Today was the day. Or was it? Would Milo find the perfect sibling? An unrecognizable feeling sacked him like a sandbag. Excitement? Nervousness? Whatever it was, he was sure something big was about to happen.
Milo, Daisy, Maisie, and Feya left after dinner Thursday to start the Sibling Scavenger Hunt.
Milo let Maisie and Feya hang out a bit before he reminded them with quick trills. Something wet formed between his front paws, or was Milo seeing things? Was he that excited or nervous?
On their way to Petco and PetSmart, Feya brushed Milo like a show cat.
He noticed how much he was shedding, which told him he was anxious. Milo only shed during changing seasons and when he was stressed.
“Don’t be nervous, Milo,” Maisie said, pulling into Petco’s parking lot first. “We’re gonna get you that sibling.”
The Petco in Kissimmee was large but crowded. However, there was something for every pet—from the biggest horse to the smallest fish. It was the perfect recipe for a successful scavenger hunt.
In the middle of the store was a treat stand for dogs called The Treatery. Different animal exhibits and rows branched off from each corner.
Maisie and Feya stopped temporarily to get a few treats for Daisy.
She spit out the ones she didn’t like and begged for the ones she did.
While she and Feya were distracted, Maisie took Milo to the cats.
That time, he observed every detail: the number of whiskers, the colors, and most importantly, the behavior patterns. Where was the spark he felt when Maisie adopted him?
“What about him, boy?” Maisie gestured at another orange tabby who was darker than Milo.
For a second, Milo thought he had found his sibling, but then the tabby hissed and puffed up, scratching the glass.
“Oh, definitely not.” Maisie tightened her grip around Milo and moved to the next cat. “Sorry, boy.”
Milo did not realize how long he and Maisie looked at cats until Feya rolled to them.
She carried a Petco bag with treats for Daisy and said, “Hey, Maisie, if we want to get to PetSmart before it closes, we should probably leave now.”
“Oops. Sorry, Feya.” Maisie turned to her. “As usual, Milo’s being picky.”
“He’s just intuitive.” Feya patted Milo’s head, and he purred. “And before he knows it, that intuition will get him a sibling.”
She was right. Milo had to be optimistic. If Feya could do it, so could he.
A traffic jam delayed their trip to PetSmart, but Milo was patient. And, to be honest, it was nice to spend some quality bonding time with Maisie after a week of rejection.
It was dark outside but bright inside Maisie’s car. Disney music played on the radio, and Maisie and Feya took turns tossing the mouse for Milo into the backseat.
On occasion, Daisy stood on Feya’s lap and curiously watched how he played.
“I think Milo’s back to normal, Feya.” Maisie chucked the mouse that round. “He was a little down last week. I hope he forgives me for neglecting him.”
“I think he does,” Feya brightly guessed. “Don’t you, Milo?”
He responded by batting her cheek.
Maisie reached the familiar PetSmart fifteen minutes before it closed. Careful not to trip in the warm summer night, she hustled inside, carrying Milo.
Feya followed, hopping along on her crutches like the walking wounded (which she was). “Wow, girl, you’re fast,” she admitted when she caught up with her in the store’s cat section.
“Sorry,” Maisie softly apologized.
“Don’t apologize.” Feya dropped into a chair beside a table with adoption papers and stretched her right leg. “Go on. We don’t have much time. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Milo recognized the nervousness on Maisie’s dehydrated face.
“I’m sure.” Feya pumped her arm like a cheerleader. “Go get them, Team Milo and Maisie.”
The cats had changed since Milo and Maisie last went to PetSmart two weeks ago; however, the first few young cats still didn’t pique Milo’s interest. His stubbornness took hold of him. Milo needed to pick a random cat and move on. It would spare Maisie the pain of constant trips to the pet store.
With that in mind, Milo shook his head and prepped himself—but then he saw her.
