disclaimer- own nothing except oc characters and some of the plot.star wars is owned by disney and lucasfilms.rebels was created by dave filoni,simon kinberg,carrie beck and greg weisman.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAsQbpQScSU6
After getting the credits from the nexu coat the outlaws decided to get their ship an upgrade just as baz have vowed.
(lothal outside of capital city)
The outlaws were on the planet Lothal hiding in the grasslands outside of the capital city working on the ship. Leila was checking on the ships fuel and navigation,numik and widget were checking the engines then finally there was baz and ezra who were looking at the weapons.
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“Okay i think for the weapons we should have some ag-2g quad laser cannons to replace cec laser turrets in the front and the gunner area.” Baz said nonchalantly.
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Ezra was glad that Baz was now comfortable with the crew and not just being grumpy.
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“We should also get some proton torpedoes for some real fire power.” baz said.
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“Sounds good and all but how are we going to get those things. I mean they just don’t sell those anywhere.” Ezra questioned.
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“I have a plan but I have to tell the rest because it involves all of us." Baz saidaid.
(parabellum lounge room)
“Baz this better be important because there is a lot of work left on this ship.” Leila said impatiently.
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“It is important because we are going to steal from an imperial shipyard.” Baz explained.leila looked at him as if he was the stupidest person in the galaxy.
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“(sigh) Okay I tap out, why are we going to steal from an imperial shipyard?” leila asked.
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“We are going to steal some weapons off of their ships to add to our ship.” Baz told his crewmates.
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“Okay how are are we going to get in the shipyard because that place will be full of stormtroopers" Numik asked
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“That simple ezra and leila will cause a distraction by setting up an explosive in one area while me and numik climb the fence with all the noise going on and will take the weapons from the shipyard and bring them back to our ship.” baz said.
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“Okay we can deal with stormtroopers but HOW are Ezra and I going to get out of being blown up by their ships?” leila asked.
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“Me and numik will plant some explosives on their tie fighters and other ships so when they try using them we blow them out of the sky. With all the chaos they will be disorganized and it will be easy for us to escape.” Baz explained the rest of his plan.
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“Okay good plan im in.” Ezra said liking the plan. Leila wanted to argue this plan but when she heard how excited Ezra was she stopped herself and just sighs.
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“Fine but if this fails you better hope a stormtrooper kills you because i will.” Leila agreed to the plan begrudgingly.
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“Sounds good to me plus a bonus if we get a class 2 hyperdrive because we are running class 4”[1] numik said.
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“Alright we will hit it soon so get ready,”baz said.
(star destroyer-lothal orbit)
“Any news on the criminals.” kallus yelled out.
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“No sir but there are rumors they are back on lothal.” officer aresko said a little fearful in the presence of frantic kallus.
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“Good send down more troopers, those criminals must not evade us.” kallus order.
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“Um kallus, why are you so frantic about these criminals?” myles grint another imperial officer said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAlYntGaunWn
“I'm so frantic because if I fail to capture these criminals I am dead." Kallus said angrily with some fear laced in voice.
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“Well I'm sure you can capture them but seeing how stressed you are i think we should handle it.” aresko said with overconfidence.
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“Yeah we will capture them with ease and when we capture them we will get a promotion." Grint also said with overconfidence.
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“Alright, go catch those criminals I have great confidence in you." Kallus said with enthusiasm in his voice.
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“WE WON’T FAIL YOU” both imperial officers shouted out and exited the room to get to lothal.
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Kallus' smile dropped as soon as both of them left the room. “Yeah I have no confidence in those two.” he said.
(imperial shipyard)
The outlaws landed a few miles outside of the shipyard. Taking the bombs they bought from the blackmarket with them and set out for the ship yard.
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“Hey, why is there a transport ship?” numik questioned. The outlaws looked at the transport ship that landed near the entrance to the shipyard. Out came both aresko and grint at which all the stormtroopers in the area saluted their arrival.
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“So do any of you know who they are because they look highly important but i don't know." numik said confused about who the two newcomers were.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAHisq4FGk2O
“Those two are cumberlayne aresko and myles grint.both men while holding significant positions of power are not the most competent officers in the empire.” Ezra answered numik quistonie.
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“Well no matter who those idiots are we are going to get those weapons." Leila said, hoping to get this done.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAqnqR1lpeRR
The shipyard was a place filled with ties in repair and cruisers being built. There are multiple hangars filled with various ships from patrol ships to assault ships. A lot of the mechanics are at work with many stormtroopers standing guard.
