disclaimer- own nothing except oc characters and some of the plot.star wars is owned by disney and lucasfilms.rebels was created by dave filoni,simon kinberg,carrie beck and greg weisman.
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(star destroyer prison block)
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“Well this sucks”Ezra said in a defeated tone as he sat inside a white room on a star destroyer. Having been captured and left behind by a group of people he just met, Ezra felt pretty defeated and a little betrayed but with some determination he thought to himself “I need to get out”. Ezra with only the weird glowing cube thing has thought out a little plan to get out of his cell. It was risky but could work if he was fast enough and remembered where the storage room is. He went up to his cell door and shouted out “hey can you help me i think the air vent cover is loose”.
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“Fine let me have a look” the stormtrooper said in a bored type of voice and as soon as he opened the door in a swift move Ezra slipped out of the room and locked the door. “What the” the stormtrooper said as he tried to leave but couldn't due to the lock door. “See ya” Ezra said as he ran toward the storage room to grab his stuff for a great escape.
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(star destroyer corridor)
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“Okay step one of my plan worked now time for step two” Ezra thought as he made it to the storage room. “Finally i made it to the storage room to get my stuff,now let's see if i can get off this ship” thought Ezra as he entered the room he saw a bunch of stuff ranging from weapons to illicit substances.
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Ezra saw his stuff and grabbed it but saw a stormtrooper helmet and with impulse grabbed it to add it to his collection when he got back to his tower, he also grabbed a blaster just in case things got too bad . When he exited the storage room Ezra thought about his means to exit so he chose to go through the air vents to get through the star destroyer quickly and quietly and find a way to get off this star destroyer.
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(star destroyer air vents)
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“Well I'm glad the imperials keep their air vents clean, I hate crawling in dirty space's" Ezra muttered to himself as he crawled through the ventilation shaft to see where it went. As soon as Ezra passed over a vent cover he heard “Sir we got reports on the progression with the wookies on Kessel” an agent informed Kallus in a professional tone of voice but before kallus could respond “sir the prisoner has escaped”. Ezra heard that over the helmet he took from the storage room and he knew he had little time to stand idle he needed to get out. As he continued crawling he heard below him many stomping feet of stormtroopers trying to find him he kept going he needed to leave “maybe i can take a ship or an escape pod just need to find something” Ezra thought in a panic.
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(escape pod sector)
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After coming across a vent cover he looked down and saw some escape pods “finally a way out of here” Ezra said to himself as he hopped down from the vent and landed on the cold steel floor. “Okay now to enter one of these pods, get back to Lothal and lay low until the heat is off of me” Ezra thought to himself but before he could enter one a group of stormtroopers entered the room blasters aimed at Ezra and one of them shouted “STOP RIGHT THERE”. Instead of stopping Ezra t ran to one of the escape pods and tried to get into it. This action led to the stormtroopers to fire at him which forced him to take cover behind a wall. At first Ezra was panicking but then remembered the blaster he had taken from the storage room “I never used a blaster before but if i don't use it now i will be killed” Ezra thought in his panic. With shaky hands and a scared look on his face he aimed the blaster and pulled the trigger which made a loud noise and he peered out to look to see if he hit anything.
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What he saw was one of the stormtroopers on the ground dead and the others were shocked at what he did. Ezra was shocked at what he did but had enough willpower to enter the escape pod and get out of there. Agent Kallus ran into the room and turned to the stormtroopers and yelled out “WHAT HAPPENED” and one of the stormtroopers told him “sir the blue haired prisoner has escaped”. “Find him and bring. Him. to. Me” kallus said in an angry voice which frightened the stormtroopers a little bit. “YES SIR” the stormtroopers said in unison as they hurried out of the room as Kallus stood in deep thought about the events that had transpired.
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(escape pod-space)
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Ezra was sick in his stomach and when he looked at his hand which carried the blaster he used to kill that guy and he saw his hands were very shaky and he threw the blaster away from him. “I shot a man and he wasn’t moving and and ” Ezra was having a panic attack and couldn't think correctly but after a while he calmed down a little bit and remembered that if he did not take the shot he would have died but still he felt a little shaken up and little traumatize. Ezra to kill time looked at the weird glowing cube thing he took from that guy before getting captured by the empire. It looked weird and Ezra did not know what it was or what it could do but he knew it could be worth something however he felt like this could be important but he knows he needs credit to live. Ezra wanted to stick to his plan to lay low but after killing one of there troopers the look for him will be ramped up so he needed to be careful of what he did.
