disclaimer- own nothing except oc characters and some of the plot.star wars is owned by disney and lucasfilms.rebels was created by dave filoni,simon kinberg,carrie beck and greg weisman.
Sorry this took so long. I was hoping I could get this out be jan 31st but today is good.
So berna45 asked me if i will bring in tyber zann and his criminal organization and while not the villain of this season much less appear they will play a role later in the series.
The week after freeing the wookies on Kessel baz while not fully trusting of his crewmates did seem more comfortable around them. However, today was going to be hard and personal one for him.
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“Okay got a deal from someone about something called a nexu coat, a weird request but still can get us credits.” numik said smiling. Baz tense up a bit but it was quick and wasn’t noticeable to the rest of the crew.
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“Okay where are we going to get this nexu coat from exactly?” Ezra questioned.
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“To my unfortunate knowledge the guaranteed way to find one is to go to their home planet cholganna which is located in the outer rim.” Leila said unhappily. Okay now baz had frozen completely to which his crew looked at him in surprise.
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“Baz are you ok?” numik said worried for his friend.
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“I'm fine,” Baz said, a little shaken. He then left the room in a hurry which worried the outlaws.
(baz room)
Baz ran into his room and lay down on his bed having bad memories come back.
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“I cannot go back to that place after what happened but I can't ignore my past but I'm afraid what will happen to them.” Baz thought remembering what happened after the first time on that planet.
(Baz flashback)
“Come on daz we need to prove ourselves.” a young baz said to his older brother. The young baz runs alongside his brother in the jungles of cholganna looking for a nexu.
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“Now baz a nexu is not easy prey. It is a beast with sharp teeth,claws, a tail it uses for a whip and almost blaster proof skin.” his brother daz said to be cautious around their surroundings.
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“Come on daz better than rancore plus were hunters we are superior.” Baz said in a cocky tone.
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“Baz we are hunters but that doesn't mean we are invincible and we are in nexu territory so we should tread carefully.” daz whispers.
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However baz in his excitement ran very loudly that caused him to reveal their position.
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“Baz stop running your going to get us killed out here” daz whispered yelled at him.
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His words did not phase baz though and kept running till he stopped to look around to see if there were any nexu around the area. All of sudden baz heard growling which caused him to turn to the noise.
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What baz saw was a nexu about ready to pounce on him but at the very moment it jumped at him his brother pushed him out of the way to take the blow from nexu.
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The nexu knocks the blaster off of daz holster and starts to bite and claw at him. Daz, doing everything he could to fight off the nexu shouted out to baz “BAZ GRAB THE BLASTER AND SHOOT IT IN THE EYE.”.
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Baz, scared and shaky, grabbed daz’s blaster and aimed at the nexu but the sight of his brother getting mauled by the beast made him freeze up. “BAZ TAKE THE SHOT” his brother yelled at him but baz was too scared to shoot. Daz using one of his arms as a shield allowed him to use one arm to grab his hunter knife out of his pocket to stab the beast in the face. It did not kill the nexu but scared it and allowed it to retreat.
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Baz got out of his frozen state and ran to his brother who was nearing death. Baz as soon as he reached his brother held him to his lap and tried to do something to help or at the very least comfort his brother.
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“Daz I'm so sorry if i listen to you. You..you” baz crying at this try to apologize to his brother but daz stopped him by putting his hand on the side of his face.
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“Baz, you are young and you wanted to prove yourself.” daz whispers try to reassure his brother.
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“But I was arrogant and I wasn't careful around my surroundings. You got hurt from my mistake” baz cried out to his brother.
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“Baz promise me something” daz whispered to his brother
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“What is it brother?” Baz asked quietly.
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“Don’t stop being a hunter and be strong for me please.” daz told baz with his last breath.
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“I will daz I promise you.” Baz said, his voice a little shaky.
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With a smile daz lay his head down for the last time and closed his eyes as he succumbed to a permanent sleep with baz looking at him tears streaming down his face.
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Baz took daz’s hunter knife and blaster as he tried to find an empty patch of land to bury his brother. After finding a perfect spot he used his hands to dig the hole and when he thought it was deep enough he put his brother in the makeshift grave and buried him.
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After burying his brother, Baz heard rustling in the bushes and ran. All he could do was run.
(Baz present time)
“That day was my fault but I promise you daz I will avenge you.” Baz thought to himself, promising to himself.
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“Even if it cost my life”Baz left his room to meet up with the rest of his crew.
(parabellum cockpit)
The outlaws(except baz) were in the cockpit of parabellum looking at the planet Cholganna but Ezra noticed one thing.
