No Plagiarism!rPFvN2dRkTsTk6YxPVA1posted on PENANA He said it was a rough start,8964 copyright protection934PENANAAA6Gz6v7wI 維尼
But a rough start isn’t supposed to last five months,8964 copyright protection934PENANAFbu0xmXGyW 維尼
The worst was November, he said,8964 copyright protection934PENANALPBcRFMLCw 維尼
There wouldn’t be another November, he said,8964 copyright protection934PENANAX4d3gg7fO8 維尼
No, but there was a December,8964 copyright protection934PENANAZWTymbCLyG 維尼
There was a January,8964 copyright protection934PENANAbq9rmOPwku 維尼
There was a February,8964 copyright protection934PENANAXaMOuA72s8 維尼
But I made sure there was no March.8964 copyright protection934PENANA3BkxrwuMqu 維尼
At the end, he was desperate,8964 copyright protection934PENANAwfn4kiJoe6 維尼
He held my cheek,8964 copyright protection934PENANAdzzxfofvjW 維尼
He told me he didn’t tell me I was pretty enough,8964 copyright protection934PENANAC6NJGOOHhH 維尼
He asked about all the plans we—he—made,8964 copyright protection934PENANAZnHgGVXu6i 維尼
He told me he would miss my friends--8964 copyright protection934PENANAnfBkbamQBq 維尼
The days we'd spend drinking coffee--938Please respect copyright.PENANAR7B9we6jLV
8964 copyright protection934PENANAPxt5YBt5pX 維尼
The nights that I forced him to dance--8964 copyright protection934PENANAwjulwvRPch 維尼
I hugged him and kissed him goodbye,8964 copyright protection934PENANA09ddfvbAEI 維尼
Like it was the first time.8964 copyright protection934PENANApybQ0uEWBz 維尼
He didn’t know it was the last time.8964 copyright protection934PENANALxGLCoTk0Y 維尼