disclaimer- own nothing except oc characters and some of the plot. Star Wars is owned by disney and rebels was created by dave filoni,simon kinberg,carrie beck and greg weisman.
281Please respect copyright.PENANADe6BXlkexM
Ezra and the four other people who try to rob him were captured by imperial forces and sent to an imperial prison to hold them until further sentencing. They are sent to the interrogation where they are cuffed to table and are shortly about to be questioned.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAMFxaKe7PL7
(imperial prison interrogation room)
The tension in the room was very high, the woman, the trandoshan and the ewok were glaring and or being aggressive while Ezra had a look of fear and the mirialan man had a chill look. The mirialan man leaned toward Ezra and whispered “tough crowd eh” which caused Ezra to look at him with a weirded out look.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAFB8AKWh2eZ
The mirialan man decides to break the tension by saying with a smile “ well since we are in here together might as well get to know each other's names”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAr279s10NY8
“Why should we do that?” The trandoshan hissed out, still angry that he couldn’t get the holocron to sell it.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAZJzYtrjUeW
“Because we are kinda stuck here with each other and there is a probability of us being cellmates so why don't we atleast get to know something about us” the man responded back with his smile still plastered on his face.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAuG8LpbqyaL
281Please respect copyright.PENANANfRNbbxT4e
“ I don't trust you guys enough to give out personal information let alone my name” the zabrak woman said with a distrusting tone in her voice.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA52Q0XWFS2Y
“Okay how about this, me and my furry buddy over here will give you guys our first names as a sign of trust and in turn you guys will give your first name deal” The man said with hopefulness in his voice.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAflQ8yXFYny
“Fine if that will get you to shut up” the woman said with an annoyed tone.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAkXNru2pl4V
The trandoshan man did not say anything but nodded in acknowledgment.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAKv0eBZAFVS
“Well, seeing how I'm not going to last a long time, fair deal” Ezra told them in a neutral but almost sad tone.the four other people look at him with questioning glances but continue onward.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzEQzUhKgCj
“Okay my name is numik and my furry buddy name is widget.” numik said with excitement.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAOKmgv0A9CA
“My name is leila and that's all you're getting out of me” leila said with her distrusting tone still there.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAwB8bmWqUII
“My name is baz” baz said in a gruff voice not saying much and glaring off to the side.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAfwA2wlfcQs
Ezra was nervous because he was going to reveal his first name to the people who tried to rob him. “Hello My name is Ezra,” he said very nervously, rubbing the back of his head.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAm0G7PXjb8A
Before they could do anything else an imperial agent came into the room and set down the holocron. “Okay so you five are being arrested for disturbing the peace,property damages,trespassing,unauthorized possession of blaster and attempted robbery” the imperial agent listed their offensive.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAWnZG3OeAmb
Ezra knew he committed more crimes but since the men on the star destroyer did not know his name at the time they could not exactly put it in his records. He still remembers the haunting actions he did on the star destroyer and it still scares him to know that he killed a man, something he never did before and hoped to never do again.
281Please respect copyright.PENANANFBR57iQ7F
“So you guys we're fighting over this thing right” the agent asked the group holding up the holocron.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAp4VY9vJAKx
“Yeah” the group had said because it was pretty obvious what they were fighting for.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAf7ANBNHHlJ
“Okay, do any of you have relations with one another” the agent asked the group.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAJFKVAKWCMu
“Beside my furry friend nope i just met these people” numik answered with honesty.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9LrzEKMBvL
“No, today is the first time I met these people,” Leila answered.
