"Stanley No Face"
It started like every other morning did.
We sat at the kitchen table and drank our coffee as we often did.
Another day on the family farm.
Milk the cows and slop the pigs as we often did.
Another cold December day, just another day.
Stanley said he heard a ruckus last night in the barn.
I simply said another opossum after the corn again.
Stanley agreed we should investigate and pass the old rusty gate where more feed is stored.
If they got into that, It would probably be gone too.
So Stanley and I walk to the weathered silo past the rusty gate, we saw none was touched and all was still.
The only thing stirring was the horses on the grand pasture, out back on the hill.
So we went back to the house and grabbed a couple of shotguns that would do just fine, they would kill anything we'd find.
I opened the creaky barn door and Stanley and I took a look around.
I had my gun ready for anything to jump out and without a warning, Stanley stuck his head and said all clear, and without a flinch I blew his face off.
It was an accident, that I killed my best friend my brother.
I can't replace him, not with another.
He lay dead with no face not a breath came from him just blood where his eyes had been.
I just knelt down and cried
My poor Stanley, Stanley no face.