disclaimer- own nothing except oc characters and some of the plot.star wars is owned by disney and lucasfilms.rebels was created by dave filoni,simon kinberg,carrie beck and greg weisman.
(kallus star destroyer meeting room.)
The meeting room in kallus star destroyer was nothing special. It was a plain white room with a table in the center. Chairs surrounding the table with a holoprojector at the end. We see on the left side of the table agent kallus and officers aresko and grint looking nervous. On the right side of the table sat grand moff Tarkin who had his arms crossed in impatiencenes looking not too pleased.
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“Kallus, may I ask why I am here?” Tarkin asked in a board tone not wanting to be there.
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“Well tarkin when trying to find out more about our criminal problem it turns out the female zabrak of the group called leila apparently was or is part of a criminal organization called the haxion brood and i want to hire them to help us.” kallus explained to tarkin.
“Oh and why would we do that?” Tarkin asked, raising an eyebrow curious of this action.
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“Well i thought if me,grint and aresko are going to fight criminals we can use criminals to fight for us plus they know who this leila girl is so they can easily get rid of her to weaken the group of criminals.” kallus explained to tarkin wanting to convince him that this is a good idea.
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“Okay I get that but I ask again why am I here?” tarkin question.
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“Well not to be disrespectful to you or your position but I think you being here would get the leader of the haxion brood to listen to us." Kallus explained hoping that Tarkin would not get mad at him.
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“(sigh) fine let's just get this over with"Tarkin said and before he knew it the holoprojector in the room turned one.
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“Well as i live and breathe grand moff Tarkin this must be a serious thing if you want little old me." A bombastic umbaran man said. The man being an umbaran was very pale and had a gaunt face. He wore a white uniform with a Grey jacket that had black shoulder pads. But what was noticeable was the cybernetics implemented on his torso.
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“Well seeing how you are the one picking up the call and not saying you're representing your boss I assume you're the boss of the hexion brood." Tarkin assumed putting a hand on his chin.
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“You are correct, I'm Sorc Tormo,baby. Leader of the prestigious haxion brood.” Sorc said loudly and a little boastful.
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“Well you see one of the empire agents and two officers are having a hard time capturing some criminals, one of which is a former member of yours.” Tarkin explained to sorc. This gained sorc attention.
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“Hm, who would that be? I'm curious.” Sorc asked, wondering who this person could be.
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“You see this person's name is Leila does that name ring a bell.”Tarkin told Sorc which caused sorc eyes to widen.
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“Oh that rings more than bells that raises alarmes.” Sorc said a little angrily.
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“I would like to ask why but we need your help to catch these criminals and your former associate.” kallus butted in much to tarkin annoyance.Sorc looked at kallus and smiled unsettling kallus a little bit.
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“Of course we will help you just tell us what you want us to do with them and the reward we receive once we complete the job.” sorc agreeing to the job.
(parabellum lounge room)
Inside the lounge room we see Ezra holding the holocron studying it.
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“What secrets do you hold?” Ezra said to himself wondering what the holocron held.just then Ezra heard sound coming out of the speakers.
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“Okay guys is this thing on? Alright we got a contract and the client wants to meet up with us.” numik said through the speakers. Ezra heard footsteps and saw leila and baz gearing up for the mission. After yesterday's argument there was thick tension between baz and leila that ezra could cut with a knife. Numik came into the lounge room with the holoprojector showing the location of the contract.
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“Okay the location of the client is here near tarkintown." Numik said, giving his team the info on this mission. Tarkintown was a settlement stricken with poverty and starvation that Ezra only knew about because of the other group of criminals he tagged with when they brought stolen food to them.
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“This seems sketchy,”Ezra said suspicly. Being a group of people who deal in the black market and stuff is already a risk but this just gave Ezra a ton of red flags.
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“What do you mean? This is like the hundredth client we met and it worked out for us so far." Numik said but even he thought this was strange.
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“Well it out in the open where tie fighters can spot us and kill us or a potential ambush from the empire.” Ezra argued back.
