I woke up the next morning super early because I went to bed early.
I forgot to plug my phone in and when I went to grab it from under my pillow it was dead. I got up to check the time and it was 10 am. I made my way to the bathroom to start the shower and as I was waiting to the water to warm up I looked in the mirror to see a bruise on the side of my cheek where I was slapped. It wasn't big but it was noticeable. I touched it and it didn't really hurt too much but it stung if I applied the slightest bit of pressure to it. I gotta cover this up before school tomorrow. I had some makeup products I could use to cover it up, not many but what I had would work for what I needed it to.
I got into the shower rinsing off my body and humming music that played in my head. When I got out I grabbed my towel to wrap it around myself and walked back to my room. My parents must be sleeping still because it was super quiet. It's usually not this quiet unless they're both gone or sleeping.
I picked up my phone and plugged it into my charger and as I was waiting for it to turn back on I picked up some clothes from my dresser. I just wore a tank top and some loose grey basket ball shorts since I wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. My phone starting making a ton of buzzing noises, so many I thought that my phone was ringing but it wasn't. No one was calling it was just instagram and iMessages notifications. I unlocked my phone and clicked on my instagram and went to my page. I audibly gasped as I checked my notifications and had 100 new followers.
I thought I was being trolled or punk'd. Why are all these people randomly following me. I was scrolling through the new followers I had to see if I knew any of the people. Most of them had Preston High or Academy in their bios so I followed them back knowing I wouldn't be following complete random strangers. I sat on my bed glued to my screen while continuously scrolling through my new followers. I was trying to figure out what I might have posted to make them follow me over night but then I saw a follow request I missed from last night.
Ian.LPeters follows you.
No fucking way.
He follows me?
I refreshed to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Nope, he still follows me. I clicked on his page and refreshed it to see his following list went from 10 to 11. Holy shit. I gotta tell Jordan and Sarah.
I texted them trying to blow their phones up but both of them didn't respond. They we're probably still sleeping. I don't even know why I was making a big deal out of this anyway he's just regular guy. I think Jordan's gotten to my head and made me feel like I needed to be excited over him following me. Well he was super popular... no he's still a snobby rich kid. I almost forgot my place. I didn't belong at that academy and spending so much time with Sarah and Jordan made me feel like I was one of them but I know deep down i'll never be.
I looked back at my phone and debated on whether I should follow him back. I stared at for a while then noticed that he liked my only picture up on my page. I clicked on it to reveal he'd liked it around the same time he followed me. It was a picture of me and with my natural hair out when it was orange this summer and next to my I was holding a self portrait of me and caption the photo "spot the difference."
Okay that's weird. He followed me and liked my photo. He must've seen that I liked his photo from last year. How embarrassing... Maybe I should just follow him back and leave it at that. I only had 44 followers on instagram but I was following 120 people. Yes I was that type of person. After the random followers I was now up to 144. I decided not to overthink it any further and followed him back and locked my phone again.
I grabbed a makeup bag from under my bed and a hand mirror from my dresser and sat down on my bed trying to figure out how to cover up my cheek wound.
The rest of the day I spent cleaning the house up and doing home work. When Sarah and Jordan finally woke up we talked on the phone for hours about Ian following me and they were asking me what "my next move" was.94Please respect copyright.PENANAX8WglXJszj
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The following morning was a Monday and it went by super slow. I could feel myself drifting to sleep in my classes. The only class I looked forward to was modern arts and it was mostly because the teacher was chill and gave us free time to work on assignments. When I finally got to my art class I was so exhausted and excited for the day to be over. It wasn't a bad day but for some reason I was extra tired. Maybe it was just the weather since it was a cloudy day.
I walked into class eagerly because it was my most chill class and I knew we wouldn't be doing anything hard. I sat at the seat I usually sat in behind Ian's who wasn't here yet. We had blank canvasses out again which probably meant we were going to be working on something today. The bell rang softly and the teacher was about to close the classroom door but Ian came late again almost like clockwork.
Except this time it didn't look like it was on purpose because he came in drenched from the rain and breathing heavily like he was running over here.
"Afternoon mr. Peters, do you need a towel?"
"No ma'am" He said politely then sat down in the seat in front of me getting ogled by the girls in the class room for having a wet shirt that outlined almost every detail of his upper body. He was still breathing heavily after sitting down and he was soaked from head to toe. He ran his hands through his hair and it caused some water to splash onto me and I flinched as the water droplets from his hair hit my face.
I looked out the window of the classroom and it was storming bad. I hope this makeup is water proof. I didn't bring an umbrella because I was in a hurry today and didn't think of it. I didn't know it was going to rain this hard. I had covered up my cheek scar this morning with the only foundation bottle I owned and I didn't have any type of setting spray or powder to ensure that it wouldn't slide off with water. I had to be extra careful about it.
"Okay good afternoon everyone. You've all made it to the second week of school so give yourself a pat on the back. Today i'm giving you all your first project. This will be a group project. No you cannot work alone and no you cannot work with your friend. I have assigned your groups for you myself."
We all separated as she told us the names for our groups. I was working with a girl named Macy. I went up to the front of the class by the window where she was sitting and I tapped her shoulder and she jumped in her seat then turned around. "Hey your name is Macy right? I think your one of my group partners. " She looked at me dumbfounded and took one of her AirPods out. "Could you say that again?"
"I said I think we're in the same group me and you."
"Oh. Okay."