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“Hey, why aren’t there any imperial ships or something?” he asked.
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“That because the nexu on this planet being so deadly breed so quickly to point where wherever on that planet is not worth it” numik responded.
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“Then why are we here then if there are going to be a lot of them. We will be torn apart.” Ezra said worryingly.
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“Don’t worry nexus has a hibernation period with some still being awake so we can easily find one and hunt it.” numik explained to ezra.
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“Well if there is a hibernation period why don’t the empire start their industrialization or something when there is less hostile nexus?” Ezra asked.
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“Well even if an imperial force managed to get a squad and builders on this planet it would be an off and on thing and a logistical and production nightmare for one planet with nexus run around with a hibernation period of a month. So because no imperial wanted to be on this planet we got a good chance of hunting one undisturbed. ”Numik said.
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“Speaking of hunting, do you guys worry about baz because he seems standoffish?” Ezra asked his crewmates.
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“Maybe his boast about him being a hunter was just for show" Leila snark a little Harshly.
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Before Ezra or numik could respond to her baz enter the cockpit silent but having a determined look on his face.
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“Hey baz are you good?” Ezra asked.
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“I'm good, why?” Baz said absently, which worried Ezra a little more.
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“It's just you looked sad and worried when we announced you would be heading to cholganna.” numik explained.
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“Sorry it just i had a bad time on this planet and i plan to correct it.'' Baz said with certainty in his voice.
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“Well I hope your bad time does not screw up the mission, otherwise you're going to have a bad time with me.” Leila said with authority.
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Baz did not respond just looking at the planet they are headed too with silence and a determined glare.
(cholganna sun down)
The outlaws landed in an open space in the jungle and when they left their ship they began their hunt. Baz being a hunter, took the charge to find a nexu with Ezra and leila behind him as back up. Numik and widget were in the trees as lookouts to make sure their crewmates didn't come across severe danger.
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“Okay so baz being the hunter you are which direction should we go.” Ezra asked.
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“By these claw marks somewhere north but tread carefully we are in a very dangerous territory and we don’t want to be nexu dinner.” Baz said with some authority in his voice.
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They head off the direction of the claw marks but as they continue it got darker and they knew they couldn’t be in the dark.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAYFEeLiqu3U
“Well we made no progress,we are progressively getting lost in a dark jungle, we got wild nexu roaming about and we got no food because we thought it would be an easy mission.” Leila complained.
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“We will set up camp tonight and continue in the morning.” Baz told the outlaws what his plan was.
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“WHAT and risk our lives with those beasts roaming around. I know you are eager for a hunt and risking your life but not all of us are adrenaline junkies.” Leila argued .
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Baz was silent for a moment but responded with “fine I will take guard for the night and if any one of you wants to switch positions I will happily oblige.” his tone heavy and no room for arguing.
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Leila was shocked by baz 'response but said “fine but I won't cry if a nexu tears you apart.” baz flinched by that comment which only Ezra noticed because Leila after saying that left in huff.
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Ezra walks around the area to see if he can find an open area to sleep but stops to see leila on the ground but not asleep.
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“You know you should give baz some slack for at least trying.” Ezra said.
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“ yeah well giving some slack isn't gonna help us survive out here. We should just get back to the ship and leave this stupid planet.” Leila said.
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“Leila i know you don’t like this but we will get a lot of credits out of this plus this seems super important to baz.” Ezra argued back.
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“ That man will lead us to our deaths. Trust me Ezra being a part of a “team” is more trouble than it's worth. Now unless you have more “important” things to say i'm going to sleep.” leila said, closing her eyes trying to fall asleep.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAEz5D6I73Ib
“Great leila is still being uncooperative and untrusting with us,baz is having problems that he’s not telling us which could cost us severely and we are on a planet filled with beasts who at any moment pop out and murals us.” Ezra thought to himself. Ezra thought giving himself so solitude would do him good so he walked up to a tree and began to climb it.
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After climbing up the tree and settling himself on a branch Ezra took a deep breath to keep himself calm with the situation he and his crewmates are in.
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“Lovely night we are having eh” Ezra jumped but realized it was numik and widget who was sitting on the other branch eating fruit.
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“Good forces, you guys startled me. So how is it going for you guys?” Ezra asked his friends who got done eating their fruit.
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“For us we're fine, we are safe,cozy up here and got a lot of fruit to eat so we are good but it seems like you and the ground team are having some trouble wanna talk about it.” numik said.
