Maisie wondered what upset Milo. Was it Feya's hefty sweatpants? She wouldn't blame him. How could she wear those in 90-degree weather? However, she had to admit that the pants went well with her orange crop top and sneakers. Feya must've been a fashionista in her free time.
Why did she come to Maisie, though? Was it because she saw Milo on a leash? Maisie didn't ask. It wasn't like Feya was her suitemate. The sooner she was gone, the better. The dog had to be the source behind Milo's suspicion. Maisie wasn't at Disney to make friends (although her parents wanted her to try); she was there to move on and help Milo get his long-awaited sibling.
The Great Lawn was on the backside of Apprentice Hall, in front of a basketball court and next to a sitting area with a fire pit.
Maisie froze when she saw the hundreds of kids lined up for check-in. She swore there were more people on that lawn than in North Charleston.
"Do you want me to go with you?" Feya said.
Did she? Maisie didn't know where her head was currently. She pulled up the first-week itinerary on her phone and stroked Milo, not answering Feya. Her feet moved by themselves, and she headed for one of the check-in staff members standing at the edge of the lawn. She silently showed him her itinerary, and he studied it.
"Ah, you're in the 9:00 line. Come with me, miss." While he led her toward the 9:00 crowd, Maisie heard Feya calling to her from behind:
"You've got this, girl!"
Throughout the check-in process, Maisie zoned out. She refused to be anywhere near the other kids during orientation in Room 101 of Apprentice Hall; she wanted to get to her room and finish the next chapter of Secretly Yours. Afterward, she and Milo would take a quick trip to PetSmart.
Maisie nearly ran out of Apprentice Hall after completing the background check and collecting her keycard and Milo's housing ID, only to find Feya waiting by the giant chess board.
"Girl, you did it!" she yelled, waving her hands. She still wore those ridiculously out-of-place sweatpants, but her dog was no longer with her—thank God.
"Why are you still here?" Maisie annoyingly asked when Milo hissed again.
Feya looked slightly hurt but joyfully answered, "I wanted to know your apartment. I thought I could help you move in, and then we could grab a bite at Pieology down the road."
Maisie sighed. "Look, Feya, you're sweet, but I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to..." Her voice trailed.
"Yes?" Feya instantly questioned. "Here to what?" She stuck her left leg behind her right and hooked her fingers like a shy girl preparing to talk to her crush.
Maisie's brows furrowed. "That's none of your business. I'm sorry, Feya." She hid behind the Flamingo Crossings East map and left her. Milo dangled over her shoulder.
Maisie approached East's two pools. They were close to the Community Center and the Bagheera Package Room, right around the corner from Maisie's neighborhood, Doc, and Building 17. She was on the first story, hopefully by herself. She did hear that some CPs went months without roommates or suitemates and crossed her fingers.
Milo purred against Maisie's cheek while she looked for her apartment. She found it in the corner of Building 17, near a walking path with some benches leading to the Trash/Recycle room. "Here we go, Milo. We're finally here."
She picked up the Doc lanyard she received during orientation and shakily brought the Flamingo Crossings keycard to the lock.
It beeped and flashed green.
Maisie clutched the handle and slowly opened the door. She nearly died, but seeing that the apartment was empty, for now, she sighed.
She set Milo down and explored her new home. Maisie thought the common area would be bigger, but then again, the apartment she got was for two people at most. The couch was next to the window, the TV in front, and the kitchen split the condo. Rooms A and B were on either side of it.
Maisie opened one of the cabinets next to the refrigerator and cursed. She did have a suitemate. The food in the cabinet was proof.
Hearing the door's familiar beep, she jumped. Maisie pressed her back on the laundry door, and her heart pounded.
Feya entered the common room, looking saddened, but her eyes widened at the sight of Maisie. "Maisie?"
"Feya?" she asked back.
"No way!" Feya's grin lit a hidden spark in Maisie's gut. "We're roomies?"
Milo's yowl extinguished Maisie's spark. He slid across the wooden floor and snatched Feya's pant leg.
"Milo!" Maisie grabbed him and pulled him off Feya. What was it about her that he didn't like? He was never that aggressive.
"Well!" Feya shook her leg. "It looks like I'm going to have to take it slow with that one." She chuckled at her joke but suddenly stumbled and fell over.
"Whoa!" Maisie said. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, I'm fine," Feya replied, standing. "I'm a bit clumsy—that's all. But I'm so happy to have you as my roomie!" She clapped and twirled like a ballerina. "You have no choice but to let me help you move in now."
Maisie just noticed Feya carried an accent—one she didn't recognize—and inquired, "Where are you from?"
She ignored that query and glanced at Milo. "Why don't we start by getting that little one's litter box?"