The rest of the week went by pretty fast.
It was Friday so I didn't have any classes but I still decided to go up to the school and utilize the library computers since I didn't have one myself. I came wearing my regular everyday clothes instead of my uniform but there were still people on campus that had class so I saw a bunch of people walking by giving my weird looks because I was out of uniform.
It was a basic outfit just a big ripped T shirt and some shorts. Maybe they were looking because my T shirt had a rip and bleach stains. I was wearing a hat to block the sun from my basically bald head. My hair was growing out a bit already since my hair grows so fast there were already hairs coming up from my scalp.
I went into the library with my tote and looked around for a good spot to sit and do my assignments. Almost all the computers were taken and most of the kids weren't even doing their homework on them, they were playing games. Ugh. I needed a computer to do my assignment.
I spotted Sarah sitting with another girl and sighed in relief as she was at a circle table with her own laptop. I went over there and greeted her and she got up to hug me.
"Vee! Hey girl what are u doing on campus on a Friday I thought you didn't have class?"
"Yeah, I'm just here to use the computers and study."
"Oh. That makes sense. I came with my friend Jordan she's a junior."
"Hi nice to meet you Jordan."
We shook hands and sat down and began talking. Sarah let me use her computer, thankfully. We began talking about the students and teachers. Sarah was telling me about the boys she liked and how she had a slight crush on her teacher. Yuck. She mentioned she was into older men and thought maybe he might like her back.
"I hope he doesn't or I'm calling the cops." I said laughing. She was only 16 so that would be some serious jail time.
"Okay well he doesn't actually like me, but I'm just saying if he did I'd be there for him with open arms and legs."
"Oh my gosh that's so nasty Sarah." Jordan said nudging her arm.
Jordan seemed so laid back and she was super pretty as well. She had a face full of freckles and she had brown skin with brown coils in her hair. Her baby hairs were gelled down and slicked back into swoops and she had a baby gap in her teeth that made her look like a model.
"My forever crush will be the Peter boys."Jordan said smiling with excitement.
"They're so last year. I want someone a little medium ugly. They're just too pretty."
I interrupted and asked who the "Peter boys" were and they both looked at each other then to me.
"Ian and Kai Peters. They're brothers."
"Oh I think I have one of them in my class."
They both unanimously gasped and asked which one of them I had in my class. They looked super excited for me to tell them which made me laugh a little bit.
"I have Ian I think. In my modern art class."
"You're so lucky. I always wanted to take a class with one of them I heard they're like perfect."
I didn't know anything about them other then the information Jordan and Sarah told me. They explained to me that they are super popular because they're academically excellent and talented. One of them, Kai, was on the football team and the other one wasn't in any sport but was apparently known for his great grades and artistic skills. That was Ian of course. It made sense. Ian's drawing was incredibly detailed and he seemed to know what he was doing.
"Hey this is random but, do you guys wanna go out tonight?" Sarah said.
We both looked at her and Jordon seemed a bit surprised.
"Sarah you never go out. What's this change of attitude?"
"Well... I heard that everyone's going to Club 9 and I wanted to see what the hype was about."
Club 9?
"Club 9? Isn't that like across town where all the broken down houses are?" Jordan asked and I almost chocked on my spit when she said that.
Club 9 is a 7 minute walk from where I lived. Why did they want to go all the way down there?
"Yeah but everyone goes there. Everyone's going there tonight. Even the Peter boys."
Jordon sat up when she heard the brothers were going and automatically agreed after that. Sarah smiled excitedly satisfied with her answer then turned to me waiting for me to give an answer. I was a little nervous since it was so close to where I lived and I didn't want to expose anything about where I lived or see anyone I might know since I went to the high school on that side of town.
"How would we get there?" I asked hesitantly
"Jordan has a car." She smiled looking at me hopefully.
I caved in and said yes because I had nothing else to do and I really wanted to make friends.
"How will we get in though isn't it 18 and up?"Jordan asked making Sarah and I pause in place. I was a few months short of being 18 and they were both 16, which meant we weren't going to be let in.
Then the both looked at each other dumbfounded, as I don't think they thought that far yet.
Luckily I've been there before a couple times in the past. My aunt used to work there so I knew the club front to back. I knew that I was going to regret this but a part of me was itching for a bit of excitement.
