Chapter Theme Music: Trying Outward ~ Ooze (Where the Fields Never End) {I Awake & Omnimotion Remix}76Please respect copyright.PENANAFZ7gdWIcUF
<11/20/2012 - 13:00 | Cage High School (Web Design), Austell, GA, USA>
76Please respect copyright.PENANA9qqtOb97sT
I had a strange enough day after slipping into another one of my montrums. The skies today were darkened by storm clouds of rain which refused to release their fluffy tanks, leaving us dry with a beautiful bloom. Most who see this rainy weather refer to it as a sad day or bad weather, but I'm instead captivated by its beauty.76Please respect copyright.PENANApjcqXMSmYz
76Please respect copyright.PENANAcDEyLX1cyE
It's hard to explain why. Whenever the sky gets like this, creating a perfect blue hue of bloom over everything below, it reminds me of another world I'm sure I've been to before. Of course, I know it makes no sense. I've only ever known this world on Earth, and also Karnak, indirectly. Maybe it was from one of my dreams or fantasies, but I'm certain there is a strong connection between a moment like this and some other part of the world we normally can't see. The weather creates an amazing lighting effect which is a natural constant to that other world, though only part of the puzzle. This is why I easily slip into the montrum every time we have rainy weather, without the rain. It all feels familiar somehow, like I'm looking into a crack beyond our known existence.76Please respect copyright.PENANAGTJsau6LM3
76Please respect copyright.PENANAQvan8HJF8N
That's pretty much been my mindset all day long, as I've spent most of the day bored and without Lumina. The temperature outside was hanging around right at 65oF, (59oN). So, I've been on my own this time, letting my overactive thoughts take over as a means of passive entertainment. Even so, I thought today was strange already. What I would learn later in Web Design would only add to the oddity of my moments.76Please respect copyright.PENANASvmEkuuCJE
76Please respect copyright.PENANADY3SkUuwVh
The class itself was boring, basic and static to my taste, since all we did was learn Html code on the most basic principle. There was one upside though, my seating arrangement right next to Zero. Even in this class, she and I didn't talk too often, but we still made casual effort during moments of free time, easily obtained with the low difficulty of the course. She and I would recently get into random memes or something funny that happened on some show.76Please respect copyright.PENANAAgNg2grAnp
76Please respect copyright.PENANAhJHIoPBwRZ
That was all normal for me, until today, when she took her time glancing to and away from me before asking me something that was obviously serious for her. "Hey Reed? Is it okay if I get your advice on something?"76Please respect copyright.PENANAXzWT5aOfHU
76Please respect copyright.PENANA0QVLmv1SJQ
"Sure. I'm all ears." Anyone coming to me for advice was something I was already used to. Most of the school doesn't know me, so it doesn't happen too often. I am however aware of my own growing wisdom, at least in certain aspects of life. I see and understand things about people that everybody else is so quick to overlook. I don't catch everything every time, but I've more often been able to draw out courses of better action this way, whether the advice be about romance or something technical.76Please respect copyright.PENANAGThS84VMsB
76Please respect copyright.PENANAZoLHVRqOi6
Zero hesitated for a second, bumping both of her index fingers together while facing me in the wheeled-chair each student had. "Remember that time when you dated Malica Moringstar?"76Please respect copyright.PENANAMG79yNZRu2
76Please respect copyright.PENANAMLyWO4s1TE
That's a blast from the past, but sure. I can't understand why she would want to bring that up though. It turned out Malica was in this high school too, though I was never put in any classes near or around her. "I remember." Come to think of it, everything that I can remember, at least after the moment the purge started - resonated with me so strongly. Any memory before the purge was faded and vague. I can't help but wonder if that was Lumina's doing.76Please respect copyright.PENANADkElD7eeq5
76Please respect copyright.PENANAR78WQDHjTQ
"You see, the thing is..." Zero struggled just to spit it out, making me wonder what could be so embarrassing to say to anybody in the first place. "I don't know what to do with her anymore. We've been going out for four months now, but I don't know if things are going to work out."76Please respect copyright.PENANA4qjOah79Nq
76Please respect copyright.PENANAW1E0Ybw3jd
Zero didn't really give me time to be shocked and confused at her statement. I mean, her and Malica, both girls dating each other like that? Suddenly, there was too much to think about at once. I hid my reaction from her as best as I could, but I never knew she swung that way... Come to think of it, this means Malica swings both ways too!76Please respect copyright.PENANAAkkgI16R4O
76Please respect copyright.PENANAepwwHLXYZX
"Sorry. I guess I should have mentioned earlier that I'm actually a lesbian. I'm not into guys."76Please respect copyright.PENANA1edWYcVRvZ
76Please respect copyright.PENANA4qXdHTRJB1
Yeah, I figured that out already. Still, it's not what I expected to hear today. Being gay or lesbian is supposed to be bad, right? That's what every Christian preaches anyway. "No, it's fine. I mean, I didn't know until you told me... So you and Malica huh? That's something."76Please respect copyright.PENANAqBOdSIy9N4
76Please respect copyright.PENANA3gjTnbuYeL
My hope now was that Zero would assume my surprised reaction pertained to Malica and not her sexuality. Through all my life, I've adamantly put down the idea of anybody being homosexual, disassociating from them immediately whether they were male or female. The primary reasons for this had to do with what the Bible preaches, but more so how my parents raised me. By their logic, all gays and lesbians are in the wrong, have a mental illness, or are simply confused...76Please respect copyright.PENANA2qUS2q6dQU
76Please respect copyright.PENANAhNc879YJRG
But I can't say something like that to Zero. If she were anyone else, I think I would have by now. Zero... Does only being attracted to other females make you happy? Are you this way by choice, because you chose not to date other heathens?76Please respect copyright.PENANApcQ882iHny