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“I'm sure it’s fine Ezra and if it is stormtroopers we can just fight them off like we always do.” baz said which earned him an eyeroll from leila.
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“Okay we go there and get ambushed by stormtroopers of a number potentially far greater than us and potentially get us killed by them.yeah i say we can take them on.” Leila said both logically and sarcastically.
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“Oh yeah well what do you think we should do because i don’t hear you making a suggestion.” Baz said, annoyed.
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“Yeah, I suggest you make a good plan, something you can’t make.” Leila said sarcastically.
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“Hey I can make good plans, it's just I think of them in the heat of the moment.”Baz tries to defend himself.numik knew he needed to end this.
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“Guys I know this seems off and stuff but we should do this but we should extra prepare.” numik said, hoping that this would calm some tension.
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“(sigh) fine but let’s be careful and we should park the ship far away so we don’t get robbed.im going to get ready for the mission.” Leila said knowing that there was no way of dissuading her team. She left the room to go to her room and when Ezra saw her left went to her room to talk to her.
(leila room)
Leila was gearing up for her team mission but stopped when she heard someone knocking on her door.She went to the door opening it and saw Ezra standing there.
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“What do you want ezra.” Leila said, walking to her bed to continue gearing up.
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“I just wanted to give out my own good job to you for the last mission.” Ezra said wanting to improve Leila's mood which it did a little.
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“Thanks but I feel you're here for more than just to compliment me." Leila said. Ezra knew she was right and he just had to ask the question that was plaguing his mind.
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“Leila in all honesty do you like being in a team?” Ezra said, hoping her answer was a good one.
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“(sigh) to tell you the truth no i don’t like being in a team.however i began warming up to this team” leila said, revealing her feelings about the team.
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“Why do you dislike being a part of a team?” Ezra said.
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“Ezra,If you knew what i went through you would understand. Now anything else you want because I need to finish gearing up.” leila said wanting to finish this conversation.
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“Yes i wanted to ask that when you and baz were arguing what were you two arguing about?” ezra asked.leila did not want to reveal her true feelings about ezra that the only thing baz got right about her personally.
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“We were arguing about how slow he and numik were.” Leila said, telling the half truth.ezra knew there was more to it but he did not push his luck so he accepted it and left.
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Leila now being alone in her room felt bad for lying to Ezra but to her it was a necessary thing to do.leila kept thinking the same thing over and over in her head that it was necessary. She try not to think about her past but it kept coming back to her.She was trying to help herself by being alone.
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She hated being alone.
(lothal fields)
The outlaws left for the mission after parking their ship far away.they were nervous and had their hands near their blasters.when they got there they saw one mechanical looking man with his blaster rifle out and noticeable jetpack on his back just standing there and for some reason leila dreaded this.
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“So are you the one who wanted us, I presumed.”numik said however instead talking this mysterious man made a force field apperie trapping them.
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“Okay my suspicion was correct this is an ambush.” Ezra said as he and the outlaws got their weapons out.
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The mechanical man flew up in the air with his jetpack and opened fire on the outlaws which caused them to roll out of the way of the blaster fire.our heroes started to fire and overwhelm this mechanical assassin but he kept dodging it albeit barely.
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The man knew what they were doing so he used his flamethrower to force them to spread out.
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The outlaws were frustrated that they couldn't hit the assassin.baz all of sudden came to an idea that could help them.
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“Numik toss me widget." Baz shouted to numik who looked at him as if he was crazy or something.
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“Just do it, I got a plan.” Baz shouted out. Numik grabbed widget and tossed her to baz.widget was confused by this action but knew there was a reason for this.
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“Okay widget i'm going to toss you to the assassin and you can destroy his jetpack.” Baz told widget his plan. Widget hesitated at first but nodded and got ready to be tossed.