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“Why are there little guards here?” numik asked.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAbK668F94k5
“This place is a secret to most people with the exception of black market dealers who deal in rumors or people who accidentally stumble onto it. However looks can be deceiving so let's not think they are not prepared for us.” Ezra answered.
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“Okay enough quistones let get these bombs set up.ezra,leila you throw these e bombs at the gate to cause the destracton. Me,numik and widget will climb the fence behind one the hangers for the element of surprise. Take these comlinks we will let you know what is happening.” baz said and the outlaws split up to complete their mission.
Ezra and Leila team
Both Ezra and leila went up to the gate but saw stormtroopers walking by the gate.to avoid detection they hid behind a rock formation.
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“Okay i think maybe we should-” ezra tried to plan but leila just took one of the bombs and threw it at the gate. The bomb landed near the two stormtrooper with one of them noticing.
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“Aw crap” the stormtrooper said before the bomb blew up destroying the gate.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAcb8QR1hgMb
“Or throw the bomb like no one’s buisness that works.'' Ezra said but before he and leila could do anything else blaster fire was whizzing past them.
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“You know can we have an outing without us getting shot at” Ezra said, a little annoyed at getting shot at.
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“Just shut up and shoot at them.” leila said, firing at the stormtroopers hitting a couple.
Baz,numik and widget team.
That sound was confirmation that baz,numik and widget should move.they quickly scale the fence and when on the other side placed a remote control explosive so that when they got what they needed they would blow up the fence. Thankfully it would be a five to 10 minute run to get to the ship.
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“Okay lets place these bombs on thoes ties,get what we need and get the hell out of here” numik said wanting to help his friends first.
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“Don’t worry numik we will help them but some guards stay behind so we got to take them out first.” baz said head up to a group of tie fighters. Baz took cover behind the tie fighter wing and When looked around the wing he saw Grint and aresko.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAhAswZifQDf
“Okay things are not going well but we can turn this around and get our promotions.” aresko said a little frantically.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAIB89ze0E30
“Well whoever tries to hit this place must not be smart to hit us directly.” grint said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAW12UBuxrRS
“My plan is we take all the troops in the area and concentrate on the intruders.” aresko said with grint nodding his head in approval of the plan.
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“Okay never mind, this is gonna be easier than i expected.” Baz thought to himself.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAJiRhdK4z6U
“Numik never mind, we don't have to deal with guards who stayed behind.” Baz said into his comlink, still shocked at the two officers' decision.
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“Wait, why did you take them out?” numik asked.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAzhFrZuBERK
“No, the two officers we saw just ordered all troops to concentrate on Ezra and leila.” baz answer taking out the bombs ready to blow up the group of tie fighters.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAryZeNfyKn2
“Well we should hurry then and save them. Thankfully i'm in a hanger with cruiser im placing a bomb on it so that just in case they were wanting to case us." Numik said over the comlink.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAEFM7vyPVcC
Baz placed the bombs on the tie and ran where numik was. There were 4 hangers and 3 of them had cruiser in them with bombs on them. When he found numik he saw a cart with some ag-2g cannons, grade 2 hyperdrive and for some reason a speaker system.
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“numik are you ready yet." Baz said in a hurried tone.
258Please respect copyright.PENANACw1HK3ndPy
“Yeah me and widget are ready, let's get this stuff back to the ship." numik said, pushing the cart out of the hanger.
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Baz,numik and widget ran towards the fence they put the bomb and hope they could get the stuff on there ship in time.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAAECYTg4a53
“I hope Ezra and Leila are doing fine.” numik said, panting a little.
Ezra and leila.
“We are not doing fine right now.”Ezra said, panicking a little because due to the multiple blaster fire the rock formation he and Leila took cover behind was shattering and breaking apart.Leila looked at Ezra in worry and needed to do something.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA2FYdru1d0J
“BAZ WE COULD USE THAT CHAOS STARTER RIGHT ABOUT NOW.” leila shouted in her comlink.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA2ZsrXaOiAL
“WE GOT YOU SURROUNDED. SURRENDER NOW OR WE WILL KILL YOU.” a voice shouted out. Ezra recognized that it was aresko voice and was hoping for some miracle or for aresko and grint to screw something up to give them a miracle escape.thankfully there was a miracle in the form of a noise.
