Gosh, Milo felt worse after hearing Mrs. Fedora's story. Feya sacrificed her leg again to save him from his selfishness, but Daisy likely ran because of fear. That's what it sounded like: bombs dropping, locals screaming. Of course, it was fear. Milo, though, was just selfish. He had to find a way to redeem himself before Feya told Maisie what happened.
After an hour-long break, she and Mrs. Fedora returned to Feya's room. They got dinner from the food court, tossed coins into the hospital lobby fountain, and Mrs. Fedora bought Feya a stuffed bear from the gift shop.
Mr. Fedora was the only one in her room now. It looked like he had stayed on his spot since getting there. He lovingly stroked Feya's head and glanced at Mrs. Fedora. "Oh, good. You got her a plushy."
Maisie lifted the food tray she held. "Some dinner, too, for both of y'all."
Milo noticed some untouched food on Feya's tray.
Mrs. Fedora did, too, and asked Mr. Fedora, "She's not eating?"
"Not right now," he answered, moving aside to let Mrs. Fedora through. He sniffed but coughed before he cried.
Mrs. Fedora pulled him up and hugged him. "She's going to be okay, babe."
"I know, but still..." Mr. Fedora turned to Feya. "She's my little girl."
Feya, half-asleep, lifted her knee under her covers and stared into the void.
Milo worried they released her from the ICU too early, but Dr. Alexander said she would be out of it for at least twenty-four hours. The sight was still horrible, though.
Maisie, also disturbed, set the food tray down. "Mr. and Mrs. Fedora, if you don't mind, I think I will call it a night and head home."
"No, Maisie," Feya argued before her parents spoke. "You promised."
She glimpsed at her. "You need your parents more than me right now, girl. I'll be back early tomorrow morning. Milo can't stay here all night."
"But, Maisie." Feya reached for her. "I'm scared. They're going to yell at me."
Bewildered looks crossed Mr. and Mrs. Fedora's faces.
Maisie gestured at the stuffed bear Mrs. Fedora held, and she handed it to her. She set Milo down and kneeled to Feya. It wasn't long until her brown eyes met her green ones.
Maisie tucked the bear into Feya's pillow and placed her arms on the bed. She rested her chin on them and spoke gently. "Feya, listen to me. Your parents are not going to yell. Sure, what you did was wrong, but it's not the priority. The priority is that you focus on getting better. Do you understand?"
Yep, that was definitely more than friendship Milo saw in Maisie and Feya's eyes. He studied it carefully, which allowed him to come up with a brainstorm for redemption. Milo had to quit being selfish and care for Feya as much as Daisy and Maisie—especially for the following week. He most likely would never get a sibling now, but he could still act like a brother toward Feya and loosen the pressure on Maisie. Feya was her key to moving on, and he had to accept it.
They stared at each other a little longer, and then Maisie picked up Milo and stood. She draped him over her shoulder and rubbed the back of his head, coming within reach of Mr. and Mrs. Fedora. "I'll be back first thing in the morning."
"Thank you, Maisie." Mrs. Fedora released her phone from her back pocket. "Let's exchange numbers."
"Sounds good." Milo watched while Maisie unlocked hers and scrolled to her Contacts. She and Mrs. Fedora exchanged numbers, and Maisie feebly smiled. "See you tomorrow."
Mrs. Fedora placed her phone on her chest. "You, too."
Milo didn't sleep well that night, unlike Maisie, who snored. He lay on his climber and studied the outside world beyond the window. The memories returned, but the pain wasn't as severe. Disney was a new start for him, Maisie, Feya, and Daisy. Milo promised himself never to fall victim to his emotions again. There was no way Maisie could handle another death. He risked that today but had a plan to redeem himself.
Milo inhaled and hopped from his climber to Maisie's bed, landing on her fluffy blanket. He purred and rubbed against her face.
I'm sorry, Maisie.
She opened her eyes and giggled, scratching him behind his ears. She and Milo bunted foreheads.
Afterward, Milo walked a few circles before settling beside Maisie's face.
Her phone buzzed with a text message around 3:45 a.m. It came from her mom and read:
Hey, babe. We know you're asleep, but your daddy and I just checked into Homewood at Flamingo. We'll see you in the morning and be there for Feya's discharge.