were slick with sweat and each other as we laid there, throbbing and spilling for the first and last time.
Carter made a quick exit after his success in being buried within me. He had achieved the unthinkable and was now heading back home to relish it while it was still fresh on his body and in his mind.
When I lingered at the fence to watch him leave, Reid was not the one who was down the road to watch Carter scamper across it this time; it was Quinton.
His narrowed eyes tracking Carter leaving my house were not forgiving. When they locked onto me, I felt the power held behind them and was satisfied that I was going to at his delicious mercy again soon.
I wanted him to show me how I needed to be punished for what Carter had done to me; what Carter had awoken within Quinton to bring him to my location.
I needed him to show me what I meant to him.
But he didn't.
Instead, he deliberately left the safety of the boardwalk to walk up the road. Quinton glared at me before standing between me and Carter, who was frozen outside his house.
Carter turned back to us, peering over at me then to Quinton who rose himself up as his arms extended from the back of his body.
"You will not come here and steal my mate behind my back. Silas is my trophy, and he only calls my name."
"Not anymore" Carter taunted with a sly smirk, just before Quinton charged.