281Please respect copyright.PENANALvLxaxdN4A
“No” Baz answered with hostility.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAIO5wGnabB4
“No, why would I associate with people who try to rob me in four diffrent directions?” Ezra responded.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAqukZxAI4MZ
“Just trying to get some reports straight, okay one more question but only for you. How did you get this thing” the agent asked ezra.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA2zx6fqoYeS
Ezra was thinking how he should answer that question because while yes the people he was temporarily with did leave him behind he did not want to put some people in danger out of spite so he answered with “I found it in one of the lothal fields”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAZT1vfjXnAn
The agent looked at him for a moment in silence before shrugging and accepting the answer.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAcPjnDFw6bm
281Please respect copyright.PENANAtJ6tnn4OoR
“One more thing early today a prisoner onboard a star destroyer escaped and one of the agents,kallus i think is checking many areas for this fugitive including imperial prison so in four days they will check this prison” the agent said. Okay Ezra was now scared he was going to be discovered and probably killed.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAATORjwdFEq
“Well that's it, me and a couple troopers are going to take you to change into your prison clothes and into your cells” the agent told them with a couple troopers walking in. The four of them minus widget who was taken to a different room to numik concern,were taken to change their clothes and to their cells with Ezra and numik being cellmates.
(imperial prison cell block)
“See there was a probability of us being cellmates and you guys doubt me” numik said with a smile on his face.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAtnLfZQFbQR
“We never doubted you in the first place” Ezra said to numik as he sat on his bed.
281Please respect copyright.PENANACAy8PIW4Dc
“Yeah you didn’t doubt me vocally” numik said with his chill voice. “So who do you think escaped from the star destroyer? I bet it was someone who escaped prison before” numik question.
281Please respect copyright.PENANADWdkCAl6EQ
“Yeah about that, I know who did that” Ezra said slowly about to reveal himself.
281Please respect copyright.PENANALzVObj86lM
“Relly who did that, I bet he's pretty cool” numik said with awe in his voice.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAJXnZ8eAoSD
“Yeah, that person was me, amazing how a fourteen year old could do it” Ezra said, revealing himself to numik. He did not know why he revealed himself to this man he just met. Maybe it was how friendly he was to him and at least trust him and the others to give them his name.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAVAmHgGg86G
Numik looked at Ezra with his jaw open in shock as he heard what Ezra said. “Wait you were the one who busted out of a star destroyer, that is so cool that a fourteen year old could” numik said with excitement that could rival a kids.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAdncTNEFrFp
“No i didn't do it before but i fear that it might be my last” Ezra said with sadness.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAjbjMZvl1no
Numik looked at Ezra with his excitement being morphed to confusion as he heard that.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzQtPjnwxW7
“Wait, what do you mean it might be your last?” numik said in confusion.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhOssU3VB3D
“On that star destroyer I was bait for these rebels because they thought I was a member so I was a suspect for treason. I escaped by tricking a guard to get out and then went to a storage room to grab my stuff but I also grabbed a stormtrooper's helmet and a blaster. I went in the vents to get through quickly and quietly and then through the stormtrooper helmet i got info about wookie slaves on kessiel. I continued on and finally made it to the escape pods but a squad of stormtroopers spotted me so I tried to escape quickly but they opened fire on me. I hid behind cover and I pulled out the blaster I took from the storage room and when they stopped firing I got out of my cover and.” Ezra explained his situation but stopped when he got to the part where he shot and killed that man.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4bz2G5xAy
“And you shot and killed one of them” numik finished that part of the story for him.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAP5CUYsqsoL
Ezra nodded “yeah, the other stormtroopers looked shocked and I ran in one pods and escaped “.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA1s2KjgnihS
“So how come when we were arrested murder was not on the list” numik asked.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAdhVFafknnc
“At the time no one on the star destroyer knew my name so they couldn't put it on my record but they know what i look like so when they come here they will find me and probably kill me” Ezra explained.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAd1oTXaqJNE
Numik looked sad at Ezra's fate but he wouldn’t accept that because Numik felt him and the other people who tried to rob him were also at fault for this and he was going to make it up to him.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAWcY08wv4Fw
“Well if they don’t know who you are you can escape again” numik told him thinking of a plan.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAuho1tDwqe1
“What are you talking about? '' Ezra asked, looking at him with suspicion.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAoD1Sey8d1P
“Think about it if they knew who you were they put you in the most maximum secure cell in the entire prison but since they don’t they put you and the rest of us in a less secure place in the prison so there are multiple ways of getting out of here” numik explained.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAP2BYiBMvTw
(sigh) “okay since i don’t have a lot to lose at this point we try to escape '' Ezra said with a strained smile.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAE4HVhhxD1l
Numik put his hands on ezra shoulders to comfort him “ezra i will do everything in my power to get us out of here”
281Please respect copyright.PENANATu6lguOj4D
Ezra felt somewhat happy and relieved because in the past couple days he met hostile people who wanted to kill,imprison,rob or all three and while he did try to rob him at first he didn't threaten him he just asked for it . It's nice to meet someone who wants to be his friend
281Please respect copyright.PENANAbhOEHTsrDA
“Okay let’s get some sleep, we will continue planning with rest in the morning, good night.” numik said as he laid down to sleep with ezra doing the same.
