Patojo(male) / Patoja (female) = mostly used by young people in their 20s-30s directed to people 2-18
example - “Oye, patojo!”
Señor = used by people of all ages but mostly people the age of 2-40s directed to people in their 40s and above (male)
example - Señor Vicente
Don = same as Señor but mostly used towards elderly men
example - Don Omar
Señora = used by people of 2 and above, directed to people in their 20s and above (female)
example - Señora Floricia
Seño = mostly used for teachers in their 30s-50s
example - Seño Juárez
Señorita = used for younger woman in their 10s-20s
example: Señorita Flor or “Ya se cree señorita!”
Doña = same as Señora but mostly used for elderly women
example - “Hola doña Margarita!”
All I can think of for now but if you want to know something, just ask!