"I can get us in."
I interrupted them while they were brainstorming how they could be let in. They didn't question me thankfully, instead they excitedly jumped up in down in their seats with me and we started planning who's place we'd go to to get ready.
We decided on going to Jordan's dorm because she said she had more "slutty" clothing. We definitely couldn't go to my house. One peek at the front of my house and I think they'd never talk to me again. I think they thought I was some preppy rich girl like them with mommy and daddy's money. I thought maybe if they knew I wasn't we wouldn't be getting along as well as we are right now. Once we're closer friends, once I know I can trust them. I'll tell them then.
"This would look so good on your skin Vee. You should try this on."
It was a baby pink sheer top that you tie in the front. I kind of resembled a swim suit coverup and it was very sheer and see through. She tossed me the top and some shorts to go along with it.
I tried the outfit on and it looked so good on me. I felt like a hooters girl with all my skin and ass revealed. The shorts were light washed and low wasted and I thought it fit my body very well even with a small bit of my stomach hanging out I loved the way I looked in it.
"You are so gorgeous Vee that outfit is so hot on you. Now I need to find something to make myself look equally as hot." Jordan started rummaging her dressers throwing clothes on the floor in the process. Sarah was looking through her stuff as well and pulled out a black mini skirt and a black tube top.
"I'm gonna try this on."
"Go for it babe."
After a while we fixed the room we messed up and decided on what we wanted to wear. Jordan started doing Sarah's makeup and asked me if I wanted mine done too.
"I think I have some foundation that's your color too."
I was a lot darker than Jordan. She was a lighter shade of brown than me like a warm tan color meanwhile I was a darker walnut color. I got my color from my dad because he was a dark brown and my mom was a lighter brown similar to Jordan. Sarah was the lightest of us three considering she was the only white one. Her skin was so clear and porcelain like glass. She looked like Barbie.
Jordan did my makeup and when she was finished I felt like I looked like a completely different person. I almost didn't recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. She added layers of contour, foundation, highlight and concealer. To top it off she applied false lashes on me.
"I have a question." Sarah started as she was curling her golden hair. "Did you shave your head or do you have like a medical condition?"
"Sarah! That's so rude to ask!" Jordan nudged her making her almost burn herself with her curling rod.
I laughed at their interaction because I could see her face fill with regret immediately after asking me.
"No, I don't have a medical condition I just shaved my head because I was bored."
Sarah let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry that was such a personal question I should've thought about it before I asked you."
"No it's okay I'm not dying." I smiled at her through the mirror and she smiled back shyly.
We each continued to get ready. I was already finished but I was waiting on them while they did their hair.
We drove on the highway for most of the ride and Jordan's driving made me feel like I was on fast and furious. She ran 3 red lights and didn't stop at most of the stop signs. Sarah didn't seem to mind as she was probably used to her driving since they seemed to be friends for a while.
We arrived at the club and there was a very long line to get in. We found a parking spot by the side of the building and got out. "Okay so how are we gonna get in?" Sarah and Jordon were looking at me and it was now up to me to figure out a way for us to sneak past the body guards.
"Follow me."
I walked behind the building into a busted alleyway and showed them a back door that lead to the bar. I pushed open the door and peeked through to see if anyone was around. The coast looked clear and I signaled for them to come through first and made sure no one was following us then shut the door behind us.
We walked through the back and fast walked into the main part of the club before anyone could notice that we weren't let in through the front. We made it to the main floor where there were hundreds of people dancing on each other with sweaty bodies.
"We did it!!" Sarah was jumping up and down again with excitement and hugged both me and Jordan almost making us fall over.
"Okay what do you guys wanna do first?" Jordan asked looking around.
"Let's get drunk!"
We went to the bar following Sarah who was the most excited. The bartender didn't even ID us. We all took vodka shots and cringed at the after taste. The atmosphere here gave me nostalgia. I loved the strobe lights the loud music and random people making out next to each other. Everyone seemed so free to do whatever the fuck they wanted and I loved it.
We made our way to the dance floor as Drake started playing and we squeezed and pushed through crowds of people so we could find a spot that we all fit in. When we finally found space, we started dancing and laughing together. The guys next to us were looking at us really hard as we were grinding on each other.