(Ezra dream)
Ezra was seven again and was with his parents celebrating his birthday they were happy but the front door burst in by a group of stormtroopers who grabbed his parents “EZRA” they yelled out. “MOM,DAD” little Ezra yelled out for his parents as a stormtrooper grabbed him but he fought out of his grip and ran. That's all he could do was run when he stopped he was back on that star destroyer but only him and an injured stormtrooper with Ezra carrying the blaster. His arm was raising,Ezra tried to fight it but to no use it was like someone else was controlling his body “no please don’t do this” Ezra thought out in desperation but when his arm fully raised blaster pointed to the stormtrooper BAM.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAB8DQw6YuPf
Ezra woke up sweaty from the nightmare he had and looked around to find numik looking in the mirror messing with his hair.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAYywdBKxKyM
“Hey buddy, rough night i swear these mattresses are uncomfortable on the back" numik said as he stretched his back.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAnci0REmrJI
“yeah these beds are uncomfortable but that did not wake me up. It was a bad dream" Ezra told Numik after getting out of his bed.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAiI8zFnaHIi
“what was the dream about that leaves you so sweaty and panicky looking" numik question Ezra.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9nl9ZdV9hv
While he was being friendly Ezra still didn't trust him enough to tell him about his parents.
281Please respect copyright.PENANADqjCGfrkVX
“It was about the stormtrooper I killed” Ezra told him with his voice low and filled with sorrow.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAg1MyeYoslm
Numik looked at him with a sad expression because he thinks no fourteen year old should go through that. “ Ezra from what you have told me you were in a bad situation and if you did not take that shot you could have died” numik reassured him.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAolm37EP93L
While that did not utterly get rid of the guilt it made him feel better and lessen the guilt.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAHNA7NWGJUd
“Hey why don’t we get some breakfast and plan with the others ok" numik tells him.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGhLyeivbEn
“Okay, let's get something to eat" Ezra said.
(Mess hall)
Both Ezra and Numik got their breakfast and they found Baz and Leila sitting close but apart from each other at an empty table. One unwritten rule of prison is to not associate the newcomers so that's why both are alone at the table.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAuEeC2A1FRZ
“Hey friends, how's prison life treating you so far” numik said with his usually friendly voice.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAG1FmKGlI4s
“WE ARE NOT FRIENDS” both baz and leila shouted at him which caused numik to jump back a little bit.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAAW98AI9Bzd
“Ok sorry but i have some important announcements well two important announcements” numik said in a hush excited voice.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAOrnlOJFQ3n
“It better be good” Baz said in a hostile voice, wanting to get rid of him.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAjs6zHXHW6c
“Well first announcement is me and Ezra are planning to break out of here and you guys are coming along with us” numik whispered to them.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAOQWFIkb27p
“Okay, how are you going to do that?” Leila asked numik.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9WkRJ95t9x
“Eh that's a work in progress but the second announcement is Ezra was the one to escape the star destroyer and he is only fourteen.” numik said quietly.