The tiny, black-and-white spotted kitten rolled over in her cage, bright blue eyes fixed on Milo.
She was alone, like how he was until Maisie found him, and the flutter in his heart was unreal. Milo jumped out of Maisie’s arms and sprinted to Luna. He bounced onto his hind legs and set his paws on the cage’s glass.
Luna mimicked.
The two cats met eyes, and there it was—the spark.
She was perfect.
“Oh, Milo.” Maisie kneeled and brought him to her chest. “She’s beautiful.”
“I love her,” Milo meowed. “I want to take her home.”
The store’s intercom turned on. “Attention, animal lovers, PetSmart is now closed and will re-open at 9:00 tomorrow.”
“9:00. Perfect,” Maisie mumbled. She picked up Milo. “We’ll come back first thing in the morning and adopt her, boy. How does that sound?”
“Wonderful,” he chirped, placing his forehead on the cage to say goodbye… for now.
“So, how did it go?” Feya playfully asked once Milo and Maisie approached her.
Maisie giggled. “Let’s just say we’re coming back first thing in the morning.”
Milo and Maisie were so excited that they didn’t sleep well that night.
Maisie spent the time reading, and Milo shuffled things around in his kennel for little Luna. The way they looked at each other was sibling love at first sight. Milo no longer wanted a little brother. Only Luna. After prepping his kennel, he stayed close to Maisie to be her alarm clock.
They woke at 7:30 and made last-minute preparations with Feya. Maisie cleaned Milo’s litter box and put fresh litter in it while Feya tied a ribbon to his collar.
Maisie adjusted his ESA vest and backed away. “Look at you. That’s a big brother if I’ve ever seen one.” She sniffed. It looked like a brief memory of Matthew had hit her, but Maisie remained brave. “Are you ready, boy?”
Was he? Milo had been waiting for this day for five years! “Mrow! Mrow!” he said, hopping into Maisie’s arms. “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
8:30 was rush hour in Florida. Therefore, a twenty-minute drive turned into an hour.
Milo swore—how had Floridians not lost their heads over the traffic yet? He had places to be, people to see, and his little sister waiting for him!
Finally, at 9:30, PetSmart came into view.
Feya re-tied Milo’s ribbon, and Maisie kissed him, getting out of the car.
Feya finished sending a text and slipped her phone into her purse, putting the strap over her neck. “I’m your moral support, you two.”
“Thanks, Feya.” Maisie inhaled. “Well, let’s do this.”
They entered PetSmart, and a worker waved hello.
Maisie returned it and gripped Milo’s paw, waving it, too. She nearly skipped to the adoptable cats, and Milo nearly yowled in glee.
However, another sandbag sacked him when he and Maisie didn’t see Luna in her cage.
Bewildered, Milo touched it and looked closer. Luna was primarily black, so she probably blended in with the cage’s back shadows like a jaguar. The closer Milo scrutinized, though, the more he saw no movement. There was no kitten in the cage.
Where was his Luna?
That was when Maisie spotted something taped at the cage’s top—a sign that read New Arrival Coming Soon.
The truth sank in, and Milo’s heart shattered into a million pieces. His Luna. No, it couldn’t be! He refused to believe it.
Maisie’s eyes filled with tears. “No, no, please. It’s only 9:30!”
Feya confirmed it. She brought a flyer from the table over and handed it to Maisie. “Oh, Maisie. Milo.”
Luna’s picture was on the flyer—that beautiful, black kitten Milo fell in love with—and the word Adopted was stamped over her bio.
Milo’s heart shattered again. He almost threw up and buried his face in Maisie’s shoulder.
She fell to her knees and cried, “I’m sorry, Milo. I’m so sorry.”
“Come here.” Milo felt Feya pull Maisie into a hug, but he refused to uncover his face.
Daisy whined and pawed him, but Milo’s grief was too much.
He finally found the perfect sibling… and he lost her.
So, this was the true meaning of heartbreak.