I sat down next to her and she scooted away from me a little trying to go unnoticed but I definitely noticed it. Did I smell bad? I sniffed my uniform and noticed it smelled like cigarettes. Oh. I guess I should take them to dry cleaning. I hope people don't think i'm a smoker. I want to say so badly "I promise I don't always smell like this it's just my mom smokes like a thousand cigarettes a day and my whole house smells like it" but I don't think that's necessary. It's not like she'd care anyway.
A boy sat right in front of our table and put his book bag down next to mine. I looked up to see Ian with his tie hanging down his neck a little loose and his shirt buttons undone at the top. His hair was a mess. The three of us sat there for a minute in silence not acknowledging each other.
"Okay so now that everyone is in their groups, this project is going to be broken down into 2 parts and it is due in 2 weeks. This week you will pick one person from your group to draw or paint. They will be your practice model for the week. Whatever you do will have to be on the canvass I give you. The second part of the project will be research. You will choose a modern art artist to write about and turn it in as a 5 page paper."
The classroom made a sigh of disbelief when she said that we'd be having a 5 page paper.
"I know what you're all thinking but I'm giving you all two weeks to do this so you have plenty of time. There's a rubric of how you will be graded and what the requirements are for each part. The person you choose in your group will have to give an analysis and constructive criticism to the artists drawing."
She passed out multiple papers to each table of three. We got our papers and I read through them. I looked up at Macy and Ian who were reading the papers as well and Macy was making a face of confusion.
"We have to draw someone in our group? Can we pick like a famous person?"
"Yeah she said we have to pick someone within our groups."
She sighed in disappointment until she realized Ian was sitting at the table. Almost instantly she sat upright fixing her hunched posture and put a piece of hair behind her ear. "Ian! I didn't see you come to our table. You're in my group?"
He nodded and gave her a small smile. She must've been too distracted to see he sat down with us minutes ago.
"We should let the best artists draw in our group so we can get a better grade. I'm not so good at drawing so I think you should draw me."
She was making a small pout with her lips while looking at Ian. I think she was trying to look cute? She was talking to him like I wasn't sitting right next to her. I guess we'll be drawing her.
"I don't think you'd be in this class if you weren't good. This is an advanced class." Ian said interrupting my thoughts. She paused and turned a light red color after he said that looking a bit embarrassed for being caught in her lie.
"Okay, well yeah but-"
"Vee? Are you okay with us drawing you or would you rather draw one of us?"
Ian interrupted her and turned to me. I was looking back and forth between the two and Macy looked pissed. She was glaring at me, her body not fully turned to me keeping her body faced towards Ian who was sitting ahead of her. "Umm I don't mind being drawn I guess." I finally said.
"Okay, great." He looked at me and smiled as our eyes hovered over each other for a few seconds before Macy spoke.
"Alright fine that works too. So since it's a big project we should start working on it today after school. I guess we can go to your house since we're drawing you." Macy said turning to me completely with a blank expression. I froze. They can't come to my house for a plethora of reasons but the main one being they'll find out where I live. Which would cause many problems including being taken out this school. Unless they don't snitch of course but I didn't know them well enough to know they wouldn't. I didn't know them at all actually.
"Ughh my mom's super strict about people coming over actually so I don't think we can do it at mine."
"Just tell her it's for school. Duh." Ugh.
I couldn't think of another excuse to use because I was internally panicking and my mind completely went blank. I looked at Ian who was looking at me almost like he was trying to read my panicked expression.
"We can just go to my dorm. It's closer anyway and no driving needed." Ian said saving my ass from embarrassment.
I looked at him and sent him a subconscious message saying thank you. I closed my eyes for a second and let out a breath and relaxed my shoulders. Macy gave a smug smile and let out a small yet enthusiastic 'okay.'
"So since we'll be working with each other the rest of the month we should exchange numbers. Here."Macy whipped her phone out of her leather purse unlocking it and handing it to Ian. He looked down at her phone then gently took it from her hand and typed his number in. After he was finished he handed it to me so I could add my number then gave it back to her. "Perfect. I'll send you guys a text message. Let's meet immediately after school."
For the remainder of class we discussed the project prompt and who we would be writing about for the second portion.94Please respect copyright.PENANAB6QqzqjoQO
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After school I went to the library to use the computers to finish up some homework from my other classes and I heard my phone go off. It was Jordan and Sarah calling me.
"WTF where have you been Vee I haven't seen you all day. "
"I know i'm sorry guys I've been so caught up with school and homework."
"Yeah well I have major news" Sarah started shaking her phone to show her excitement making her camera shake.
"Okay, what is it!"
Me and Jordan waited for her announcement with anticipation.
"I lost my virginity!!" She squealed immediately after her announcement and Jordan's eyes almost popped out of her head.
"You're joking... no fucking way."
"I'm serious guys. I lost it last night. I was going to tell you both but I was looking for the right time to say it."
"Well?! How was it and who was it with and how did it happen and who was it?"
"Okay slow down one question at a time. It was my cousins friend and it was so good. It didn't even hurt like people say it does."
Jordan and I squealed in excitement as she continued telling us the details.
"Vee have you lost yours yet?" Sarah asked stopping her story.
"No... I haven't." I said shyly. I haven't ever even though of having sex to be honest. I've never been super fixated on it and even when the thought crossed my mind, I've never found anyone i'd want to have sex with. Boy or girl.
My phone buzzed before they could answer me and it was a text message from an unknown number. Hey are you still coming?
"Oh shit guys I gotta go. I forgot I have a project to finish."
They both said bye and I hung up. I picked my bag up and started speed walking to the boys dorms.