Feya took a minute to catch her breath. After a fall like that, Milo understood why. She moved her hand toward her left leg but set it on her thigh again and rose. "Let's go, Maisie. The pizza's getting cold."
Milo felt he was starting to get used to her but couldn't say for sure. Feya wouldn't hurt Maisie, but one never knew. Perhaps he would grow more comfortable once he spent more time with her. He knew why Feya had the dog; Milo merely had to accept it.
They left Flamingo Crossings East and started down the sidewalk parallel to the road toward the town. The sun was setting, so it wasn't as hot anymore, but Milo still panted.
Maisie lifted him and said, "I'm sorry, boy. I know it's hot."
"You'll get used to it." Feya walked carefully but still tripped occasionally. She pointed at a few gray birds in the rustic field beside them.
Maisie squinted. "Are those birds?"
"Yes. Sandhill Cranes." Feya smiled friendily. "They graze this field all the time and occasionally cross the street to the median. Does Milo chase birds?"
Maisie scratched Milo's chin. "He's more an indoor cat. I don't want to risk him getting hit by a car or shot with a BB gun."
"I understand. Daisy means a lot to me, too." Feya glanced at the patient dog trotting near her and whispered, "I couldn't lose her."
"What was that?" Maisie asked that reasonably quickly. It looked like she was trying to pry answers out of Feya.
"I said pets are just as important as the owners." Feya switched her attention from the birds to the pedestrian overpass above them. "Okay, here's the overpass." She next gestured at a large, white building behind the overpass's staircase. "There's an ER over there, just in case. Finally, the intersection is up here." Feya looked beyond the overpass and ER at the four-way intersection coming up. "We'll cross over and turn left. Pieology is a short walk from there. It's next to the Walgreens and Starbucks." She paused and inhaled, falling quiet for a bit.
"Are you okay, Feya?" Maisie almost touched her but pulled away.
"You're lucky, you know, Maisie?" Whoa, where did that come from? Feya no longer sounded cheerful. "I know something horrible has happened to you, but at least you weren't forced out of your country."
"Wait, you were forced?" Maisie lifted her brow.
Feya nodded. "About a year ago." She and Maisie reached the busy intersection, and Feya punched the crosswalk button. "But I'm considering it a blessing in disguise. I came to Disney and met you."
"Feya, we've only known each other for a day."
"Trust me, girl—it only takes a day for your life to change forever." Feya's smile returned. "I miss my country, but I know I'll return. Until then, I have to live my life. Disney is a wonderful place for new beginnings. It helped me, so it will help you, too. Give it time, and you'll see what I mean."
It was Maisie's turn to fall silent. Milo sensed her anxiety and cuddled close.
As Feya had said, Pieology was on the right side of the intersection, next to Walgreens and Starbucks. A few families sat at the tables outside the brick building, eating pizza and laughing.
Milo's eyes rolled over to Pieology's packed inside.
Maisie sweated and hugged him.
"It's okay," Feya said. "You two wait out here, and I'll grab the pizza."
Maisie nodded but didn't speak. She sat at an empty table away from the families, and Feya disappeared inside Pieology. She and Milo waited for five minutes before she returned.
Feya carried a pizza box and a few sodas. "I didn't know what pizza you liked, so I ordered half cheese and half pepperoni." She set the box and sodas on the table and sat across from Milo and Maisie. "They warmed it up for us, so it should be good to eat."
"Thank you, Feya—really," Maisie softly spoke.
"No prob."
For the next few minutes, the girls ate silently.
Milo, who parked beside Maisie, peered over the table at the pizza box. The table's edge hid half his face. He lifted his paw and playfully pushed an unopened Sprite off it. It startled him so much that he leaped off the bench and ended up between Maisie's feet.
"Milo! What are you doing?"
Was that laughter Milo heard? He couldn't remember the last time Maisie laughed.
"Yep, he's definitely a cat," Feya giggled. Her legs shifted under the table, and Daisy moved out of the way of her left one.
Dinner continued, but Milo remained on the ground like a good cat. He and Daisy seemed to stare at one another.
"So wait!" Feya said above. "Disney put you in Custodial at All-Star Sports?"
Maisie slipped her foot under Milo and lifted him slightly. "Yep. Embarrassing, right?"
"Girl, that's like the best position!"
Maisie scoffed. "I sure hope you're joking."
"No, I'm serious! I have a few friends in Custodial, and they love it! Compared to the other positions, it has a lot of leeway. I also heard All-Star Sports is a very chill resort. I'm almost jealous, to be honest. I can't do Custodial, so Disney put me in Merchandise at Animal Kingdom instead."
"Why can't you do Custodial?" Maisie removed her shoe from Milo. "Are you a clean freak? I get it if you are."
Feya opened her mouth, but Daisy beat her and barked suddenly. "Arf! Arf!"
"Ow!" Feya shouted. She swung her legs out from the table and gripped her left one.
"What's wrong?" Maisie stood, and Milo mimicked.
"Cramp," Feya replied. "Daisy usually warns me. Thank you, Dais."
"Oh, I hate it when that happens." Maisie took a seat next to Feya and reached for her leg. "Here, let me show you a trick."
"No!" From out of nowhere, Feya slapped Maisie's hand.
Milo hissed but soon relaxed because he saw Feya's fear.
"Sorry," she apologized. "I'm fine, Maisie. Daisy and I know what to do. We'll be right back."
Maisie clutched her arm and pulled her up. "Are you sure you're okay? Do I need to take you to the doctor? There's an ER right down the road."
"For a little thing like this?" Feya laughed hauntingly. "I don't think so, girl." She tugged Daisy's leash. "Let's go, Daisy." Still holding her leg, she put her weight on her right one and limped back into Pieology.
Maisie grasped her hips. "I swear, Milo... What is going on with her?"
If only Milo spoke English.