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“(sigh) baz is not telling us his problem which could give us problems during this mission,leila is being mean and uncooperative and this is frustrating me.” Ezra told Numik his problems.
Numik nodded his head in understanding and thought out some form of solution while petting widget which she enjoyed so much.
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“Okay ezra i think i form a strategy.” numik said with an excited tone.
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“Really what plan did you form to help me?” ezra said with surprise.
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“Okay since this mission is tied with baz we should help him out and we do nothing for leila.” Ezra agreed with the first part but was surprised by the second one.
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“Wait what do you mean we do nothing for leila. I was hoping to help both out!” Ezra exclaimed.
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“Ezra, baz need our help right now because this mission seems hard and personal for him. Leila on the other hand we need to simply wait right now for her because I feel as her troubles are even more personal and it is not here.” numik reasoned, causing Ezra to look down to see Baz standing still with his heavy blaster rifle out looking out for any danger.
282Please respect copyright.PENANA3kCrYltpzj
“Yeah you're right but how can I help him out right now when I don't exactly know what his problem is.” Ezra complained. In a sudden motion Numik tosses a fruit to Ezra who with good reflexis catches the fruit.
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“Simple you talk to him and try to make him open up and i know he probably won’t open up to you right now but it would ease him a bit and gain his trust.” numik explained.
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“Fine, I will talk to him but why the fruit.” Ezra quistoned.
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“Well i think baz could be hungry so give him this fruit it could help your conversation.” numik said. Ezra looked at the fruit and sighs.
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“Okay i’ll talk to him and hope for the best.” Ezra said.
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“Thank you ezra.” numik said and ezra began to climb down the tree and walked up to baz.
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“Here you might be hungry after today serch.” Ezra said, offering the fruit to baz who took it and began to eat it.
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“Baz I feel like something is troubling you and if we're going to be a team you should communicate your problems with us.” ezra said
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“Im fine ezra like i said i had a bad time here once.” baz said.
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“Yeah well when we bring up certain things you either freeze up or flinch so i know there is more to this mission than we know.” Ezra exclaimed.
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“Ezra, it's a personal matter for me and I Know you want to help and all but-” baz tried to finish his sentence.
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“Baz, if you don’t tell us your problem then we are going to have more problems than a wild nexu just please talk to us and yes I know it's personal but i don’t want to see it destroy you.baz we are a team and beside leila me,numik and widget are worry for you. ” Ezra argued back.
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“(sigh) I will tell you guys when I'm ready.” baz said.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAE84U7X96zs
With a sigh Ezra taking what he got went back to the opening where he saw leila was laying down fast asleep. He sighed and lay down on the ground and closed his eyes, falling asleep for the night.
(cholganna morning)
Ezra was on the ground, eyes closed but all sudden fruit struck him in the face which he ignored but he opened his eyes when the second fruit struck him in the face.
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“Okay okay i'm awake i'm awake” ezra yelled out.
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“Oh good, I thought I was going to have to blungen you more with this fruit.” numik said out of the tree above ezra.
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“I'm going to meet up with baz and leila. You and widget meet up with us ahead” Ezra shouted up to the tree.
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Ezra walked up to a wide awake leila and baz who were eating the fruit that numik probably got for them.
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“Okay baz which direction are we going to go today?” ezra asked.
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“We are heading up north because that was where I saw the nexu marks go.” baz explain to his crewmates.
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“Let's hope this won’t be pointless walking like yesterday was.” Leila said.
282Please respect copyright.PENANA4vnx11Z4F3
The outlaws walked up north to see if they can find this one nexu but it lead near to cliff which confused the outlaws.
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“Hey can nexu jump off very high cliffs?” Ezra asked with confusion.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAuqTRXUy7yU
“Not unless they want to off themselves and I don't think there's a reason for a nexu to off itself.” Leila said.
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“Wait, these claws don’t go off the cliff, they back tracked.” baz realized. All of a sudden numik and widget came flying out of the trees and landed near the crew.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAURmH0CAUVS
“Guys i think i found our nexu and it is not happy with us.” numik said fear in his tone.
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The nexu jumped out of the trees and growled at the outlaws signaling it’s attack. It lunged at both numik and widget but both of them rolled out of the way in time.
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Leila try to attack it with her baster but the nexu used its tail to whip her to the side. Ezra was shooting at it but missing a few of his shots and the few that did land looked like it had no effect on it.
