Feya stayed away from Maisie, Isla, and Maisie’s parents while they waded in the pool like merpeople. Her parents remained with her and tried to have her eat. When that failed, they taunted Milo, who relaxed in the pool chair beside Feya.
He set one piece on the table and pushed it toward her.
“That is a smart cat,” Mrs. Fedora admitted. “You’re lucky, Feya.”
“I sure don’t feel lucky,” she mumbled, glancing at her friends. “There they are, having fun in the pool, and I’m stuck here.”
“No, you’re not.” Mrs. Fedora picked up her chair and brought it to Feya. “You can get in the pool with them.”
“Hilarious, Mom.”
“I know you want to.” Mrs. Fedora kissed Feya’s cheek. “You just have to be brave.”
“And have everyone stare at me?” Feya squeezed her sarong. “I don’t think so.”
“Baby, think of this as your first step in getting back on the slopes.” Mrs. Fedora grasped Feya’s arms. “I know you can do this. Your dad and I will be right here.” She checked on Mr. Fedora, who scrolled through his phone. “If he can get off his phone, that is.”
“Sorry,” Mr. Fedora said, lowering it. “I was making the reservations.”
“Reservations?” Feya inquired. “For what?”
Mr. Fedora smiled. “We’ll tell you when you and Maisie are alone.”
Feya blushed.
“Hey, Feya!” Maisie stood in the three-foot section of the pool and gripped its edge. “Come in! The water feels great! It’s like you’re in a giant bathtub.”
Carrot shuffled in Isla’s arms. She sat with him in the pool’s shallowest section.
The rabbit almost jumped into the water, but Isla held him tightly.
Feya gulped and looked at her parents. “Will you guys come with me?”
“Of course, sweetie.” Mr. and Mrs. Fedora helped Feya into her wheelchair.
Mr. Fedora lifted Daisy, and Mrs. Fedora rolled Feya to Maisie.
Milo untied his leash around the chair’s armrest and joined the party, curious. He flinched when Maisie’s wet hand petted him but licked it back.
“It looks like you still know how to untie yourself, my smart boy,” she said.
Isla and Maisie’s parents trotted out of the pool and approached Feya’s family.
A few CPs nudged their friends and pointed at them.
“They’re staring at me, they’re staring at me,” Feya sniveled.
“I think they’re supporting you,” Maisie tried. “The Inclusion Key, remember?” She reached for Feya. “What’s your roar, Feya?”
With her parents’ help, Feya shakily rose. “I, Feya, solemnly swear to ski again and aim for the Olympics.”
Was she going to do it? Why did Milo suddenly feel excited?
Feya carefully untied her sarong. “I, Feya, solemnly swear to ski again and aim for the Olympics.”
Her parents sniffed, their faces hopeful.
“I, Feya, solemnly swear to ski again and aim for the Olympics.” With that, Feya dropped her sarong and, for the first time, revealed her leg to the world.
A round of applause broke out over the entire pool deck.
Feya’s jaw dropped.
The CPs slid off their seats. They clapped, cheered, and yelled, “Go, Feya! Go, Feya!”
“See?” Maisie asked her friend. “No one’s judging you.”
Feya’s sobs created a hurricane. “Wai-Wait. Did you plan this, Maisie?”
“I may have spread the word a little,” she giggled. “It doesn’t hurt to bend the rules every once in a while. Isla helped me. We’re family here, Feya. It took a week of on-site training for me to learn this, but here we are.”
“Mai-Maisie.” Feya sat at the pool’s edge and dangled her right leg. “Why did you do this?”
She hesitated but shrugged and calmly answered, “Because I love you, Feya.”
Yes! She finally said it!
Milo yowled and ran in a circle, his tail straight up.
Feya cried harder. “You do?”
Maisie clutched her wrists. “Ever since we went on our ‘date’ my first night here. You helped me find the love I lost when Matthew died. Thank you, Feya, for granting my wish.”
“And thank you.” Feya gently slipped into the pool. “I love you, too.” She and Maisie embraced, and another applause sounded.
Mr. and Mrs. Fedora hugged, too, and bawled into each other’s hair.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster thought for a second, and then they also embraced. They welcome Isla into it with open arms.
Daisy escaped from Mr. Fedora and plopped down before Milo.
She and he stared at one another, but eventually, they nodded and bumped foreheads.
Milo still wished for a sibling, but Daisy would do until then. One day, Maisie would reward his patience. It actually looked like sooner rather than later.
She and Feya disconnected, and Maisie said, “There’s one more thing we need to do, Feya.”
“I agree,” she returned, facing Milo. “Milo, Hero of the Disney College Program…” Feya scooped up her sarong and wrapped it around Milo’s shoulders like a cape. “We’re going to get you a sibling.”