We were dancing on each other for a while and it was super hot and stuffy where we were because the crowd was growing bigger. I began feeling super claustrophobic and stepped a way for a quick second without telling the girls. I'll be back soon before they'll even notice I'm gone.
As I backed away from them I felt a breeze on my face from being away from people and closer to the exit door. I sat down at the little pit they had there and took a few deep breaths trying to catch my breath. My favorite song started playing and the bass of the music being so loud made my chest vibrate.
I was drunk. It felt good. I couldn't feel my feet and I couldn't hear the music but I felt the noise. I looked around as everyone was grinding on each other sensually and basically dry fucking with clothes on. I laughed at the thought that they probably didn't know how stupid they looked. I probably looked stupid too.
I looked straight ahead and saw a boy staring at me from across the club. The red lights of flashing on his face made him look unfamiliar and from afar I couldn't even tell who it was. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He signaled with his head for me to come to where he was. I drunkenly shook my head and mouthed "come here" to him.
He smiled at me again and got up from where he was and made his way to me through the crowd of sweaty dancing people. Any other day I'd feel like an idiot for this but today it felt right. I got up and started watching him walk to me before I decided to meet him halfway. I walked through the people keeping my eyes on him only, stumbling drunkly though the crowd. We kept our eyes on each other as we kept moving passed people getting closer. The club lights were flashing red and blue to the beat of the song which made me feel like I was in some type of movie.
We made it to each other after a couple minutes and I finally saw who he was up close. He looked familiar but I was so drunk I didn't really care to ask him.
"Dance with me." He said. It was more of a demand rather than a question but I answered with a nod and a smile.
He grabbed my waist and moved me closer to him and we started swaying together, our faces barely touching. His hands touched the skin on my waist and it made me feel butterflies because I never had a boy touch my skin. It felt like electricity was sent up through my body and it made my heartbeat fast. It also could've been the drinks.
He ran his hands up and down my body slowly with his hands on my bare skin. He kept his eyes on me the whole time not moving them away from mine, not once. I tried not to seem too nervous because I didn't want to give away anything that might give away that I'm too young to even be in here.
He turned me around to where my ass was on him and he placed his head close to my neck. I felt him breathing on my neck as I moved side to side on him letting his hands run all over me. A tingly sensation was sent down between my legs when he got too close to touching. I turned to look at him while we were dancing and noticed he'd been looking at me the whole time.
"I can feel your heart beat." He said and then smiled softly looking at me then to my lips.
"Kiss me." I don't know why I said that. I was feeling 100 different things at once but I thought why not kiss a random hot stranger at the club.
"You're not sober." He said. His smile slowly faded when he said that and it made me upset.
"So I want to kiss you when you're sober so you'll remember it."
He said it like I was going to even remember this conversation or like I was even going to remember him.
We looked at each other for a few more seconds then my phone started vibrating. I looked at my screen and it was my mom calling me. Shit
"What's wrong?"He looked concerned.
"My moms calling I forgot to tell her where I was I have to go."
"Do you need me to take you home?"
Fuck. I need to go home right now and it's late and dangerous to walk. If I ask Sarah and Jordon to take me home they'll find out I live in this neighborhood. This seems like my only option right now. A dumb one but still an option.
"Can you? I live close by." He looked surprised. Probably because I actually said yes. I'm desperate right now and I'm hoping he's not a Jeffrey Dahmer and will actually take me straight home.
After he agreed to take me, we walked out of the club and I was stumbling and tripping. He helped me get into his car and I tried to grab my phone and type out a message to Sarah telling her I'm safe and I went home but everything was blurry and I felt like I was going to puke from the motion of the car. I decided I'd text her when I got in bed.
I gave the guy my phone like an idiot because I forgot which house was mine and he found my exact address in my phone for me. "This could be the night that I die" I thought. I'm literally in a car with a complete stranger, drunk, and now he has my home address. He parked the car and got out while holding my phone and opened the door on my side for me. He rummaged through my bag probably trying to rob me or something. I couldn't tell what he was doing because everything was spinning. At this point I decided to accept my fate.
I felt myself get lifted up and I felt like I was flying.
"Am I flying?" I tried to say but it came out as a mumble.
After that I'm pretty sure I blacked out because I don't even remember what happened after. All I remember is falling asleep in my bed at the end of the night.
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