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The nexu was annoyed by ezra shooting at it, so it pounced at ezra trying to claw him to death but ezra moved out of the way in time and the nexu clawed at a tree that was behind ezra making huge claw marks on the tree.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAfXMuaGnUlb
Baz was ready to shoot at it but when he looked at the creature's eyes he froze because it had the same scar his brother gave to the nexu that had killed him. His hands shaking in fear remembering what happened, almost dropping his weapon. The nexu saw Baz standing still and ran toward him but Ezra saw this and tackled Baz out of the way before being killed.
282Please respect copyright.PENANACtroK0tb9g
Numik and Leila shot at the numik with widget throwing rocks at nexu hoping it would do something and while the blaster shots did do some damage it was minimal. The nexu was being overwhelmed by the blaster shots and it's almost blaster proof skin is at it’s limit.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAwTDunNNKNa
“BAZ YOU HAVE THE WEAPON TO FINALLY TAKE THIS THING OUT.” Leila shouted but Baz was still frozen in shock. The nexu, not liking what happened to it, used its tail to whip dirt into the outlaws' eyes and ran away into the jungle.
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“AHHHH my eyes, i can’t see.” numik said, rubbing his eyes with widget rolling around on the ground in pain after having dirt hitting her eyes.
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“BAZ WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOOT THE NEXU.” Leila yelled out in rage, rubbing her eyes with little success.
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“I think a rock just hit my eyes.” Ezra said, holding his eyes in pain.
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It took a good 20 minutes for the outlaws to get the dirt out of their eyes and discuss further action.
282Please respect copyright.PENANACUWn43xACu
“Okay after getting our asses handed to us because of baz incompetence, what next?” Leila said, still angry.
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“Well we have it on the run and if we can find it we can continue our assault. What do you think baz..baz.” numik asked.
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Baz stood up from the ground and looked out over the cliff back to his crew and said “I think It's necessary to tell you guys why this mission is important to me.”
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“I hope it’s good because you really have screwed this mission up .” Leila remarked a little angry.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAWmVoHAMK5g
Baz ignored it and continued “the reason this mission is personal for me is because I lost my brother on this planet.”
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The outlaws were silent by this revelation and felt sad for Baz after what he said.
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“We were hunting nexus and due to my arrogance I led a nexu to us. Next thing I knew a nexu was about ready to pounce on me but my brother pushed me out of the way and took the blow . The nexu proceeded to attack my brother who shouted at me to shoot it but i didn't do anything because I was frozen in fear like i just did. I agreed to this mission in hopes I could avenge my brother but this led to you guys almost meeting the same fate as my brother. I am so sorry,I could have told you guys but I wanted to be tough but I'm scared of this mission and I messed everything up.” baz cried out, letting out all his pain and regret.
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The outlaws digest this info and now understand why this is hard for him. Numik, being the bold one on the team, walked up to Baz and put his hands on baz shoulders.
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“Baz you need this so we are going to 100% help you no matter what.” numik said with the rest of the crew nodding.
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“Thank you guys, I really need this.” Baz said softly.
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After the heart to heart baz had with the outlaws they went into the jungle to find and finish off the nexu.
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“Okay i see some claw marks up here come on.” Baz said in a serious tone.
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The team agreed to split up but not too far just in case they were attacked again. One of the team was Leila and Numik with widget who took the trees to get good jump on it or something while The other team was baz and ezra who directly followed the claw marks.
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Baz and Ezra while trekking through the jungle heard heavy footsteps nearby which caused them to stop and listen.
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“Ezra, seeing that this is dangerous, we should walk quietly.” baz whisper with ezra nodding.
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They walked silently in the dense jungle with the occasional animal noises here and there.
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“You know baz thanks to leila,widget and numik hunting this thing could be easy now.” ezra said a little arrogantly.
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“ Ezra we are hunters but that doesn't mean we are invincible and we are in nexu territory so we should tread carefully.” baz said repeating what his brother told him years ago.
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“Okay i’ll keep that in mind.” Ezra said in acknowledgment.
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Baz at this moment felt like a big brother taking his younger brother hunting but at the moment he needs to finish the long hunt he was on.
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The claw marks stopped at a part of the jungle and both stopped in confusion.
282Please respect copyright.PENANALjkCPngZ1G
“Baz why did the claw marks stop here?” Ezra questioned.
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“Um i don’t know ezra but it has to be somewhere.” Baz said with uncertainty.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAPxEC4sY0I6
Both baz and ezra looked in opposite directions to see if they could find the nexu in the treeline.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAYrQ3VUiJgS
Both of them heard a growl and all of a sudden Ezra got tackled by the nexu who was angry at this point. The nexu was ready to bite at ezra but ezra picked up a thick branch that was near him and shove it in nexu mouth to prevent it from biting him.