281Please respect copyright.PENANACDqIIt3q8w
“WHAT” both baz and leila shouted in surprise which caused the prisoners and some guards to look at them.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAV6UhdhSCC2
“Shhhh we need to be quiet about this, '' Ezra told them in a hushed voice.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAXFwbWdPOZx
“Okay but to escape we need a plan” baz whispered to them which leila nodded in agreement with baz.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAFoUJDqv3nk
“Okay since we have 4 days the first day we do our prison work but we should observe our surroundings to see if there are noticeable weaknesses. We can use it to escape like an air vent or a weak wall or something and after that we can reconvene." Ezra strategizes.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAE4Ag0r4MGt
“Okay but we don't have a layout of the prison" Leila .
281Please respect copyright.PENANAVlExSEy7Xb
“That is why I hope we find a vent for me to go through because I can access a room that holds some form of map for this place." Ezra reason.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA7jYGgYWUVK
“Then after that we can figure out our next step, then we can escape” Numik said.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAaJkdXa2XN8
281Please respect copyright.PENANAegCX89ziXI
“Fine but I'm not taking a lot of orders,” Leila told the two schemers.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAo2ImN0lqEy
“Do I get to hunt stormtroopers?” Baz asked.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAwdFa0VJ1Im
“Well this mission does have a 50% of it ending in a shoot out so maybe” Ezra said ultimately wanting the trandoshan on his side.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAUsqWmDI58j
Baz smiled “im in”
(laundry room)
Lelia pov.
“Can’t believe I'm taking orders from those two” Leila said, pushing a cart of clothes.
281Please respect copyright.PENANArugTjVs9d5
As leila did her task she saw a vent nearby on the floor so she took note of that.
281Please respect copyright.PENANANpy4H2hcGl
“Okay there's a vent for the little rat to go through,” Leila thought.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQMUm0wdQtN
As she finish thinking that something fell on her and it was a pair of underwear,
281Please respect copyright.PENANAP2Ag5wlGji
“This sucks,” she said in anger.
(rock yard)
Baz pov
Since baz was a buff fellow he was sent to smash rocks but furtonly he saw something that could help their escape across the fence was a ship storage that held all kinds of ships.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAEQ0cDz2Y91
But before he knew it a bothan came up to him “well look at this a trandoshan i never fought one before”
281Please respect copyright.PENANAsNBxNbsXdE
Baz looked at the bothan as if he was stupid “what” he said.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAcy4nhW6VoJ
“I'm in here for assault and well it hasn't stopped me from fighting” the bothan told baz.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAK3J2Ic8Orj
Baz got a bit angry and smashed a rock with one swing. “Okay how about this you and me one on one no one else around” baz got close to bothan face “i will beat your ass like a drum”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAxXHKpYRY2l
Instead intimidate the bothan smiled “I look forward to that day” to which baz replied “you better hope that day never comes”.
Ezra pov.
Ezra and numik were in the prison workshop making stuff for the empire to use later.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAV8A3qL0co8
Numik all sudden said “i worry for widget”
281Please respect copyright.PENANA2Qhrx6n8Wm
Ezra knew that numik miss his friend so to help relieve him by saying “don’t worry numik we will break him out too”
281Please respect copyright.PENANAH2D7pv9g75
Numik took a deep breath and said “yeah your right thanks ezra”
281Please respect copyright.PENANAq9guOUYqZT
Ezra since being his cellmate asked him “how did you and widget meet”
281Please respect copyright.PENANAsXstznpOWq
Numik stopped at what he was doing and looked at Ezra and smiled. “Well it all began two years ago when I went to a circus here on Lothal,” Numik began his story.