76Please respect copyright.PENANABBMrczVKGQ
"I tried to learn about the reason you and she broke up, but I never got the story. Lately, she's been ignoring me and hanging out with other people too much. I've been so mad at her for the past week, but I wanted to get your opinion on her."76Please respect copyright.PENANAFysOURFscV
76Please respect copyright.PENANA9pK35TYY47
Yep. Sounds like the same slut I dated back in middle school. That's Malica without a doubt. It's sad to see she hasn't changed one bit. "I don't know how to tell you this, but it sounds like she might be cheating on you."76Please respect copyright.PENANA1OjqBL01tE
76Please respect copyright.PENANArLpFxkOxwV
"I thought so too." Zero let her eyes trail to her desk, her voice sunken and sad. "I've been trying to decide whether I should give her a second chance or not. She's been begging for one, but I just don't know if I'm being too harsh."76Please respect copyright.PENANAUKNmQ8eAiY
76Please respect copyright.PENANAXbS15lJ9XS
Two threads of thoughts blew through my mind at once. One was the aspect of Zero being a lesbian. My internal instincts tried to kick in and tell her that she shouldn't be seeing other girls, but other details to that effect tugged my mind away from using those words. Lately, I've been reading and studying that Bible carefully, and I've found countless contradictions and verses of pure nonsense, if not pure evil when taken seriously, so I've been left more confused and skeptical than ever. I only have my father's stern opinion on the matter to go with now, the one that casts dark shadows on any who are homosexual... However, Zero isn't like what they've described. She isn't a bad person, she isn't confused, and she isn't unhappy with her choice either, except maybe on who she chose.76Please respect copyright.PENANAsnW164VjBU
76Please respect copyright.PENANA4JrMum1vLT
The second thread of thought devoted to Malica Moringstar directly. I had not forgotten a single moment about the past. I cringed a little inside thinking about how much I reacted to our breakup. I was only so young at the time. Malica and Lumina don't compare in the slightest. "You want the story on Malica? I'll tell you. The reason we broke up in middle school was because she pulled the same kind of crap with me. She basically went behind my back and cheated on me with Kenzaki. I know everyone is a little more grown up now, but it sounds to me like Malica hasn't changed one bit. With exception to Malica, when somebody makes a terrible mistake, I always try to give exactly two chances, the first, plus one makeup chance. You don't have to do that for her if you don't want to; it might not be your style." Without trying, I was giving Zero all she needed to hear just on how I felt alone. I trusted I could still be real with her, despite what I've just learned.76Please respect copyright.PENANAr31IaBjx15
76Please respect copyright.PENANAIuMdTJafl4
"I see. I'm not the first person she's done this to."76Please respect copyright.PENANAKNi68V3VWb
76Please respect copyright.PENANAf5lM7uhJGs
"Yeah, she's a rotten lying cheater. I know that might sound biased coming from me, but you shouldn't take that from anyone. If you're not happy in a relationship with her, try it with somebody else instead."76Please respect copyright.PENANA6VdOuSOlQo
76Please respect copyright.PENANAyEGgWfe5xH
Zero nodded, still in thought about what she would do in her ultimate decision. It was enough for her to be satisfied mining my brain for purpose, because she went into deep personal thought again.76Please respect copyright.PENANAZWNGmZw2o5
76Please respect copyright.PENANAU1oTsDnnZZ
I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of Zero, since she was now the center of my attention. The first chain of thoughts went on and on, delivering my internal debate about whether this was right or wrong. Whether everything about Christianity was a lie or not, the bottom line for now was homosexuality.76Please respect copyright.PENANAaWWlEkUc8p
76Please respect copyright.PENANAxmEo6YmGkh
It's hard to defend something I don't really care for. I don't fit that moniker in the slightest, so I've never bothered to be tolerant of anybody who came out of the closet. All this time, I never thought it would happen to somebody I care about.76Please respect copyright.PENANAN8uPhkYZRU
76Please respect copyright.PENANAI32Dvo5uao
If I really stuck with tradition, I'd be putting distance between myself and Zero, or at least telling her off... But my mind and body just refused to hold her accountable for this kind of thing. After all, whatever Zero wants to be at the end of the day is her personal choice, not mine.76Please respect copyright.PENANAtN7n0LTE07
76Please respect copyright.PENANAZbtglIJX7n
The situation is more complex though. If Zero can only ever be happy with another woman, then it means there are people in this world who can't be happy unless they are a homosexual, and are allowed to express themselves as such... That settles it right there; father lied to me! Whether he believes the lies of the church himself or not, some people can be happy with being gay or lesbian. With that much said, how can having such orientation be a bad thing?76Please respect copyright.PENANA5SJ5TBT7Q1
76Please respect copyright.PENANADRuBe3o34k
Zero was the key for me on this subject. I care about her happiness just as much as I do my own. I won't allow some crap like intolerance get in the way of our friendship; it just isn't right. Want to talk about right and wrong all day long? I'll tell you what isn't right, shaming people for their sexual choices. I'm supposed to disown Zero because she likes other girls? Get real! I should have known all along that this religious nonsense was a burning pile of crap.76Please respect copyright.PENANADIwgfvnVtg
76Please respect copyright.PENANAjbBEfTjNjk
Zero isn't straight, and that's okay with me. If anyone thinks otherwise, they'll have to answer to both of us now... Of course, I can't be unfair with this situation either. If I'm okay with some girls being lesbians, I'll also have to be okay with some guys being gay, even if the thought sickens me. I'll try not to imagine it for as long as I can.
76Please respect copyright.PENANAVEcndNN3VA