Bro y’all will not believe what happened today. So we had another bake sale today, like yesterday. I was just coming back from buying some goods when I see this HUGE group of people blocking the whole hallway. As I got closer, everyone had shocked looks on their faces. I was like “What the fuck is going on?” Then the assistant principal came and was telling everyone to get out of the way, there was a fight. This girl who we’re gonna call BAD BISH and this boy who we’re gonna call AMRAT got into a fight. Everyone was recording and yelling, I was just shook. The girl then accidentally punched Mrs. O in the face and her nose started bleeding. BAD BISH kept going though, she won eventually but the teachers could barely get her off or even calm her down. AMRAT got off of her grasp, and she was like “GET OVER HERE, BITCH!!” The teachers brought them both into one of the teacher’s classrooms that was right in front of the fight. Nobody was able to stop their fight bro, it was crazy. 😀