Numik with a holopad walked by several cage animals to check if they got the right number of animals , some vicious and some pacife. Ever since leaving his homeworld of mirial he was just finding some form of purpose instead of some 9 to 5 worker who only makes a few credits but just to become a circus stock boy or something. As soon as he passed one cage he heard whimpering which caused him to investigate the noise only to see an ewok. Numik saw how poorly this little guy was treated and felt bad so he grabbed his bag and brought out some snacks. “Hey little buddy i brought you some delicious snacks for you to eat” numik offered to the ewok.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA4qrw2eiKup
The ewok slowly went toward numik and grabbed the snack out of his hand and ate it fast. “There we go little buddy” numik said as he looked at the poor creature which now having a good look was in poor health and malnourished. Numik felt angry at the caretakers for treating this poor animal so he made a decision to break it out. Numik went to one of the employees who had the keys “hey broka there's something on your back" Numik said with a fake friendly voice. “Oh really then can you help me” broka said as he turned around.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAvwbsckLrBU
“Sure buddy” numik said and quickly snatched the keys from broka and told him “there fixed it”. “Thanks,” Broka said. Numik walked away and returned to the ewok cage to unlock it. “There you go little buddy let's get out of here” the ewok was happy that this stranger was helping and she got on his shoulders. They sneak from several circus employees and circus goers to come across a problem in the form of a gate. “Okay little one there a little open you could crawl through and there is a button to open the gate” numik explained to the ewok.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAJZEuMgeQFK
The ewok got off of numik and entered through the gate and a few seconds later the gate opened and numik and the ewok later left the circus. “we did it little buddy we got you out” numik then realized “ hey do you have a name”. The ewok shook her head too which numik told her “then i will call you um widget yeah widget”.
(present day)
“So yeah that’s how we meet” numik finishes his story.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzNo689Ttd7
“Wow, that's nice to save a person you just met”Ezra told numik.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAqq4LYo9g8g
“Yeah it was nice to do the right thing now, let's finish this and go to dinner to continue our plan” numik said to ezra.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAIpqTDyTPk8
Ezra knew that wiget was important to numik so he was gonna help him save her.
(mess hall)
“Okay status report” Ezra asked.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAJJxrb8UcnS
“There is a vent in the laundry room that you could use to get around,” Leila reported.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGD6GMX88KT
“There is a ship storage nearby so we can get off this rock” baz informed the group.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAsFFVkwZzgx
“Okay and i don’t get laundry duty until….kallus arrives, crap”ezra said looking at a schedule.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAaETa6M2pl0
“Then we have to be quick on that day,” Numik said to the group.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9H22kZieZg
“Okay let's just not be suspicious for these three days.
(ezra and numik cell)
“ALRIGHT LIGHTS OUT” a warden shouted out and then the lights in all the cells went out.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGlLCWTDsVk
“Hey numik” Ezra asked quietly.
281Please respect copyright.PENANApC8Lp4lB1Z
“Yeah” numik responds.
281Please respect copyright.PENANApRbiSjd79c
“I did not tell you the full stuff about my nightmare” Ezra admitted to numik.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6jcaz0ELD
“Then what was the rest of the dream about” numik quistone.
281Please respect copyright.PENANABQ0jzKXZRS
“Me and my parents were celebrating my 7th birthday and the empire took them and ran, that's all I could do was run” Ezra was now upset that he had to relive that day.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAdGS9pEFwui
“Why didn’t you tell me and why now?” Numik question.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhQIpjgYt7G
“Well i didn’t trust you enough at the time to tell you but when you told me how you met widget i felt like i need to now be upfront with you” ezra explained to numik who understood.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAsCexFffluK
“Ezra, do you trust me: numik asked.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAnY1P0uR9T5
Ezra only responds with “yes”.
(three days later)
The day was here after eating breakfast went to laundry room but intreastling baz was with him but this could work.