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258Please respect copyright.PENANAHCua9u9EMG
“What the.” aresko said before debris from the explosion rained on him,Grint and the stormtroopers. This gave Ezra and Leila an opening to retreat back to their ship but this also gave Ezra enough time to drop a bombshell on the two officers.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAoLrA4eWKoK
“HEY IDIOTS WE WERE JUST A DECOY ALWAYS KEEP YOUR BACKS SECURE.” Ezra mocked the officers. Ezra and leila after running for a good five minutes through grass land made it to their ship where they saw baz installing the weapons they stole.With how leila was marched up to baz, ezra knew a fight was gonna happen so he went into the ship to find numik.[2]
258Please respect copyright.PENANAliznzWEISu
“Well I hope it was worth the trouble getting those.” Leila said angrily.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAfOAhwmHm0f
“The mission was a success wasn't it.” Baz argued back.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA8fHWzjA2oz
“Yeah but me and Ezra's life was on line for your slowness. Don’t you know how close Ezra was getting killed he was practically panicking.” leila yelled out to baz but in her anger accidentally showed her concern for ezra. Leila realized her mistake and cover mouth.
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“Aha you do worry for him and here i thought you were heartless.” baz said in a superior tone.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAbvC8ZpcumE
“I-I don’t care for him, I just view him as a valuable asset to us and him getting killed will put our operation at risk.” Leila said, looking away, blushing a bit. However baz knew that leila stutter betrayed her.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAsXxIebLJIh
“Yeah well we made it and got what we needed so it was all worth it. But this does ra. I thought your race was independent leaders and you would argue or veto the plan but agree to it.” baz said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA5Cr99X9t8v
“What are you getting at baz.” Leila asked,suspension in her tone.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAoCRboJWXrI
“You care for Ezra and don’t want to see him disappointed.” baz said which left leila shocked at his accusation.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAtxSyCt3J9G
“That is not true. I knew I would face a majority so I just went along,”Leila argued.
258Please respect copyright.PENANADDtalHPENy
“Majority my ass leila whether or not you realize it you got a mother hen complex to you but you keep pushing it in you because maybe you have a fear of forming a bond with someone or something.” Baz argued back. Leila glared at Baz with anger but she did not want to argue any further.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA9L72NqHx4q
“Screw you, I'm going back inside.” Leila said angrily walking back into the ship leaving Baz back to his work.
(parabellum engine room)
Numik ,Ezra and Widget were in the engine room where numik just finished installing the hyperdrive.
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“They're all finished putting in our new hyperdrive so now we can get to places faster." Numik said with joy in his voice.
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Before Ezra could respond, Leila entered the room somewhat cooled down after her argument with baz.
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“Oh hey leila what can I do for you?" Numik asked.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAUCq5f8Y6Bx
“Did you put in the hyperdrive that you got?" Leila asked.
258Please respect copyright.PENANADb6iGX0nxD
258Please respect copyright.PENANAYlsQ9ycZgi
“Yeah I did and I also installed a speaker system so if anybody on this ship wants to give an announcement or something they can use the speaker system." Numik explained to leila.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAdGyjZqBpoc
“Okay that's good and ezra."Leila said.ezra looked at leila in confusion.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAfqy1LALiOV
“Good job you did good." Leila complimented. Ezra was confused but didn't complain because it came from leila. Before Ezra could respond, Leila left the room to go to her room.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA1h5SinsUH4
“Hey where is my good job, I was part of the rescue and steal team." Numik complained and Ezra just chuckled.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAwi2PrFcK4e
“You did a good job, numik." Ezra said to numik.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAJn0TVzsz7s
“(sigh) thanks Ezra." Numik said a little defeated that he couldn't get leila to compliment him.
(Imperial shipyard ruins)
“So let me get this straight. You had a lot of reinforcement but still managed not capture or kill them.” kallus said both Grint and Aresko were frightened about what would happen.
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“Well you see these outlaws they played as decoy and well-” aresko tried to say but kallus had enough.
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“If tarkin hears about this we are in trouble.” kallus snapped at the two idiots.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA0CEttEOoPl
“Um sir.” an agent said a little nervous around the angry kallus.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAZwSyDu2VXf
“What” kallus said, still angry at grint and aresko failure.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA82u6a7cZFP
“Tarkin wanted to tell you that he knows about grint and aresko involvement and that they are now under the same condition. Oh and that he also said strike one.” the agent said, reading off of some notes.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA1qE9Jthwd5
“Anything else you want to tell me, agent.” kallus said through grit teeth.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA1aQRJWkuWE
“Yeah um we drew up some files on the women of the team,the zabrak. She was a part of a criminal organization in her past and as far as we know is still active” the agent informed kallus.
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“Really what is this organization's name?” kallus asked curiously.
258Please respect copyright.PENANARFsvPesEc0
“The name for this organization is the Haxion brood”[3] the agent answers kallus question.