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Ezra felt rumbling and assumed the escape pod had entered lothal orbit so he embraced for impact.
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(lothal fields)
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After the escape pod crash Ezra stumbled out and quickly ran to a town to find supplies and proplay find shelter because while his tower is abandoned is a place of red flags when searching for fugitives. Ezra had to hide behind huge rocks to avoid tie fighter detection and to avoid the sun hot beam.
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(capital city-sundown)
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Ezra finally made it to the capital city to get the supplies he need and find shelter to lay low for a while but is still conflicted to sell the glowing thing but still went to a pawn shop.
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“What do you want?” the chagrian store clerk said in an annoyed gruff voice looking down at ezra.
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“Hi, I want to know how much this thing is worth in credits” Ezra said in a nervous voice as he brought the glowing thing up to counter.
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The chagrian store clerk looked at the glowing thing with fascination and after looking at it told ezra “my boy you have a holocron,a rare artifact that contains knowledge of the jedi or sith that are rare to find these days i would give a lot of credits for it”. Ezra now know what it was now did not want to sell it because if an artifact like this ended in wrong hands could lead to some form of damage.
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“Actually I won't sell this sorry” Ezra said as he took the holocron back and put it in a bag to keep it safe and out of sight.
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Ezra ran away from the store and entered an alleyway to get away quickly while four people who saw Ezra with the holocron followed him to take the holocron for themselves.
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Ezra ran through multiple alleyways only to stop to catch his breath. While catching his breath Ezra heard a voice behind him “you know if i were to guess you like that thing but unfortunately i would love to have it” a zabrak woman said. The woman was a little taller than Ezra but only by three or four feet, she was light skinned with horns atop of her head and she wore a yellow jacket with brown pants and black boots. Ezra saw the woman with a blaster in her holster and knew he had to play his cards right.
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“Sorry lady but this holocron thing here is dangerous” Ezra said as he hoped that would deter or at the very least question if taking it would be worth it.
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“Well thankfully i love danger” the woman said and to ezra horror she tried reaching for her blaster. Ezra in his panic reach for the closest thing near him and throw it to the woman to stun her and he ran away with her shouting after him.
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Ezra ran from the woman as far as he could but when he turned a corner from an alleyway a hand grabbed him and he looked to see who grabbed him. A big trandoshan who was buff and mean looking,had four fingered hands and wore a green jumpsuit. He had a scowl and said “hand it over kid”. “How about no” Ezra exclaimed as he kicked the trandoshan hard in the gut which prompted the trandoshan to drop him and he ran. The trandoshan roared in anger and he pick up a trash can nearby and threw at ezra who barley dodge it.
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With two people after him Ezra was running and after running for a while found a ladder to a building roof. After climbing the ladder he hid behind a wall just in case “hey man”. Ezra snapped his head to the side and saw mirialan and an ewok leaning up against a wall. “So me and my furry buddy over here saw you had this cool glowing thing and I thought it was pretty cool looking so i came here to ask you if I can have it” the mirialan man said with a chill and friendly voice. “Um im sorry but i can’t” Ezra said with awkwardness at this stranger's friendliness and his ewok aggressiveness as it growls at him.
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“HEY” a loud voice called out which caused Ezra,the ewok and the mirialan man to look who shouted and it was the zabrak woman who looked angry.
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“I try to play nice but you had to be difficult so while i still have some patience be a good boy and give me the artifact” the woman said as she pointed her blaster at Ezra.
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“Hey lady i was kinda in a conversation with my friend over here so if you could-” the mirialan man said before the woman shoved her blaster in the man's face.
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“Shut it i'm done playing these games now give.it.to.ME” she shouted the last part finger dangerously close to pulling the trigger but before she could fire a roar caught their attention as the trandoshan ran at the group.
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“I'm going to kill you and take that holocron” the trandoshan yelled out as he ran at the group without thinking and with a great tackle he took him,the woman, the man with the ewok and ezra off the edge of the building.
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“AHHHHHHHH” all of them screamed as they fell and thankfully there was an awning to crash there fall but with the weight of all of them they also crash through it and land on a store vender shop.
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“MY CABBAGE” a store vendor shouted in shock as our unlikely protagonist lay in pain but slowly get up but before they could do anything else a group of stormtroopers came. “FREEZE” the leader shouted and before they knew it our protagonists were surrounded and they surrendered.
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“Well this sucks” Ezra said in a defeated tone as he was now going back to imperial custody again.