After washing some clothes whisper to baz “hey can you cause a distraction for me”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA5Kw0cboydr
Baz whispered back to him “what can I do to cause a distraction”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAYESB4mZVgn
“I don’t know start a fight or something ”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAynFoqohBIN
Baz looked around and saw the same bothan and thought to himself “ well not exactly no one around but it would be one on one”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAkx1EJn4QHE
“HEY” baz shouted out to the bothan who as soon looked at him baz decked him in the face.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAC6GnFbYYWu
“HEY BREAK IT UP” a guard yelled out as the both of them were hitting each other which bought ezra some time as he removed the vent cover and entered.
(prison vent room)
Ezra crawled around the vent area “man these prison vents are dirty cant believe im saying this but i miss the star destroyer” ezra thought hate going through dirty vents.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA1Fp7ZtKeHY
He found the control room of the prison but there was someone in it so he had to be careful.
(Control room)
In the room sat alone an imperial guard looking over the cameras seeing the fight between the trandoshan and bothan happen.
281Please respect copyright.PENANATi85V2YGb5
All of sudden the guard felt a tap on his shoulder and when he turned around got hit by the steel vent cover.Ezra knocked the man out and went to the draws to see if there map and luckily saw one.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA4hvH2Lesbs
Ezra then went to the controls to turn off the electric fence and to see where widget was and release her.
281Please respect copyright.PENANASTYgosQ3eV
Ezra found her in storage room in a cage but since it not operated out of the control room he needed to go the storage room so he decide to do something both stupid and smart. He released all the prisoners, opened the armory and turned on the pa system to shout out “NUMIK WIDGET IS IN THE STORAGE ROOM, LEILA,BAZ THE ARMORY OPEN”. Ezra ran to the storage room and thankful the prisoners he released kept the guards busy because numik was running right beside him. Both of them got to storage room and open widget cage in which as soon as widget exit the cage numik hugged widget. “I missed you so much my friend i thought i lost you”.
Both baz and leila found the armory but before they could enter some guards with batons stood in there way “STOP” the guard shouted. “Okay baz you take two, i take the leader” leila told baz which in turn made baz smile.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAtkerWhQXHg
One of the guards immediately swung his baton at Baz but blocked it with his arm. He punched the stormtrooper in the stomach which dazed him. Leila dodge a baton strike and disarms the guard by punching his arm, almost breaking it. With a shout the guard holds his arm in pain and in one swift move leila kneed the guard in the face knocking him out.baz was having no trouble because he picked both men up and threw them at the wall very hard knocking them unconscious.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAHvvRO6QOr1
“Okay now let's get us some weapons,” Leila told baz.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA1N9FIxrnp0
They grabbed their weapons of choice and two more for the schemers. Baz got a heavy blaster rifle and leila got a blaster pistol.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAVTUFGQx8uc
“Now let's hunt for some stormtroopers, '' Baz said.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAKmnLBf73Tj
“Agree” Leila said with a smile.
(rock yard)
EzraEzra and Numik with widget in tow got to the rock yard to meet with leila and baz who got the weapons from the armory. Leila then handed them both blasters “here are some weapons for you to survive”.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAD8uKNaTz6D
Ezra was a little scared, he hope he wouldn't shoot a blaster again but he knows now that's impossible.
(Prison entrance)
Kallus with some stormtroopers arrived at the prison and tried to get some order at the prison.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA5DGXlpOr6k
“WHAT HAPPENED" kallus shouted at the warden who was shaken under kallus presence.“um there was a fight in the laundry room and after we broke it up a riot all of sudden happened" the warden said.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzrWe8XsHF7
“men go and get some stability around this forsaken place" kallus orders.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQWURySX6Rv
“yes sir" the stormtroopers said in unison as they spread all over the prison.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9gbkEpZ7xh
“Now let's see if I can find that blue haired menace" kallus said to himself.