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“Ezra distract him.”Baz ordered and Ezra did not know why but he did distract the assassin by firing at him.baz with all his strength threw widget at the assassin whose back was turned from baz and with luck on widget side managed to land on the jetpack assassin. Widget began to tear apart the man jetpack with the man panicking trying to get the ewok off of his back.widget jumped off the man and landed in numik arms.the jetpack started to sputter and the man fell out of the air landing hard.
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Leila saw the opportunity and delivered the final blow and the assassin was no more.the force field finally went down freeing the outlaws.
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“Well that went well somewhat.” numik said a little exhausted.leila went up to the body and to confirm her suspicion searched the body and saw the insignia of the haxion brood.while gathering there breath Ezra noticed something in the distance.it was a floating Droid with a camera but before he or anyone could do anything it flew away.
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“Hey guys there was a camera droid, should we be concerned?” Ezra asked, hoping it was not an imperial camera.
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“We should get out of here.”Leila said and the outlaws proceeded to run to their ship.After a while of running they made it to their ship and chatted about recent events.
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“So my instinct was correct but thankfully it was just a lone assassin.”Ezra said, a little relieved.
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“But why did that guy want to kill us and if he was part of the empire why was there no reinforcement?” numik asked, confused. Leila knew the answer but did not say anything.
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“Well all i know for sure is i made a good plan, something you said i can’t.”baz gloated a little bit which caused leila smirk a little bit while shaking her head.
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“Okay i was wrong.”leila said, admitting she was wrong.Both numik and ezra were glad that the tension between baz and leila was slowly dying down.
(Imperial complex)
In the mushroom shaped complex we see kallus doing paperwork when he heard knocking at his door.when he went to open the door he saw minister maketh tua with a holopad looking at some reports.[1]
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“Oh mister tua, what do you need?”kallus said surprise of tua visit.maketh tua was a women dressed is a blue tunic,a set of trousers and a helmet that most people would think she was stupid or something.
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“Agent kallus i got reports that there was a fight and a murder happing near tarkintown some say they were these criminals you are chasing and a jetpacked mechanicalman.i think you should investigate this.” minister tua said in a business like tone.
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“Um sure i will get on that right away, I just need to make a quick call.” kallus said a little awkwardly.minister tua looked at kallus a little weirdly but shrugged her shoulder and left kallus to his own devices.kallus went to his desk and made a call to one bombastic leader of a criminal organization.
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“Hey salad, how life is going for you.” Sorc said getting kallus' name wrong.
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“It’s kallus and apparently one of your bounty hunters failed.”kallus said, a little frustrated.
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“How do you know it was one of my boys?” Sorc said, trying to sound innocent but kallus did not buy it.
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“Because the minister told me there was a murder not murders and one of the people that witness the fight said the man was mechanicle practically your group style.”kallus said giving sorc the facts.
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“Okay that was my guy but it was a win.” Sorc said, acting as if he did win.
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“How did you win? One of your bounty hunters died if anything that was a defeat.” kallus said thinking that the leader of the haxion brood was an idiot.
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“Simple i sent a spy droid to gather info on what we are dealing with plus i don’t want to kill them right away.” sorc said with some sadistic glee in his voice.
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“Why not kill them now and spare us the trouble.”kallus asked, confused by the Umbaran man's motives.
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“Simple, I want leila zabroshennyy to be crushed.”[2][3]
We see Leila on her bed looking at the insignia of the haxion brood.something she took off the corpse of the bounty hunter. She put it down and left her room to get some air outside but saw her team doing their own things.she dreads what she brought them into.
“She will see her close allies die in front of her eyes and in her weakest moments she will realize what she was up against.”
On the asteroid stronghold ordo eris we see an armory filled with a bunch of cybernetically augmented bounty hunters and droids getting ready to hunt down the targets they were assigned to.
“The haxion brood technological power.”
At a lothat imperial outpost we see a bunch of stormtroopers standing at attention with aresko and grint looking over them ready for their mission.after some fast productions they got there tie fighters back in the air and ready to cause trouble for our heroes.
“The empire military might”
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“So with that in mind we can guarantee one thing.”
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“We can guarantee that we can and will kill these filthy outlaws.”