Letizia’s POV
“What do you want me to do then?”
Daniel coughs as we were talking about the children. “Stop destroying yourself with the cigarettes, that’s simple isn’t it?” I looked at this husband of mine shaking my head helplessly to myself.
“This is not some playing around my dear, you’ve been this ill for the whole of this year and not with the kids knowing the severity of it.” I sighed and continued my talk.
“For god sake, not be so macho and tone down.” I soon pleaded. “Even if its not for myself or yourself, do it for the children.” I added on humbly.
“I am happy with John and Robert’s future being fixed but not the girls.” He breaths a little telling me. “Of course they are only going to turn 18 next year.” I facepalmed saying.
“What do you expect then? Them knowing so quick of what they want except not being like their brothers?” I put my hand away from my forehead looking at him.
“One in the FBI, one being a doctor, at least somebody close to look after them” Daniel foolishly answers me.
“Like I said, they’re LADIES not BABIES.” I repeated my usual answer on the verge of throwing my hands on him while the nurse comes in with the bowl of pig kidney stew I have requested to heat up.
“All ready here, Mam” The nurse tells me in which Daniel looks at me horrified. He never likes this nourishments even though he know its good for him.
“You’re not ripping me with nourishment or are you?” He asks me the usual question with that look on his face. “Oh hell bent I am rippin~” I tell him with a smirk on my face as I have the stew mixing up and his face filled with the most dread.
Antonio’s POV
“Send him for Knoxville then.”
My father says when Keona told him about the steps planned towards the Nat Hayden case and John’s solution. I can’t help looking at him in shock as never a newbie been send off this fast to be in charge.
“You sure it be wise Chief? More like we be in for a hell ride instead.”
Keona says to my father in shock. “Be scared not, if he really strikes gold with the case, he maybe the first new officer to be promoted for all we know?” He reassures her.
“John is still a new officer, it won’t be wise to pressurize him even though he’s always maintain a good record and is the best of his batch”
She adds onto what she said. “Even the newbies under Lockett can’t figure it out.” Papa tells her smiling.
“We will follow his suggestions but may I remind you SINCERELY that he has PARENTS like you and I!” Keona storms off and gave the usual middle finger as always when she walks out angry.
“So whose calling the shots now Sir?” I asked my father shrugging my shoulders at the standstill we’re having now. “Whose calling the shots now? Can’t you see that now my boy?” Papa told me off sarcastically.
“Yes sir, Sorry sir.” I immediately responded apologetically. “Now get out of my sight you dimwit” He then says to me. “Yes Sir.” I bowed and excused myself quickly yet embarrassingly.
-2 Hours Later-
After finishing off some of my works, I went to look for Keona but since she is not around, I decided to tour around the vicinity with my scooter.
That’s how I exercise, don’t question it.
‘Who the hell is moaning at this hour of the day?’
I stopped by the Forensics Department when I heard some confused moans, unsure if it’s a guy or lady at it. I can’t help shvering and cringing at the moans myself.
“Oh yes~”
I heard a familiar voice moaning. ‘Marie Joan Lockett? Okay! This woman is no saint either!’ I smirked in shock as soon as I recognized who the one moaning out is.
Just as I was planning to scoot away from there, I heard something I wish I can unhear it because I don’t know what to do with this piece of news really.
“Love you for the moves~ The swoony make out moves~” Lockett told the person she’s making out with. “If not I wouldn’t have 10 children already babe~” The voice says to Lockett and I can’t help quietly gritting my teeth hearing.
Diane’s POV
I was walking to the office and on my way I saw somebody scooting away in a scooter. I wanted to call up the individual but he or she went away really fast like lightning.
Soon, I find myself walking towards the cafeteria to get steak frites. “What sauce young lady on the steak frites? Diane? Mushroom? Chicken? Black pepper? Red wine?” The staff introduces me to the sauces they have.
“Maybe the simple classic mushroom please” I pointed to the mushroom sauce she pointed earlier and immediately she gives me what I have asked for.
After paying the $8 meal, I sat down on my own trying to eat until my pager was ringing. It was my sister Anna and she needs to speak to me urgently.
I decided to take-away my food and go to a quiet area eating while using the public phone to try contacting her. It may seem weird doing that but I can’t ditch my family like that over career.
‘Come on Anna answer’
I prayed after 2 minutes of the phone trying to get through that silly lass of my sister. Anna would answer in 30 seconds usually, not 2 minutes, its driving me worried nuts.
A familiar faint voice answers weakly to me. “What happened Anna?” I asked her trying to not panic myself to what she might answer to me.
“Wir haben einen Räuber im Haus. (We have a robber in the house.)”
She whisper-answers my question in German. “Du machst Witze?! Wo sind alle? (You kidding me?! Where’s everybody?)” I panickily ask her. What she says next did send me shaking on my knees, wishing I had never asked the question:
“Wir sind alle in der Notlage und warten darauf, angerufen zu werden. (We are all in the emergency, waiting to be called.)”
I landed up packing my lunch and run hurriedly back to look for my superior until I missed a step and slipped. It wasn’t until a huge arm seems holding me that I know that at least I broke no bones.