282Please respect copyright.PENANA0LklS3ncq4
“BAZ THIS IS YOUR CHANCE SHOOT IT.” ezra shouted out to baz who aimed his weapon at nexu then closed his eyes and in that moment remembered his brother's death.
282Please respect copyright.PENANALKaqRJeiFD
“BAZ TAKE THE SHOT.” Both Ezra and daz screamed out, daz in his memory and Ezra in real life. Baz cringes a little but he opens his eyes and aims his weapon at the nexu.
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The nexu managed to break the branch with its jaw and it was ready to bite Ezra's head off. Ezra closed his eyes in fear about what to happen and thought out “mom dad i don’t know if you're dead but if you are your baby boy coming.”
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282Please respect copyright.PENANAz5tfDyzT9K
Ezra, surprised by that noise, still had his eyes closed for a few moments but opened them to see the nexu beside him dead perfect headshot. Ezra looked to see baz weapon still raised,controlling his breathing.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAO4Ni5Yuo8G
“That was for my brother you stupid beast.” Baz said happy that he finally finished his many year hunt.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAinecj0btEN
Leila,numik and widget heard baz blaster rifle go off and ran to see ezra on ground and the nexu they were hunting dead next to him.
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“Are you guys ok?” numik said worry laced in his voice.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAsPwHN6xzBf
“We are fine a little bruised up but overall fine. Now then let's get back to the ship and shave this thing to get our credits.” Baz said a little plainly picking up the dead nexu. The crew are surprised how baz seems fine after killing the nexu.
(parabellum lounge room)
After shaving the nexu, they bagged up the fur and now just relaxing in the lounge room.
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“Well I will not lie that the mission was hard.” numik said a little tired.
282Please respect copyright.PENANAsWRQrIVBuW
“Thank you for stating that captain obvious. After sleeping on jungle ground last night my back has been a little stiff.” leila said rudely.
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“Well it was hard but not only did we complete the mission we helped baz avenge his brother.” Ezra said a little cheerfully.
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“Thank you guys. I know I screwed the mission up a few times but I'm glad we killed the nexu that killed my brother.” baz said.
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“No need to thank us baz we are just happy to help a friend, is that right leila." Numik said cheerfully, putting his arm around leila.
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“numik if you don’t get your arm off of me I'm going to break it." Leila said threateningly. Numik quickly got his arm off of her.
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“duly noted." Numik said with his happy tone albitly with a little fear in it.
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“So when are wg gonna arrive at our destination?” Ezra asked.
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“Well it’s going to take a while so we should go and rest for a while.” Leila said, exhausted.
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“Yeah widget needs her beauty sleep. These eyes do not look good with bags under them and trust me i know.” numik said taking widget to their room.
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The crew left the lounge rooms to go to their respective rooms however Baz stopped Ezra for a talk.
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“Hey Ezra, thank you for talking to me last night .” Baz said gratefully.
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“I don’t know why you're thanking me. I just said me,numik and Widget were worried about you.” Ezra said.
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“I know but I felt kinda selfish for not telling you guys and making you worried.” Baz said apologetically.
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“Baz you were mentaly and emotionally struggling plus it was somewhat not our business but being good friends we decide to help you no matter what.” ezra said
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“Well I'm glad you did, even though the pain of my brother's death still remains, telling you guys about it made the pain numb a bit.” baz said.
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“Glad to help my friend." Ezra said smiling.
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Baz smiled a bit then said “i'm glad to have you by my side friend. Now then let's go to our rooms and rest." Ezra nodded in acknowledgment and went to his room.
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Baz after a few moments got up to go to his room but stopped by leila.
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“Leila do you need something?" Baz asked, confused why she stopped him.
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“I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the rude comments I said." Leila said looking away in awkwardness
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“it's okay leila I knew you were frustrated by me being vague and stuff." Baz said reassuringly.
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“still it was unprofessional and inappropriate what I said and I regret what I said." Leila said.
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Baz was surprised how apologetic she was and he replied with “um okay I forgive you."
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Leila looked somewhat pleased by him forgiving her. She quickly walked pass baz and enter her room.
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“What a tense day." Baz said to himself walking into his room.
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When shaving the nexu he decided to take a trophy. After shaving the nexu he dissected the nexu and took its skull. He put the skull on his table for future hunting trophies.
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“This is for you brother,I hope your proud of me and I made friends to help me. You would like them very much." Baz thought, smiling.
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