(Rock yard)
“Come on climb faster" numik shouted at both baz and leila.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAPkdy00khOm
“If you shout at us one more time i'm gonna shoot you" leila told numik angrly.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAnmbHpT3e6I
281Please respect copyright.PENANAA1whlgGk3L
“If widget can get up there fast so can you" Numik said with some urgency.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA5Tiln5proJ
Before they knew it a blaster shot rang out. Both Ezra and numik looked out and saw a bunch of stormtroopers whose blasters pointed at them “stop or we'll shoot” they shouted.
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“Or you let us out” numik said but they shot at them again.
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Both Ezra and Numik took cover with Numik occasionally coming out of cover to shoot back. “Hey ezra i know you want to be safe but occasional cover fire would be nice” but ezra responded back with “but i don’t want to kill anymore people”. “Look ezra i know it was hard for you to kill for first time but there are people out there who wants to kill you and trust me there are a lot of people who want you dead but in this moment if you kill these stormtroopers you are defending yourself from people who can and will kill you” numik said. “well when you put in that way” ezra said but numik interrupt him by saying “ezra when we both gave each others trust and gave confidential info to each other to me you became my friend and as your friend i don’t want you to die so please remove that guilt and be relieved that when you killed that guy on that star destroyer you were protecting yourself from a bad situation” numik said with sad almost begging voice.
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Ezra took a deep breath and said “your right i was in bad situation and i need to let that guilt go because for the first time i'm not running” ezra took the blaster and in surge of confidence got out of cover,shot and kill some stormtrooper and with every shot became easier for ezra.
(ship storage)
Baz,leila and widget were in ship storage looking for a ship and found one that could honestly be it help.
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“Well this will certainly do” Leila said.
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“Are you sure if we want a ship we should take one with heavy firepower?” Baz asked.
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“With what we have right now this is a great ship to us” leila exclaimed as she entered.
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“Fine but as soon as we get out of here i'm modifying that thing to have good firepower.” Baz said gruffly as he and widget entered.
(rock yard)
More stormtroopers entered the yard and fired at Ezra and numik. “We are getting outnumbered” Ezra said in a panic. All of sudden the stormtroopers stop firing and Ezra looked out to see why and to his shock kallus came out. “Okay you blue haired menace we got you surrounded and i can only see this ending in two ways you in cuffs or in a bodybag. If I were you I'd choose the former” he yelled out to them.
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Ezra knew he and numik couldn’t take them all but still said “ yeah i have to words for you bite me”.
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Kallus sighed and said “ okay boys kill them” but before they could fire again a laser blast hit them which caused kallus to take cover.
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A blue vcx-100 light freighter flew above[1] and then the ramp opened up to baz who shouted “come on get up here or we leave you behind”.
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Both ezra and numik reach the ramp but both ezra and kallus got a good look at each other with letter glaring. After the ramp closed the ship blasted off into space.
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“Sir” kallus looked and saw the wardin “even though they escaped we caught some info about them through the security cam”. Kallus took a look at the footage and got their names and smiled. He used the communicator to talk to intelligence “kallus here i got info about some escapes and the one who broke out of the star destroyer there names are Ezra,numik,baz and leila”
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Kallus looked up at the sky and thought to himself “I will get you and your friends you menace”.
(outer space)
“Cool ship you grabbed leila” numik said. Ezra saw for a second that Leila smiled.
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“Yeah well don’t get too used to the design next time i get some tools and equipment im putting more heavy firepower” baz told them.
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“No there won’t be next time because after this I'm dropping you bozos off” leila said with authority.
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“Leila we broke out of prison and we have no were else to go '' Ezra tried to reason with her.
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“I'm not a team player ezra sorry” by the way leila said it she really did seem sorry.
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“Come on leila give this a try please” numik said with puppy eyes.
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Leila looked at the rest of them and sighs “fine will be a team but don't mess up this ship”.
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“YES” both Ezra and numik shouted out but Numik had a question “ what are we then”.
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“Huh what do you mean?” Ezra asked numik with numik explaining “well we are not bounty hunters or mercenaries so what are we”.
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Ezra thought about it and told them “Simple we are outlaws."