You will not believe what happened today in 2nd period. So, i have this bracelet that says “I💗BOOTY” and I accidentally dropped it from my lanyard. Then my MALE teacher was like “Whose I love booty bracelet?” And picked it up. I immediately knew that I needed to act fast so I point my finger to my friend and said, “IT’S HERS” and ran out of the room into the busy 2nd floor hallway. My friend told me that he said, “[friend name], is it really yours? Im disappointed.” And stuff like that, my friend said “No mister! That’s Genesis’s bracelet not mine!” And he said “Yeah, i know it’s Genesis’s i was just joking with you.” When they walked out of the classroom, he whispered into her ear and said “So does she like my booty?” I SWEAR WTF BRO IM LIKE SO CONFUSED AND EMBARRASSED, SO WAS MY FRIEND. I WONT BE ABLE TO FACE HIM ON MONDAY 😭